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View Full Version : Musburger said something really funny after OUr CC win.

4/1/2011, 05:37 PM
"OU wins! And here is their reward: A trip to the desert!"

Wow. Some prize, brent. :rolleyes:

Quik Sand
4/1/2011, 06:18 PM

He then said, "In a footrace!!!!"

4/1/2011, 06:23 PM
the desert ain't bad in the winter.

Partial Qualifier
4/1/2011, 07:02 PM

Mississippi Sooner
4/1/2011, 07:03 PM
My favorite Musberger quote, from a few years back: "the road to Glendale is paved with Trojans!"

4/1/2011, 08:02 PM
too bad it wasn't "For all the Tostitos"

4/1/2011, 09:05 PM
I will take the opportunity to say that I am one of the few on here that like ol' Musburger, but that was a funny quote. :)

4/2/2011, 02:35 AM
I will take the opportunity to say that I am one of the few on here that like ol' Musburger, but that was a funny quote. :)

"YOU are looking LLLLLLIIIIIIVVVVVEEEEE" at another poster who loves Mussy. He is my favorite.

4/2/2011, 02:45 AM
Musberger and Nessler are awesome, those who dont like them just hate life and need something to bitch about

hawaii 5-0
4/2/2011, 03:44 AM
Where's the signup list of those that hated Mushburger from Day 1?


Trump/Sheen 2012

4/2/2011, 07:44 AM
Does ou ever lose a big game

4/2/2011, 07:47 AM
During the Tech game in 08 he said something like "folks, this is a good ol' fashioned butt-whupping" which I thought was great. I wish I could remember exactly what the quote was...anyone remember?

4/2/2011, 08:56 AM
Does ou ever lose a big game

not today

The Maestro
4/2/2011, 09:35 AM
Musberger and Nessler are awesome, those who dont like them just hate life and need something to bitch about

This. Musberger is completely gracious to OU in victory and defeat. His is an icon of calling college football.

People who hate Musberger also hate sports talk radio, espn, and are the kind of people who forced Kirk Herbstreit to move away from Columbus.

4/2/2011, 10:49 AM
My favorite Musberger quote, from a few years back: "the road to Glendale is paved with Trojans!"

Which was true in more ways than one.

4/2/2011, 10:56 AM
I love Musburger, his age is catching up to him though. Makes a lot of mistakes now.

hawaii 5-0
4/2/2011, 10:57 AM
I hate Mushburger because he over-sensationalizes everything.

After the lead-in to the two teams playing I'm already tired of his antics.


Trump/Sheen 2012

4/2/2011, 11:15 AM
Thats why he is great, you must hate Gus Johnson as well

hawaii 5-0
4/2/2011, 11:24 AM
You can call a game without making such a big to-do about a critical timeout in the 1st quarter.

Or the vital importance of the guy who runs on the field to get the kicking tee.


Trump/Sheen 2012

4/2/2011, 11:36 AM
Opening statement of every broadcast, "you are looking liiiive at blah, blah stadium..." Can't he say anything else? Especially when referring to t-bone's little playground in stoolwater?

4/2/2011, 11:43 AM
Musberger SUCKS!!

The End.

4/2/2011, 11:57 AM
Musberger and Nessler are awesome, those who dont like them just hate life and need something to bitch about

I love Brents Voice on the games...becuase to me it sounds like a BIG GAME when i hear it.

But I have never seen a game like the OU/OSU a few years back game where a TV personalilty so obviously and openly let his feelings be known that he wanted the voters to give the WHORNS the nod over us to go to the B12 champeenship....it was blatant. And frankly I though inexcusable.

so....if that means I need something to bitch about..then oh well

4/2/2011, 12:32 PM
some of you must wake up everyday and hate life, cant even enjoy the simple pleasures :D

4/2/2011, 12:33 PM
I love Brents Voice on the games...becuase to me it sounds like a BIG GAME when i hear it.

But I have never seen a game like the OU/OSU a few years back game where a TV personalilty so obviously and openly let his feelings be known that he wanted the voters to give the WHORNS the nod over us to go to the B12 champeenship....it was blatant. And frankly I though inexcusable.

so....if that means I need something to bitch about..then oh well

Boo Frickin Hoo, im not talkin about his personal opinions, im talkin about his ability to call a game

4/2/2011, 01:18 PM
During the Tech game in 08 he said something like "folks, this is a good ol' fashioned butt-whupping" which I thought was great. I wish I could remember exactly what the quote was...anyone remember?

It was when Brown scored from 1 yard out right before half.

"This is just a stomping folks, a good ole fashioned stomping in Norman tonight"

4/2/2011, 01:29 PM
Musberger and Nessler are awesome, those who dont like them just hate life and need something to bitch about

Friend of mine was taking some College course and working a 2nd job. We saw Brent coming out of his trailer before the OU/tejas game he had plenty of time and was just out getting a feel of the atmosphere of OU/tejas and my buddy asked if he would autograph this project he was doing for this class he was in. It was about meeting people of importance.

Anyway we both were dressed head to toe in Sooner **** and he acted like he didn't want to do it and my buddy really took the time to have him look at the project he was asking him to sign and he finally agreed to sign it.

My Buddy got an A for the tale but he and me....we think he's a ****ing doosh. I bet he's a ghey cat lover....


4/4/2011, 12:45 AM
I will take the opportunity to say that I am one of the few on here that like ol' Musburger, but that was a funny quote. :)

I have no problem w/ him because he's funny and unbiased. If he was neither I wouldn't like him and I'd probably put him in the Mike Patrick category.

4/4/2011, 09:42 AM
I think it was the 2000 OU-Uterus game where he said..."The eyes of Texas have been blackened!", when we went up on Rocky's int 35-0.

Might have been the 2003 game but pretty sure it was 2000.

4/4/2011, 10:57 AM
Or the vital importance of the guy who runs on the field to get the kicking tee.

In my youth, I had no equal in getting that tee off the field.

Salt City Sooner
4/4/2011, 03:22 PM
I think it was the 2000 OU-Uterus game where he said..."The eyes of Texas have been blackened!", when we went up on Rocky's int 35-0.

Might have been the 2003 game but pretty sure it was 2000.

Right quote & year, wrong announcing team. Sean Grande & David Norrie did that game.

4/4/2011, 06:50 PM
Boo Frickin Hoo, im not talkin about his personal opinions, im talkin about his ability to call a game

I'm certain that was EXACTLY what you said when a plane was flying over St00lwater that read "45-35 on a Neutral Field" and during the OU/OSU game Big Game Brent said "Hey folks..That team down Austin is looking pretty good right now isnt it."

I said I love to hear his voice during a big game , so I recognize his ability to call a game.....read the whole post.

He was campaigning to keep us out of the national B12/National Title game....so yes I was pissed...Boo frickin hoo to you!