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Quik Sand
4/19/2011, 01:40 PM
On Saturday April 16th something terrible happened to me. On a day when Weeden and co. were lighting up the place in God's country I was in a place that tore apart my soul.

As a life long OSU fan I have been reminded that time and time again God truly must hate OSU. I have come to grips with this fact and accepted it. However on the 16th of April 2011 I came to the conclusion that he must hate me too. For on this day I was in the belly of the beast, the home of the mullets, and my senses were riddled with a smell that I have since coined "asscheese".

One of my best friends is a respectful sooner. My parents warned me about these people how they are alien beings who only wish to rip your face off, yet I chose not to listen. I was told we were going to hang out that day and then go to OU-OSU baseball that night. He lied. Through guilt and blackmail I was forced into the center of hell itself, Gaylord family stadium, below is a memoir of this experience.

1:50pm: We are about to walk into hell. Grown men are bumping and shoving their way past each other to see the next generation of their heroes. I have never seen anything like it in my life. My friend is shamed and I am happy he is miserable.

1:52pm: I need to urinate in the worst way. However only at ou would someone think it is a good idea to have TWO mens restrooms for over 30 thousand people. God hates me and so does my bladder.

1:55pm: Through the tunnels I hear "Boomer Sooner".....I hate my friend, and I am still waiting to pee.

2:00: The first scent of asscheese for the day. A 350 lb man with the hulk hogan horseshoe mullet walks past me and the stench is absolutely disgusting. I hear the crowd roar as the team makes a seemingly late entrance. I am suddenly grateful to be in a line with a bunch of goons waiting to pee.

2:07: the game has started but I am still waiting for a urinal. The 12 beers I drank to get through this experience suddenly seem like a bad idea. However Hulk Asscheese has bent over and his crack is hanging out of his ***. Awesome.

2:10 After 15 minutes I finally get to pee and who winds up next to me at a urinal? Mr 'cheese himself! Just when I think it could not get any worse he slightly lifts his leg as he approaches the urinal and proceeds to peel the paint off the walls in a fashion that will haunt my dreams for years to come.

2:15 I am finally in my seat and things are looking up. It is a gorgeous day, the sooner O-line is run blocking like a jv team and recievers are dropping passes. I feel grateful and bow my head in thankfulness......

2:18 As I look down I see a HUGE *** with a pack of carnival cigarrettes in the back pocket...and then i see it.... crack for miles.....a hairy nasty crack with a tramp stamp tattoo.....surely not I tell myself...but my fears are true. Hairy *** is a 5'3 350 lb woman. I look at my friend and we make eye contact and no other words need to be said. I will kill him later.

2:25 Landry Jones= A LOT better than we give him credit for. Making progressions, very precise on his mid range throws, however his deep ball is pretty ugly.

2:30 Roy Finch has lost a step since his injury. He has no burst whatsoever today and you can tell he is getting frustrated.

2:32 Brandon Williams is D. Murray light. Skinny, fast, and runs straight into his linemans back instead of looking for a hole. I am very pleased.

2:34 Boomer sooner song..........

2:37 Boomer sooner song.....

2:40 Boomer Sooner song........

2:43 .......I think you get the picture....

2:45 I need a coke....i soon find out that of the dozens of concession areas only 5 are open today. I am not shocked. They knew I was coming and planned accordingly to make hell a little hotter.

3:00 Second Half!! Time for the blake bell and drew allen show. Things are looking up

3:10 As bad as ou's run blocking is their pass protection is pretty darn good. You can tell these guys know their protection schemes well. Of course all the time in the world can't help bell and allen as they look absolutely TERRIBLE. If landry were to get hurt they would be hurting for sure.

3:15 The OU band is really pissing me off.

3:20 Between dropped passes and the eternal suckage of allen and bell the crowd has absolutely been murdered. There are 30 thousand people here and I am the only one smiling. This game is so boring!

