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4/6/2011, 12:22 PM
I hope this nutcase fails.


4/6/2011, 12:24 PM
I hope this nutcase fails.


He bothers you that much?

4/6/2011, 12:28 PM
General Bummer will find a way to turn this around.....you bunch of idiots. :D


4/6/2011, 12:44 PM
I used to really like him back when he did Moron Trivia on the radio and was amusing. Now he just comes across as a someone that would sell his soul to make a dollar. Goldline is the biggest rip off in the world. And survival seeds? Seriously?

His Christian Apocolypse views are as crazy as the Muslim extremists these days.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/6/2011, 01:04 PM
When I watch him, he's mostly addressing why the democrats seem to be backing the jihadists in the Middle East, Africa and Europe. I sorta am concerned about that, too.

4/6/2011, 01:16 PM
He also exposed Van Jones and other scummy characters in the Obama administration.

4/6/2011, 01:20 PM
Very true on the last two points.

4/6/2011, 01:27 PM
Who? What? WGAS?

4/6/2011, 09:58 PM
George Soros behind the scenes?
Or, was it a result of Soros' direct threats to he and his family?
"Death to Soros"!
(I hope Soros fails!)

4/6/2011, 10:01 PM
George Soros behind the scenes?
Or, was it a result of Soros' direct threats to he and his family?
"Death to Soros"!
(I hope Soros fails!)

what? Hahahahah. So random :D

4/6/2011, 10:19 PM
Personally, I've learned a lot from the Glenn Beck shows I've watched. He has a way on connecting the dots when it comes to government corruption. I just heard on Greta Van Susteren that Glenn Beck is still staying on Fox News. Hes going on to do "bigger and better" things. :)

4/6/2011, 10:21 PM
He will still be doing pieces for the network.

4/6/2011, 10:23 PM
When I watch him, he's mostly addressing why the democrats seem to be backing the jihadists in the Middle East, Africa and Europe. I sorta am concerned about that, too.

Well.....today he seemed to be letting his hair down about the Pubes too.

Money will buy a one way street....on Murdock Ave. No Money ends up with him looking for anyone who'll allow him to use a chalkboard on TV.

4/6/2011, 10:24 PM
Maybe he can hire Obama once he gets defeated.

4/6/2011, 10:37 PM
He will still be doing pieces for the network.

Yes. "Bigger and better" pieces. :P

4/6/2011, 11:03 PM
Maybe he can hire Obama once he gets defeated.

I keep wondering exactly how a sitting President who's got 45% agree and 45% disagree in Poll numbers and a $1,000,000,000 War Chest gets defeated by a Party that can't even announce a Candidate and doesn't have Bush 3/2003 poll Numbers (60% Agree - 32% disagree) and even with those poll numbers Bush (a sitting President) had 62,040,610 Popular Vote with a 50.74% Win and a 286 Electoral Vote vs Kerry with a 59,028,444 Popular Vote and a 48.27% Lose and 251 Electoral votes?

I mean I know folks in the Mid-west don't care for him and the Tea Party and Fox Network are against him and all those guys in the Wisconsin State Legislature are gonna vote against him too....

But Obama avoided a near Depression in this Country and in those 2 years he's done some stuff not everyone liked and hasn't made good on campaign promises and fired missiles at an African Leader without getting us in a Ground War (so far)....but the economy is coming around even after Japan seemed doomed....and Unemployment is still 8% and there's never been a President who's ever been elected with unemployment numbers higher than 7%.....but there has never been a President who ever had so many things on his agenda and still managed to keep it all going. Sure things aren't perfect....but they aren't the 34% agree 58% disagree exit numbers we saw GWB leave with when John McCain lost to the first Black Democratic Candidate for POTUS ever either.

As much as I would like to see someone better as POTUS....I just haven't seen that guy or that guy with a party who was clearly ready to get everything straightened out in 2012.

