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View Full Version : HBO Sports gonna blow the whistle on Auburn tomorrow night

3/29/2011, 08:16 PM
HBO's Real Sports will blow the whistle on Auburn's PFP scheme tomorrow night. Think of the David Stanley interview that brought own SMU. I have provided the link where you can read some of the other articles about it.


I have obtained an advance copy of the show and have transcribed excerpts of a portion of the Andrea Kremer-hosted “Pay to Play” segment of the show below.

The segment contains explosive claims from former Auburn players Chaz Ramsey, Troy Reddick, Stanley McClover and Raven Gray.

On McClover’s recruitment:

Kremer voiceover: “McLover said it wasn’t until he attended an all-star camp at Louisiana State University that he realized how the game is played. A game of money and influence.”

McClover: “Somebody came to me, I don’t even know this person and he was like, ‘we would love for you to come to LSU and he gave me a handshake and it had five hundred dollars in there. … that’s called a money handshake … I grabbed it and I’m like, ‘wow,’ hell I thought ten dollars was a lot of money back then. Five hundred dollars for doing nothing but what I was blessed to do. I was happy.”

Kremer to McClover: “What did you say to the guy when he hands you five hundred dollars?”

McClover: “Thank you and I’m seriously thinking about coming to LSU.”

Kremer voiceover: “But McClover says there were money handshakes from boosters at other football camps too. At Auburn for a couple hundred dollars and at Michigan State. All the schools denied any wrongdoing. And things really started heating up a few months later when he went to Ohio State for an official visit where schools get a chance for one weekend to host prospective athletes. McClover says there were money handshakes from alumni there too. About a thousand dollars. And something else to entice him.”

McClover: “They send girls my way. I partied. When I got there I met up with a couple guys from the team. We went to a party and they asked me to pick any girl I wanted.”

Kremer: “Did she offer sexual services?“

McClover: “Yes.”

Kremer: “Did you take them?”

McClover: “Yes.”

Kremer: “McClover committed to Ohio State right after that weekend. The recruiter at Ohio State who says he dealt with McClover that weekend denied the school was involved in any wrongdoing.”

On what caused McClover to sign with Auburn over Ohio State:

Kremer voiceover: “McClover says what he asked for was money. A lot of it. And that he got it. Delivered in a bookbag, exact amount unknown.”

Kremer to McClover: “You opened it up, what are you thinking?”

McClover: “I almost passed out. I literally almost passed out I couldn’t believe it was true. I felt like I owed them.”

Kremer to McClover: “You felt obligated to them (Auburn)?”

McClover: “I felt totally obligated.”

Kremer to McClover: “Because of the money?”

McClover: “Yeah.”

Troy Reddick talks about his recruitment by Auburn

Reddick: “I was contacted by a local alumni (of Auburn) and offered a large sum of money.

Kremer: “What are you thinking?”

Reddick: “That people are trying to take advantage of me. And I can’t give anybody any kind of power over me.”

Kremer voiceover: “He (Reddick) says he didn’t take the handout. …

Reddick on why he was unhappy at Auburn - and the remedy for that unhappiness

Kremer voiceover: “Reddick was growing increasingly unhappy because he says the (Auburn) coaches wanted him to change his major. Why? Because his class schedule got in the way of football practice.”

Reddick: “I changed my major, so my classes didn’t interfere no more but I didn’t bother to go because I knew I was only there to play football.”

Kremer: “So what did you do?”

Reddick: “I started complaining and insinuating that I was ready to leave any day. They had to do something about that.”

Kremer voiceover: “The enticement to stay, Reddick says, became clear to him, when one of the coaches approached him after a team meeting.”

Reddick: “He (Auburn coach) said I got some mail for you up in my office.”

Kremer to Reddick: “Some mail for you?”

Reddick: “And I followed him up to his office and he gave me an envelope. I didn’t open there, I walked out to my truck, took off. … It was about 500 dollars.”

Kremer: “500 dollars in the envelope?”

Reddick: (nods yes)

Kremer: “How often did you get the money in the envelope?”

Reddick: “Over that season it happened like two or three more times. And it happened about six or seven times my senior year.”

Kremer: “So where do you think the money came from?”

Reddick: “I think that worry got back to alumni from my hometown. Or it may have been the coaches or the staff but everybody knew I didn’t want to be there.”