3:22 I hear rumblings and s strange smell is invading the atmosphere...

3:23 Ms. Hairy ***, who by the way reeks of cheap whiskey and by my count has had 3 plates of nachos, a hot dog, and a mini pizza is throwing up on her shirt and the ground in front of her. I give my friend the "Everything I have ever said about your fanbase is true" look. He is shamed once again. I am pleased.

3:45 pm: After watching hairy *** puke on herself I tell my friend we should leave to avoid traffic. He refuses. Things are looking up as karma will soon come into play.

3:46 A disturbing thought has come to the surface: ou's defense looks very big, very fast and quite frankly scary. Hurst and Mcfarland look especially improved this spring.

3:48 After throwing a running back screen pass for the 937th time the gooner fans start heading for the exits. The game itself has been very, very uneventful. I once again say we should beat traffic. My friend refuses. Karma is soon coming.

3:50 A young lady walks by and quite frankly has the largest surgically enhanced breasts i've ever seen. my friend misses them as he is on the phone. Karma is starting to wake up.

3:55 we begin to leave with the game pretty much over. No avoiding traffic for us. I look at my friend and call him an *******. He laughs nervously.

4:00 Walking down Lindsay street and Karma has arrived. Two small children in sooner gear are running around with no regard for anyone around them. Kids are about 8 and heading straight for us. The grounds are pretty torn up as there are some consruction projects going on in the area. Judgement is at hand for my buddy........

4:01 The kid apparently trips over a rock of some kind and is literally flying like a guided missle right towards us. I swear it is like a movie slow motion and everything!!

4:02 The kid flies headfirst like a medieval battering ram directly into my buddies grapefruits! Every bit of color drains from his face as he is rolling around in the dirt holding his sack. I am laughing so hard I am crying. I think of extending my hand to help him but i wisely decide against it.

4:03 I sit down on the steps of a nearby apartment building and point and laugh at my buddy who looks as if he had been shot.

4:05 Being the man of high character that I am I finally help him up. He has dirt all over his clothes, face and hair, he is quite pasty and sickly looking. He seems to fit in better with the Sooner Nation now.

4:10 we make it to the car which I have to drive due to my friend curling up in the fetal position. Traffic is hell. I am tempted to thump him in the sack for good measure.

4:15 A thought dawns on me. "None of these people have ever seen the rest of the campus, I bet I could go around and get out of here quick" I take a few side roads and see something most OU fans have never laid eyes on: A College Campus. I am on the Highway in record time.

4:17 I see Lindsay street clogged with cars I give them the finger as I enter the highway. My friend is in serious pain. I give him the finger as well.

4:45 We arrive at my buddy's house. He gives me the tickets for the baseball game as he is in too much pain to get out of bed. I call another buddy up and he puts on his orange and agrees to meet me in bricktown. Karma is a bitch and I love her right now.

5:30 We get to bricktown and drink and drink and drink.....

6:00 to 11:30...........I have no idea.....

11:30 my buddy calls me blaring the boomer sooner song. Apparently Karma's shot to the nuts did nothing as he is still a sooner. I ask him how his nuts feel and he hangs up.

What I learned from this experience:

God really dosen't hate me. He loved me so much he gave me an experience that makes me even more grateful for my Cowboys.

If you wear your hair like Hulk Hogan you are a tool.

Belts are a good thing. For men and women.

As is deodorant.

Always pee before going to owen field.

Never EVER miss an OSU spring game again. No matter the cost.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

4/19/2011, 02:02 PM
Guy sounds retarded....sounds like half that was made up and there was really no point.

4/19/2011, 02:16 PM
11:30 my buddy calls me blaring the boomer sooner song. Apparently Karma's shot to the nuts did nothing as he is still a sooner. I ask him how his nuts feel and he hangs up.

So the cowboy was interested in the guys nuts. SHOCKER!!

