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View Full Version : I'm now a huge Baron Batch (ex-TTU RB) fan

Salt City Sooner
4/17/2011, 01:52 AM
Long read, & definitely worth it:


4/17/2011, 02:51 AM
Sounds like he will appreciate everything that comes his way and be ok even if they don't

4/17/2011, 03:07 AM
Wonderful article! I posted another of his articles about a month ago, and I really think that he is a special kid! He has a real way with words, and he has really been through a lot for one so young! I hope that he has a long and successful career in the pros, and I will sure be cheering for him.

4/17/2011, 06:55 AM
Awesome. New fan. Knucks, Baron.

4/17/2011, 09:12 AM
West Texas grit. There's a bunch of us from towns most have never heard of. We didn't have much, but never realized it because nobody else had much either. Didn't know what we didn't have. Many had to start work young like roughnecking at 15, others go the military route. A few are fortunate to have parents that understand the value of an education and sacrifice to insure their children get it.

Blow, West Texas wind, blow.


4/17/2011, 11:26 AM
Interesting read. Thanks for posting. Good luck to Baron, hope he makes it in the NFL