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View Full Version : Playstation NGP

1/27/2011, 02:25 PM
NGP = Next Generation Portable. No, that's not a joke. Here are the specs:


1/27/2011, 02:27 PM

1/27/2011, 02:30 PM
1.21 seconds of battery life.

1/27/2011, 02:59 PM
PSP: Hi user! Welcome to Sony Playstation Portable! I see you have inserted in a UMD (Sony trademarked technology! Yay! We can still exploit our minidiscs after all!) disc. I'm sorry, but it appears you have cracked the protective sleeve... the protective sleeve that didn't keep you from scratching the disc. Lol.

(insert new disc)

PSP: Welcome back! Ah, you have inserted in another disc! Now, let me just do my firmware updates... no, no nothing new, just making sure you're not pirating my software!

(14 minutes of "updating" later)

PSP: My battery is about to die! Quick! Quick! Charge my battery!

(plugs in battery charger)

PSP: I'm sorry, but I cannot continue my firmware updates until the battery is a little bit more charged. Perhaps you'd like to stare at my loading screen a tad bit longer?

(turns PSP off)

PSP: Haha, sucker! Even if my screen is off, the game is still running! No wonder your batteries die so fast! Haha!

(hits eject key)

PSP UMD disc: Wheeeeeeee! (flies across the room out of the PSP)

PSP: Wow, I'm worthless!

(purchases new PSPgo)

PSPgo: Welcome to PSPgo, the new, improved Sony Playstation Portable. I see you have UMD disc ready. Too bad, I don't accept them and there's no possible way to transfer UMD discs to the PSP, especially that game, which isn't available for download. Would you like some firmware updates instead?

In a nutshell, the PSP had many good things about it, but the frustrating things made it a bad portable.

1/27/2011, 03:15 PM
Many good things about it?

1/27/2011, 03:23 PM
Many good things about it?

Good stuff:

-Japanese game companies stuck with it
-Good graphics for a portable
-Some good exclusives

Perhaps I should have said "several?" :O

1/27/2011, 03:25 PM
Why does ANYONE need to own a portable gaming device?

1/27/2011, 03:25 PM
Why does ANYONE need to own a portable gaming device?

Because kids have the attention span of a

1/27/2011, 03:26 PM

My Opinion Matters
1/27/2011, 03:36 PM
NGP = Next Generation Portable. No, that's not a joke. Here are the specs:


Why is it in black and white and text-based?

1/27/2011, 03:44 PM
because the best vidya is text-based adventures.


1/27/2011, 09:18 PM

Dude! I would play that game.

1/27/2011, 10:02 PM

My new background.