4/19/2011, 02:18 PM
I had never realized that OSU people were so much more evolved and civilized than us.

I'll be sure to schedule my next poetry reading/mime performance in Stillwater.

4/19/2011, 02:19 PM
Vivid imagination mixed in with a lot of wishful thinking.

4/19/2011, 02:22 PM
Classic projection.

4/19/2011, 02:25 PM
An OSU fan calling Norman the "home of the mullets" is laughable. Stillwater must be so much classier than Norman. :rolleyes:

4/19/2011, 02:26 PM
I had never realized that OSU people were so much more evolved and civilized than us.

I'll be sure to schedule my next poetry reading/mime performance in Stillwater.

Lol I'm sure nobody at osu has a mullet, smells like ***, or lives in a trailer...

Partial Qualifier
4/19/2011, 02:29 PM
Hates the Gooners, yet somehow recognizes Hurst and McFarland are much improved over last year?

4/19/2011, 02:37 PM
I thought it was pretty funny. I've seen a few exposed buttcracks at Owen Field myself, but I like how they apparently ONLY exist in Norman, OK, and not in Stillwater. Maybe they never seen them there because they can't fill up their stadium.

4/19/2011, 02:56 PM
He must wear blinders while setting amongst the coats of rustoleum.

I'm the kind of guy that loves the Sooners but appreciates football and tickets to other less worthy teams when they are given to me. I have never ever been to a OS Who game and didnt come away wondering how those people can ever think of themselves so hihg and mighty.

4/19/2011, 03:00 PM
He must wear blinders while setting amongst the coats of rustoleum.

I'm the kind of guy that loves the Sooners but appreciates football and tickets to other less worthy teams when they are given to me. I have never ever been to a OS Who game and didnt come away wondering how those people can ever think of themselves so hihg and mighty.

Well they have to resort to mullet smack that can't be proven cause if they bring up football they got nothing...

4/19/2011, 03:13 PM
This sheephumper should have his keyboard taken away. Cannot believe they let him have one in pre-school. Lost me at his friend was shamed about the people at the spring game. Idiot.

4/19/2011, 03:21 PM
He couldn't afford the free admission to see his beloved aggies play? I suspect he came to Norman to see what a real team at a real campus looks like.

4/19/2011, 03:25 PM
It's a rip off of an old post from other boards about a Sexat fan.. it's stupid.

4/19/2011, 03:57 PM
I had never realized that OSU people were so much more evolved and civilized than us.

I'll be sure to schedule my next poetry reading/mime performance in Stillwater.

Oh yes, they will indeed get the joke if you portray the intelligence level of a gooner, not by being a gooner acting as stupid as a rodent, but rather, being a rodent trying to act like a gooner.


4/19/2011, 04:03 PM
I wonder who he hired to write such a long SA for him? It's also about time he figured out our stadium is really hell for a poke. :D

4/19/2011, 04:11 PM
Haha, those Orange Power posters really LOVE to denigrate OU and its fan base, yet when OU fans or other fans do it, they cry foul, bitch and moan about how no one should speak ill of the "State's university" and its supporters.

They threw a hissy fit when some A&M fans started a thread on TexAgs.com titled, "I refuse to lose to these people." The thread had pictures of OSU fans from a previous game. A few can be seen below. OSU fans were soooo shocked that anyone could make fun of nice guys and quality people. Anyone remember that? Anyone remember the infamous Pistol Pete wedding appearance? It was HILARIOUS.


4/19/2011, 07:14 PM
Hates the Gooners, yet somehow recognizes Hurst and McFarland are much improved over last year?

these are the one's that crack me up. seriously, i can't name osu's quarterback. SERIOUSLY. granted, i'm not in oklahoma so i don't get the daily updates on sheep tech, but if my life depended on remembering his name, i'd be a dead man. i will NEVER care if one of osu's illiterates improves from the previous year... as noticed in their spring game. let me say it another way, i will never know if one of their fools improves... mostly because i never knew who they were in the first place.