On McClover being paid $4,000 for his performance in the Iron Bowl:

Kremer voiceover: “Stanley McClover says he was also paid while at school (Auburn). Paid by boosters. Like the time he had his eye on this 1973 Chevy Impala.”

McClover: “Private owner wanted seven thousand in cash so I went to my booster who I knew and he gave me the money the next day in a bookbag.”

Kremer voiceover: “McClover says eventually he didn’t have to ask for money, as long as he played well, he’d get paid.”

Kremer to McClover: “How much was a sack worth?”

McClover: “Anywhere between 300 and 400 dollars. For one.”

Kremer to McClover: “I think in one game you had four sacks, what did you earn in that game?”

McClover: “Four thousand. Against Alabama.”

Kremer: “Seriously?”

McClover: “Alabama, a rivalry game.”

Kremer: “More money because it’s Alabama?”

McClover: “Definitely. No other game matters.”

Chaz Ramsey and Raven Gray are interviewed at same time together

Kremer voiceover: “Chaz Ramsey played for a year (for Auburn) in 2007, and says he too received money handshakes after games.”

Ramsey: “You walk out and all the fans are waiting for you to sign autographs and everything and some random guy just walks up to you and shakes your hand and there’s a wad full of money.”

Kremer: “How much are we talking about?”

Ramsey: “300 or 400 dollars a game.”

Kremer voiceover: “Raven Gray was a top (Auburn) recruit in 2007, he says people affiliated with Auburn would visit him at his junior college and press the flesh there too.”

Kremer to Gray: “How much do you think you got?”

Gray: “Twenty five-hundred to three thousand dollars. Loyalty is the key. This man give me money I’m going to be loyal to him and go to Auburn.”

Kremer voiceover: “And he did go to Auburn but got injured before he ever played a game.”

On Ramsey’s motivation for coming forward

Kremer: “You have an axe to grind?” (Ramsey had a medical claim lawsuit against Auburn recently thrown out.)

Ramsey: “I’m not out to get anybody, I want high school athletes to know what they’re getting into. This is what college football is really about it, it’s a business.”

Ramsey and Reddick on selling items made available to Auburn players by the school:

Ramsey: “I would sell tickets all the time, Iron Bowl you can make a thousand dollars a ticket.”

Kremer: “How much money did that get you during your time at Auburn?”

Ramsey: “Five-six thousand dollars probably.”

Reddick: “I sold my SEC Championship watch right off the stage as we were celebrating in Toomer’s Corner.”

Kremer: “Why did you sell it?”

Reddick: “Because it was useless to me. I had to sell all my championship rings to help my sister not go into debt as her house was about to be foreclosed on.”

I will have more on the HBO Real Sports special as I continue to screen the remainder of the show.

Quik Sand
3/29/2011, 08:17 PM
Ruh Roh Raggy

3/29/2011, 08:29 PM
Having lived in Alabama, this will please me if true. Awburn = Tejas in my book.

3/29/2011, 08:41 PM
http://img852.imageshack.us/img852/5927/mclovindriverslicensesu.jpg (http://img852.imageshack.us/i/mclovindriverslicensesu.jpg/)

3/29/2011, 08:45 PM
Some more info has been released and it's downright disgusting.

Earlier today, I transcribed a portion of a segment from an upcoming HBO Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel special on college sports - to premiere Wednesday at 10p ET.

Stanley McClover accused Auburn of NCAA violations on HBO Real Sports

(McClover on his time at Auburn: “I destroyed my life.”)

That segment, hosted by Andrea Kremer, contained allegations by four former Auburn football players that included an Auburn assistant coach paying former starting Auburn offensive lineman Troy Reddick nearly $5,000 over two seasons to former Auburn starter and ex-NFL player Stanley McClover being paid $4,000 for a single-game performance against Alabama.

Also making allegations of activity that would be considered against NCAA rules were former Auburn football players Chaz Ramsey and Raven Gray.

At the end of Kremer’s segment, titled Pay for Play, the host read Auburn’s official response to HBO regarding the allegations by its former players:

The NCAA turned down repeated interview requests to discuss anything to do with illegal payments, despite new NCAA President Mark Emmert recently saying he wants to be more transparent with the media.

As for Auburn University, officials declined to comment on quote, “these alleged claims apparently made by a few former football players” and said, quote, “compliance with all NCAA and Southeastern Conference rules is a major emphasis and top priority for all of our athletic programs.

