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View Full Version : Girl dumped live on the radio

2/7/2011, 11:17 PM
Since Valentines Day is coming up I figured you folks could use something romantic.

The first guy is a radio host in England called Danny Dumps. This girl was caught giving her married boss a blowjob at the office Christmas party. She is expecting her boyfriend to propose to her on Valentines Day.

Moving across the pond we have a couple of guys up in St. Louis. A girl finds the engagement ring her boyfriend has been hiding for Valentines Day. Well two days later she is caught making out with her "friend" at a bar.

Yes, I know I'm a heartless bastard for crying my eyes out from laughter at the expense of other people.

2/8/2011, 12:03 AM
Man...we need radio like that here in Oklahoma...the one with the kitty cat frolicking in the above one! That is awesome!!!!!

2/8/2011, 12:09 AM
You're a dirty little tart!

I love British insults.

2/8/2011, 12:14 AM
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The second one is kick ***!!!!! Greatness!

2/8/2011, 12:29 AM
Bitch be trippin'!

Curly Bill
2/8/2011, 01:19 AM
That 2nd one was awesome!

...but that chick is pretty sweet, I'm prepared to console her, as a "friend."

2/8/2011, 01:25 AM
That was amazing! I've been cheated on before, and its right up there with the worst things you can do to a person, especially if they actually love you. I would just break up with someone before I would cheat. Anybody that cheats deserves to be crushed. Maybe it will make them a better person in the end. I enjoy watching people like that go down in flames. It actually warms my heart. :D

2/8/2011, 01:31 AM
Anyone been in Eric's shoes?

2/8/2011, 01:42 AM
Anyone been in Eric's shoes?

Eric is a ****sucker. The chick said she knew him from "way back". Which means he obviously knows she is in a relationship....a long one at that. So he a doosh, but not even near the level of the chick. Hell, its hard to blame Eric....he is going for what he wants....still a doosh move to go after people in a steady relationship. The chick deserved what she got.

Oh...and no I haven't been in Eric's shoes. :D

Leroy Lizard
2/8/2011, 01:44 AM
Brits are amateurs at this.


2/8/2011, 01:48 AM
Anyone been in Eric's shoes?

Sort of...

I've always had a close relationship with SicEmEx and still do. She's broken up with others to get back together with me, and we've remained close through both of her marriages. We still have dinner together from time to time whenever we're both in town, and we talk every couple of days. When her husband was in Iraq for a year we became closer, and I'd go over to her house to hang out and she'd cook for me and what not. She was going to come and visit me at one point in Waco while he was there, but she decided that probably wasn't a good idea.

HOWEVER, I've never ever done anything with her physically when she was with someone else...ever. She's somewhat emotionally needy and demanding though, so I guess you could say I fulfill a need she has for the kind of 100% emotional support I give her whenever she needs it.

2/8/2011, 01:52 AM
Ist question the chick in video 1 asks when she finds out about the ring....

"How much was it?? Haha.

2/8/2011, 01:54 AM
Ist question the chick in video 1 asks when she finds out about the ring....

"How much was it?? Haha.

Yeah, I caught that and immediately began smiling at what was to come. :cool:

2/8/2011, 02:05 AM
Bitches man, bitches.

2/8/2011, 07:14 AM
just wondering, for the second dude.... how much of his stuff was trashed when he got home?

2/8/2011, 08:47 AM
I like how she had to work up those tears.......

2/8/2011, 10:16 AM
Sort of...

I've always had a close relationship with SicEmEx and still do. She's broken up with others to get back together with me, and we've remained close through both of her marriages. We still have dinner together from time to time whenever we're both in town, and we talk every couple of days. When her husband was in Iraq for a year we became closer, and I'd go over to her house to hang out and she'd cook for me and what not. She was going to come and visit me at one point in Waco while he was there, but she decided that probably wasn't a good idea.

HOWEVER, I've never ever done anything with her physically when she was with someone else...ever. She's somewhat emotionally needy and demanding though, so I guess you could say I fulfill a need she has for the kind of 100% emotional support I give her whenever she needs it.

That ain't cool.

2/8/2011, 10:39 AM
That 2nd one was pure greatness; amazing how u can catch a bitch in a total lie and she knows it, u know it, but she can't admit it; he should go find one of her friends and **** the **** out of her

2/8/2011, 10:45 AM
That ain't cool.

I agree.

2/8/2011, 11:28 AM
I agree.