4/19/2011, 07:32 PM
these are the one's that crack me up. seriously, i can't name osu's quarterback. SERIOUSLY. granted, i'm not in oklahoma so i don't get the daily updates on sheep tech, but if my life depended on remembering his name, i'd be a dead man. i will NEVER care if one of osu's illiterates improves from the previous year... as noticed in their spring game. let me say it another way, i will never know if one of their fools improves... mostly because i never knew who they were in the first place.

Weeden, Blackmon, and I think their freshman RB is Randall because I was having an argument with a poke before Bedlam last year that Finch was better than him. Couldn't name a single other person on the current team. There was that Oreo Lemon guy who played LB from the last few years that they think is awesome but never did anything to impress me...

I see your point :D

4/19/2011, 07:37 PM
Weeden, Blackmon, and I think their freshman RB is Randall .....

I see your point :D
"Those guys are fags!"
my old standby spicoli quote:
http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/734/l54848058fc076827e645b1.jpg (http://img192.imageshack.us/i/l54848058fc076827e645b1.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

4/19/2011, 07:47 PM
It's a rip off of an old post from other boards about a Sexat fan.. it's stupid.

Exactly. The original was funny, then the copies where unoriginal. This one is just......

Well it's just OSU.

4/19/2011, 08:03 PM
I don't mind a critical piece as long as it features wit and insight.

Unfortunately, this post has neither.

Here's what he observed:

Landry Jones is good. Duh.

Brandon Williams is like DM. Oh no, not that.

The bathrooms are crowded. Whoa, burn.

Spring games are boring. Again, duh?

My friend got hit in the gnads, and it was super funny! I guess, if you're high.

In short, OU exempifies how winning college football is played today.

Sure, there are sources of humor to be found, which Aggie miraculously found none of. Cavils are just penis envy. Situation normal in Aggieland. Good times.

4/19/2011, 08:23 PM
fans on the rise

4/19/2011, 09:29 PM
I'm not sure the pokes fascination with bathrooms is healthy. But I guess when you have zero football knowledge you check out the crapper?

4/19/2011, 09:31 PM
I'm not sure the pokes fascination with bathrooms is healthy. But I guess when you have zero football knowledge you check out the crapper?

Or for that matter why he keeps looking at people's cracks???

4/19/2011, 09:49 PM
I've been to many a real football game at Lewis Field and the only conclusion I've gotten out of it is that place is tradition rich in losing.

4/19/2011, 10:20 PM
This is gonna be fun...

On Saturday April 16th something terrible happened to me. On a day when Weeden and co. were lighting up the place in God's country I was in a place that tore apart my soul.

They really didn't need to turn the lights on for us in Norman, it was like 2:00pm.

As a life long OSU fan I have been reminded that time and time again God truly must hate OSU. I have come to grips with this fact and accepted it.

Well, he DID make you orange. :P

However on the 16th of April 2011 I came to the conclusion that he must hate me too. For on this day I was in the belly of the beast, the home of the mullets, and my senses were riddled with a smell that I have since coined "asscheese".

Ooooh, envy. I'm guessing you copy-pasted this tired effort from an Iron Bowl board, hornfans.com and every other unoriginal, stereotypical "true story" source.

One of my best friends is a respectful sooner.

... and "some of my best friends are black."

My parents warned me about these people how they are alien beings who only wish to rip your face off, yet I chose not to listen.

I'm guessing you're gonna tell us where it all went wrong? :rolleyes:

I was told we were going to hang out that day and then go to OU-OSU baseball that night. He lied. Through guilt and blackmail I was forced into the center of hell itself, Gaylord family stadium, below is a memoir of this experience.

Heaven forbid someone wants to go to a football game rather than a baseball game. How "respectful" is he now?