Here are some additional excerpts of the HBO Real Sports segment conclusion:

Kremer voiceover: “Whether it’s basketball or football at big time schools, it’ll be no easy task to really crack down on payments because it’s typically an all cash business and very few people want to talk about it, even among teammates, as Troy Reddick remembers.”

Reddick on camera: “Guys will talk about all kinds of criminal activity but they won’t talk about that because that’s the system that was taking care of them. I believe a guy would talk about raping a girl before he would talk about getting money.”

McClover on camera: “It really turned me into a monster. When there’s no morals to what you’re doing, you’re just into getting money, I spent it cause I felt like I could get it right back. ‘(Speaking in third person) I don’t want to get a education, I don’t want to go to study hall, I want to get this money.’ It’s all about money. … The decision that I made, is hurting me right now. Now I’ve got to try to find a career, now I’ve got to try to find a way to educate myself so I can talk to people. I’m not proud of what I did and I’ve destroyed my life.“

3/29/2011, 08:50 PM
http://img852.imageshack.us/img852/5927/mclovindriverslicensesu.jpg (http://img852.imageshack.us/i/mclovindriverslicensesu.jpg/)

Nice job :D

3/29/2011, 08:55 PM
Meh, they just paid Cam Newton a bunch of money and got away with it. It's not like they'll be contending for titles in the future anyway, so even probation isn't going to hurt them. They bought their championship and the NCAA doesn't appear to care to do anything about it.

3/29/2011, 09:04 PM
I don't care. Auburn won the BCS. All this after the fact trying to re-write history is what Whorns do - like a geek lawyer trying to appeal a reality they do not like and lacked the balls or skill to suit up on the field. * sucks

Sooner Cal
3/29/2011, 09:43 PM
Vacate it if true.

The SEC was doing this in basketball 25 years ago and Kentucky got busted for it twice.

3/29/2011, 10:11 PM
Bad news.... for them of coarse. Good news for us.

3/29/2011, 10:18 PM
I don't believe ANY of this til David posts some random tweet regarding it.

3/29/2011, 11:00 PM
I really hope our alumni don't give any of these handshakes...

Lott's Bandana
3/29/2011, 11:15 PM

I think they found more than they expected under the rock.

Surprisingly, there isn't a clamor of hype leading up to this story, so I wonder if the snippets posted earlier are simply embedded in the totality of the show and aren't as earth-shattering as they seem taken out and put under a spotlight.

3/29/2011, 11:36 PM
Vacate it if true.

The SEC was doing this in basketball 25 years ago and Kentucky got busted for it twice.

they can only vacate the BCS title, not the AP. it will still count just like USC's in 2004 and ours in 1974

50 years from now it will count just like their 1957 one does now

3/30/2011, 01:50 AM
I really hope our alumni don't give any of these handshakes...

Well, there's always hope I guess.

Oh and :texan: does it too, and just like in most things they spend much more than any other school.

I don't care about the money so much, cause the players are earning a ton for everyone but themselves.

The thing I can't stomach as a father is the girls that are thrown at these guys as enticement. They are treated like bait to lure these guys to their schools. That just makes me sick.

3/30/2011, 02:55 AM
I'm guessin' the girls got paid as well, after all they's Awburn Ho's! ;)

3/30/2011, 06:26 AM
Bad news.... for them of coarse. Good news for us.

How is it good news for us?

3/30/2011, 07:20 AM
Meh, they just paid Cam Newton a bunch of money and got away with it. It's not like they'll be contending for titles in the future anyway, so even probation isn't going to hurt them. They bought their championship and the NCAA doesn't appear to care to do anything about it.

any signifant probation will hurt.

3/30/2011, 08:34 AM
I really hope our alumni don't give any of these handshakes...

Got to think some do. Hopefully not under the eye of anyone employed by the University...like this guy:

Reddick: “He (Auburn coach) said I got some mail for you up in my office.”

Kremer to Reddick: “Some mail for you?”

Reddick: “And I followed him up to his office and he gave me an envelope. I didn’t open there, I walked out to my truck, took off. … It was about 500 dollars.”

3/30/2011, 08:39 AM
If so many 'other' schools are involved in this, you have to be kind of sick at heart thinking about the odds against at least some of our alums and boosters...
I just hope Bob has kept an eye on the long term and kept his coaches, asst's and 'the program' out of anything.

3/30/2011, 09:02 AM
Oh my

3/30/2011, 09:23 AM

I think they found more than they expected under the rock.