Second, if my woman had her ex over while I was away to "cook dinner", I'd be a bit concerned.

2/8/2011, 11:30 AM
That 2nd one was pure greatness; amazing how u can catch a bitch in a total lie and she knows it, u know it, but she can't admit it; he should go find one of her friends and **** the **** out of her

That's what I would have done from the beginning. **** doing that **** on the radio, you couldn't keep me that calm.

2/8/2011, 11:35 AM
That ain't cool.

Normally it wouldn't be but SicEm is kind of like a girlfriend. (kidding)

2/8/2011, 11:38 AM
Anyone been in Eric's shoes?Yes, never someone who is married or the SO of anybody I know, but beyond that if they stray, I frankly don't see how that is my problem. Does that make me a ******? Maybe, but once again, not my problem.

2/8/2011, 12:26 PM
Second, if my woman had her ex over while I was away to "cook dinner", I'd be a bit concerned.

pffft. It's Sicem. It ain't like he's gonna pone her or anything.

2/8/2011, 12:35 PM
Second, if my woman had her ex over while I was away to "cook dinner", I'd be a bit concerned.

They were gonna do some "Crotch-Pot Cookin".....:D

2/8/2011, 12:37 PM
pffft. It's Sicem. It ain't like he's gonna pone her or anything.

Dude is overseas, and exboyfriend is keeping his woman warm?

2/8/2011, 12:59 PM
Second, if my woman had her ex over while I was away to "cook dinner", I'd be a bit concerned.

Out of decency, respect and decorum, I couldn't dine with somebody's wife while they are fighting for this country. If she needs emotional support she needs get it from her girlfriends, or sisters, or her mom, or her dad, or brother.

2/8/2011, 04:41 PM
Dude is overseas, and exboyfriend is keeping his woman warm?

Nobody is defending the practice - just taking shots at SicEm.

2/8/2011, 06:17 PM
that was chicken ****, to do more or less in public. (i mean the 2nd one)

2/8/2011, 06:24 PM
that was chicken ****, to do more or less in public. (i mean the 2nd one)

I could almost feel sorry for the girl if, as she said, it was a mistake from months ago that she ended. The problem is, she went out with the guy again just days before which ended in them kissing.

The **** had it coming.

2/8/2011, 06:35 PM
If you accept an engagement ring, then promptly go out and cheat, then you have it coming. The guy is awesome, IMO.

2/8/2011, 06:35 PM
You wanna play, you gotta pay. Simple. As. That. No mercy, no quarter. Law of the land and ****.

2/8/2011, 06:43 PM
If you accept an engagement ring, then promptly go out and cheat, then you have it coming. The guy is awesome, IMO.

Well she hadn't technically accepted it yet, but she did know it was coming. Still a bitch though.

2/8/2011, 06:52 PM
You wanna play, you gotta pay. Simple. As. That. No mercy, no quarter. Law of the land and ****.

he shoulda had the balls to do it face to face; in private.

2/8/2011, 06:54 PM
he shoulda had the balls to do it face to face; in private.

At least that way you could have got your dick sucked at least one more time with her trying to make it up to you before telling her "I don't think my feelings are going to change, you still need to get the hell out" :P

2/8/2011, 06:57 PM
he shoulda had the balls to do it face to face; in private.

I'm just glad the two of thems peak English. In private, they'd have tweitered it: "Sos hoo u efing?" "4reelxz?" uaxedmedat?" "iS"Een u yo" "yoo owt beech!" Meh. Do it on the air, articulately.

2/8/2011, 07:18 PM
Doing it on the radio keeps everyone alive.

2/8/2011, 07:24 PM
Doing it on the radio keeps everyone alive.

Wow, don't cheat on Troup...:eek:

2/8/2011, 07:41 PM
Yeah....none of you bitches start trippin either.

2/8/2011, 08:14 PM
Wow, don't cheat on Troup...:eek:

****, now you tell me.

2/8/2011, 08:19 PM
****, now you tell me.

You dirty little tart.

2/8/2011, 09:25 PM
My ex-wife cheated on me when I was stationed in Korea for a year. It was one of those "emotional" affairs. She tried to get me to shoulder some of the blame by saying I wasn't around, and she needed to feel better about herself.

Big mistake. Huge.

2/10/2011, 10:24 AM
My ex-wife cheated on me when I was stationed in Korea for a year. It was one of those "emotional" affairs. She tried to get me to shoulder some of the blame by saying I wasn't around, and she needed to feel better about herself.

