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3/15/2011, 07:30 PM

I couldnt not reply though.



3/15/2011, 07:59 PM
Why are you so gay?

3/15/2011, 08:01 PM

3/15/2011, 08:07 PM
I hope Stoops decides to take away twitter and facebook from all of his players. These guys say the most insane things and half of them have horrible grammar. I'm not a grammar Nazi, but these guys just look totally uneducated. I just think Stills, Jefferson etc.. reflect poorly on the school with the stuff they put on there.

Stills needs to grow up!! This dude has already been arrested and now he's giving the compliance office fits for his stupid twitter account. I have to remind myself these guys are really young and immature.

3/15/2011, 08:15 PM
Is he tweeting from Haiti?

3/15/2011, 08:21 PM
Why are you so gay?

What he said.

3/15/2011, 08:26 PM
I hope Stoops decides to take away twitter and facebook from all of his players. These guys say the most insane things and half of them have horrible grammar. I'm not a grammar Nazi, but these guys just look totally uneducated. I just think Stills, Jefferson etc.. reflect poorly on the school with the stuff they put on there.

Stills needs to grow up!! This dude has already been arrested and now he's giving the compliance office fits for his stupid twitter account. I have to remind myself these guys are really young and immature.

Yeah I agree. I don't understand why twitter is such a "cool" thing. It really looks lame.
These guys are under the radar enough, so why risk suspensions and what not by letting them put out constant public messages on a social networking site? All that does is put them at risk of being reported for something they shouldn't have said. And the last thing the team needs is too much distraction. I don't have a problem at all with the coaching staff or university making a policy that tells student athletes no twittering, etc. It's for the better of the teams and the university, and the individuals as well.
I have a Facebook to keep up with family and friends, etc. etc. But I am certain that I will never twitter or tweet or wtf'ever people want to call it. And I never really understood why people use Facebook to tell people the most boring things that they are doing throughout their day. And from my understanding Twitter is basically just that...a means for people to say "I'm eating" or "reading a book" or "I have gas" or whatever else :D
Twitter is weird.

3/15/2011, 08:28 PM
Stoops should take away tv and internet from them as well. They should have to plant the flowers in the South Oval on campus, too.

3/15/2011, 08:33 PM
Stoops should take away tv and internet from them as well. They should have to plant the flowers in the South Oval on campus, too.

That's not really the point. It's not punishment if they keep them off of twitter, in fact it's the exact opposite, it would probably keep some of them from being punished. To me if they are getting warned by compliance to watch what they're twittering or whatever then they aren't really acting responsible with what they're saying/tweeting.
So maybe the solution could even be as easy as one strike and they're off twitter, or FB or whatever site they post a bad idea on.

3/15/2011, 09:44 PM
Why are you so gay?

This. Seriously. Why do you stalk these players on twitter and then feel the need to take screen shots of your own twitter nonsense in addition to their nonsense? It is, oddly enough, nonsensical. Please-- in the name of all that is holy-- stop! It's creepy.

3/15/2011, 09:49 PM
Why are you so gay?

Why do people ask this (or proclaim it)? It has no meaning in this context.

3/15/2011, 09:50 PM
tweet tweet

3/15/2011, 10:01 PM
He can spell COMPLIANCE but can't insert an apostrophe where needed. He needs to at least tweet using proper grammar but I guess that is asking way too much.

3/15/2011, 10:03 PM
That's not really the point. It's not punishment if they keep them off of twitter, in fact it's the exact opposite, it would probably keep some of them from being punished. To me if they are getting warned by compliance to watch what they're twittering or whatever then they aren't really acting responsible with what they're saying/tweeting.
So maybe the solution could even be as easy as one strike and they're off twitter, or FB or whatever site they post a bad idea on.

Sorry about that ou-hsv, I should have put a smiley. :D

I wasn't serious at all. In fact, I have no problem limiting their twitter or whatever. It falls under my "whogivesa****" category in regards to treatment of student-athletes. The only thing twitter can do is get them in trouble anyway.

3/15/2011, 11:04 PM
Twitter is so ****ing stupid. Like Jersey Shore and Jerry Springer-stupid.

No offense, Kenny... but posting that on Twitter isn't the smartest move. Yeah, you didn't violate any NCAA rules in the process, but stomping your feet could earn you a whole lotta staircases this Spring.

3/15/2011, 11:05 PM
He can spell COMPLIANCE but can't insert an apostrophe where needed. He needs to at least tweet using proper grammar but I guess that is asking way too much.

But he only has 140 characters to fit it all in!!!1!1!1

3/15/2011, 11:11 PM
Twitter is so ****ing stupid. Like Jersey Shore and Jerry Springer-stupid.

No offense, Kenny... but posting that on Twitter isn't the smartest move. Yeah, you didn't violate any NCAA rules in the process, but stomping your feet could earn you a whole lotta staircases this Spring.

Agreed. It's a billboard to post things that you'll regret later for the most part.

3/15/2011, 11:14 PM
Why are you so gay?


I have a twitter account to follow organizations/websites and get quick and easy updates/headlines/links, but I've never tweeted. It can be handy if used like that.

3/16/2011, 12:20 AM
General rule of thumb for Twitter & FaceBook (and a lot of other circumstances):

Better to be silent and thought an a$$ than to speak and remove all doubt.

Leroy Lizard
3/16/2011, 02:34 AM
I don't think the players should be twittering, but it's a bit heavyhanded to take away their right to do so. And frankly I don't know if you can legally do it. Some coaches have, but I don't think it would hold up in court.

Peach Fuzz
3/16/2011, 06:25 AM
who the **** is going to court over twitter...

3/16/2011, 07:03 AM
I don't think the players should be twittering, but it's a bit heavyhanded to take away their right to do so. And frankly I don't know if you can legally do it. Some coaches have, but I don't think it would hold up in court.

maybe coaches can't take away the "right to twitter" (don't know, don't care)
but they can take away the "right to play".

hope they don't (except @ byu) take away "right to twat".

3/16/2011, 08:28 AM
SOOOOOOO glad there was no twitter/fb/youtube when I was in college, I had enough incriminating pictures to burn as it was. ;)

3/16/2011, 09:37 AM
These young kids are not going to listen to the compliance department. The older players need to step up and tell them to STFU. I am very concerned that last years class with all its talent may be led by a couple of smart-*** punks... at least that is how it is starting to appear. Let's just hope I am wrong as usual and they are just growing up as we all did in college. (Or maybe a few years after college for some of us. :D )

NorCal Sooner
3/16/2011, 09:45 AM
Given that Stills has already been in trouble at least once, he needs to just STFU. Someone should remind him of the path of Josh Jarboe. Not that he is in Jarboe's league, but one day you are a Sooner and the next you're playing for some JC in Kansas.

3/16/2011, 10:54 AM
The older players need to step up and tell them to STFU. I am very concerned that last years class with all its talent may be led by a couple of smart-*** punks... at least that is how it is starting to appear. )

this ^^^^

some of the crap they post and such is just immaturity but the leadership has to step up and get the reigns on these guys. they are buying into the "greatest class ever" speak and the "we're #1 preseason" talk already. Sadly, T Lewis didn't do any favors by saying he feels OU should be preseason #1. this team is so talented and stocked it's crazy, but if the leadership doesn't step up and define this team, the "entitlement" will bring them down a few notches sadly

3/16/2011, 10:59 AM
Twitter is so ****ing stupid. Like Jersey Shore and Jerry Springer-stupid.

No offense, Kenny... but posting that on Twitter isn't the smartest move. Yeah, you didn't violate any NCAA rules in the process, but stomping your feet could earn you a whole lotta staircases this Spring.


3/16/2011, 11:03 AM

i agree to some degree, but I wonder if some of the players on the 2000 team would have posted dumb crap like this had Twitter existed back then. I have to think that they would have.....

3/16/2011, 11:25 AM
Torrance Marshall would have made Chris Weinke cry on twitter.

3/16/2011, 11:30 AM
Why not? He made Weinke cry everywhere else.

RE: Twitter.
I have no idea what it's possible utility is. Something we can't get on email/text/wiki/internet? It's kind of like Tamagochi, virtual pets. Everybody needs to have it at any price and then suddenly it's gone, never to reappear. Seems more inane than evil. People posting stupid crap would find a venue even if it didn't exist. Bozworth certainly did.