Surprisingly, there isn't a clamor of hype leading up to this story, so I wonder if the snippets posted earlier are simply embedded in the totality of the show and aren't as earth-shattering as they seem taken out and put under a spotlight.

ESPN and the Bleacher report already have emails out plus I just read the story at AOL News. Top story at CBS Sports.com. It is flying around the net this morning. Makes the NCAA look really bad on Newton because Auburn has been involved for years -- Miss State is correct about some schools in the SEC because LSU is mentioned as well.

3/30/2011, 09:33 AM
At tOSU the one guy received sexual favors in addition to cash? Sounds like the hostess parties the puffs used to throw for recruits.

This kind of stuff just seems to cycle through year after year, a school or schools are outed, there is outrage, an internal investigation, admins own up to it and pledge to clean up their act, some heads roll then . . . here we are hearing about it all over again. The names are changed but the game is the same.

ELP Sooner
3/30/2011, 09:38 AM
On the use of girls as bait I have a question. Are the girls "pros" or are they using girls from the student body? As a dad of a college coed the idea of dangling the study body as bait is sickening.

3/30/2011, 09:39 AM
I'm sure the NCAA will sweep this under the rug just like they did with $cam.

3/30/2011, 09:42 AM
I'm sure the NCAA will sweep this under the rug just like they did with $cam.

You also probably complained about the NCAA giving Bush and SC a free pass...

At the current time the NCAA has not issued anything about Cam...it is still in the investigative stage...

3/30/2011, 09:49 AM
You also probably complained about the NCAA giving Bush and SC a free pass...

At the current time the NCAA has not issued anything about Cam...it is still in the investigative stage...

It shouldn't take 5 years when everybody knows the truth.

Besides, **** the NCAA, I can complain if I want.

3/30/2011, 09:49 AM
You also probably complained about the NCAA giving Bush and SC a free pass...

At the current time the NCAA has not issued anything about Cam...it is still in the investigative stage...

I guarantee that NCAA will ask HBO for the tapes of the interviews after it airs tonight.

3/30/2011, 09:54 AM
i don't care what they do to aubarn.

3/30/2011, 10:02 AM
any signifant probation will hurt.

They'll go from a 7-5 team to 5-7? They are an afterthought in college football. They bought one national championship, but it's unlikely they'll ever be able to do it again, as Cam Newtons don't come along every day.

3/30/2011, 10:21 AM
Five years ago we said the same thing about Vince.

3/30/2011, 10:22 AM
They'll go from a 7-5 team to 5-7? They are an afterthought in college football. They bought one national championship, but it's unlikely they'll ever be able to do it again, as Cam Newtons don't come along every day.

obvious statement on my part;

"remains to be seen".

when were they 7-5.

3/30/2011, 10:51 AM
They've averaged about 6-7 wins over the last few years. Last year was an obvious aberration.

Leroy Lizard
3/30/2011, 10:57 AM
On the use of girls as bait I have a question. Are the girls "pros" or are they using girls from the student body? As a dad of a college coed the idea of dangling the study body as bait is sickening.

Once finished they're all pros.

3/30/2011, 11:32 AM
no longer a slow off-season now...The Cam and Dez Show! :pop:

3/30/2011, 11:33 AM
Brought to you by The Fiesta Bowl..:pop:

3/30/2011, 11:57 AM
On the use of girls as bait I have a question. Are the girls "pros" or are they using girls from the student body? As a dad of a college coed the idea of dangling the study body as bait is sickening.

If it's been a while since you've been on campus, just as an FYI: there's no shortage of pretty girls that want to get with football players for free and without being dangled.

They prefer to be dongled.

3/30/2011, 12:00 PM
It's funny that they've been (allegedly, reportedly, rumored to be) cheating for years and have little to show for it. Yes, a title, but most other years they had a Bammer win and little else. It's why they fired the guy with big ears and hired the losing coach at Iowa State.

It is interesting that these players are coming forward - do they realize the mistake of their past decisions, giving up their educational opportunities for a few thousand cash? Or are they just try to screw Auburn for stopping payments after their eligibility ran out and they have nothing left?

I wonder how much they were compensated for these tattletale interviews.

3/30/2011, 12:04 PM
I wonder how much they were compensated for these tattletale interviews.

This is what I have been wondering.

3/30/2011, 12:09 PM
I looked up the answer since I was so curious --- it appears to be yet another he-said-she-said case, much like Auburn players saying they were paid while the schools says they weren't.