What I see is a party who got booted out of the POTUS position after their GREATEST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES reached his term limit and now they are doing anything and everything they can to convince people they deserve another shot and they aren't really doing that. They are heading towards trying to decide between 5-10 guys as to who they think might have a shot at it.

To be so sure that Obama is going to lose in 2012....

I think I'd be donating some big money out of your paychecks and donating my time to the RNC instead of wasting your time trying to convince people on SoonerFans that Obama doesn't stand a chance.

Bush Poll Numbers

Obama Poll Numbers

4/6/2011, 11:13 PM
It will be tough as it always is to defeat an incumbant. The last one to lose was George H.W. Bush and that was only because Clinton was aided by a Perot run.

I'm sure the MTV types will do their part to get out the ignorant immature vote once again with their Vote or Die bull****. In essence, once again kids that can't even name the VP will vote for Obama because Hollywood will convince them that he's "cool."

4/6/2011, 11:15 PM
The Pubs better hire Charlie Sheen soon....

hawaii 5-0
4/6/2011, 11:35 PM
I refuse to believe Faux News got tired of Beck's fearmongering.


Trump/Sheen 2012

4/6/2011, 11:46 PM
Wait, who is Glen Beck again?

4/6/2011, 11:47 PM
Charlie Sheen for POTUS!!!

America will be WINNING!!!

4/6/2011, 11:50 PM
what? Hahahahah. So random :D

No, it's not random at all. It's positively Alinskyian.

4/7/2011, 09:34 AM
You really think unemployment is at 8%?

4/7/2011, 10:23 AM
I wonder if he'll keep wearing capes.


4/7/2011, 10:55 AM
but there has never been a President who ever had so many things on his agenda and still managed to keep it all going.

Why do people keep saying this as if it were true?

4/7/2011, 09:39 PM
Why do people keep saying this as if it were true?

The Demoncratic-Progressive tactic is.....if you keep repeating the lie, long enough, in enough places (like all the LW media), the minions will incorporate it into their soft brain cells and breathe it as "truth".

4/7/2011, 09:54 PM
The Republican Tea Bagger RW Nut Case tactic is.....if you keep repeating the lie, long enough, in enough places (like all the RW radio media), the minions will incorporate it into their soft brain cells and breathe it as "truth".


4/7/2011, 10:03 PM
There are much more deserving intellectuals on my side that could fill his time slot like Mark Levin. Beck has lost his phucking mind. He'll sell his soul for the next endorsement to come along.

The Profit
4/8/2011, 10:39 AM
I wonder where the wingnuts will get their pablu?

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/8/2011, 11:42 AM
Beck has lost his phucking mind. He'll sell his soul for the next endorsement to come along.Care to 'splain?

Chuck Bao
4/10/2011, 12:46 PM
Care to 'splain?

Rush, this Washington Post article does explain Glenn Beck's rapid rise to high ratings and popularity and just as sudden fall from grace.


I just hope my mom is no longer a member of his fan club. When I was in the US, my mom's friends would call her to make sure that she was watching his show. Although I refuse to be in the same room with a TV tuned to Fox News, I could still hear it in another room and called bullcrap. I could refute his arguments point-by-point, but my mom didn't believe me. She believed in Glenn Beck. So yeah, I hate the scare-mongering, opportunistic fake TV evangelist.

4/10/2011, 01:01 PM
You're mom gave birth to a...

oh nevermind.

Liking Glenn Beck is the least of her worries.

4/10/2011, 01:10 PM
Beck was alright. I have a couple of his books and they aren't bad but they aren't great either. His radio show is so so at times. His TV show I don't think I've ever watched except on Youtube.

I really don't see what was so "out there" about Beck. He had an audience and if you listened or watched him for a bit you could tell he was playing to the people. He played to the ones who made up or sympathized with the militia movement of the early 90's. However the older stay at home moms or grandmas like him because of his "Christian values" and he was "good at heart."