Leroy Lizard
3/16/2011, 11:50 AM
Why not? He made Weinke cry everywhere else.

RE: Twitter.
I have no idea what it's possible utility is. Something we can't get on email/text/wiki/internet? It's kind of like Tamagochi, virtual pets. Everybody needs to have it at any price and then suddenly it's gone, never to reappear. Seems more inane than evil. People posting stupid crap would find a venue even if it didn't exist. Bozworth certainly did.


But despite his skewed sense of reality, at least Bosworth had something to say on an important issue. The crap coming out twitter makes me think that these guys' lives are incredibly dull.

And sorry David, but listening to their crap makes me think your life is even duller.

Reminds me of a discussion we had back on the old usenet. Some Sooner fan was going off about one of our players and the fact that he had a class with him and that he knew him and that he could ask him any question he wanted and that he would respond and that he was really a great guy and on and on. And since he knew the player, did we have any questions he would like him to ask him. I said, "Yeah, when are you going to turn in your homework?" (I taught the player's math class.)

Leroy Lizard
3/16/2011, 11:51 AM
Why not? He made Weinke cry everywhere else.

RE: Twitter.
I have no idea what it's possible utility is. Something we can't get on email/text/wiki/internet? It's kind of like Tamagochi, virtual pets.

It's like virtual pets where you need to tell everyone when your virtual pet takes a dump.

3/16/2011, 11:52 AM
I'm starting to get a bad feeling that Kenny Stills might not be at OU all 4 (or 3) years.

Not showing good judgement on the field (celebration penalties)

Not showing good judgement regarding the law (DUI)

and Not showing good judgement regarding public spotlight and social media.

C'mon man... turn it around.

Leroy Lizard
3/16/2011, 11:58 AM
I'm starting to get a bad feeling that Kenny Stills might not be at OU all 4 (or 3) years.

Not showing good judgement on the field (celebration penalties)

Not showing good judgement regarding the law (DUI)

and Not showing good judgement regarding public spotlight and social media.

C'mon man... turn it around.

The NFL is watching, and they don't like headcases.*

* Former Horn players notwithstanding.

3/16/2011, 12:10 PM
Not showing good judgement on the field (celebration penalties)

I'm pretty sure Stoops nipped that after his spike.

3/16/2011, 01:15 PM
General rule of thumb for Twitter & FaceBook (and a lot of other circumstances):

Better to be silent and thought an a$$ than to speak and remove all doubt.

I find it funny Leroy posted right after this

3/16/2011, 01:47 PM
Why are you so gay?

this coming from a guy whos screen name is Caboose? lol

Is he tweeting from Haiti?

He's in CA i believe

This. Seriously. Why do you stalk these players on twitter and then feel the need to take screen shots of your own twitter nonsense in addition to their nonsense? It is, oddly enough, nonsensical. Please-- in the name of all that is holy-- stop! It's creepy.

Stalk? Really? I make no effort to see his tweets. They are presented on my computer screen. I only take pictures when i happen to be on the computer and an interesting one comes through. I have somewhat of a life. Somewhat.

Why do people ask this (or proclaim it)? It has no meaning in this context.

He probably hates gay people? It obviously wasnt a nice statement.

He can spell COMPLIANCE but can't insert an apostrophe where needed. He needs to at least tweet using proper grammar but I guess that is asking way too much.

lol i like how you noticed that too.

Twitter is so ****ing stupid. Like Jersey Shore and Jerry Springer-stupid.

No offense, Kenny... but posting that on Twitter isn't the smartest move. Yeah, you didn't violate any NCAA rules in the process, but stomping your feet could earn you a whole lotta staircases this Spring.

Never watched Jersey Shore. Twitter is so interesting. Dont knock it til you have tried it. A month should do.

And he already earned those.

General rule of thumb for Twitter & FaceBook (and a lot of other circumstances):

Better to be silent and thought an a$$ than to speak and remove all doubt.

good point.

Torrance Marshall would have made Chris Weinke cry on twitter.


I'm starting to get a bad feeling that Kenny Stills might not be at OU all 4 (or 3) years.

Not showing good judgement on the field (celebration penalties)


Not showing good judgement regarding the law (DUI)


and Not showing good judgement regarding public spotlight and social media.

it wasnt that bad (I dont have a picture here)

C'mon man... turn it around.

I'm pretty sure Stoops nipped that after his spike.

he looked like he wanted to eat him

Peach Fuzz
3/16/2011, 03:21 PM
you fail so hard... like I don't even know where to start...

3/16/2011, 03:47 PM
These young kids are not going to listen to the compliance department. The older players need to step up and tell them to STFU. I am very concerned that last years class with all its talent may be led by a couple of smart-*** punks... at least that is how it is starting to appear. Let's just hope I am wrong as usual and they are just growing up as we all did in college. (Or maybe a few years after college for some of us. :D )

Considering the compliance department controls their scholarship checks, they are absolutely going to listen to them.

3/16/2011, 08:47 PM
I don't think the players should be twittering, but it's a bit heavyhanded to take away their right to do so. And frankly I don't know if you can legally do it. Some coaches have, but I don't think it would hold up in court.

Not saying I support it, but what's stopping the coaches from telling players who "tweet" that they will not be playing? They cannot tell the players they can't be on twitter, but they are the ones who decide playing time. It's not like Twitter is a God given right.

3/16/2011, 08:47 PM
I'm starting to get a bad feeling that Kenny Stills might not be at OU all 4 (or 3) years.

Not showing good judgement on the field (celebration penalties)

Not showing good judgement regarding the law (DUI)

and Not showing good judgement regarding public spotlight and social media.

C'mon man... turn it around.

Na, he will be here until he leaves for the NFL. Most college freshmen are immature. Nobody would care about what he tweets if he wasn't such a talented athlete. He will learn. He will settle down.

3/16/2011, 08:50 PM
He's in CA i believe

So he didn't make the mission trip? Dang, I was hoping that would set him free and play e first game.

3/16/2011, 09:37 PM
Sorry about that ou-hsv, I should have put a smiley. :D

I wasn't serious at all. In fact, I have no problem limiting their twitter or whatever. It falls under my "whogivesa****" category in regards to treatment of student-athletes. The only thing twitter can do is get them in trouble anyway.

No biggy, I was just trying to clear things up a bit haha

3/16/2011, 09:44 PM
you fail so hard... like I don't even know where to start...

you could have just said "i have nothing to say, im just trying to be rude" and i would have gotten the message.

But thanks for explaining how i fail, you make so much sense. Just kidding.

3/16/2011, 09:48 PM
RE: Twitter.
I have no idea what it's possible utility is. Something we can't get on email/text/wiki/internet? It's kind of like Tamagochi, virtual pets. Everybody needs to have it at any price and then suddenly it's gone, never to reappear. Seems more inane than evil. People posting stupid crap would find a venue even if it didn't exist. Bozworth certainly did.

Twitter isn't going anywhere. I get sports news through it faster than anywhere else. It is almost always first with breaking news/rumors. Yes, there are a TON of morons using. I for one hardly ever tweet, but check it on and off all day to get my sports information. handy, especially with the phone app, plus i like it while watching a big CFB (non OU) to get interesting tidbts and opinions on the game from various sportswriters.

3/16/2011, 09:49 PM
my take...like anyone gives a rat's a$$....

is when you put yourself in a position to earn a D1 scholarship at a top 5 program, with PROBABLY the main idea is to make a living playing that sport professionally you have to give up some things....

sorry KStills your college life is soooo boring...think about that when ya get treated like a king and enjoy the spoils of your efforts...(I'm pretty sure you'll go to a bowl game every year you are at OU)...get the gifts, the dates, the accolades..

guess it's time to grow up a little bit...or not

3/16/2011, 09:56 PM
Twitter isn't going anywhere. I get sports news through it faster than anywhere else. It is almost always first with breaking news/rumors. Yes, there are a TON of morons using. I for one hardly ever tweet, but check it on and off all day to get my sports information. handy, especially with the phone app, plus i like it while watching a big CFB (non OU) to get interesting tidbts and opinions on the game from various sportswriters.

Pretty much. I follow just about every official OU twitter account, and it's definitely the easiest way to get score updates, especially for the sports that don't get any air time.