1:50pm: We are about to walk into hell. Grown men are bumping and shoving their way past each other to see the next generation of their heroes. I have never seen anything like it in my life. My friend is shamed and I am happy he is miserable.

Because you really have to fight tooth and nail to get into a half-empty stadium. You of all fanbases should know this.

1:52pm: I need to urinate in the worst way. However only at ou would someone think it is a good idea to have TWO mens restrooms for over 30 thousand people. God hates me and so does my bladder.

"zomg bps gots nice baffroomz now!!!!111!"

1:55pm: Through the tunnels I hear "Boomer Sooner".....I hate my friend, and I am still waiting to pee.

Your defense can do something about the opponents' fight song, ya know?

2:00: The first scent of asscheese for the day. A 350 lb man with the hulk hogan horseshoe mullet walks past me and the stench is absolutely disgusting. I hear the crowd roar as the team makes a seemingly late entrance. I am suddenly grateful to be in a line with a bunch of goons waiting to pee.

You're about as good a fictional writer as Chip Brown; or you're one of those "stalk the weirdest person you see" types.

2:07: the game has started but I am still waiting for a urinal. The 12 beers I drank to get through this experience suddenly seem like a bad idea. However Hulk Asscheese has bent over and his crack is hanging out of his ***. Awesome.

Ooh, lemme play...

[insert random time here: the game has started but I am still waiting for a urinal. The 1.2 beers I drank to get through this experience suddenly seem like a bad idea. However, [fictional character] has bent over and his crack is hanging out of his ***. I'm so funny.

2:10 After 15 minutes I finally get to pee and who winds up next to me at a urinal? Mr 'cheese himself! Just when I think it could not get any worse he slightly lifts his leg as he approaches the urinal and proceeds to peel the paint off the walls in a fashion that will haunt my dreams for years to come.

I'm amused that it takes ANYONE 15 minutes to go drain the main vein at a half-empty stadium, just before the main event. You must be a real pushover.

2:15 I am finally in my seat and things are looking up. It is a gorgeous day, the sooner O-line is run blocking like a jv team and recievers are dropping passes. I feel grateful and bow my head in thankfulness......

Ah, yes... bagging on the backups for being a little rusty in a Spring game? Ever think the defense is playing the vanilla run game well? Nawww... RBs at BPS were topping the 200-mark all day long!

2:18 As I look down I see a HUGE *** with a pack of carnival cigarrettes in the back pocket...and then i see it.... crack for miles.....a hairy nasty crack with a tramp stamp tattoo.....surely not I tell myself...but my fears are true. Hairy *** is a 5'3 350 lb woman. I look at my friend and we make eye contact and no other words need to be said. I will kill him later.


2:25 Landry Jones= A LOT better than we give him credit for. Making progressions, very precise on his mid range throws, however his deep ball is pretty ugly.

Damn, you better be ready for our amazing up-tempo offense. Landry just made at least four throws in five seconds! Let's slow it down with a run play and remind you that we've told you about Landry being awesome all along. :P

2:30 Roy Finch has lost a step since his injury. He has no burst whatsoever today and you can tell he is getting frustrated.

People usually look like they've lost a step just three months after a surgery.

2:32 Brandon Williams is D. Murray light. Skinny, fast, and runs straight into his linemans back instead of looking for a hole. I am very pleased.

One carry and a true freshman is a bust! I guess Barry Sanders shoulda just quit in year one.

2:34 Boomer sooner song..........


2:37 Boomer sooner song.....


2:40 Boomer Sooner song........


2:43 .......I think you get the picture....

... touchdown James Hanna? :D

2:45 I need a coke....i soon find out that of the dozens of concession areas only 5 are open today. I am not shocked. They knew I was coming and planned accordingly to make hell a little hotter.

Damn you, Joe Castiglione! You knew we'd have only 25,000 people there and yet you refused to open every single facility!!!

3:00 Second Half!! Time for the blake bell and drew allen show. Things are looking up

They've been playing all along, jackass.

