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1/17/2011, 01:28 PM
there's a cubicle wall between my desk and the freight elevator & landing...but that's all...so I can hear everything someone says when they are in the landing area waiting for the elevator, and/or when they come out of there and walk down the hall on the other side of my wall....

I hear all kinds of language and noises...today some guy was belching a song. really. disgusting.

1/17/2011, 01:29 PM
At least he wasn't farting it.

1/17/2011, 01:32 PM
i've heard that too.

1/17/2011, 01:39 PM
today some guy was belching a song. really. disgusting.
Why, was it offkey?

1/17/2011, 01:40 PM

1/17/2011, 01:47 PM
I was surrounded by the woman who laughs like a hyena and recaps every morning in detail her previous evenings events (and its not like she was fun or a ho) and also by the woman who ate popcorn for breakfast every morning.

Cubicle life is fun.

Lord I hope they arent Sooner fans... :O

1/17/2011, 01:48 PM

1/17/2011, 01:51 PM
They can hear you too...

1/17/2011, 01:54 PM

what about teh seks? :pop:

1/17/2011, 01:57 PM
They can hear you too...

this is why you IM your friends around you about the hyena lady and popcorn maker.


Although I did make the mistake once of very loudly making fun of what I thought was my friends ringtone only to discover it wasnt.

And then the ringtone was different the next day. :P

1/17/2011, 02:05 PM
I have an office and can always hear loud talker when she's in her office. Thankfully, she works from home a lot.

1/17/2011, 02:30 PM
They can hear you too...

that's why I am vewwy vewwy quiet.

my coworker in front of me always slurps and smacks and coughs and clears his throat and makes a noise when he gets a chill and burps and farts and listens to his headphones so loud I can hear them. My coworker on the other side talks on the phone incessantly, and cups her hand around the phone when she talks and she thinks it muffles the sound, but it actually amplifies it then I can REALLY hear what she's talking about.

The temp we have doing maternity leave girl's job is vewwy, vewwy quiet. i love that about her.

1/17/2011, 02:49 PM
This thread is making me appreciate my walls.

1/17/2011, 02:56 PM
I hear all kinds of language and noises...today some guy was belching a song. really. disgusting.

Well excuse me for practicing my new party trick

1/17/2011, 03:37 PM
I am guessing the person who invented cubicles never had to work in them. Spent the longest 20 years of my life in a cubicle for about 15 months.

1/17/2011, 03:39 PM
I have an office and can always hear loud talker when she's in her office. Thankfully, she works from home a lot.

I am unable to escape my loud talker!!

1/17/2011, 03:47 PM
i never really minded cubes. i worked with pretty cool people though.

not that having my own office wasn't nice, even when i had to eventually share it.

1/17/2011, 03:52 PM
I am unable to escape my loud talker!!

earphones! the only problem with those is that people can sneak up on you.

proud gonzo
1/17/2011, 03:56 PM
uh, I'm in an office with about 30 editors, all sharing desks/tables and no walls. I'd be pretty happy to have a cubicle.

1/17/2011, 04:05 PM
uh, I'm in an office with about 30 editors, all sharing desks/tables and no walls. I'd be pretty happy to have a cubicle.

2 days on the job and already you've got stuff to complain about???

1/17/2011, 04:18 PM
2 days on the job and already you've got stuff to complain about???


1/17/2011, 04:34 PM
Be glad that you aren't close to the crapper...

1/17/2011, 04:37 PM
Be glad that you aren't close to the crapper...

that is another office thread you dont even want to get me started on.

people are just nasty. :mad:

A Sooner in Texas
1/17/2011, 06:47 PM
I'm in a newsroom with no walls and law enforcement/scanners turned up loud so we can all listen for fatal wrecks, drownings, robberies, fires and all that fun stuff. The best part is it pisses all the advertising people off. You learn to tune everything out unless you hear "Code 4" or "robbery" or other important things.

proud gonzo
1/17/2011, 08:33 PM
2 days on the job and already you've got stuff to complain about???The number of days I've been there doesn't change the fact that you have walls between you and your coworkers and I don't. You were talking about office arrangements, not seniority.

1/17/2011, 08:36 PM
that is another office thread you dont even want to get me started on.

people are just nasty. :mad:

I will put the 400 pound grunting lady who smells like feet against ANYTHING you have!

1/17/2011, 08:47 PM
earphones! the only problem with those is that people can sneak up on you.
I used to work with someone who had this on his monitor.

Convex Mirror (http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/detail/KSO1/C060.oap?keyword=mirror&pt=N0310&ppt=C0329)

1/17/2011, 08:54 PM
I will put the 400 pound grunting lady who smells like feet against ANYTHING you have!

oh dear sweet innocent chk.

I have a whole office of that person.

1/17/2011, 09:08 PM
You people make me glad I don't work in an office...

1/17/2011, 09:09 PM
oh dear sweet innocent chk.

I have a whole office of that person.Try having somebody with a colostomy bag set next to you and fart out the bag vent...

1/17/2011, 09:23 PM
For those of you who feel your hearing is too good, I provide the following link...

1/17/2011, 09:25 PM
Try having somebody with a colostomy bag set next to you and fart out the bag vent...

uh yeah. you win.

1/17/2011, 10:12 PM
Try having somebody with a colostomy bag set next to you and fart out the bag vent...
Sweet baby jeebus, I laughed so hard at this that when I tried to spek you I accidentally reported the post!!!

1/17/2011, 10:16 PM
And I did have the office parking lot ax, so that should count for something.

Did I mention the grunter is usually talking on the phone throughout? Its no colostomy bag art, but it did need to be mentioned.

1/17/2011, 10:39 PM
And I did have the office parking lot ax, so that should count for something.

Did I mention the grunter is usually talking on the phone throughout? Its no colostomy bag art, but it did need to be mentioned.

mine talks on her phone in the bathroom whilst grunting.

that's right. I'm a one upper :D

but seriously, TF I am sorry for ya. that is just turrible. :(

1/17/2011, 10:45 PM
You guys work with some really nasty people!

1/18/2011, 12:57 AM
So glad I chose a career that did not put me in a cubicle all day.

1/18/2011, 08:50 AM
So glad I chose a career that did not put me in a cubicle all day.

puhlease. dont get me started on the restaurant industry Chef Boyardee...

1/18/2011, 09:39 AM
Sweet baby jeebus, I laughed so hard at this that when I tried to spek you I accidentally reported the post!!!:D

This was about ten years ago. We would have conference calls every morning, and he would always set next to me. One morning he didn't show up, for which I was thankful. He later came into my office and said that his bag had esploded and he'd went home to change his clothes. I thanked him for not being beside me when that happened. Sadly, he died about 6 months later...

1/18/2011, 06:14 PM
puhlease. dont get me started on the restaurant industry Chef Boyardee...

Bring it, missy.

1/18/2011, 06:16 PM
I saw a gal "Dry Shaving" her armpits at her desk once......