Big mistake. Huge.

Did you expose her chicanery to the world??

2/10/2011, 10:49 AM
I'm just glad the two of thems peak English. In private, they'd have tweitered it: "Sos hoo u efing?" "4reelxz?" uaxedmedat?" "iS"Een u yo" "yoo owt beech!" Meh. Do it on the air, articulately.

Best. Post. Ever?

2/10/2011, 01:26 PM
www.idump4u.com is another good one. I actually know the guy that runs that site.

2/10/2011, 01:37 PM
www.idump4u.com is another good one. I actually know the guy that runs that site.

Only $50 for a divorce!? Damn!

2/10/2011, 01:49 PM
My ex-wife cheated on me when I was stationed in Korea for a year. It was one of those "emotional" affairs. She tried to get me to shoulder some of the blame by saying I wasn't around, and she needed to feel better about herself.

Big mistake. Huge.

I can't imagine any guy who would take advantage of the situation when the husband is serving his country overseas. To me that's just a level of scum below the normal cheater.

2/10/2011, 03:12 PM
Did you expose her chicanery to the world??

No. There was a statement made. It was a loud statement. It could probably be seen for miles. No one was injured or killed during this statement.

I can't imagine any guy who would take advantage of the situation when the husband is serving his country overseas. To me that's just a level of scum below the normal cheater.

I felt exactly the same way.

2/10/2011, 04:06 PM
I can't imagine any guy who would take advantage of the situation when the husband is serving his country overseas. To me that's just a level of scum below the normal cheater.

Whoa hoss. Riddle me this:

Say you're a young, good looking GI and you go down to the club and have you 4-5 stiff drinks. Pretty soon, some hot chiquita comes trolling your way all steamed up and ready for some sacktion. You find out her hubby is 4000 miles away and will be gone for 7 more months, and she wants to take you outside for a little PLH (parking lot head). You gonna say "no maam, your husband is serving his country overseas."??? **** no you ain't. Of course it can get uncomfortable when you're a Corporal, and you find out hubby is a Major when she takes you to her crib - especially when she starts calling your barracks and **** and you find out she's bat**** crazy.

Besides, if he's serving overseas or serving stateside, WTF difference does that make?

2/10/2011, 04:08 PM
Whoa hoss. Riddle me this:

Say you're a young, good looking GI and you go down to the club and have you 4-5 stiff drinks. Pretty soon, some hot chiquita comes trolling your way all steamed up and ready for some sacktion. You find out her hubby is 4000 miles away and will be gone for 7 more months, and she wants to take you outside for a little PLH (parking lot head). You gonna say "no maam, your husband is serving his country overseas."??? **** no you ain't. Of course it can get uncomfortable when you're a Corporal, and you find out hubby is a Major when she takes you to her crib - especially when she starts calling your barracks and **** and you find out she's bat**** crazy.

Besides, if he's serving overseas or serving stateside, WTF difference does that make?

This sounds like a personal experience story.

2/10/2011, 04:09 PM
Whoa hoss. Riddle me this:

Say you're a young, good looking GI and you go down to the club and have you 4-5 stiff drinks. Pretty soon, some hot chiquita comes trolling your way all steamed up and ready for some sacktion. You find out her hubby is 4000 miles away and will be gone for 7 more months, and she wants to take you outside for a little PLH (parking lot head). You gonna say "no maam, your husband is serving his country overseas."??? **** no you ain't. Of course it can get uncomfortable when you're a Corporal, and you find out hubby is a Major when she takes you to her crib - especially when she starts calling your barracks and **** and you find out she's bat**** crazy.

Besides, if he's serving overseas or serving stateside, WTF difference does that make?

That's a purely hypothetical story though. Right?

2/10/2011, 04:15 PM
Purely. Hypothetical.

2/10/2011, 04:16 PM
It's just a good thing the character in this hypothetical situation ETSd outta the service a couple months before hubby came home.

2/10/2011, 04:41 PM
I can't imagine any guy who would take advantage of the situation when the husband is serving his country overseas. To me that's just a level of scum below the normal cheater.

a hard dick has no conscience.

2/10/2011, 05:57 PM
When I was married to my first wife she cheated on me.This occurred around the same time I ended up in the ICU at St. Anthony's.Shortly after I was released I was declared legally blind,5 months later my wife divorced me.The postcript to that is she married her boyfriend a couple of months later.I found out that she left her new husband for another guy after they had been married four or five years

It all worked out for the best as my wife D and I have been married for 11 years(as of Jan 14) and have two handsome boys-Ryan(7), snd Jason (4).