Peach Fuzz
3/17/2011, 12:15 AM
you could have just said "i have nothing to say, im just trying to be rude" and i would have gotten the message.

But thanks for explaining how i fail, you make so much sense. Just kidding.

Yeah? Well, I wans't kidding. You're so naive it's hard to believe... cry or tweet about it else where.

As for Kenny, what the hell is with these 18-19 year olds that makes them say this ****

3/17/2011, 12:35 AM
Twitter has some utility as a way to release news quickly.

Giving idiots like OUDavid or Kenny Stills a chance to print whatever idle thought flutters through their brain is not exactly where it shines.

Anyway, these California idiots need to just shut up. It seems like whenever someone on the team does or says something stupid, I can probably guess who it was within three tries.

3/17/2011, 12:43 AM
Twitter isn't going anywhere. I get sports news through it faster than anywhere else. It is almost always first with breaking news/rumors. Yes, there are a TON of morons using. I for one hardly ever tweet, but check it on and off all day to get my sports information. handy, especially with the phone app, plus i like it while watching a big CFB (non OU) to get interesting tidbts and opinions on the game from various sportswriters.

Why hello there :D

Yeah? Well, I wans't kidding. You're so naive it's hard to believe... cry or tweet about it else where.

As for Kenny, what the hell is with these 18-19 year olds that makes them say this ****

Naive? what am i naive about?

What is the behavior that someone on a message board executes that is so hard to understand?

You need to lower your expectations of a message board somewhere down near your post count noob.

Cry? What the hell are you talking about.

Your just a noob and a hater.

Much love.

3/17/2011, 12:54 AM

But despite his skewed sense of reality, at least Bosworth had something to say on an important issue. The crap coming out twitter makes me think that these guys' lives are incredibly dull.

And sorry David, but listening to their crap makes me think your life is even duller.

Reminds me of a discussion we had back on the old usenet. Some Sooner fan was going off about one of our players and the fact that he had a class with him and that he knew him and that he could ask him any question he wanted and that he would respond and that he was really a great guy and on and on. And since he knew the player, did we have any questions he would like him to ask him. I said, "Yeah, when are you going to turn in your homework?" (I taught the player's math class.)

just saw this. And yes, at times, my life is.

I have to have something to do when everyone else is getting drunk.

But i also have a lot of free time at work. believe me, i dont see most of anyones tweets.

3/17/2011, 01:29 AM
just saw this. And yes, at times, my life is.

I have to have something to do when everyone else is getting drunk.

But i also have a lot of free time at work. believe me, i dont see most of anyones tweets.

I don't check this football board often, but every time I do you have some screenshot of a ****ing tweet. Get a ****ing life, please!!!!

3/17/2011, 01:40 AM
I don't check this football board often, but every time I do you have some screenshot of a ****ing tweet. Get a ****ing life, please!!!!

Well since you said please.....

Quiet noob.

3/17/2011, 01:51 AM
I'll get neg-hammered for this, I'm sure, but...

If you don't like what somone writes, and it's apparently the same stuff that person has been writing over and over again, why not just float past his post, and skip his threads all together?

I mean...I don't like gay porn. Any time I see a link or something that looks like it might be gay porn, I avoid it. I don't click on it. If I accidently did click on it, I'd click to another page or website or thread.

Also...if you like gay porn...I'm not trying to insult you. I just don't care for it. You be you, and I'll be me.

I just don't see why some of you guys feel the need to dog someone for what he writes. And apparently, some of you read A LOT of his stuff.

Neg away.

Leroy Lizard
3/17/2011, 02:13 AM
Also...if you like gay porn...I'm not trying to insult you.

And why the Hell not? :mad:

3/17/2011, 06:26 AM
You have to find it a little humorous that people who post religiously on a message board are complaining about Twitter...

3/17/2011, 07:44 AM
He was talking about getting.looking for some strange while on spring break. & telling the other folk to wrap it up if they were doing the same..

It was a PSA lol

3/17/2011, 07:46 AM
Na, he will be here until he leaves for the NFL. Most college freshmen are immature. Nobody would care about what he tweets if he wasn't such a talented athlete. He will learn. He will settle down.

Fair enough... I hope so.

Kudos to that other guy who pointed out how Broyles turned it around.

3/17/2011, 07:49 AM
He's in CA i believe

So he didn't make the mission trip? Dang, I was hoping that would set him free and play e first game.

I believe the original article about the mission trip was incorrect, it was not during spring break but rather early summer. and they are still going on the trip to Haiti with Landry in the summer. Landry is in San Diego this week also actually.

3/17/2011, 07:54 AM
You have to find it a little humorous that people who post religiously on a message board are complaining about Twitter...

:eek: :D

3/17/2011, 08:47 AM
Right on about Broyles....he ****ed up....turned it around.....I applaud him.....seriously.

Kenny needs to take a close look at what he is doing....he has everything...and it can be taken away...really, really easily.

Met him a few times (in passing) and he seems like a great kid......I just hope he can pull it together.

I am pulling for him....

3/17/2011, 09:26 AM
Besides for the OP (tweet) what was said that the compliance office was telling him he needed to stop?

3/17/2011, 12:24 PM
I have been saying that stoops needs to get rid of these twitter accounts before it becomes a problem. I follow most of the players and a few just sound stupid. Stills and Jefferson specifically. Other than that, i enjoy reading landry's and a few other guys. But I have been predicting that this will become a problem. All he has to do is say one politically incorrect thing and next thing you know the Austin-American Statesmen has their front page story for the week. Stupid.

Leroy Lizard
3/17/2011, 01:24 PM
I have been saying that stoops needs to get rid of these twitter accounts before it becomes a problem. I follow most of the players and a few just sound stupid. Stills and Jefferson specifically. Other than that, i enjoy reading landry's and a few other guys. But I have been predicting that this will become a problem. All he has to do is say one politically incorrect thing and next thing you know the Austin-American Statesmen has their front page story for the week. Stupid.

Jaz Reynolds says you don't know what you're talking about. ;)

3/17/2011, 04:59 PM
You know what, im just here now to get more people to hate me than LeRoy.

That lizard needs a vacation.

Leroy Lizard
3/17/2011, 05:20 PM
You know what, im just here now to get more people to hate me than LeRoy.

That lizard needs a vacation.

This is how I recreate.

3/17/2011, 07:48 PM
Guys, lay off David1... he means well.

3/17/2011, 09:11 PM
This is how I recreate.

secrets out......RUN!!!!

Guys, lay off David1... he means well.

Thanks man, I appreciate it.

Its mostly noobs anyway.

Besides, i got more(making out ;) ) than they did this weekend.

3/17/2011, 09:24 PM
Making out? What are you, 12?

3/17/2011, 09:44 PM
Making out? What are you, 12?

Wait til next year when he tweets about how he went up her shirt at the movies

3/17/2011, 09:54 PM
i think DAvid enjoys getting made fun of more than anything. i mean, seriously, why else would he post that?

3/17/2011, 10:10 PM
Making out? What are you, 12?

girl have cooties.

Wait til next year when he tweets about how he went up her shirt at the movies

ohhh boy!

i think DAvid enjoys getting made fun of more than anything. i mean, seriously, why else would he post that?

what i did went over most of your heads. Big surprise there.

3/17/2011, 10:15 PM
No, not really. You're giving yourself WAY too much credit. Plus, if you had gotten to 1st base, you would have tweeted about it.

Wait a tick... you would have tweeted about it then posted on here with the picture of the said tweet.

3/17/2011, 10:53 PM
what i did went over most of your heads. Big surprise there.

right. the guy who posts screenshots of his own Twitter page is clearly operating on a different plane than everyone else here.


Leroy Lizard
3/17/2011, 11:32 PM
Wait til next year when he tweets about how he went up her shirt at the movies

I'll pay attention to that one.

3/18/2011, 11:02 AM
No, not really. You're giving yourself WAY too much credit. Plus, if you had gotten to 1st base, you would have tweeted about it.

Wait a tick... you would have tweeted about it then posted on here with the picture of the said tweet.

The internet houses my alter-ego. Besides, i know what happened.

right. the guy who posts screenshots of his own Twitter page is clearly operating on a different plane than everyone else here.