3:10 As bad as ou's run blocking is their pass protection is pretty darn good. You can tell these guys know their protection schemes well. Of course all the time in the world can't help bell and allen as they look absolutely TERRIBLE. If landry were to get hurt they would be hurting for sure.

I seem to remember a few Pokey-Pokes jerking off to visions of beating OU when Sam Bradford threw three interceptions in the '08 Spring game.

3:15 The OU band is really pissing me off.

Lemme guess... mullets, drunks, fat and hairy people?

3:20 Between dropped passes and the eternal suckage of allen and bell the crowd has absolutely been murdered. There are 30 thousand people here and I am the only one smiling. This game is so boring!

You see, we leave early during exhibition games, not when we're being murdered on our home field by our "rivals."

3:22 I hear rumblings and s strange smell is invading the atmosphere...

I suppose chili-cheese fries at Ecoli Joes wouldn't have the same effect on you?

3:23 Ms. Hairy ***, who by the way reeks of cheap whiskey and by my count has had 3 plates of nachos, a hot dog, and a mini pizza is throwing up on her shirt and the ground in front of her. I give my friend the "Everything I have ever said about your fanbase is true" look. He is shamed once again. I am pleased.

Sooo believable. :rolleyes:

3:45 pm: After watching hairy *** puke on herself I tell my friend we should leave to avoid traffic. He refuses. Things are looking up as karma will soon come into play.

Someone is about to call out your fake story?

3:46 A disturbing thought has come to the surface: ou's defense looks very big, very fast and quite frankly scary. Hurst and Mcfarland look especially improved this spring.

I'm wondering how much ANY football fan closely watched a corner and a backup defensive tackle on OU's team last year to make this assessment.

3:48 After throwing a running back screen pass for the 937th time the gooner fans start heading for the exits. The game itself has been very, very uneventful. I once again say we should beat traffic. My friend refuses. Karma is soon coming.

9 in-a-row or this bland team of which you speak and so obviously envy winning a National Championship?

3:50 A young lady walks by and quite frankly has the largest surgically enhanced breasts i've ever seen. my friend misses them as he is on the phone. Karma is starting to wake up.

I don't think that's karma, bud. Maybe that's what you call it when you see a sheep normally, though.

3:55 we begin to leave with the game pretty much over. No avoiding traffic for us. I look at my friend and call him an *******. He laughs nervously.

Not even half the crowd is there and there's going to be "traffic?" Hmmm... Again, must be your idea of post-game traffic.

4:00 Walking down Lindsay street and Karma has arrived. Two small children in sooner gear are running around with no regard for anyone around them. Kids are about 8 and heading straight for us. The grounds are pretty torn up as there are some consruction projects going on in the area. Judgement is at hand for my buddy........

4:01 The kid apparently trips over a rock of some kind and is literally flying like a guided missle right towards us. I swear it is like a movie slow motion and everything!!

4:02 The kid flies headfirst like a medieval battering ram directly into my buddies grapefruits! Every bit of color drains from his face as he is rolling around in the dirt holding his sack. I am laughing so hard I am crying. I think of extending my hand to help him but i wisely decide against it.

I find it funny when OU kicks the rest of the BIG 12 in the pills every year, too.

4:03 I sit down on the steps of a nearby apartment building and point and laugh at my buddy who looks as if he had been shot.

Like that's never happened on a college campus before.

4:05 Being the man of high character that I am I finally help him up. He has dirt all over his clothes, face and hair, he is quite pasty and sickly looking. He seems to fit in better with the Sooner Nation now.

Oooh, burn... :rolleyes:

4:10 we make it to the car which I have to drive due to my friend curling up in the fetal position. Traffic is hell. I am tempted to thump him in the sack for good measure.

Again with the traffic. Dallas during RRS weekend is hellacious football traffic, my orange friend.

