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View Full Version : Goodell Speaks: NFL would suck without CBA

4/26/2011, 10:15 AM

Some highlights:

Under this vision, players and fans would have none of the protections or benefits that only a union (through a collective-bargaining agreement) can deliver. What are the potential ramifications for players, teams, and fans? Here are some examples:

• No draft. "Why should there even be a draft?" said player agent Brian Ayrault. "Players should be able to choose who they work for. Markets should determine the value of all contracts. Competitive balance is a fallacy."

• No minimum team payroll. Some teams could have $200 million payrolls while others spend $50 million or less.

• No minimum player salary. Many players could earn substantially less than today's minimums.

• No standard guarantee to compensate players who suffer season- or career-ending injuries. Players would instead negotiate whatever compensation they could.

• No league-wide agreements on benefits. The generous benefit programs now available to players throughout the league would become a matter of individual club choice and individual player negotiation.

• No limits on free agency. Players and agents would team up to direct top players to a handful of elite teams. Other teams, perpetually out of the running for the playoffs, would serve essentially as farm teams for the elites.

• No league-wide rule limiting the length of training camp or required off-season workout obligations. Each club would have its own policies.

• No league-wide testing program for drugs of abuse or performance enhancing substances. Each club could have its own program—or not.

Personally, I didn't believe that the players were aiming for NO agreement, just one that wasn't so horribly lopsided towards the owners.

4/26/2011, 10:23 AM

Some highlights:

Personally, I didn't believe that the players were aiming for NO agreement, just one that wasn't so horribly lopsided towards the owners.

The strategy in any negotiation is start out by asking for everything to be demolished and then you are "conceding" some things that you could give a toot about and act like you are highly reluctant to let go of those things. In return you ask the other party to let go of certain things too.

4/26/2011, 10:29 AM
Exactly. If Goodell thinks appealing to the people like this

A) has any impact on the dealings whatsoever
2) makes him look any better
d) paints an accurate picture of the situation

He's stupider than I thought he was. I know this is a calculated move, but it just seems like stupidity. Any NFL fan that knows what's going on will look at this and think "what is this rich idiot smoking?" ESPECIALLY since it was posted in the WallStreet Freaking Journal.

4/26/2011, 10:33 AM
It almost appears that without the CBA, the NFL becomes the MLB. Want more money? Sign with the Yankees! A smaller club that wants good players? Recruit overseas prospects! Marital issues getting your rich club owner down? Use your team as a personal piggybank!

Yay! :D

...boo :mad:

4/26/2011, 10:33 AM
What's funny is a lot of people, myself included, always laugh at negotiations like this one even tho I know what their end game goal is. It's still funny.

4/26/2011, 10:37 AM
End of regulation:

-Rookies get less money, vets get more money (or so they would have you think), everyone goes back to work

- Rookies are less likely to get cut because they cost less than veterans

The same thing happened in the NBA. D'oh!

4/26/2011, 10:53 AM
End of regulation:

-Rookies get less money, vets get more money (or so they would have you think), everyone goes back to work

- Rookies are less likely to get cut because they cost less than veterans

The same thing happened in the NBA. D'oh!

Yep...just ask Latrell Sprewell.

4/26/2011, 11:05 AM
Yep...just ask Latrell Sprewell.

He's got a family to feed :rolleyes:

4/26/2011, 01:37 PM
"not having a CBA with the players is bad" says the guy who helped to end the old CBA a year early.

4/26/2011, 01:59 PM
•" No draft. "Why should there even be a draft?" said player agent Brian Ayrault. "Players should be able to choose who they work for. Markets should determine the value of all contracts. Competitive balance is a fallacy."

Agreed 100 percent.