Well its the same guy who is also Catholic and not going to post dirty little tweets or posts on soonerFans.com.

I'll pay attention to that one.

See, give the people what they want.

Leroy Lizard
3/18/2011, 11:17 AM
See, give the people what they want.

Can you do me a favor and audio record it on your cell phone? I would really like that. You can edit out the part where she says "It's so cute!"

3/18/2011, 12:10 PM

3/18/2011, 06:09 PM
Can you do me a favor and audio record it on your cell phone? I would really like that. You can edit out the part where she says "It's so cute!"


Dammit LeRoy

3/19/2011, 12:37 AM
Kenny knows you're writing about him, and he doesn't like it.

"^ that's too bad. If you don't like my tweets or my grammar you can kindly UNFOLLOW me. Hope that was better grammar and sentence structure
30 minutes ago via Echofon

vipstrippers @KSTiLLS4 whoa, bored i checked sooner msg board, 2/3 of the losers criticize your tweeting, some complain about grammar, jesus.
about 2 hours ago via Echofon in reply to KSTiLLS4
Retweeted by KSTiLLS4"

3/19/2011, 01:14 AM

3/19/2011, 02:27 AM
He's a 19 year-old-kid. Who gives a rat's a$$ what he says or thinks. Some people seem to care more about what Kenny Stills says than their own sons, nephews and godsons because he wears crimson and cream and helps the university earn tens of millions of dollars each season while the university continues to raise tuition for the young men and women actually born in Oklahoma. If most of us here were judged publicly by what we said when we were 19 or in college, we'd all look like idiots.
Twitter is dumb.
Judging those who use it is dumb.
Idolizing 20 year-old kids is dumb.
Oklahoma football is bigger than all of this trite B.S. because its about tradition, history, family and relationships.
Enjoy the sport and camaraderie and stop treating it like a gossip blog. This thread has 5 pages and 5 stars?! WTF people
agree,disagree? let me know @:
or "WUPHF" me!

3/19/2011, 09:05 AM
Best thing I got out of this thread is how great we look in those retro-uni's. Me wants more of that.

Wish I could tweet it out LOUD bruthahs....

3/19/2011, 10:41 AM
Kenny knows you're writing about him, and he doesn't like it.

"^ that's too bad. If you don't like my tweets or my grammar you can kindly UNFOLLOW me. Hope that was better grammar and sentence structure
30 minutes ago via Echofon

vipstrippers @KSTiLLS4 whoa, bored i checked sooner msg board, 2/3 of the losers criticize your tweeting, some complain about grammar, jesus.
about 2 hours ago via Echofon in reply to KSTiLLS4
Retweeted by KSTiLLS4"

I didn't get that from his tweet.

I got that he doesn't like it if you complain about his grammar.

It says nothing about David (or anybody) writing about him in general.

Of course, if he used better grammar to state more clearly what he's meaning to say...:D

3/19/2011, 01:56 PM
I'm starting to worry that Stills is going to do something to get himself suspended sooner or later.

3/19/2011, 02:24 PM
Kenny knows you're writing about him, and he doesn't like it.

"^ that's too bad. If you don't like my tweets or my grammar you can kindly UNFOLLOW me. Hope that was better grammar and sentence structure
30 minutes ago via Echofon

He left out a comma and a period. But getting better ;)

3/19/2011, 03:07 PM
Hmm, I never thought the players checked football msg boards.

3/19/2011, 03:47 PM
I like the internets.

Leroy Lizard
3/19/2011, 03:50 PM
He's a 19 year-old-kid. Who gives a rat's a$$ what he says or thinks.

I don't want to see any more Charles Thompson-esque headlines. So it does concern me when our athletes start shooting their mouths off in public.

However, I don't think Stills has said anything that truly worries me.

3/19/2011, 03:55 PM
However, I don't think Stills has said anything that truly worries me.

Even his punctuation does not bother me (can't say the same for everyone though).

PS: It is a good day for getting drunk.

3/19/2011, 06:17 PM
I didn't get that from his tweet.

I got that he doesn't like it if you complain about his grammar.

It says nothing about David (or anybody) writing about him in general.

Of course, if he used better grammar to state more clearly what he's meaning to say...:D

Bingo! Thank you.

I'm starting to worry that Stills is going to do something to get himself suspended sooner or later.


You might be on to something


That's my $.02 on the subject. $12.46 if adjusted for inflation.

Very nice!

3/20/2011, 02:24 AM
Well since you said please.....

Quiet noob.

He does have a point. You really have a way of making an *** out of yourself by posting these stupid tweets. Worse yet, instead of learning of your mistakes when everyone hammers you, you just go on and do the same thing over and over again, and then act surprised when someone slams you for it. When normal people put their hand on a hot stove and feel the pain, they learn not to do it again. You, on the other hand, keep putting your hand on the hot stove and keep screaming in pain as if you weren't expecting it.

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 10:58 AM
Hmm, I never thought the players checked football msg boards.

If you played for the Sooners, would you?

3/20/2011, 11:24 AM
If you played for the Sooners, would you?

Absolutely not..... well I would try not to.

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:55 AM
Absolutely not..... well I would try not to.

I have a feeling that a lot of Sooner players frequent these boards. They're natural hams -- they're not going to avoid reading any discussion about them. I am just amazed that few, if any, post.

3/20/2011, 01:23 PM
You need to lower your expectations of a message board somewhere down near your post count noob.

calling somebody a noob/noobie seems rather lame to me. whether a person has a lot of posts on a particular board or is a relatively new poster on a particular board has nothing to do with anything. for all you know, the guy has been an OU fan longer than you've even been alive.....

3/20/2011, 04:14 PM
He does have a point. You really have a way of making an *** out of yourself by posting these stupid tweets. Worse yet, instead of learning of your mistakes when everyone hammers you, you just go on and do the same thing over and over again, and then act surprised when someone slams you for it. When normal people put their hand on a hot stove and feel the pain, they learn not to do it again. You, on the other hand, keep putting your hand on the hot stove and keep screaming in pain as if you weren't expecting it.

First of all, getting "slammed by posters on a message board" and getting burned are to totally different reactions. One is someones opinion. The other is a natural reaction.

And the difference between and most people is, im consistent. I have always been courteous to those on the board. But i owe you or anyone who is annoyed but what i do no apologies. I didnt come here just to post tweets or just to **** you off. I dont care whether you like my posts or not. They are usually my opinions. Which given the objective of this board, im free to express within the rules.

Believe me, I do not care what you want from me or think. I will keep posting pictures of tweets because it hurts no one.

You need to lower your expectations of a message board somewhere down near your post count noob.

calling somebody a noob/noobie seems rather lame to me. whether a person has a lot of posts on a particular board or is a relatively new poster on a particular board has nothing to do with anything. for all you know, the guy has been an OU fan longer than you've even been alive.....

yes, n00b is pretty lame. But i wanted to keep it lame. its not like im actually angry at anyone or actually trying to offend someone. And chances are, everyone on here is older than me so they probably have been fans since ive been alive.

But if someone who has been on the board for a month is complaining about the way i have been doing things for 2 years, it is a little annoying. Especially when they call me naive or stupid. This is a message board. Not congress.

3/20/2011, 05:46 PM
I have a feeling that a lot of Sooner players frequent these boards. They're natural hams -- they're not going to avoid reading any discussion about them. I am just amazed that few, if any, post.

I wouldn't actually be surprised if Stoops forbade sites like these, though I would admit it would be quit funny if Kevin Wilson had been here on the night of the hundreds of KW threads after the ATM game. :D

3/20/2011, 05:49 PM
I will keep posting pictures of tweets because it hurts no one.

It certainly is very disrespectful to those who come to this board for an intelligent discussion only to see threads saturated with pointless tweets that don't contribute to anything.

3/20/2011, 06:24 PM
It certainly is very disrespectful to those who come to this board for an intelligent discussion only to see threads saturated with pointless tweets that don't contribute to anything.

Intelligent discussions? Here? Sorry, you must be very disappointed. ;) :D :D

3/20/2011, 06:39 PM
It certainly is very disrespectful to those who come to this board for an intelligent discussion only to see threads saturated with pointless tweets that don't contribute to anything.