2/10/2011, 06:04 PM
Bitches man...

2/10/2011, 06:22 PM
Whoa hoss. Riddle me this:

Say you're a young, good looking GI and you go down to the club and have you 4-5 stiff drinks. Pretty soon, some hot chiquita comes trolling your way all steamed up and ready for some sacktion. You find out her hubby is 4000 miles away and will be gone for 7 more months, and she wants to take you outside for a little PLH (parking lot head). You gonna say "no maam, your husband is serving his country overseas."??? **** no you ain't. Of course it can get uncomfortable when you're a Corporal, and you find out hubby is a Major when she takes you to her crib - especially when she starts calling your barracks and **** and you find out she's bat**** crazy.

Besides, if he's serving overseas or serving stateside, WTF difference does that make?


2/11/2011, 10:45 AM
Whoa hoss. Riddle me this:

Say you're a young, good looking GI and you go down to the club and have you 4-5 stiff drinks. Pretty soon, some hot chiquita comes trolling your way all steamed up and ready for some sacktion. You find out her hubby is 4000 miles away and will be gone for 7 more months, and she wants to take you outside for a little PLH (parking lot head). You gonna say "no maam, your husband is serving his country overseas."??? **** no you ain't. Of course it can get uncomfortable when you're a Corporal, and you find out hubby is a Major when she takes you to her crib - especially when she starts calling your barracks and **** and you find out she's bat**** crazy.

Besides, if he's serving overseas or serving stateside, WTF difference does that make?

When I was in the 82nd I was in a bar in Fayetteville having a few. Started talking to a hot chiquita. No ring on the designated finger. She invites me to her house. Walk in and there's pictures of her and her husband.

Me: You're married?

Her: Yes. But he's away a lot.

Me: He's in the Army?

Her: Yeah...kind of...

Me: What unit?

Her: Delta Force.

Me: Oh look at the time...I gotta go!

2/11/2011, 02:51 PM
Me: Oh look at the time...I gotta go!
Good for you man... I know you boys like to be complaining about cheating beyonces, but don't forget the dudes they're cheating with. Just say "no" to married/engaged/soon-to-be-engaged chicks, guys.

And plus, if you're an "Eric" like the second audio clip, you are going to have the dumped chick moving in with you shortly, even if you don't want her to. You know that's right where she was headed after she was done trashing that "Chris" guy's house.

2/14/2011, 01:42 AM
Out of decency, respect and decorum, I couldn't dine with somebody's wife while they are fighting for this country. If she needs emotional support she needs get it from her girlfriends, or sisters, or her mom, or her dad, or brother.
We've already been through this on the board. The dude knows all about it, and (correctly) doesn't see him as a threat. He's the sultan, SicEm is the eunuch.

2/14/2011, 01:51 AM
Sort of...

I've always had a close relationship with SicEmEx and still do. She's broken up with others to get back together with me, and we've remained close through both of her marriages. We still have dinner together from time to time whenever we're both in town, and we talk every couple of days. When her husband was in Iraq for a year we became closer, and I'd go over to her house to hang out and she'd cook for me and what not. She was going to come and visit me at one point in Waco while he was there, but she decided that probably wasn't a good idea.

HOWEVER, I've never ever done anything with her physically when she was with someone else...ever. She's somewhat emotionally needy and demanding though, so I guess you could say I fulfill a need she has for the kind of 100% emotional support I give her whenever she needs it.


2/14/2011, 01:53 AM
Whoa hoss. Riddle me this:

Say you're a young, good looking GI and you go down to the club and have you 4-5 stiff drinks. Pretty soon, some hot chiquita comes trolling your way all steamed up and ready for some sacktion. You find out her hubby is 4000 miles away and will be gone for 7 more months, and she wants to take you outside for a little PLH (parking lot head). You gonna say "no maam, your husband is serving his country overseas."??? **** no you ain't. Of course it can get uncomfortable when you're a Corporal, and you find out hubby is a Major when she takes you to her crib - especially when she starts calling your barracks and **** and you find out she's bat**** crazy.

Besides, if he's serving overseas or serving stateside, WTF difference does that make?

This sounds personal?!? :D

2/14/2011, 09:57 AM
So much more joy listening to these today.