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View Full Version : Herman Cain in 2012?

1/28/2011, 03:36 PM
I just heard recently he is considering running. Personally, I never saw him as a front runner.

Here are some of his stances and a little about him. I don't agree with all of them or a few things about him.

He considers himself to be a member of the Tea Party.
He considers himself to be a federalist.
He believes the states have a right to nullify anything they think is unconstitutional.
He supports the Fair Tax.
He believes the Bush Tax cuts should've been extended indefinitely.
He wants the corporate taxes to be cut.
He was against the bailouts. They should have been allowed to fail.
He's for states claiming bankruptcy so the union contracts can be renegotiated.
He wants to secure the boarder and redo our citizenship requirements and open it up to where people can come here legally.
He believes in going back to the gold standard.
He's against Obamacare.
He was the CEO of Godfather's Pizza and is a businessman.
He believes abortion should be illegal unless the mother's life is in danger but it's not a federal issue but a state's issue.
He believes gays don't have a right to get married and believes the matter should be left to the states and not the federal government.
He's for eliminating the Department of Education but if that's not possible then limiting as much government out of the schools as possible.
He's a guest speaker on Fox News a whole lot.
He believes our rights come from God.

I guess this is what made him popular when he challenged Clinton on his healthcare bill back in the early 90's.

Here's a link with an interview with him.

I like him but he's not this guy....


I'll have to read up more on him. Right now, some things he say are good but others are just the same old GOP talking points.

I just figured I'd see what you guys thought if you haven't heard of him.

1/28/2011, 04:21 PM
I just heard recently he is considering running. Personally, I never saw him as a front runner.

Here are some of his stances and a little about him. I don't agree with all of them or a few things about him.

He considers himself to be a member of the Tea Party.
He considers himself to be a federalist.
He believes the states have a right to nullify anything they think is unconstitutional.
He supports the Fair Tax.
He believes the Bush Tax cuts should've been extended indefinitely.
He wants the corporate taxes to be cut.
He was against the bailouts. They should have been allowed to fail.
He's for states claiming bankruptcy so the union contracts can be renegotiated.
He wants to secure the boarder and redo our citizenship requirements and open it up to where people can come here legally.
He believes in going back to the gold standard.
He's against Obamacare.
He was the CEO of Godfather's Pizza and is a businessman.
He believes abortion should be illegal unless the mother's life is in danger but it's not a federal issue but a state's issue.
He believes gays don't have a right to get married and believes the matter should be left to the states and not the federal government.
He's for eliminating the Department of Education but if that's not possible then limiting as much government out of the schools as possible.
He's a guest speaker on Fox News a whole lot.
He believes our rights come from God.

I guess this is what made him popular when he challenged Clinton on his healthcare bill back in the early 90's.

Here's a link with an interview with him.

I like him but he's not this guy....


I'll have to read up more on him. Right now, some things he say are good but others are just the same old GOP talking points.

I just figured I'd see what you guys thought if you haven't heard of him.

All I know is anyone who doesn't vote for him is a backwards redneck racist. There are no other possibilities.

1/28/2011, 04:29 PM
If those really are his positions then he and the words "Logical Consistency" had better never get into the same room. The resulting matter/anti-matter explosion would obliterate the planet.

1/28/2011, 04:34 PM
I love Herman Cain....no homo.

1/28/2011, 04:36 PM
Godfather's Pizza sucks.

1/28/2011, 04:55 PM
I would probably vote for him. I agree with most everything you listed. I would need to know how he stands on legalization before casting my vote.

1/28/2011, 05:19 PM
I would probably vote for him. I agree with most everything you listed. I would need to know how he stands on legalization before casting my vote.

Why? No viable candidate will ever be for it.

1/28/2011, 05:25 PM
Why? No viable candidate will ever be for it.

I would also need to know how well he can detect sarcasm in message board posts, before I vote for him.

My Opinion Matters
1/28/2011, 05:52 PM
I'll need to see his birth certificate.

1/28/2011, 06:14 PM
I'll need to see his birth certificate.

I'm 100% positive that he'd be willing to show it to you or anyone else who asks. He would probably come out publicly and say that his birth state could release it to the public also.

1/28/2011, 06:49 PM
I'm 100% positive that he'd be willing to show it to you or anyone else who asks. He would probably come out publicly and say that his birth state could release it to the public also.

I am sure he would release his education records as well.

1/28/2011, 07:13 PM
I'd vote for him.

sooner ngintunr
1/28/2011, 08:10 PM
The Fair Tax is enough to get my vote.

Though I probably wouldn't even get a chance to vote for him because OK ballot laws are beyond ridiculous. Yay status quo!!!

1/28/2011, 08:52 PM
I really hope he runs. Love listening to him on the radio.

1/28/2011, 10:04 PM
If those really are his positions then he and the words "Logical Consistency" had better never get into the same room. The resulting matter/anti-matter explosion would obliterate the planet.

backwards redneck racist

Harry Beanbag
1/29/2011, 10:19 AM
All I know is anyone who doesn't vote for him is a backwards redneck racist. There are no other possibilities.


RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
1/29/2011, 10:31 AM
Cain is more than able. Can he beat the Messiah?

1/29/2011, 10:49 AM
The states don't have the right to nullify anything they think is unconstitutional.

The gold standard will never and should never return.

His stances on abortion and gay marriage are neo-con slanted pandering.

1/29/2011, 11:23 AM
His stances on abortion and gay marriage are neo-con slanted pandering.

Come on now. Be intellectually honest and say you don't know this. You don't know that these aren't his heart-felt convictions based on his perception of biblical principles.

1/29/2011, 12:12 PM
Come on now. Be intellectually honest and say you don't know this. You don't know that these aren't his heart-felt convictions based on his perception of biblical principles.

I don't think too highly of politicians. Call me a cynic.

1/29/2011, 02:07 PM
Why no gold standard?

1/29/2011, 02:11 PM
The states don't have the right to nullify anything they think is unconstitutional.

The gold standard will never and should never return.

His stances on abortion and gay marriage are neo-con slanted pandering.
I don't know about only having a gold standard but I think we need a more solidly backed form of money, as opposed to the monopoly money we are trying to get right now.

The states do have the right to nullify anything they see as unconstitutional that's pretty clear in the constitution.

1/29/2011, 02:22 PM
Why no gold standard?Because it doesn't allow for monetary policy and would destabilize the exchange rate of the dollar. It seems like a good idea, but it leaves you completely powerless to effectively manage monetary changes. If there was an overrun of gold standard folks placed within the Fed, I would at least hope they would have the foresight to tie the dollar to a basket of commodities as opposed to literally balancing the largest economy on earth to one metal.

1/29/2011, 02:24 PM
Because it doesn't allow for monetary policy and would destabilize the exchange rate of the dollar. It seems like a good idea, but it leaves you completely powerless to effectively manage monetary changes. If there was an overrun of gold standard folks placed within the Fed, I would at least hope they would have the foresight to tie the dollar to a basket of commodities as opposed to literally balancing the largest economy on earth to one metal.

I don't disagree but we need to be tied to something more solid and quit all this printing of money. Maybe gold standard could be something more temporary so that we could get control of the spending. But it'll take decades to fix the spending we've basically been doing for decades.