Its not disrespectful. Its just homosexual. David. Seriously. Stop being johnny ****ing kiss ***. I seriously doubt any of the players give a great galloping **** if you are posting on their twitter.

Sorry if I'm bursting your bubble dude, but you are acting gayer than Sic'Em. (No offense to Sic'Em)

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 07:05 PM
I wouldn't actually be surprised if Stoops forbade sites like these...

Posting? Sure. But I'm not sure about reading. That would be pretty draconian.

Peach Fuzz
3/20/2011, 07:18 PM
Just because they don't have a high post and twitter count like you doesn't mean we haven't been on the board for 5+ years... nub lol

3/20/2011, 07:35 PM
I enjoy maybe %50 of David's tweet posts, which is a pretty good rate among sf.com posts.

Peach Fuzz
3/20/2011, 07:42 PM
I enjoy maybe %50 of David's tweet posts, which is a pretty good rate among sf.com posts.

I enjoy his info he gets from his sources cuz hes 80%+ on that... I just could do without the other... but hey thats off-season for ya

3/20/2011, 08:21 PM

But despite his skewed sense of reality, at least Bosworth had something to say on an important issue. The crap coming out twitter makes me think that these guys' lives are incredibly dull.

and sorry David, but listening to their crap makes me think your life is even duller.

This coming from someone who spends more time on the board than I do, and Interjects himself in every thread :rolleyes: :pop:

Reminds me of a discussion we had back on the old usenet. Some Sooner fan was going off about one of our players and the fact that he had a class with him and that he knew him and that he could ask him any question he wanted and that he would respond and that he was really a great guy and on and on. And since he knew the player, did we have any questions he would like him to ask him. I said, "Yeah, when are you going to turn in your homework?" (I taught the player's math class.)

I find it funny Leroy posted right after this

And yet you missed the above :D

3/20/2011, 09:28 PM
It certainly is very disrespectful to those who come to this board for an intelligent discussion only to see threads saturated with pointless tweets that don't contribute to anything.

oh lord.

Intelligent discussions? Here? Sorry, you must be very disappointed. ;) :D :D


Its not disrespectful. Its just homosexual. David. Seriously. Stop being johnny ****ing kiss ***. I seriously doubt any of the players give a great galloping **** if you are posting on their twitter.

Sorry if I'm bursting your bubble dude, but you are acting gayer than Sic'Em. (No offense to Sic'Em)

Homosexual? I can live with that. And dont worry, your not bursting my bubble. I dont put very much stock in how im viewed on a message board. Besides, im only a kiss *** because you guys arnt here in person, im a lot different in real life(who cares though).

I enjoy maybe %50 of David's tweet posts, which is a pretty good rate among sf.com posts.

And i appreciate that. Like i said, im not TRYING to waste your life.

I enjoy his info he gets from his sources cuz hes 80%+ on that... I just could do without the other... but hey thats off-season for ya

what did we miss?

And i know a lot of my stuff might be crap, but i do get a lot of spek from people on almost every thread. So i dont think im a horrible person just yet.

3/20/2011, 09:45 PM
David in MHO its much like Spek If people dont like it Turn it the **** off
If Peeps dont like yer posts and threads Put yer *** on Iggy
****s pretty simple to me :pop:

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 09:46 PM
And yet you missed the above :D

Might have had a good point four days ago, but dredging up an old post for comment deserves a


3/20/2011, 09:55 PM
David in MHO its much like Spek If people dont like it Turn it the **** off
If Peeps dont like yer posts and threads Put yer *** on Iggy
****s pretty simple to me :pop:

Yup. When the OUI freaks showed up, I put many on iggy, and it made my sf.com life a lot nicer. I couldn't run them off, I didn't want to try to outobnoxious them, so the ignore button was by far the most effective and easiest route.

3/20/2011, 10:05 PM
Might have had a good point four days ago, but dredging up an old post for comment deserves a


Meh , You flatter your self Limptard. I wasnt "Dredging"
this was the 1st I had seen this thread . Ya see i dont have to get in the middle of every thread made :rolleyes:

jersey sooner
3/20/2011, 10:19 PM
My opinion?



He can say what he pleases.

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:00 PM
Meh , You flatter your self Limptard. I wasnt "Dredging"
this was the 1st I had seen this thread . Ya see i dont have to get in the middle of every thread made :rolleyes:

Try to think about someone besides me tonight.

3/20/2011, 11:12 PM
Try to think about someone besides me tonight.

You one sick puppy :rolleyes:

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:20 PM
He can say what he pleases.


jersey sooner
3/20/2011, 11:24 PM
LOL please stop calling yourself a Sooner fan

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:27 PM
LOL please stop calling yourself a Sooner fan

I didn't realize I had to protect the First Amendment rights of former USC players to be a Sooner fan. (Or maybe the defensive back in the pic is a Sooner. Did Joe Washington ever play cornerback?)

jersey sooner
3/20/2011, 11:28 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you couldn't figure out I was talking about Stills??????????

jersey sooner
3/20/2011, 11:29 PM

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:30 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you couldn't figure out I was talking about Stills??????????

I checked again, and that still looks like a pic of Lynn Swann.

I get it; both players wear a helmet and have last names that begin with an S. Why didn't I see that before?

jersey sooner
3/20/2011, 11:32 PM
Holy Mary mother of God. This guy sucks something awful.

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:34 PM
Holy Mary mother of God. This guy sucks something awful.

Let me guess: You thought Lynn Swann played for OU?

3/20/2011, 11:36 PM
He's a 19 year-old-kid. Who gives a rat's a$$ what he says or thinks. Some people seem to care more about what Kenny Stills says than their own sons, nephews and godsons because he wears crimson and cream and helps the university earn tens of millions of dollars each season while the university continues to raise tuition for the young men and women actually born in Oklahoma. If most of us here were judged publicly by what we said when we were 19 or in college, we'd all look like idiots.
Twitter is dumb.
Judging those who use it is dumb.
Idolizing 20 year-old kids is dumb.
Oklahoma football is bigger than all of this trite B.S. because its about tradition, history, family and relationships.
Enjoy the sport and camaraderie and stop treating it like a gossip blog. This thread has 5 pages and 5 stars?! WTF people
agree,disagree? let me know @:
or "WUPHF" me!

Most of us would look like idiots if we were judged by the stuff we said when were 19 or 20, myself included. Hell, I say stupid stuff all the time nowadays. However, I'm smart enough to not post it on the internet for the entire world to read, and that's what these kids need to do as well.

Apparently his tweet that got him in trouble was about getting drunk and going out and chasing random tail. That's what every red blooded american male college student does on Spring Break, but he should just do it, not freaking tweet about it.

Peach Fuzz
3/20/2011, 11:36 PM
:pop: I like where this is going...

jersey sooner
3/20/2011, 11:39 PM
Let me ask you something lizzy. I know you taught at OU. Is that how you came to calling yourself a Sooner fan? Were you always a Sooner fan, or not until you were employed by the university?

Peach Fuzz
3/20/2011, 11:41 PM
Let me ask you something lizzy. I know you taught at OU. Is that how you came to calling yourself a Sooner fan? Were you always a Sooner fan, or not until you were employed by the university?

you sound like an old woman at a Salem witch trial accusing people

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:41 PM
Apparently his tweet that got him in trouble was about getting drunk and going out and chasing random tail. That's what every red blooded american male college student does on Spring Break, but he should just do it, not freaking tweet about it.

Especially when no one cares.

I wonder why people think that other people care about their dating conquests? It's like listening to some old lady talking about her grandkids. I am sure she's quite proud of them, but frankly I wouldn't care if they end up on a milk carton. And I especially don't care about Kenny Stills' (or any other player's) dating success. I doubt his best friends do either.

jersey sooner
3/20/2011, 11:43 PM
you sound like an old woman at a Salem witch trial accusing people

Shut the **** up Donny.

Peach Fuzz
3/20/2011, 11:43 PM
nvm I'm just gonna stay out and watch you two tards work it out :D

swamp *** haha

3/20/2011, 11:43 PM
Let me ask you something lizzy. I know you taught at OU. Is that how you came to calling yourself a Sooner fan? Were you always a Sooner fan, or not until you were employed by the university?

Oh my goodness. Leroy was/is a professor????? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Those poor students.

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:45 PM
Let me ask you something lizzy. I know you taught at OU. Is that how you came to calling yourself a Sooner fan? Were you always a Sooner fan, or not until you were employed by the university?

I remember rooting for Jack Mildren on tv and being totally pissed when they lost to Nebraska in 1971.

And no, Swann wasn't on that team (or any other Sooner team for that matter). I remember us shutting him down in L.A., but I had to hear that on a radio.

jersey sooner
3/20/2011, 11:47 PM

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:50 PM
Oh my goodness. Leroy was/is a professor????? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Those poor students.

I still am. Why do you think I would be bad for students? I am one of the most pro-student professors on campus.


jersey sooner
3/20/2011, 11:51 PM
I remember rooting for Jack Mildren on tv and being totally pissed when they lost to Nebraska in 1971.

And no, Swann wasn't on that team (or any other Sooner team for that matter). I remember us shutting him down in L.A., but I had to hear that on a radio.

You were "totally pissed"? Let me make something very ****ing clear to you. You are no more a Sooner fan than you are a Longhorn, Cornhusker, Trojan, or Hurricane fan. And nothing is more evident of that than you saying you were "totally pissed" that we lost the real game of the century.

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:51 PM
Are there any real Sooner fans who understand the two pictures? Come on, I know you're not all a bunch of little lizards.

Please don't tell me you're going to make some weird-*** analogy to Swann's broadcasting career. Because that would be plain stupid.

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:53 PM
You were "totally pissed"? Let me make something very ****ing clear to you. You are no more a Sooner fan than you are a Longhorn, Cornhusker, Trojan, or Hurricane fan. And nothing is more evident of that than you saying you were "totally pissed" that we lost the real game of the century.


That's the only explanation I have.


And I'm not talking about caffeine.

jersey sooner
3/20/2011, 11:54 PM
If this is your attempt at sattire, it's putrid. If you really are having a tough time understanding the post, ignore the two pictures. ****ing horn.

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:54 PM
If this is your attempt at sattire, it's putride. If you really are having a tough time understand the post, ignore the two pictures. ****ing horn.

Okay, it's stronger than marijuana.

jersey sooner
3/20/2011, 11:55 PM
Quit sidestepping.

Peach Fuzz
3/20/2011, 11:56 PM
I remember my first time on the internet...

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:57 PM
Quit sidestepping.

Are you drunk?

And I mean that seriously. Usually guys ask that question rhetorically. But I'm being serious here. Are you drunk? Because you have not made a lick of sense for the last six posts.

Leroy Lizard
3/20/2011, 11:58 PM
I remember my first time on the internet...

Were you pissed? Because if you were, you're not a real Sooner fan.

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 12:10 AM

Leroy Lizard
3/21/2011, 12:16 AM
Of course I haven't made sense to you. And you know why? Because you are no more a Sooner fan than you are a horn fan. Let me put it to you this way. Had I been alive for the game of the century, whose magnitude I'm sure you didn't comprehend until after the fact, I would not have been "totally pissed" afterwards. I would have been devestated. Heartbroken. I would not have been myself for days.

You mean you wouldn't have taken a revolver and blown your brains out? What kind of Sooner fan are you?

A real Sooner fan wouldn't have been just devastated, heartbroken. He would have been so distraught that the only solution would have been the ultimate solution. That's why there are no real fans of the Sooners here that are older than 45. They're all dead.

So if you want fool yourself and falsly associate yourself with greatness, go right ahead. But don't think you're going to ever fool me, or the other real Sooner fans, who must be around here somewhere. Maybe this isn't the place to be spending all your time.

One thing that has come out of this is that I was a Sooner fan before you were even born. Which has given me an advantage over you, being that I was able to understand which team Lynn Swann played for.

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 12:21 AM

Leroy Lizard
3/21/2011, 12:25 AM
LOL You really would be doing most of us a favor if you stopped pretending. But since I'm not counting on it, let me keep embarrassing you.

1. I was just super totally pissed that we lost that game. I mean I was just so angry. I stomped my feet so many times!

2. And when you die, you will still not be a Sooner fan. It took me about 3 years to reach a place you will thankfully never will. For as long as you live.

3. He still doesn't understand the pictures lol

Mods: Can we institute a Wonderlic test for posting on SoonerFans? You can make some money by offering free tutoring for JerseySooner on the side.

Question 1 (a real toughie). Lynn Swann played for which team?

B. Oklahoma
D. Texas

3/21/2011, 12:28 AM
Why dont you two hug and be nice

Leroy Lizard
3/21/2011, 12:29 AM
Our baseline score for the Wonderlic just stepped in.

Peach Fuzz
3/21/2011, 12:30 AM
Our baseline score for the Wonderlic just stepped in.


jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 12:32 AM
Kenny Stills style of play can best be compared to which all-time great receiver?

A. Jerry Rice
B. Lynn Swann
C. Randy Moss
D. Chris Carter
E. My wife knows more about football than me

Peach Fuzz
3/21/2011, 12:33 AM
Kenny Stills style of play can best be compared to which all-time great receiver?

A. Jerry Rice
B. Lynn Swann
C. Randy Moss
D. Chris Carter
E. My wife knows more about football than me


E. Your wife knows more than you.

Leroy Lizard
3/21/2011, 12:33 AM
Kenny Stills style of play can best be compared to which all-time great receiver?

A. Jerry Rice
B. Lynn Swann
C. Randy Moss
D. Chris Carter
E. My wife knows more about football than me

That was the angle?!?! OMG. You were better off with "Lynn Swann was a former Sooner." At least that could be attributed to being too young to know better.

Leroy Lizard
3/21/2011, 12:35 AM

E. Your wife knows more than you.

Jersey walked right into that one.

Perhaps Jersey and olevet can form a study group.

3/21/2011, 12:45 AM
Homosexual? I can live with that. And dont worry, your not bursting my bubble. I dont put very much stock in how im viewed on a message board. Besides, im only a kiss *** because you guys arnt here in person, im a lot different in real life(who cares though).

I'm just saying if we wanted to see your tweets everyday we would subscribe to your twitter feed.

When you want to bring something of substance to the table, have at it hoss...

3/21/2011, 08:02 AM
You know, i thought i was over being thread jacked.

Here we go again.

3/21/2011, 11:55 AM

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 03:30 PM

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 03:32 PM

3/21/2011, 04:10 PM
Back on topic. Did anybody hear Stoops' comments at his presser about tweeting? Pretty funny.

3/21/2011, 04:21 PM
Back on topic. Did anybody hear Stoops' comments at his presser about tweeting? Pretty funny.

Give us a hint! ;)

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 04:26 PM

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 04:28 PM
Did it involve the word special?

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 04:40 PM

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 04:42 PM

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 04:43 PM

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 04:48 PM

3/21/2011, 04:55 PM
Derrick Strait

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 04:56 PM

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 05:11 PM

3/21/2011, 05:24 PM

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 05:31 PM

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 05:32 PM

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 05:37 PM

3/21/2011, 05:54 PM
Multiple Bowl game wins

The kid is going to be special this year if his reads continue to develop but he must lead on the road. I think he's going to hit another gear and truly be special.

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 06:08 PM
Damn Tahoe, great (and 100% true) answer! I was pulling for you, and it appears the judges will accept your answer! For the full points though, I was looking for something a little more telling. Other than the fact that he's not from Oklahoma, he also is the only one to have led the Sooners to a come from behind late game win. He actually did it twice, in Bedlam. And his 17 point comeback against Nebraska is the biggest comeback led by any of the three, not to mention far more clutch than anything Jason or Sam ever did in a big game.

The Maestro
3/21/2011, 06:12 PM
Back on topic. Did anybody hear Stoops' comments at his presser about tweeting? Pretty funny.

“Guys that don’t know what they’re doing need to have it taken away. It’s hard to believe they don’t get it. They still think they’re at East Handkerchief High School, where no one cares. And that’s not the case. The ones that don’t know what they’re doing are going to have it taken away.”

Looks like East Popcorn State has a new rivalry!

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 06:24 PM

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 06:25 PM

Peach Fuzz
3/21/2011, 11:34 PM
Lets play the STFU game, you start. :D

jersey sooner
3/21/2011, 11:48 PM

Peach Fuzz
3/21/2011, 11:52 PM
aww what a clever little teen...