Linky (http://auburn.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1198252)

If Stanley McClover received money for doing an interview with HBO's Real Sports in February, the money didn't come from HBO, according to Raymond Stallone, vice president of media relations for HBO's Real Sports.

"I was told Stanley got $20,000 (by HBO)," Rosegreen told AuburnSports.com in an earlier interview. "That is the only motive he has for telling these lies."

The problem with paying players isn't that it's a violation of NCAA rules. It basically tells the players that the only reason to play is for money. Thus, they're gonna be jumping pro asap for even more money. It devalues the other aspects of college athletics, like an education, the tradition, the fanbases, etc.

3/30/2011, 12:36 PM
It shouldn't take 5 years when everybody knows the truth.

Besides, **** the NCAA, I can complain if I want.

I agree, but that is the cards we were dealt...

I am no NCAA supporter...they are much too slow and seemingly inconsistent at times...

Even with this latest crap the Cam N investigation is ongoing...

3/30/2011, 12:56 PM
Well, there's always hope I guess.

Oh and :texan: does it too, and just like in most things they spend much more than any other school.

I don't care about the money so much, cause the players are earning a ton for everyone but themselves.

The thing I can't stomach as a father is the girls that are thrown at these guys as enticement. They are treated like bait to lure these guys to their schools. That just makes me sick.

Yep. We were all scared AD was going to sign with UCLA because all he did was talk about the hostess he met there named Monica who rocked his world.

Leroy Lizard
3/30/2011, 09:39 PM
The problem with paying players isn't that it's a violation of NCAA rules. It basically tells the players that the only reason to play is for money. Thus, they're gonna be jumping pro asap for even more money. It devalues the other aspects of college athletics, like an education, the tradition, the fanbases, etc.

Well, that and because it's a violation of NCAA rules.

3/30/2011, 10:09 PM
Well, that and because it's a violation of NCAA rules.

What's your point Leroy?

Is there anything you can add to this that isn't some attempt to send badger into some sort of WTH is wrong with you rage?

This whole thread is about NCAA violations. Many of us have lived through NCAA Sanctions against OU. We've even seen dumbasses working carlots lose their Scholarships and later have Sooners wish him well as he enters the NFL Draft with a chip on his shoulder for us the size of Montana.

People hate cheaters and they hate Coaches and Institutions that cheat....but the one thing folks really hate is a kid who takes the money and later hurts the institutions they received benefits from. I have little pity for a kid that took the money and later becomes an informer. If the School is going to get penalized the guy who did something wrong should payback every red cent of Scholarship money, Room and Board and really anything that he benefited from his relationship from the School. If the kid got a Degree...he should give that up too. He did wrong. He should be made to pay for it IMO.

Doing so would put an end to this BS of kids taking money and later thinking they can get attention or another payoff for shutting up. Once they get cut off they rat out and maybe even make stuff out of things that maybe didn't even happen just because they are mad about how things turned out with their life.

Your one liners are pathetic.

3/30/2011, 10:10 PM
Meh.. I forgot why I didn't like this show. Really, did they find anyone with any realistic, unbiased, and useful information?

As far as the Auburn thing, all but one are from too long ago and the one that is resent enough to stick, reeks of agenda driven bad blood. This may lead to something substantial down the road but as it stands now, it's not the big moment that some have made it out to be.

3/31/2011, 12:25 AM
Meh.. I forgot why I didn't like this show. Really, did they find anyone with any realistic, unbiased, and useful information?

As far as the Auburn thing, all but one are from too long ago and the one that is resent enough to stick, reeks of agenda driven bad blood. This may lead to something substantial down the road but as it stands now, it's not the big moment that some have made it out to be.

Hopefully they realize that this crap isn't good for them either.

Leroy Lizard
3/31/2011, 12:32 AM
What's your point Leroy?

Is there anything you can add to this that isn't some attempt...



It looks like he's going to be doing this all night.

3/31/2011, 12:39 AM
Leroy...the only one that has an obsession for anyone or anything on SF.com is you. By trying to act like you know something about everything.


Leroy Lizard
3/31/2011, 01:19 AM
Leroy...the only one that has an obsession for anyone or anything on SF.com is you.

Not you too.

3/31/2011, 08:48 AM
So, Did HBO blow the lid off? Was it scathing?

3/31/2011, 09:34 AM
I'd guess it was underwhelming; I'm seeing nothing in the press or chat boards.

