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2/18/2011, 01:35 PM
A hefty speeding ticket driving back from Denver to Dallas a few weeks ago. I was about an hour outside of Amarillo and got pulled over for going 79 in a 65. The cop walks up and does the typical stuff and goes back to his car. My fiance' is giving me the death stare when the cop comes back and says

Cop - "I saw the sticker on your back window. We had a pretty good season"

Me- "Yes sir, it was pretty good. 2 losses sucked though. They will be better next season"

Cop - "Slow 'er down a little"

2/18/2011, 01:41 PM
A hefty speeding ticket driving back from Denver to Dallas a few weeks ago. I was about an hour outside of Amarillo and got pulled over for going 79 in a 65. The cop walks up and does the typical stuff and goes back to his car. My fiance' is giving me the death stare when the cop comes back and says

Cop - "I saw the sticker on your back window. We had a pretty good season"

Me- "Yes sir, it was pretty good. 2 losses sucked though. They will be better next season"

Cop - "Slow 'er down a little"


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
2/18/2011, 02:17 PM
Some days are diamonds. You shoulda headed for the nearest QuickeeMart, and bought some lottery tickets.

2/18/2011, 02:30 PM
Nice!! Gotta love the Sooner Nation!! :D

2/18/2011, 02:33 PM
A hefty speeding ticket driving back from Denver to Dallas a few weeks ago. I was about an hour outside of Amarillo and got pulled over for going 79 in a 65. The cop walks up and does the typical stuff and goes back to his car. My fiance' is giving me the death stare when the cop comes back and says

Cop - "I saw the sticker on your back window. We had a pretty good season"

Me- "Yes sir, it was pretty good. 2 losses sucked though. They will be better next season"

Cop - "Slow 'er down a little"

Spek for you and SUPER SPEK for the Cop.....I know he has to be on here somewhere.....heh:D :D

2/18/2011, 03:03 PM
Nice!! Gotta love the Sooner Nation!! :DTrue dat.If he was a Horn fan you woulda got life without parole.

2/18/2011, 03:07 PM
I dunno, cops on that stretch seem pretty cool. I got stopped years ago, we stood there leaning on my shiite box honda civic while he waited to get the okay that I wasn't a Black September operative. When my record came back clean, he pointed down the highway and asked if I could see a big pile of rock. When I said, ''yes", he told me that was New Mexico and to keep it under the speed limit until I was past the rock. After that, I was someone else's problem.
Nice guy.

2/18/2011, 03:51 PM
I lived in the Amarillo most of my life until last year, there's a few big OU fans who are cops/troopers out there and they usually are a bit nicer to fellow Sooners. My cousin is a trooper in Caddo Co in OK and he tells me stories all the time of people he stops with Texas plates but OU stickers/emblems and he lets them go, tells em it takes cajones to do it. It has helped me in OK when going to/coming from games when I've been stopped with my University of Oklahoma, state of texas plates.

2/18/2011, 04:16 PM
Your fiance was giving you the death stare? She can't handle the speed?

2/18/2011, 04:36 PM
This thread made me smile.

And that's no lame compliment!

2/18/2011, 05:16 PM
Reminds me of a few years ago my wife (TTech Alum) and I were driving up from Houston for the game when I was pulled over by a Texas DPS just south of Lubbuttocks. As he approaches the drivers side, he notices the TTech Alumnus license tag holder (wife's car) and me driving-all decked out in OU gear. He starts in on me with the boy stuff and what am I doing around here, and then he asked why the TTech tag holder? My wife quickly popped up that she was an alumnus and through some fast talking, I got off with just a warning.
And yes to this day my wife still reminds me.......sometimes I think the ticket would have been easier.

2/18/2011, 05:18 PM
I've got an OU emblam on the back of my car. It's a different sticker on the back that has helped me not get tickets though :D

2/18/2011, 05:20 PM
i got pulled over in some speed trap town right outside of College Station before the game last year for 80 in a 60. it had just dropped from 70 to 60 at some point.

dude asked me if i went to OU and i told him i was a Senior and he let me go :eek:

2/18/2011, 05:54 PM
This thread brings a tear to my eye.

2/18/2011, 06:45 PM
Right on. I'll bet that under any circumstance it's better than the people with the "Bad Cop, No Donut" stickers. What are they thinking? And you KNOW they've never seen a warning!

2/18/2011, 06:50 PM
Right on. I'll bet that under any circumstance it's better than the people with the "Bad Cop, No Donut" stickers. What are they thinking? And you KNOW they've never seen a warning!

Or when people put weed stickers on their car. Seen a couple of those before.

MyT Oklahoma
2/18/2011, 06:59 PM
I've been stopped 7 times for speeding over the past 4 years out here in southwest Kansas and I only got one speeding ticket plus 6 warning tickets.

I have no idea if my OU license frame makes any difference but I'm sure not complaining.

P.S. I was in Liberal this morning and saw tons of OU tags on the front of cars/trucks. Ya' gotta love Seward County, KS.

2/18/2011, 07:18 PM
Yep, been there done that. Tri Delt sorority party outside of Lubbock in 82 at the old Cotton Club. Coming back into town, folks were flashing there lights at me and I realized I was going the wrong way on a four-lane divided highway.

I zip across the median and then see the red flashing lights come on behind me. Officer walks up and we go through the usual pleasantries. He sees I'm from Pampa. He played for the Amarillo High Sandies. My dad, Dog Lawson, used to go on and on about playing the Sandies when he played at Norman High.

Me and the officer have a conversation about those games. officer asked me if I could get it home. I said "Yes, sir." He said be careful and go straight home. I said, "Thank you, sir"

Some of my buddies weren't so lucky. If you ever here Ebby's tune "DWI", then you will understand why.


2/18/2011, 11:45 PM
Ya' gotta love Seward County, KS.

I have to be out there once a month or so and no I don't have to love Seward County, KS :D

2/19/2011, 02:48 PM
Going to the National Title game a few years ago I pulled into DFW to fly out with my bud. Since I had just driven down to Texas from Norman I hadn't had time to get my new inspection and registration stickers on my truck. The cops were trying to bust people for that very thing because the month had just changed over and I subsequently got pulled over. After giving me the rundown he said where you going? I smiled and said that I was going to the National Title to see Sammy B play. He looked at me and said have fun and left.

I always thank the sooners for saving me some money.

2/19/2011, 03:50 PM
That might have been my Cousin.

2/20/2011, 10:14 AM
These stories are much better than the one i posted a couple of years ago about the midget barney fife dbag that wrote me a ticket outside of Hennessey(sp?). That turd had to have been a lOSUr fan, totally acted like it anyway.

2/20/2011, 10:34 AM
Some days are diamonds. You shoulda headed for the nearest QuickeeMart, and bought some lottery tickets.

Exactly, buy a dozen scratch and wins as well.

Cool cop.

Scott D
2/20/2011, 11:09 AM
good thing you didn't tell him you know some valets... ;)

2/20/2011, 11:21 AM
Now jsut imagine if that cop was a Horn fan. :eek:

2/20/2011, 12:22 PM
good thing you didn't tell him you know some valets... ;)

I don't want to talk about racism in America...