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View Full Version : Only $352 million in deficit cuts per CBO

4/14/2011, 03:35 PM
Only $352 million in deficit cuts not even the meager and touted 38 billion...these people in congress are bordering on traitorous behavior...


4/14/2011, 10:10 PM
I posted this on another thread last evening.

#! - I blame the Demoncratic LIARS!
#2 - I blame the Repubicans for not having the courage to close down the government; and fund the troops in a separate bill.

This is exactly the type of creative accounting that Obama, Reid, and Peeloski used to pass the healthcare bill; and will use in the futute to reduce the deficit.

4/14/2011, 10:13 PM
At this point it's all pissing in the ocean

4/14/2011, 10:21 PM
At this point it's all pissing in the ocean

Agree. The biggest issue isn't the $14 trillion deficit (although it is a big problem) but the $109 trillion in unfunded liabilities due to promises made under Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.

4/14/2011, 10:27 PM
Didn't "The One" present a good plan for that in his speech yesterday.

Oh! I forgot....he is the punter on the team.

(Seriously....Obama probably thinks he has positioned himself well for re-election after the recent budget deal.)

4/15/2011, 08:40 AM
Does he really have to worry about positioning with Donald Trump and Mitt Romney breathing down his neck?

4/15/2011, 08:46 AM
Apparently, the Paul Ryan budget suffers from some bad accounting too (albiet, of a different type). Not much deficit trimming there either.


At this point are both sides just trying to see who can throw up the most smoke and mirrors?

4/15/2011, 08:54 AM
Agree. The biggest issue isn't the $14 trillion deficit (although it is a big problem) but the $109 trillion in unfunded liabilities due to promises made under Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.

Well, Social security is funded through 2037. The problem is that the politicians took the money and left a bunch of IOUs behind.

4/15/2011, 09:08 AM
Didn't "The One" present a good plan for that in his speech yesterday.

Such a Sleaze.

I can't imagine how anyone can continue to support this guy. I guess they think it is okay to lie, deceive, distort and bullsh*t the American people in most everything he does.

How readily do these brown banana eaters (you know, the ones that listen to Obama tell them that turds are actually brown bananas and are okay to eat) ignore the $14.3 deficit, the non-existent shovel ready jobs, the bribes, the kickbacks, the payoffs, the Cabinet tax cheats, the non-prosecution of the Black Panther voter intimidation, sitting in Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years, etc.

Plus, Sleaze won't tell you anything about himself. Why won't he release his birth certificate (yeah, he was born in Hawaii but what is down for "Religion?), How was Columbia and Harvard paid for? What were his grades (Bush released his)? Etc.

If it wasn't for the vile, corrupt Media and not being vetted properly, this Clown would still be a mediocre Senator from the sad State of Illinois.

4/15/2011, 12:37 PM
There are always too many Democratic congressmen, too many Republican congressmen, and never enough U.S. congressmen.

This country is starting to slowly circle if we don't do something.

4/15/2011, 12:58 PM
Agree. The biggest issue isn't the $14 trillion deficit (although it is a big problem) but the $109 trillion in unfunded liabilities due to promises made under Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.---CORRECT---It is beyond me how everyone in Washington and most State Gov'ts can keep their head in the sand---or up their ***

4/15/2011, 02:11 PM
Such a Sleaze.

I can't imagine how anyone can continue to support this guy. I guess they think it is okay to lie, deceive, distort and bullsh*t the American people in most everything he does.

How readily do these brown banana eaters (you know, the ones that listen to Obama tell them that turds are actually brown bananas and are okay to eat) ignore the $14.3 deficit, the non-existent shovel ready jobs, the bribes, the kickbacks, the payoffs, the Cabinet tax cheats, the non-prosecution of the Black Panther voter intimidation, sitting in Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years, etc.

Plus, Sleaze won't tell you anything about himself. Why won't he release his birth certificate (yeah, he was born in Hawaii but what is down for "Religion?), How was Columbia and Harvard paid for? What were his grades (Bush released his)? Etc.

If it wasn't for the vile, corrupt Media and not being vetted properly, this Clown would still be a mediocre Senator from the sad State of Illinois.

Umm yeah right.