4:15 A thought dawns on me. "None of these people have ever seen the rest of the campus, I bet I could go around and get out of here quick" I take a few side roads and see something most OU fans have never laid eyes on: A College Campus. I am on the Highway in record time.

Mucha-haha. I guess you've about exercised all of your tired OU jokes you found on google or OP.com?

4:17 I see Lindsay street clogged with cars I give them the finger as I enter the highway. My friend is in serious pain. I give him the finger as well.

Sucks to be an :stunned:, doesn't it?

4:45 We arrive at my buddy's house. He gives me the tickets for the baseball game as he is in too much pain to get out of bed. I call another buddy up and he puts on his orange and agrees to meet me in bricktown. Karma is a bitch and I love her right now.

I've never had an hour long nutshot pain before. What's your experience like? Must hurt constantly being racked by a farm animal saying "NAAAAAAY!"

5:30 We get to bricktown and drink and drink and drink.....

Look at you, drinking 20 beers, driving and then drinking some more. you're like Eddie Sutton.

6:00 to 11:30...........I have no idea.....

Interesting, I have no idea if there's even a hint of truth to this story.

11:30 my buddy calls me blaring the boomer sooner song. Apparently Karma's shot to the nuts did nothing as he is still a sooner. I ask him how his nuts feel and he hangs up.

I'd hang up if you asked me that question too, perv. :eek:

What I learned from this experience:

God really dosen't hate me. He loved me so much he gave me an experience that makes me even more grateful for my Cowboys.

He gave us 40+ Conference Championships, five Heisman Trophy Winners, 800+ all-time wins, 7 National Championships, Bud, Barry, Bob and 47-straight victories among other things. You can have your career in fictional writing.

If you wear your hair like Hulk Hogan you are a tool.

Agreed. What about if you wear your hat like Les Miles, your helmet like [hairGel] and orange clothes?

Belts are a good thing. For men and women.

... and All-American wide receivers.

As is deodorant.

It took you 21+ years to learn this?

Always pee before going to owen field.

No mention of Austin Box's method? You're slipping, my friend.

Never EVER miss an OSU spring game again. No matter the cost.

So the moral of the story is, don't watch baseball when you can watch a Spring scrimmage? Non-revenue sports aren't as cool as football?!? How anti-aggy!

This concludes this friendly roast, my orange friend. :)
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

4/19/2011, 10:40 PM
I just have to laugh...:D

Crimson Kid
4/19/2011, 11:08 PM
I seen that today and replied to it.

4/19/2011, 11:58 PM
Its a pure ripoff of the "cellphone flop out" story over the first Nebraska/Texas championship game.

OSU is not original so this shouldn't come as a surprise

4/20/2011, 12:51 AM
Hes obviously obsessed. Typical lying poke.

4/20/2011, 01:02 AM
I call Bull ****. No way that guy has a friend.

4/20/2011, 01:12 AM
2:32 Brandon Williams is D. Murray light. Skinny, fast, and runs straight into his linemans back instead of looking for a hole. I am very pleased.
This is beyond stupid. How many key first downs did DM get on oSu last season?
And somebody please show me where Kendall Hunter is located at in Stillwater these days?

Stupid ****ing Pokes.

4/20/2011, 01:17 AM
And somebody please show me where Kendall Hunter is located at in Stillwater these days?

Admiring his 4.0 Aggie GPA and basking in the afterglow of his single-digit Wonderlic score, no doubt.

VA Sooner
4/20/2011, 08:57 AM
Entertaining post... barely.

Only thing that stood out for me... "3:46 A disturbing thought has come to the surface: ou's defense looks very big, very fast and quite frankly scary. Hurst and Mcfarland look especially improved this spring."

The rest... drivel.

4/20/2011, 09:36 AM
I cannot imagine ever thinking like that. Something is really wrong.....seriously wrong.

4/20/2011, 10:24 AM
Entertaining post... barely.

