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View Full Version : On Taxes - Rufus Says....

4/15/2011, 03:09 PM
April 15 is upon us, and I don’t have to tell you what that means.

Strangely enough, though, here in Oklahoma our friends on the Left—apparently suffering under the delusion that you aren’t paying enough taxes—are even now clamoring for more of what they call “revenue enhancements.” (Mr. Orwell, call your office!)

But are Oklahomans really undertaxed? In this new video clip, OCPA distinguished fellow J. Rufus Fears provides some historical context which may help us think through this question.

Still, if you’re feeling undertaxed today, don’t panic. It just so happens you’re in luck. Oklahoma law permits citizens to make voluntary contributions to state government! That’s right, the statute (§60-383) says that “gifts of cash or the equivalent of cash shall be made to and receipted for by the Director of State Finance.” So by all means, enhance the state’s revenue to your heart’s content. Just write a check and send it to the Office of State Finance, 2300 N. Lincoln Boulevard, Room 122, Oklahoma City, OK 73105.