3/31/2011, 09:37 AM
I didn't watch it but if all they have is some former players who were paid to tell their story and there's no documentation, I'm not sure what can be done about it. Paying someone in cash doesn't leave much of a paper trail.

3/31/2011, 09:37 AM
seems like it was all over the innerwebs already anyway

with the Twitterverse it's like any recorded news is old by the time it's on :D

it's like magazines that are like a week to a month behind or more by the time you get them...

3/31/2011, 10:18 AM
I watched most of it- (pay to play part included) and there was no new revelation. I can guarantee you that every major program has the old c note handshakes going on.
It almost seemed like they wanted to nail tOSU just as much as aubarn.

Leroy Lizard
3/31/2011, 11:13 AM
I didn't watch it but if all they have is some former players who were paid to tell their story and there's no documentation, I'm not sure what can be done about it. Paying someone in cash doesn't leave much of a paper trail.

With the NCAA verbal testimony will go pretty far.

3/31/2011, 04:27 PM
Rich Rod looked like a whore in church with the questions being asked.

The problem is that everyone that admitted to taking money had their career cut short. If it had been 1st round draft picks still playing in the NFL admitting to all this it would have been a much bigger story.

Basically it comes down to these kind of transactions that have no paper trail to prosecute.


King Barry's Back
4/1/2011, 10:05 AM
they can only vacate the BCS title, not the AP. it will still count just like USC's in 2004 and ours in 1974

50 years from now it will count just like their 1957 one does now

A small correction. The 1974 AP National Championship shouldn't be stripped because that team was not guilty of infractions. That team was on probation, and thus being punished, for something that had already happened and was over.

(The actual violation, I no longer remember all the details, involved a high school coach getting high school transcripts changed for a player to make him eligible to play at OU. Since those transcripts were invalid, the player was in fact ineligible. OU forfeited the games he played in. That player was long gone by 1974.)

King Barry's Back
4/1/2011, 10:14 AM
People hate cheaters and they hate Coaches and Institutions that cheat....but the one thing folks really hate is a kid who takes the money and later hurts the institutions they received benefits from.

I think this is totally wrong. People don't hate cheaters at all. In fact, they oftentimes think cheating is funny, and admire the cheaters.

I remember a story about an OU-TX game in the Cotton Bowl. I believe it happened while Barry Switzer was an assistant.

Nobody in the stadium noticed it, but on game film, the coaches saw an OU cheerleader move the ball marker down field to give the Sooners a first down.

That is as blatant cheating as you will ever find in life. Absolutely, no doubt about it.

But who hates that cheerleader? Nobody could. I bet even the horns laugh about it (it's been long enough now the pain has healed).

Leroy Lizard
4/1/2011, 10:29 AM
A small correction. The 1974 AP National Championship shouldn't be stripped because that team was not guilty of infractions. That team was on probation, and thus being punished, for something that had already happened and was over.

(The actual violation, I no longer remember all the details, involved a high school coach getting high school transcripts changed for a player to make him eligible to play at OU. Since those transcripts were invalid, the player was in fact ineligible. OU forfeited the games he played in. That player was long gone by 1974.)

An OU assistant knew about the transcript change and didn't tell anyone. That is what got the team on probation.

I guess he didn't want to rat on the player.

4/1/2011, 10:48 AM
A small correction. The 1974 AP National Championship shouldn't be stripped because that team was not guilty of infractions. That team was on probation, and thus being punished, for something that had already happened and was over.

(The actual violation, I no longer remember all the details, involved a high school coach getting high school transcripts changed for a player to make him eligible to play at OU. Since those transcripts were invalid, the player was in fact ineligible. OU forfeited the games he played in. That player was long gone by 1974.)

yeah, i guess what i mean is that the only way to keep them from having it that year was to not let them play. the NCAA has no effect on the AP. they didn't even play in a bowl game and still won.

4/1/2011, 01:27 PM
Leroy...the only one that has an obsession for anyone or anything on SF.com is you. By trying to act like you know something about everything.


Translation: giving your opinions in a clear, cogent manner; i.e. literate.

4/1/2011, 01:53 PM


It looks like he's going to be doing this all night.

Folks have figured out you are going to post here until your next nervous breakdown....I just think you should go ahead and get it over.....

4/1/2011, 01:54 PM
With the NCAA verbal testimony will go pretty far.

By far you mean they'll spend a bunch of money and nothing will happen? Well....yeah your probably right. :rolleyes: