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View Full Version : Not hitting Panic button yet but

2/28/2011, 12:37 AM
1)Kenny Stills and Tony Jefferson
2)Stacy McGee
3)NCAA Workout Violations
4)J.Flemming enrollment issue

Its not even spring!

Hope Bob and coaches are reminding everyone in the team that they have a chance to achieve something special and what happens when they assume they are already special(by taking the 2010 texass as a case study)

2/28/2011, 12:39 AM
No need to turn on the hazard lights. We just have the parking brake on. Just release it and let's cruise into the MNC.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/28/2011, 12:41 AM
Yeah, I would much rather hear about Auburn getting burned, or further penalties for usuc, Kiffin and the boys. Our off-season is not off to a good start.

2/28/2011, 12:46 AM
Just don't tell me oudavid lost his twitter account - I can deal with this other stuff.

Monster Zero
2/28/2011, 08:48 AM

Some guys are gonna mess up. Stills, Jefferson and McGee have been / are being / will be dealt with and will probably remain on the team, so long as there's no more drunk driving / popping off at the cops / dope smoking. I wouldn't think so after the amount of stadium running that's been done at 6:00 AM by those three.

Fleming's a different situation - I think he be gone. Oh well... stuff happens. Aaron Colvin's big chance.

Workout violations? This one's the one that needs to be nipped in the bud. I can't claim to know everything that happened but I do know that OU isn't gonna bend any rules so long as David Boren's in charge.

It'll be okay. We'll annihilate youknowwho, win the conference and play in the BCS - maybe for the national championship.

2/28/2011, 09:08 AM
Just don't tell me oudavid lost his twitter account - I can deal with this other stuff.

then we would all be in trouble. not really.

2/28/2011, 09:27 AM
Bob is running this show....Not Mack! Don't Worry!

2/28/2011, 09:28 AM
A little bird told me that Flemming will be back.

As far as Still, Jefferson, Mcgee...WTF Zero? Of course they will remain on the team

2/28/2011, 11:29 AM
Young team + success = danger

2/28/2011, 01:06 PM
Young team + success = danger

But preferable to Young team + failure ;)

2/28/2011, 10:51 PM
Bob is running this show....Not Mack! Don't Worry!

I'm with ya!

3/1/2011, 12:01 AM
Well, I'd rather have this crap happen before spring practice than after...

3/1/2011, 08:37 AM
Going into the 2000 spring we were coming off a loss in the Independence Bowl.

3/1/2011, 06:22 PM
Losing Flemming is huge...

3/3/2011, 12:22 PM
This kind of crap happens all the time at every school. I figure the coaches will get things under control. I'm sure they have some kind of contingency plan in case certain guys can't play during our first game week.

3/3/2011, 02:18 PM
Stills,Jefferson,Mcgee are non issues..

The ncaa workout thing is lol worthy

Flemming being a dumbass = issue

3/3/2011, 02:42 PM
Stills,Jefferson,Mcgee are non issues..

The ncaa workout thing is lol worthy

Flemming being a dumbass = issue

Stills and Jefferson = Being dumb kids, run em.

McGee = Being even dumber. Sit em for a game.

Flemming = Dosnt deserve to play at Oklahoma anymore.

Mad Dog Madsen
3/3/2011, 02:58 PM
Flemming = Dosnt deserve to play at Oklahoma anymore.


3/3/2011, 03:03 PM

You break a serious rule, you get another shot.

You turn around and do it again, bye.

This is Oklahoma. We have standards.


3/3/2011, 04:06 PM
Why can't Bob control his program? They are no different from these guys!



jersey sooner
3/3/2011, 04:46 PM

3/3/2011, 05:07 PM
Imagine this kid has a serious learning disability that nobody bothered to diagnose. All his life school work has been a gigantic looming black cloud. But he is blessed with special athletic ability and a natural ability to play cornerback. He knows his only shot at a great life is to reach the NFL, but the rules say you must do it through a college. After the season, he realizes succeeding in school will be an impossible task. What would you do? Would you cheat multiple times to keep you're dreams alive?

Cheating is not asking for help. Im sorry, but the rules are the same for everybody.

3/3/2011, 05:39 PM
Cheating is not asking for help. Im sorry, but the rules are the same for everybody.

Agreed here. Cheating to keep your dreams alive? I think Jersey Sooner's comment is too influenced by the fact that Flemming is a good player on our favorite team.

Plus, student athletes have ZERO reason to not stay eligible. While finishing my master's at OU, I received an invite to be part of their VAST tutoring program (didn't do it b/c of time constraints). The university bends over backwards by extending more academic help than other students are offered, and the help is more focused and dedicated than anything a regular student would get without having to pay out of their own pocket. This, in itself, is a major privilege that most take for granted (opinions of people who did do the program, not my firsthand experience there).

Not to mention that most athletic programs tend to bunch their must-stay-eligible athletes with the 4.0-and-proud-member-of-the-scout-team guys. When I was in a different grad program at KU, I taught some frosh. level classes and in one section I had 5 football players--4 starters and one guy that never even sniffed the bus for an away game, much less playing time. Though I'm stating my own opinion here and never received any confirmation from the students or the athletic department, it's pretty obvious that guy #5's sole function was to keep 1-4 in the D or hopefully C range for class.

Trust me, if Flemming is gone for cheating or even just lack of grades, he deserves it. He's some combination of lazy, arrogant, and stupid if he's not making the pathetically low minimums that these guys have to meet.

3/3/2011, 05:41 PM
Imagine this kid has a serious learning disability that nobody bothered to diagnose. All his life school work has been a gigantic looming black cloud. But he is blessed with special athletic ability and a natural ability to play cornerback. He knows his only shot at a great life is to reach the NFL, but the rules say you must do it through a college. After the season, he realizes succeeding in school will be an impossible task. What would you do? Would you cheat multiple times to keep you're dreams alive?

As I said in another post, I kind of sympathize for players who are not cut out for college because the (effective) requirement of playing college ball to get to the pros is not logical. But having said that, in life, there are obstacles to every goal and overcoming these is the essence of success. My profession required me to have a degree, but I also had to pass many classes that had little or nothing to do with my major. Some of them I had little aptitude for and I held no interest in them, so they didn't come easy. But I was not tempted to cheat in order to pass them so I could get that degree.

I also maintain that a guy smart enough to memorize his assignment in a complex defense can find 12 hours of classes that he can pass. And if he is caught cheating once, he fully understands the likely outcome if it happens again.

3/3/2011, 07:36 PM
my opinion is,

Football is no excuse for someone to ever break a rule. then do it again.

And definitely not something like academic misconduct.

He made his choice, he knew the consequences.

Sorry Jameel, bye.

jersey sooner
3/3/2011, 10:09 PM

3/3/2011, 10:54 PM
It was purely a hypothetical question. It was just the first thing I thought when I heard this. If he blew this opportunity because he was too lazy to get extra help and would rather risk cheating on a major assignment, despite already having been caught doing this, then he absolutely deserves this. But the amount of arrogance in those actions would be astounding, especially considering the position he was in where all he needed to do was have another good year and he would most likely be drafted and start making millions per year. The initial scenario I posted would seem more likely to me, in which case I would hold absolutely nothing against him.

There is no excuse for cheating. Having an unknown(hypothetical) disadvantage isnt a reason for giving someone an advantage over everyone else.

Oklahoma is a prestigious university, wouldnt all of you grads agree?

If this was an everyday joe, he would be gone.

They totally made the right move.

jersey sooner
3/3/2011, 11:03 PM
Of course they made the right move. It was the only move they could make. All I'm saying is if he knew he had no way to keep up with college level work, and his options were flunk out and get kicked off the team, or take the risk of cheating again in hopes to slide by until next season, you really can't hold anything against him.

3/4/2011, 12:51 AM
Of course they made the right move. It was the only move they could make. All I'm saying is if he knew he had no way to keep up with college level work, and his options were flunk out and get kicked off the team, or take the risk of cheating again in hopes to slide by until next season, you really can't hold anything against him.

Not true. As I said, I can understand the temptation, but not the action. As others have said, these kids are offered tons of tutoring help. They have access to counselors that could direct them to classes they could mostly likely pass given their abilities. And if any student had a learning disability, it would most likely be found in these guys vs. the average joe. Finally, if he was a repeat offender, he is stupid for taking the risk. He is no star player and the challenges he would face to make the NFL are much tougher than the challenge of academic qualification at OU. He'd have to be more resilient than this to succeed in the NFL.

3/4/2011, 12:57 AM
Of course they made the right move. It was the only move they could make. All I'm saying is if he knew he had no way to keep up with college level work, and his options were flunk out and get kicked off the team, or take the risk of cheating again in hopes to slide by until next season, you really can't hold anything against him.

Wait, really?

you think cheating is more admirable than trying and failing?

Do you think he really tried his hardest?

He cheated.

If thats not a big deal to you, i understand.

But it also says a lot about character.

At Oklahoma we want great players, and better men.

It is a privilege.

3/4/2011, 08:56 AM
Stills and Jefferson = Being dumb kids, run em.

McGee = Being even dumber. Sit em for a game.

Flemming = Dosnt deserve to play at Oklahoma anymore.

I agree

jersey sooner
3/4/2011, 06:33 PM

3/4/2011, 06:50 PM
Once again, I know almost nothing about the situation. And like I said, taking this risk again was extremely arrogant. But unless you know this kid personally, don't just assume he's just some lazy arrogant kid. Why is not possible that he was a star football player at a Texas high school where the teachers had to pass him so their school could win on friday nights, but he is actually, for lack of a better word, extremely stupid? Don't assume this kid didn't know the risk. Don't assume he didn't feel backed into a wall, and saw this as the only way. Don't assume the part of what you said that I highlighted. It's ok to say he probably deserves this. It's not ok to say he deffinitely deserves this.

I don't know the kid and I'm assuming almost nothing - just going by what is known and what is available to these players. He would have been a 5th yr senior, so he is far removed from being coddled in HS if that was the case. I'm not down on the kid - I just have no sympathy at the outcome. Bottom line is that life is tough and full of obstacles and Flemming failed to hurdle some of them.

EDIT: If he figures out a way earn his grades and come back within the rules, I'll have no problem with it.

3/4/2011, 06:56 PM
I think Bud Wilkinson said it the best:

"The man who tried his best and failed is superior to the man who never tried."

And it takes ZERO effort to cheat!

3/4/2011, 06:58 PM
I'm not worried about Flemming. If he can come back the right way, great. But if not......Colvin more than showed he's up to the task. He played a great game on a big stage as Flemming's replacement in the Texas game. We'll be fine with Colvin.

We need McGee though. We need DT's like nobody's bitness. Who's the next Tommie Harris? The next Dvorachek? The next Mccoy? Somebody needs to step up.

3/4/2011, 08:02 PM
Once again, I know almost nothing about the situation. And like I said, taking this risk again was extremely arrogant. But unless you know this kid personally, don't just assume he's just some lazy arrogant kid. Why is not possible that he was a star football player at a Texas high school where the teachers had to pass him so their school could win on friday nights, but he is actually, for lack of a better word, extremely stupid? Don't assume this kid didn't know the risk. Don't assume he didn't feel backed into a wall, and saw this as the only way. Don't assume the part of what you said that I highlighted. It's ok to say he probably deserves this. It's not ok to say he deffinitely deserves this.

LOL. Maybe you missed that all important word IF in my post. And kid, get off that embarrassingly stupid high horse. I'm gonna start calling you Donnie from now on.

high horse eh?

stick to your first statement i put in bold for ya.

jersey sooner
3/4/2011, 08:14 PM

3/4/2011, 08:17 PM
So you know Jamell personally?


3/4/2011, 08:20 PM
So you know Jamell personally?

Does it really matter if he does or not? I would say 99% of the information David has shared with us here has been accurate...even if he tweets to himself!

jersey sooner
3/4/2011, 08:21 PM

3/4/2011, 08:23 PM
So cryptic lol. So you can definitely say that he should have been able to pass his classes on his own but was so lazy/arrogant/stupid/ignorant/moronic/immature/whatever he decided he would rather just cheat?

In MY opinion. Yes.

But i dont think by any stretch he is a bad human being.

He is a kid, that made a bad choice that didnt hurt anyone but him.

Football just shouldnt be important to him right now.

3/4/2011, 08:25 PM
So cryptic lol. So you can definitely say that he should have been able to pass his classes on his own but was so lazy/arrogant/stupid/ignorant/moronic/immature/whatever he decided he would rather just cheat?

I know when I was in college, I cheated on one test...didnt get caught...but it was because I was too immature to study for it, thanks to going out to get drunk the night before.

Yes, those are usually some of the factors that leads to cheating. It is either that or he is just too insecure about failure that he had to cheat....and if that is the case he was just too lazy or irresponsible to study better for the test or whatever it was he cheated on.

jersey sooner
3/4/2011, 08:30 PM
I just can't wrap my mind around how someone could be sooooooooo stupid. I guess I'd just rather think he must have had a reason to do something so retarded.

3/4/2011, 08:38 PM
So cryptic lol. So you can definitely say that he should have been able to pass his classes on his own but was so lazy/arrogant/stupid/ignorant/moronic/immature/whatever he decided he would rather just cheat?

That certainly wasn't what I was saying - I have no inside information. I'm saying it doesn't matter why. If he just wasn't bright enough or had a learning disability or whatever scenario you cook up - it doesn't matter. Life is hard and everyone has limitations they have to deal with. He failed to do so in a very competitive situation; the guys that were behind him on the depth chart aren't cryin'.

3/4/2011, 08:58 PM
I just can't wrap my mind around how someone could be sooooooooo stupid. I guess I'd just rather think he must have had a reason to do something so retarded.

Well, college is not for everyone. Maybe he just doesnt have the mental focus for college...maybe he has a learning disability that he doesnt know about?

Not saying those are acceptable...but for anyone to cheat they are usually just to lazy or irresponsible to actually study. If the courses were too hard for him, he should have tried to get something different.

You don't know the kid, nor do I, but to call him stupid is just...well...stupid on your part.

jersey sooner
3/4/2011, 08:58 PM

jersey sooner
3/4/2011, 09:01 PM
Well, college is not for everyone. Maybe he just doesnt have the mental focus for college...maybe he has a learning disability that he doesnt know about?

Not saying those are acceptable...but for anyone to cheat they are usually just to lazy or irresponsible to actually study. If the courses were too hard for him, he should have tried to get something different.

You don't know the kid, nor do I, but to call him stupid is just...well...stupid on your part.

Relax guy, when I say "be so stupid" I mean his action was stupid. Never called him stupid personally, because I don't know him personally.

jersey sooner
3/4/2011, 09:41 PM
Thanks for the 3 neg reps in 2 minutes, 75. LOL. Clown.