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1/26/2011, 06:02 PM
Yes i would of said it if it was a Repub. When i 1st started reading this I said what a doosh :rolleyes:


1/26/2011, 06:05 PM
Sure took his sweet *** time filing the lawsuit.

1/26/2011, 06:08 PM
Sure took his sweet *** time filing the lawsuit.

Well now that his party aint in the Majority anymore he needs new way to get some cash :eek: :D

1/26/2011, 06:16 PM
I thought this thread was about Leroy....

1/26/2011, 06:42 PM
He's the worst kind of Democrat.

1/26/2011, 07:00 PM
Hmph I thought this was about Obama's speech.

1/26/2011, 07:35 PM
I guess he's not going to Greece anytime soon.

1/26/2011, 09:10 PM
The olives in the Greek salads at the gyro place in Penn Square Mall has olives with pits. And they hurt when you bite into one. I'm going to sue for making me yell and cuss followed by embarassment when small children laughed at me.

1/26/2011, 09:29 PM
So many lawyers; so little time!

1/26/2011, 09:58 PM
Wow. I'm not sure I'll even defend that one.

1/26/2011, 10:03 PM
Wow. I'm not sure I'll even defend that one.

Maybe yer not a complete idiot after all

1/26/2011, 10:24 PM
The olives in the Greek salads at the gyro place in Penn Square Mall has olives with pits. And they hurt when you bite into one. I'm going to sue for making me yell and cuss followed by embarassment when small children laughed at me. :D

Oh, I forgot some people don't get it if ya don't put a smiley. Don't want people thinking I'm a bigot against Greek people. :D

1/27/2011, 12:01 AM
Hell, bro Ima bigot to every one ;)

1/27/2011, 03:00 PM
Wow, I broke a tooth once on an olive pit in a salad. Crown cost me quite a bit. Didn't realize I should have parlayed that into some cizzz-ash

King Barry's Back
1/28/2011, 09:07 AM
That Longworth cafeteria is awful anyway. Nobody would eat there if they had any alternatives.

1/28/2011, 09:10 AM
That Longworth cafeteria is awful anyway. Nobody would eat there if they had any alternatives.

I don't remember the food, but I do remember that it was almost impossible to find a clean table. The place was always such a mess.

1/28/2011, 09:59 AM
That's the pits.

Leroy Lizard
1/28/2011, 11:16 AM
An olive pit is not a foreign object in a sandwich with olives. What basis does he have for a suit? (I know that in CA a cherry pit is not considered a foreign object in a cherry pie.)

1/28/2011, 11:45 AM
back in 2003ish (possibly 2004), I witnessed the most hilarious attempt at running for president ever (and apparently missed a more hilarious attempt in 2008).

It was like CSPAN or something (I was stuck in a hotel room with nothing to do for hours) and it was before the Iowa caucuses. Dennis Kucinich had the unenviable task of speaking before Howard Dean, who was by far considered the front runner at the time and was loved by many younger voters - yes, the Deaniacs. :)

Anyway, this little man who is probably shorter than me (which is saying something) speaks with a Napolean complex - as in, he shouts when he speaks to make sure you can hear him. He also said his full name A. LOT. Almost every sentence, it wasn't "me" or "I," rather, it was "If you support health care, you should vote for Dennis Kucinich. Dennis Kucinich supports health care..." and it was path-et-ic!

Anyway, by the end of his speech, the audience was roaring, but it wasn't for Denny. Rather, the younger Iowans in the back - about two dozen of them, were like "BRING! ON! DEAN! BRING! ON! DEAN!" while Dennis was quietly greeted by the Democratic caucus leader to leave stage right.

The presidential campaign I missed in 2008 that was even more pathetic than this was apparently in Michigan, where most Democrats refused to campaign because they broke primary rules and thus would not be counted (tried to move up their primary too early in the season)... so who takes the opportunity to campaign where nobody else will because votes will not count? None other than Dennis Kucinich, who apparently was once againg shouting to a big room of Democratic voters who were busily ignoring him by standing in the food line. No, not kidding :)

1/29/2011, 12:05 AM
Bottom Line: An old guy his age shouldn't be chewing solid food.
I wonder if he sued the chewing gum company when he tripped while he was walking & chewing gum?

1/29/2011, 01:27 PM
I'm surprised he didn't hire the Breck girl to represent him- seems like this is right up his alley

1/29/2011, 01:38 PM
He is a fag of the highest order. Wish he would have choked on it instead.