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1/2/2011, 01:57 AM
We've got lots of haters my brothers. Penn State and Notre Dame fans alike.

I had to remind the Domer they lost to Tulsa.:D

1/2/2011, 01:59 AM

1/2/2011, 01:59 AM
OSU has really got a lambs **** up their *** especially.

1/2/2011, 02:19 AM
All the KSTATE and KU fans are hating. Every argument ends in something ******ball related...

1/2/2011, 02:23 AM
status of the night....from a texas a&m aggy...

"congrats ou...you wont a bowl game you didnt even deserve to be in!!! bet that feels great..pathetic."

i drink your tears. also, i assume she meant "won" and not "won't". silly aggy.

1/2/2011, 02:27 AM
status of the night....from a texas a&m aggy...

"congrats ou...you wont a bowl game you didnt even deserve to be in!!! bet that feels great..pathetic."

i drink your tears. also, i assume she meant "won" and not "won't". silly aggy.

Please remind the Aggy that if we don't go then oSu does. Not Texas Aggie.

1/2/2011, 02:29 AM
status of the night....from a texas a&m aggy...

"congrats ou...you wont a bowl game you didnt even deserve to be in!!! bet that feels great..pathetic."

i drink your tears. also, i assume she meant "won" and not "won't". silly aggy.

Sounds like the bitch I ran off during the 77-0 game in Norman. I kept telling my kids how funny it was the cadets were waving they underwear in the air. She started in telling them about the terrible towel and the tradition. I immediately told my kids..."Don't listen to her...she's lying! That's definitely their underwear!"....she got mad and left....everyone was cracking up because she got so irritated with me. My kids LOL'd. Once she was gone I talked to them about never ever waving their undies in public. :D

John Kochtoston
1/2/2011, 07:44 AM
Sounds like the bitch I ran off during the 77-0 game in Norman. I kept telling my kids how funny it was the cadets were waving they underwear in the air. She started in telling them about the terrible towel and the tradition. I immediately told my kids..."Don't listen to her...she's lying! That's definitely their underwear!"....she got mad and left....everyone was cracking up because she got so irritated with me. My kids LOL'd. Once she was gone I talked to them about never ever waving their undies in public. :D

I'd have explained how A&M has ritual, not tradition.

1/2/2011, 10:46 AM
i assume she meant "won" and not "won't". silly aggy.

Nahhh, she was using the past tense.;)

1/2/2011, 02:56 PM
I'd have explained how A&M has ritual, not tradition.

It's covered.

1/2/2011, 05:52 PM
"congrats ou...you wont a bowl game you didnt even deserve to be in!!! bet that feels great..pathetic."

Their attitude will be much difference when LSU drills them a new one.

1/2/2011, 05:57 PM
why in the hell would notre dame or penn st fans be talking smack???

1/2/2011, 05:59 PM
why in the hell would notre dame or penn st fans be talking smack???
Because in their delusions they still think they matter.....

MyT Oklahoma
1/2/2011, 06:28 PM
Joe Paterno has coached at PSU for how many years now and he has yet to beat OU. But still their fans were really talking smack to our Sooners?

About what specifically? LOL

1/2/2011, 06:43 PM
Joe Paterno has coached at PSU for how many years now and he has yet to beat OU. But still their fans were really talking smack to our Sooners?

About what specifically? LOL

Whose coach would die first

1/2/2011, 06:58 PM
Homey's got a buddy who graduated from Missouri State talking smack. Heh.

1/2/2011, 08:03 PM
My Texas friends have been pretty quiet this year. :D

1/2/2011, 08:25 PM
why in the hell would notre dame or penn st fans be talking smack???

Since they can't argue on the field achievements, they end up saying OU cheats and has poor academics. That's about all they have these days now that their programs have descended into mediocrity. At work, this chubby, midget rust belt blow hard with no college degree used to puff about Penn St., as if he graduated from there. Thank goodness they made him retire. One time I told him he reminded me of some of those steel town characters from All the Right Moves with Tom Cruise - "Whatza matta Georgavic, ain't dis town good enough for you?" "We gonna beat Ampipe, Georgavic?"

Oh, the Texas Aggies are deserving of the Fiesta because they played Arkansas on their schedule, according to their fans. Never mind the fact they lost to Arkansas. . . .

1/2/2011, 08:31 PM
One of the oddities about the ND nation is the fact the school and alumni smack of money and affluent snootiness, even though the fan base is made up of many middle and working class Catholics whose kids could never afford or get admitted to ND. ND apparently has the highest percentage of legacies in the undergrad student body. A friend of mine is a ND fan and he went to a game last year and his main impression was how many monied people were floating around the home game. If I was Catholic, I could not see myself pulling for ND just because it is a Catholic school.

1/2/2011, 09:00 PM
Since they can't argue on the field achievements, they end up saying OU cheats and has poor academics..

I won't crack on Notre Dame for their academics. They are excellent. But someone needs to explain to these fans/alums at universities with 40-50,000 undergrad students (like Penn State, Texas, aTm) that you don't run that number of folks through ye ol' beloved state institution without having quite a bit of fluff ("rocks for jocks", etc.) taught by very bored brown-nosing GA's sprinkled in.

And even at the Notre Dame's, Vandy's, and Duke's you can find classes that aren't exactly a grind if you just do the basic work. My last semester senior year at Vandy I took a 200-level American history class that fulfilled the last of my general A&S requirements. I showed up for the first day, and the last to take the final. Borrowed notes from underclassmen I knew, wrote a paper, and ended up with a very easy B. (Sure, I could have gotten the easy A if I'd put any effort into it... but at that point I just wanted to be done.)

Besides, excellence can be found at probably all of the major state universities. We crack on our LoSuR friends. But if you love animals and want to be veterinarian, whether you are from Tacoma or Tucumcari, you better be looking at oSu.

I snicker at those fanbases when they start playing the academic arrogance game. It's BS... pun intended.