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View Full Version : Anyone here have an Asian inspired tattoo...

4/26/2011, 10:06 AM
That isn't Asian?

4/26/2011, 10:25 AM
I've always said my tat means Stupid White Girl.

4/26/2011, 10:29 AM
that's hot

4/26/2011, 10:30 AM
Does permanent make up count?

4/26/2011, 10:31 AM
Does permanent make up count?

Only if it's the cat's eye liner.

4/26/2011, 10:39 AM
I can honestly say that I do not have an Asian inspired tattoo.

4/26/2011, 10:44 AM
I was curious who did or if anyone would admit to it.

I always found it odd that someone who isn't Asian would put Asian writing on them that read something like .... SPIRIT or PEACE and TRANQUILITY.

Why not just write it in English?

4/26/2011, 10:52 AM
I knew a girl who had such a tattoo...

After 20 years and much skin wrinkling it now looks like this....


4/26/2011, 10:52 AM
I was curious who did or if anyone would admit to it.

I always found it odd that someone who isn't Asian would put Asian writing on them that read something like .... SPIRIT or PEACE and TRANQUILITY.

Why not just write it in English?

Because this allows me to tell people what it means based on my mood at that moment.

4/26/2011, 10:52 AM
Like a Dragon eating a Samurai......

hawaii 5-0
4/26/2011, 10:56 AM
I have a dragon flying on my shoulder, but it's more Western. Eastern dragons are too serpentine.


Trump/ Wheezer 2012

4/26/2011, 11:03 AM
Is Asian the new "N" word?

4/26/2011, 11:07 AM

4/26/2011, 03:47 PM
You don't see a lot of Middle Eastern inspired tatoos though I wonder if having a Mohammed tatoo prominently displayed would keep the ragheads from shooting at you?

4/26/2011, 03:49 PM
A Patrick Swayze tattoo transcends every language....

4/26/2011, 03:52 PM
Yes and no. I am part Choctaw and I have some feathers on my upper arm. Technically they are Asian, because about 26,000 years ago the Native Americans came over from Asia on the land bridge. So....yeaaaahhhh...

Chuck Bao
4/26/2011, 04:02 PM
I have Choke Dee on my left lower arm and Nopadon Kongkaew on my left shoulder, both written in Thai script. Technically, I ain't Asian but Thais think I was in a former life. Does that count?

4/26/2011, 04:04 PM
Thais think I was in a former life. Does that count?
Explanation required.

4/26/2011, 04:09 PM
He's lived there a while.

Chuck Bao
4/26/2011, 04:10 PM
Explanation required.

I don't know. They think I instinctively fit into their culture. Could be that I drink the lao kao with their menfolk and dance the ramwong with their womenfolk.

4/26/2011, 04:11 PM
I have Choke Dee on my left lower arm and Nopadon Kongkaew on my left shoulder, both written in Thai script. Technically, I ain't Asian but Thais think I was in a former life. Does that count?

4/26/2011, 04:11 PM
I don't know. They think I instinctively fit into their culture. Could be that I drink the lao kao with their menfolk and dance the ramwong with their womenfolk.

What about the ladyboys?

Chuck Bao
4/26/2011, 04:25 PM
What about the ladyboys?

Yeah and I flirt with them too! And, I had better qualify that statement quickly. That would be ladyboys above 30 years old and emotionally mature enough to handle a bit of flirting and be a lot of fun.

4/26/2011, 04:26 PM
Yeah and I flirt with them too! And, I had better qualify that statement quickly. That would be ladyboys above 30 years old and emotionally mature enough to handle a bit of flirting and be a lot of fun.

Go on...

4/26/2011, 06:31 PM
I hate ladyboys. They always look better in clothes because they have no hips. Bitches.

4/27/2011, 10:03 AM
I love it when people get oriental script tatooed on themselves, but then find out the translation ain't what they thought...

hawaii 5-0
4/27/2011, 10:04 AM


Trump/ Bubbles 2012

4/27/2011, 10:16 AM

I was thinking of more than just Kanjii...Mandarin, etc.

hawaii 5-0
4/27/2011, 10:19 AM
People ask me what my dragon means and it allows me to make up what ever I feel like telling them at the time.


Trump/ Frodo 2012

4/27/2011, 11:20 AM
I don't know. They think I instinctively fit into their culture. Could be that I drink the lao kao with their menfolk and dance the ramwong with their womenfolk.

stoops the eternal pimp
4/27/2011, 11:22 AM

Im pretty sure Nope is Thai

Chuck Bao
4/27/2011, 12:36 PM
Im pretty sure Nope is Thai

Yeah, that's what SoCali was saying. Nope's full name Nopadon is tattooed on my arm.

4/27/2011, 01:41 PM
Explanation required.

Small penis.

4/27/2011, 01:45 PM
You don't see a lot of Middle Eastern inspired tatoos though I wonder if having a Mohammed tatoo prominently displayed would keep the ragheads from shooting at you?


4/27/2011, 05:11 PM
yes I do, actually it was done in Thailand

Dragon forming a Yin Yang