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View Full Version : New "Adrian Peterson" McFarlane figure coming

3/16/2011, 01:07 AM


kinda disappointed that Sam wasn't chosen, but I can always use another peterson for my desk at work

3/16/2011, 03:55 AM
He runs like he has a stick up his ***.

3/16/2011, 07:28 AM
He runs like he has a stick up his ***.

Shut up! You don't know what it's like to be enslaved.

3/16/2011, 08:01 AM
He better tuck that ball away.

3/16/2011, 09:01 AM
Reading this thread title, I fully expected a joke with a picture along the lines of:


Mad Dog Madsen
3/16/2011, 09:15 AM
Geez, give the guy a break already...

3/16/2011, 06:36 PM
Separate the art from the artist.

3/16/2011, 09:38 PM
First, Peterson never wore that facemask. Second, he has grass stains on his knees like someone actually tackled him.

Leroy Lizard
3/16/2011, 09:42 PM
I'm waiting on the fark of him jumping over a cotton bush on his way to freedom.

3/16/2011, 10:15 PM
Ships June 2011

Sam does get a figure in NFL 29. Ships Jan 2012

yes I am a geek and i buy toys. thank you

3/17/2011, 01:12 PM
First, Peterson never wore that facemask.

He did.........but without the knucklebuster.


3/17/2011, 02:51 PM
I'm waiting on the fark of him jumping over a cotton bush on his way to freedom.


3/18/2011, 08:39 PM
Seriously, everyone getting on AD for telling the truth about the NFL and its s***** ownership.

3/18/2011, 08:41 PM
I was really just pointing out a new action figure I'll be buying and then hi-jinks ensued.

Leroy Lizard
3/18/2011, 09:02 PM
Seriously, everyone getting on AD for telling the truth about the NFL and its s***** ownership.

No, we're getting on AD for succumbing to learned helplessness. The opportunity to escape the NFL is right in front of him, but he stays on the plantation.

Leroy Lizard
3/18/2011, 09:03 PM
I was really just pointing out a new action figure I'll be buying and then hi-jinks ensued.

The definition of "poor timing" has a link to this thread.

3/19/2011, 01:49 AM
He did.........but without the knucklebuster.


No bullring on AD's mask...so, no, he didn't.

3/19/2011, 11:01 AM
No, we're getting on AD for succumbing to learned helplessness. The opportunity to escape the NFL is right in front of him, but he stays on the plantation.

Just because the NFL is run by idiots doesn't mean there is a better opportunity out there for him. Get real. And about the "poor timing" stuff, he's a Sooner so get over it.

3/19/2011, 11:29 AM
I don't get why they can get so much detail in these figures, but still have such a hard time making a helmet that looks decent. The shell looks more suited for Beldar Conehead, and the facemask is just horrible.

Leroy Lizard
3/19/2011, 04:02 PM
Just because the NFL is run by idiots doesn't mean there is a better opportunity out there for him. Get real.

This is very real. If AD doesn't like the terms of his employment he can look into other endeavors. We all have that freedom.

If I was furloughed for two weeks, it would be roughly the same as AD having to play for two extra weeks. I have had to furlough in the past, and while I grumbled a little about the lost wages I didn't cry boo hoo to the country or compare my situation to that of a slave.

And about the "poor timing" stuff, he's a Sooner so get over it.

I have news for you: So am I. In fact, I was on campus for a Helluva lot longer than AD, and even worked for the university once I graduated (which AD has yet to do). So I can talk if I want.

Having said that, I have no ill feelings towards AD. He's okay in my book, although I will admit he made a very stupid statement to the press.