Yeah, just like this ***hole huh?


The thing that gets me is he was claimed to do hate speech, racist, and lying. Alright, so what? He has his first amendment right just like everybody else. If you don't like it, don't watch.

4/10/2011, 01:28 PM
You're mom gave birth to a...

oh nevermind.

Liking Glenn Beck is the least of her worries.

Did Chuck make remarks about your Mom?

4/10/2011, 01:33 PM
Did Chuck make remarks about your Mom?

Id wager Chuck is a happier person in his life than some others :rolleyes:

4/10/2011, 01:35 PM
Id wager Chuck is a happier person in his life than some others :rolleyes:

I agree.....just didn't see any call for that.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/10/2011, 01:37 PM
I don't listen to him on radio. Limbaugh is the only person I thoroughly enjoy, usually, for that length of time on the air. Beck's basic message that the current "administration" is VERY suspect in so many different ways is right on, and that he expects the economic slide to continue unless there are major changes in govt. (stop excessive govt. spending, including Obummercare, for starters) is reasonable and I believe he's correct. IOW, I don't have any major problems with him.

His ratings have fallen, but they are still good, and the onslaught of criticism by the Left's attack machine is working to a degree, but not as well as they hope. It will continue, of course.

4/10/2011, 01:39 PM
Sometimes I wonder if Chuck goes out through the streets on Bangkok dressed like this though....:D ;)


Chuck Bao
4/10/2011, 03:13 PM
You're mom gave birth to a...

oh nevermind.

Liking Glenn Beck is the least of her worries.

I don't even know where you were going with that, oumartin.

If you are insinuating that my mother is disappointed in me in anyway, you would be very much off base. The rest of my family laugh at us for arguing about politics and the whole OU versus Baylor business. And, it is pretty funny.

God has blessed me with a great, supportive family.

Id wager Chuck is a happier person in his life than some others.

Yeah, I would have to agree with you there, Olevet. But, I would change it to "most others".

Sometimes I wonder if Chuck goes out through the streets on Bangkok dressed like this though...

Dude, did I wear a cape to any OU ballgames? And, there is no way that I would ever, ever wear that insidious color. My wizardry is largely conducted in black and red motorcycle leather gear.

And, I am still having fun with Glenn Beck's demise.

4/10/2011, 04:52 PM
Dude, did I wear a cape to any OU ballgames? And, there is no way that I would ever, ever wear that insidious color. My wizardry is largely conducted in black and red motorcycle leather gear.

And, I am still having fun with Glenn Beck's demise.

You have to admit that you did buy the first Beer Tower at Humperdinks. :D


4/20/2011, 10:27 AM
Good Lord. I tried to listen to him for a minute this morning and he makes my ears bleed. He starts running down all these things that he predicted that are coming true. I think he's picked up the Bible one too many times. I think this mad man thinks he is a profit.

Next he will climb to the top of a mountain and proclaim God told me to tell you to buy Goldline and to become an "Insider" on his website. The guy has never found a product he won't market.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
4/20/2011, 11:51 AM
Good Lord. I tried to listen to him for a minute this morning and he makes my ears bleed. He starts running down all these things that he predicted that are coming true. I think he's picked up the Bible one too many times. I think this mad man thinks he is a profit.

Next he will climb to the top of a mountain and proclaim God told me to tell you to buy Goldline and to become an "Insider" on his website. The guy has never found a product he won't market.Well, his predictions and observations, including the price of gold, HAVE been correct.

What's surprising is that he's the only one on tv that dramatically lays it on the line about the administration and congress. John Stossel does, as well, but he isn't on as regularly. I think he has a show on the Fox Business Channel, which I don't have.

4/20/2011, 12:42 PM
Calling a run on commodities in a downturn aided by QE? WOW, looks like we've got the next Buffett on our hands.

I'm just positive he's positioned for the drawback and will tell us when to short.