Only thing that stood out for me... "3:46 A disturbing thought has come to the surface: ou's defense looks very big, very fast and quite frankly scary. Hurst and Mcfarland look especially improved this spring."

The rest... drivel.

Yeah it's called defense. That's why Allen and the boys weren't exactly tearing it up in Norman you dork poke.

4/20/2011, 10:43 AM
On Saturday April 16th something terrible happened to me. On a day when Weeden and co. were lighting up the place in God's country I was in a place that tore apart my soul.

Weeden: 20-of-37 passing for 240 yards and three touchdowns.

Trollpoke says "Our defense doesn't suck, we just have sooooo much talent on offense that the final score was 49-46. Pistols firing!"

4/20/2011, 11:12 AM
I am pretty sure i would have heard about this woman shirt puking indecent from someone by now had it actually occurred. I really do think orange makes you stupid.

I did see a kid there with a backwards osu hat on. He looked depressed the entire time like is parents dragged him there.

4/20/2011, 11:47 AM
I am pretty sure i would have heard about this woman shirt puking indecent from someone by now had it actually occurred. I really do think orange makes you stupid.

I did see a kid there with a backwards osu hat on. He looked depressed the entire time like is parents dragged him there.

My cute orange moment was a woman in an OU shirt who brought along a man in a Texas shirt on the press box side of the field, near the 30 yard line (north side 30, that is). He turned around to the crowd behind him and gave a Hook 'em and the crowd all booed and then Boomer'd :D

4/20/2011, 11:54 AM
Guy sounds retarded....sounds like half that was made up and there was really no point.

Of course, it's made up, and not just half.

The point is this is how they have to feel better about being fans of a school that is known for losing, and losing in classic ways. They don't just get beat downs, they also lose in ways that only they and NY Giants fans can relate.

They lose their last game in the original GIA. But to make it classic, they lose to OU. They lose to OU on years that they are supposedly the better team on its way to a BCS bowl. Classic Losers!

They will NEVER be the #1 most favorite or popular team or school in the state, let alone the country. They KNOW this. They HATE this.

That makes them pathetic. What you read by this guy is just pathetic lies that he made up, to make he and his compadres feel as well as they can with the lot life gave them.

I tell my kids, pity them. I give this advise freely. Just pity them.

4/20/2011, 01:06 PM
This isn't the first year that little tale has been posted.

Bourbon St Sooner
4/20/2011, 01:08 PM
I was just impressed with the kid that flew through the air for a whole minute before connecting with his buddy's nads. That's some serious hang time right there. Maybe Lon can find that kid and sign him up.

Partial Qualifier
4/20/2011, 01:18 PM
Poke fans are some dumb somes a betches.

4/21/2011, 12:38 AM
I really gave that entire rendition every opportunity and benefit of the doubt in regards to humor. It just wasn't funny. And I wanted it to be funny. Very disappointing

4/21/2011, 02:41 AM
Get a life....

4/21/2011, 02:42 AM
At least no one has to start a thread to find out who has the dumbest fan base. As much as I hate texas fans...OsU fans makes them look like Rhodes Scholars. Some of them, I have met 2 or 3 good OsU fans but they had to go there because of scholarships and what not so I just consider them victims of circumstance.

OU Engineer
4/21/2011, 07:25 AM

ESPECIALLY if its a troll with unoriginal content.

4/21/2011, 11:08 AM
I suggest a 2 week ban for even posting his dribble over here.

Quik Sand
4/21/2011, 01:41 PM
I suggest a 2 week ban for even posting his dribble over here.My apologies. If it bothers you that much, either you or whoever can delete the thread. Have a nice day.

Leroy Lizard
4/22/2011, 02:17 AM
They're just jealous!!!

4/22/2011, 09:48 AM
The only mullets in norman is usually the hipsters on their 10 speed bicycles.

4/22/2011, 09:40 PM
Again, OSU fans never cease to amaze me. Stupid.