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View Full Version : There May Be A Problem With Groundhog Day This Year

1/29/2011, 07:39 PM
With the winter weather this year, and all science pointing to the record snowfalls as attributable to global warming, there has to be a reversal of fortunes for Puxatawny Phil when he emerges on Feb. 2.

For as long as I can remember, the varmint has always seen his shadow, and has scurried back into his hole for six more weeks to fatten up. How long do these groundhogs live anyway? We've had the same one for at least 40 years; wouldn't Phil will his duties out to an offspring groundhog? He's gotta be so old I'm wondering if he's coming out of that hole at all any more. He's so old he probably has Alzheimer's, so maybe all those days of seeing his shadows were just, politically...wrong.

U.N. Climate Change recipients of American tax dollars would be well advised to mention Phil's senility and the onset of Alzheimer's in his twilight years. He in fact, DID NOT see his shadow all those years. Earth has been steadily getting warmer and that means Phil should not have been seeing his shadow all these years.

Perhaps this year, Phil will not see his shadow, and it will be determined he has not seen his shadow over the last 20 years as the earth has warmed up.

Would anyone else be surprised at this turn of events?

No need for sunscreen, Varmint!

1/29/2011, 07:42 PM
What's Ben Franklin say.....

1/29/2011, 08:31 PM
That is a helluva thing to worry about

I Am Right
1/29/2011, 08:53 PM
Why, is "P"athetic "E"xcuse "T"otal "A"ssh****s goint to protest?