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View Full Version : The value of honey buns

1/10/2011, 12:45 PM
Why do prison inmates love honey buns so much? (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/orlandosentinel.com/news/crime/os-honey-buns-prisons-florida-20110108,0,775068.story)

In prison, honey buns substitute for currency and sell more than tobacco, envelopes and Coke

In a November 9, 2010 photo, an inmate picks up his canteen purchase of four honey buns
and three packs of Top tobacco at Zephyrhills Correctional Institution. The canteen at Zephyrhills
sells about 60 honey buns a day.

ST. PETERSBURG, Florida — The honey buns enter lockup the same way anyone else does: bound, escorted through halls and sally ports, and secluded in small boxes solely opened from the outside. From there the honey buns languish for days, maybe longer, until they're gone.

They are a lowly, sturdy food designed for desperate cravings and vending machine convenience. They can endure weeks of neglect and even a mild mashing in a coat pocket or backpack. They are, it should come as no surprise, especially beloved by a similarly hardy but disrespected population: Florida's prison inmates.

Inmates in the Florida prison system buy 270,000 honey buns a month. Across the state, they sell more than tobacco, envelopes and cans of Coke.

Not only that, honey buns have taken on lives of their own among the criminal class: as currency for trades, as bribes for favors, as relievers for stress and substitutes for addiction. They've become birthday cakes, hooch wines, last meals even ingredients in a massive tax fraud.

So what is it about these little golden glazed snacks? Is it that they're cheap, which is big, since the prisoners rely on cash from friends and family? That their sugary denseness could stop a speeding bullet? That they're easy, their mise en place just the unwrapping of plastic? What gives?

Maybe considering the honey bun can help us understand life behind bars.

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Jailhouse cuisine is a closely calculated science.

A day's meals inside the mess hall must be hearty enough to meet the 2,750-calorie count, healthy enough to limit fat and sodium, easy enough for prison cooks to prepare and cheap enough to meet the state's average grocery bill about $1.76 per inmate per day.

With all criteria met, meals behind bars achieve an impressive level of mediocrity. The portions are reasonable, the nutritional content adequate, the taste ordinary, the presentation dull, the blandness as inescapable as the facilities themselves. The meals are made to guarantee very little except survival.

Problem inmates don't have it any easier. Their punishment: "special management meals" of Nutraloaf, a tasteless lump of carrots, spinach and grits that resembles a sad fruitcake.

Compared with that, honey buns are a revolution. Honey buns are fried dough in a bag. Honey buns meet next to none of the human body's needs and are impressively unhealthy.

The 6 ounces of a Mrs. Freshley's Grand Honey Bun, the favored pastry of Florida's prisons, serve up 680 calories, 51 grams of sugar and 30 grams of fat. The icing is sticky and frost white, like Elmer's Glue. The taste bears all the subtlety of a freshly licked sugar cube.

"As you can imagine," said Janice Anderson, a spokeswoman for Flowers Foods, which owns the Mrs. Freshley's brand, "this product is for those folks that feel like having something very decadent."

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1/10/2011, 12:55 PM
2,750-calorie count

Seriously? The need all those calories for what - shanking and related gang activities?

1/10/2011, 01:05 PM
It's obvious to me you've never experienced the yum of a honeybun.

Back in the day I'd get a honeybun and a chocolate milk for breakfast. Barely open the pack and pop it in the microwave for a little bit. The soft, sticky, sweet goodness that came outta that bag was the shiz.

Of course I haven't had one - or a chocolate milk - in probably 15-20 years now.

1/10/2011, 01:06 PM
Plus, it's dense enough to shove up your bum to prevent surprise buttsecks

1/10/2011, 01:07 PM
It's obvious to me you've never experienced the yum of a honeybun.

Back in the day I'd get a honeybun and a chocolate milk for breakfast. Barely open the pack and pop it in the microwave for a little bit. The soft, sticky, sweet goodness that came outta that bag was the shiz.

Of course I haven't had one - or a chocolate milk - in probably 15-20 years now.

Get yourself incarcerated and you can have them again on a regular basis.

1/10/2011, 01:09 PM
Get yourself incarcerated and you can have them again on a regular basis.

You first.

1/10/2011, 01:18 PM
You first.

I look terrible in orange, so no.

1/10/2011, 01:20 PM
You could go to Phoenix and sheriff Joe would clothe you in pink.

Pink makes my hips look to big, so no.

1/10/2011, 01:44 PM
It's a metaphor honeybuns.........

1/10/2011, 01:47 PM
Back in the day I'd get a honeybun and a chocolate milk for breakfast. Barely open the pack and pop it in the microwave for a little bit. The soft, sticky, sweet goodness that came outta that bag was the shiz.I remember adding a pat of butter and then nuking...

1/10/2011, 01:51 PM
Plus, it's dense enough to shove up your bum to prevent surprise buttsecks

I think CHK covered that when she said "related gang activities."

1/10/2011, 01:51 PM
Am I the only one that thought this was another thread about Ron Franklin being fired from ESPN????

1/10/2011, 01:55 PM
Am I the only one that thought this was another thread about Ron Franklin being fired from ESPN????

Or an inauguration.

1/10/2011, 01:57 PM
I have a friend who used to work as a Oklahoma County jailer in the mid 90's. He said the inmates used pastry as money and for gambling and they would steal a weak inmate's pastry. I thought it odd that grown men would essentially figth over cookies.

1/10/2011, 02:01 PM
I have a friend who used to work as a Oklahoma County jailer in the mid 90's. He said the inmates used pastry as money and for gambling and they would steal a weak inmate's pastry. I thought it odd that grown men would essentially figth over cookies.

They're giving them 2700 calories a day before honeybuns!!! They have too much energy!

1/10/2011, 03:20 PM
Plus, it's dense enough to shove up your bum to prevent surprise buttsecks

Speaking from past experiences?

1/10/2011, 03:41 PM
Speaking from past experiences?

DIB's anus has been to more places than Waldo...

1/10/2011, 05:08 PM
I remember adding a pat of butter and then nuking...

Now THAT'S the stuff...

1/10/2011, 05:42 PM
Am I the only one that thought this was another thread about Ron Franklin being fired from ESPN????

Dude, that was sweetcakes, get your sweets info correct. :D