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 12:08 AM

Peach Fuzz
3/22/2011, 12:19 AM
Ok guida.... I'm not curious about you, don't care so lick my balls... maybe you're ****ed up from all the tanning bed radiation

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 12:19 AM
Ok peach, now you've got me curious as to how much Sooner football you know.

Probably more than you if he was a fan before the Sooners won the national title.

I was going to ask which Sooner recruit said that he was going to start a tradition of white running backs at OU, but that wouldn't be fair since the quote goes back aways. (Real Sooner fans will probably nail it.)

I could also ask which Sooner was it whose teammates voted his mom the hottest? This happened in 1988.

I seriously doubt a Texas fan would know the answers to those questions, nor would it be easy to look up. But I know.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 12:28 AM
Oh good! Lizzy's here! Yea, I need to brush up on the "old/off the field" trivia. But now that you're here, you ready? I'm gonna ask you the question I was going to ask that little fuzzy guy, and you have 2 minutes until after I post to answer. Don't worry, it's pretty easy, and relevant to 21st century Sooner football. Let me know when you're ready.

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 12:30 AM
Oh good! Lizzy's here! Yea, I need to brush up on the "old/off the field" trivia. But now that you're here, you ready? I'm gonna ask you the question I was going to ask that little fuzzy guy, and you have 2 minutes until after I post to answer. Don't worry, it's pretty easy, and relevant to 21st century Sooner football. Let me know when you're ready.

But you haven't answered my questions. Not until you do.

Peach Fuzz
3/22/2011, 12:30 AM
Damn, I thought I was put on the 'Do Not Call' list...

oh its past 2 mins I guess you win now you can go back under your bridge ty.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 12:32 AM
I don't pay too much attention to what the players do off the field, and haven't been around long enough to even had heard about the stuff you're asking. My question has to do with football. On your mark.

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 12:33 AM
I don't pay too much attention to what the players do off the field....

So you're not a real Sooner fan. I can answer them. Why can't you?

If you're going to play Stump the Chump*, you have to answer my questions first.

* What local Sooner sports broadcaster played Stump the Chump with callers? That should be an easy one.

Peach Fuzz
3/22/2011, 12:35 AM
thank God for marijuana

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 12:35 AM
thank God for marijuana

I'm about ready for a hit, and I hate drugs.

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 12:39 AM
Did we lose him?

Peach Fuzz
3/22/2011, 12:42 AM
I dunno but I just got a bowl ready so I can interpret wtf is going on with jwoww over here

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 12:42 AM
Yep, he's gone. It looks like Jersey has joined the Anybody But Leroy Lizard Fan Club.

I'm not much fun, am I? :D

Good night, all!

3/22/2011, 07:21 AM
oh its past 2 mins I guess you win now you can go back under your bridge ty.

I've heard of hours seeming like days, but this is ridiculous.....

3/22/2011, 07:33 AM
thank God for marijuana

Did we lose him?

Limptard . Its so cute, you finally got YOU a POSSE of ONE

I really like how he Backs you up . Yall make a cute couple ;)

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:28 AM

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 11:14 AM

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 04:05 PM
Limptard . Its so cute, you finally got YOU a POSSE of ONE

I really like how he Backs you up . Yall make a cute couple ;)


Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 04:06 PM
What is the one constant on the defense between this team and the last 2 National Championship teams?

Crimson and cream school colors.

Team mascot.

University location.

I mean, wtf kind of question is that?

And you still haven't answered my questions.

Mad Dog Madsen
3/22/2011, 04:10 PM
Limptard . Its so cute, you finally got YOU a POSSE of ONE

I really like how he Backs you up . Yall make a cute couple ;)


3/22/2011, 04:33 PM
Limptard . Its so cute, you finally got YOU a POSSE of ONE

I really like how he Backs you up . Yall make a cute couple ;)



If he were any easier he be the Class Ho;)

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 04:45 PM

Anyone else see the irony?

3/22/2011, 05:41 PM
Anyone else see the irony?

No, Iron it for us please .:rolleyes:

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 06:35 PM
Reheheally? [/Jim Carrey] But seriously, really? No one wants to take a stab at this? I couldn't possibly be the only one who noticed this, and to be honest I would be a little disappointed if I was. Here's a hint without giving too much away: "We will be perfect..."

Crimson and cream school colors.

Team mascot.

University location.

I mean, wtf kind of question is that?

And you still haven't answered my questions.

Little lizard, I cannot accept this answer. The question makes it very clear that we are talking about the Oklahoma Sooners, so your answer was nothing but a complete waste of everyones time :rolleyes: Unless you really are that sadly confused, and think there might be more than one Sooner football program. Beyond the cheesiness of the slogan, "There's only one Oklahoma" is actually also a fact. You must be exposed to this phrase more than most people, being that you're an employed educator of the university. So you should either pay more attention to detail, or save the university some time and go ahead and terminate your employment on your own. And what kind of question is this? It's a football question, posed on a football message board. But don't worry lizzy. I knew hell would freeze over before you would get the answer, so my expectations of you haven't changed a lick. Nice try at being cute, though. (not really)

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 06:57 PM
Little lizard, I cannot accept this answer. The question makes it very clear that we are talking about the Oklahoma Sooners, so your answer was nothing but a complete waste of everyones time :rolleyes: Unless you really are that sadly confused, and think there might be more than one Sooner football program. Beyond the cheesiness of the slogan, "There's only one Oklahoma" is actually also a fact. You must be exposed to this phrase more than most people, being that you're an employed educator of the university. So you should either pay more attention to detail, or save the university some time and go ahead and terminate your employment on your own. And what kind of question is this? It's a football question, posed on a football message board. But don't worry lizzy. I knew hell would freeze over before you would get the answer, so my expectations of you haven't changed a lick. Nice try at being cute, though. (not really)

It's like arguing accounting principles with a deconstructionist.

BTW, I don't work for the University of Oklahoma, so you can unburden yourself of that notion.

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 06:58 PM
No, Iron it for us please .:rolleyes:

Maybe you and Jersey Sooner can work on it together. You appear to have about the same intellect.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 07:23 PM
Look, Leroy (there I said it right), I think we got off on the wrong foot. We butted heads pretty early when we both held opposing viewpoints of 2 topics that I obviously feel very strong about. And you know what? That's absolutely cool, man. I have no problem with you having a different opinion. But I have to be honest. What really struck a nerve was how horn you sounded. I remember right when we got into it, you said something that made me go "Oh my god, there is a horn on the site, and no one even knows." I'm not here to make enemies, and it's not my place to be judging anyone. Even if you were a horn, I would respect your decision, and you would never hear a peep about it from me (unless you tried to pull something horn on me haha) So I apologize if I took it a little too far at any point. My father was hornophobic, and sometimes it just feels like it is him coming out of me. And the other night, I actually was a little intoxicated and just trying to mess with you and have a good time and all. I wasn't expecting you to give me the little gem I have laying in my signature. Come on, even you have to admit that's one of the hornest things anyone's ever said lol. I mean, do you think a hardcore Confederate loyalist is a little more than "totally pissed" that they lost the battle of Gettysburg? I doubt after losing Waterloo Napoleon just shrugged it off. But I'm getting away from the point. The point is I really do have to know, if we're going to share the same board where we talk about our beloved Sooners. It's kind of like how Petey just had to know about Sunshine in Remember the Titans (biiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hint everybody!) And since this is the internet after all, and the internet was designed for our enjoyement, I was thinking we should have a little fun with this situation, and then we can part ways peacefully. Let me ask you a football related question, that I can guarentee you 90% of the Sooner fans here will know in a heartbeat. It's purely a football question. It's something that happened on the field, and involves one of everyone's favorite Sooners of the last decade. And I swear it's really not that hard, and you will either know it right away or you won't. And if you get it right, which I really think you will, you will never see that nasty little red letter in my signature again. Swear on it. Even if you get it wrong, it would be no more embarassing. But I would have to keep it just a little longer :D

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 07:37 PM
What do you say, Leroy Lizard?

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 07:38 PM
Look, Leroy (there I said it right), I think we got off on the wrong foot. We butted heads pretty early when we both held opposing viewpoints of 2 topics that I obviously feel very strong about. And you know what? That's absolutely cool, man. I have no problem with you having a different opinion. But I have to be honest. What really struck a nerve was how horn you sounded. I remember right when we got into it, you said something that made me go "Oh my god, there is a horn on the site, and no one even knows." I'm not here to make enemies, and it's not my place to be judging anyone. Even if you were a horn, I would respect your decision, and you would never hear a peep about it from me (unless you tried to pull something horn on me haha) So I apologize if I took it a little too far at any point. My father was hornophobic, and sometimes it just feels like it is him coming out of me. And the other night, I actually was a little intoxicated [Yep, I was right] and just trying to mess with you and have a good time and all. I wasn't expecting you to give me the little gem I have laying in my signature. Come on, even you have to admit that's one of the hornest things anyone's ever said lol. I mean, do you think a hardcore Confederate loyalist is a little more than "totally pissed" that they lost the battle of Gettysburg? I doubt after losing Waterloo Napoleon just shrugged it off.

Stop for a moment.

This is not war. It's a game. If you really take the game that seriously then you have issues.

Never invest that much emotion in something you cannot control. It's about perspective. Get some.

Frankly, you can keep my quote in your sig. After all, was I supposed to be happy that the Sooners lost?

Here's another quote from you.

"When the Sooners lost to USC for the national title, I was bummed."

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 07:44 PM

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 07:44 PM

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 07:45 PM

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 07:47 PM
No, no, no. You stop for a moment. This is not going to turn into an argument over whether or not my (obvious) metaphor is politcally correct or not. And just so you know, Iraq ruined my brothers life, so I'll use that comparison as much as I please.

Yes, and I will call you on it every time.

But it was obviously nothing more than a metaphor. And I ****ing dare you to bring up the post where I said that. I was there that night, it was the first Sooner game I ever went to, and my heart was ripped to shreds.

I felt like crap about it, but (get this) life goes on.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 07:49 PM
Does everyone see how horn he is? Quit sidestepping. The comparison was to the magnitude of those events, and you don't need to tell me life goes on. So again,

What do you say, Leroy Lizard?

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 07:51 PM
Does everyone see how horn he is? Quit sidestepping. The comparison was to the magnitude of those events, and you don't need to tell me life goes on. So again,

You cannot compare war to football.

Few in here are going to tell you that you should center your well-being around a bunch of kids playing a game.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 07:53 PM
There's a few things you can compare between the two. And I don't center my well being around football. Please make this the last time you dodge the issue.

What do you say, Leroy Lizard?

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 07:59 PM
There's actually alot you compare between the two. And I don't center my well being around football. Please make this the last time you dodge the issue.

What is the issue?

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:02 PM
The football question

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:02 PM
That you should know

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 08:04 PM
That you should know

But you haven't answered mine.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:08 PM
hahahahahahahahaha Ok heres my answer: Although they both sounded like very interesting stories, I have no idea. I looked high and low on the internet and was unable to find what you were talking about. I wasn't around back then. But everyone, including you, was around for my question. Lizzy, come on, everyone can see what you're doing, and it's very un-Sooner like. You don't have to be scared, it's only the internet.

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 08:11 PM
hahahahahahahahaha Ok heres my answer: Although they both sounded like very interesting stories, I have no idea. I looked high and low on the internet and was unable to find what you were talking about. I wasn't around back then. But everyone, including you, was around for my question. Lizzy, come on, everyone can see what you're doing, and it's very un-Sooner like. You don't have to be scared, it's only the internet.

So you can't answer. Therefore you are not a real Sooner fan. Why should I answer questions posed by a Horn?

I suggest posting here:


They don't know the answers to my questions either, so you'll be in good company.

BTW: The running back was McKinley. The player with the hot momma was Cabbiness.

I have a stack of Sooners Illustrated magazines a mile high. That's how I know.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:14 PM
That's not how this works. They are irrelevant questions that I'm sure most here would say they would never know unless they were around when it happened. This is a real football question, that I swear isn't that hard. I'll even guarantee you were watching the game that it pertains to. So for the 4th or 5th or 6th time,

What do you say, Leroy Lizard?

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 08:19 PM
That's not how this works. They are irrelevant questions that I'm sure most here would say they would never know unless they were around when it happened. This is a real football question, that I swear isn't that hard. I'll even guarantee you were watching the game that it pertains to. So for the 4th or 5th or 6th time,

Sorry, but you have already exposed yourself as a Horn fan in the crushing loss. I've won. Game's over.

Have you tried gopokes.com?

3/22/2011, 08:20 PM
this is the worst thread i've ever seen.

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 08:21 PM
this is the worst thread i've ever seen.

Same here. And I'm a part of it. I feel shamed.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:22 PM
lol Nice try. Not really. I think it's more likely a horn would be scared to answer a question about Sooner football. Look, I really don't want to play this game much longer. I think you're over thinking it though. Really, I swear it's not that hard. I'm actually expecting you to get it right. And I guarantee if you do get it wrong, others will say they would have got it wrong too.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:23 PM
Dude its the ****ing internet. I'm just curious how much of a Sooner fan you really are.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:27 PM
And I do hope you know that at this point refusing to take the question may be worse than getting it wrong.

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 08:32 PM
Dude its the ****ing internet. I'm just curious how much of a Sooner fan you really are.

I obviously know more than you.

This thread has devolved into beyond stupidity. Dean, do your thing.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:34 PM
Wait, hold on a second. Your refusing to let me ask you a simple question?

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 08:36 PM
Wait, hold on a second. Your refusing to let me ask you a simple question?

Do I have control over your account?

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:36 PM
And for what it's worth, although I'm sure you won't believe this, the more I think about it, it really wouldn't even be all that embarrassing if you got the question wrong. It's a little trivial, and I'm sure not everyone would know the answer.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:38 PM
I just don't get why you're so scared of a little challenge.

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 08:43 PM
Wait, hold on a second. Your refusing to let me ask you a simple question?

Do I have control over your account or something?

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:43 PM
And for the love of God, would an elder die hard please explain why I jumped all over th 71 game.

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 08:44 PM
And for what it's worth, although I'm sure you won't believe this, the more I think about it, it really wouldn't even be all that embarrassing if you got the question wrong. It's a little trivial, and I'm sure not everyone would know the answer.

Then I'm not going to bother with it even if I know the answer. (Which I will.)

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:45 PM
My bad, I never explained the format. It's a question you either will or won't know, so as soon as I post it you really should be able to read it and answer right away. And the answer is short enough that if it takes you over 2 minutes to respond I would probably assume you looked it up online. Soooooooooo

What do you say, Leroy Lizard?

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 08:46 PM
And for the love of God, would an elder die hard please explain why I jumped all over th 71 game.

Go back and read what I said about you and olevet having about the same intellect.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:46 PM
Then I'm not going to bother with it even if I know the answer. (Which I will.)

LOL come on dawg I'll let this one slide...

Leroy Lizard
3/22/2011, 08:47 PM
My bad, I never explained the format. It's a question you either will or won't know...

Wow, you're like a genius.

But I will.

And I won't answer. Because it's trivial.

As Joe Jackson said, I'm steppin' out.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:47 PM
I forgot the e and i forgot "right away", but we're getting off topic.

What do you say, Leroy Lizard?

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:48 PM
But don't let me undervalue the question. If you do know it right away, it will be pretty impressive.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:50 PM
The more I think about it, it's actually a win-win for you. If you get it wrong, alot of people will say it was too hard a question. And if you get it right, you look like the ****ing man.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:51 PM
Raise your hand if you think Leroy should take the question

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:54 PM
And it's quite childish to say "I dooooo know! But I'm not telling you!!!"

sooner ngintunr
3/22/2011, 08:54 PM
The offseason sucks.

jersey sooner
3/22/2011, 08:55 PM
Hey sooner ngintunr, do you think Leroy should just take the question?

sooner ngintunr
3/22/2011, 09:02 PM
Hey sooner ngintunr, do you think Leroy should just take the question?

It seems like a pretty broad question to me. If I were more of a smartass, I'd give a smartass answer. I'm just sitting here drinking, learning about Kenny and his twitter.

"What does this OU team have in common with the last two OU Championship Teams?"

I think that was the question, it was like 6 pages ago though, so I could be wrong.