View Full Version : Bowl goody bags?

12/31/2010, 12:26 PM
Anyone remember the site that lists what the players of the various bowls get?

Not a big deal, just curious what trinkets the fat cats are handing out to the players this year.

12/31/2010, 04:16 PM
Here's info from Sports Illustrated about bowl gifts. First link is the gift list, second is an article about the gifts...




12/31/2010, 04:20 PM
If you're curious about what OU's received in the past visit the Switzer Center -- one of the displays shows past bowl gifts that players received.

One year, all the of the players got PS2's back when they were all the rage (for the Rose Bowl, sponsored by PS2). Then, the next year they got Nokia N-Gage's (for the Nokia Sugar Bowl). My my, that must have been a letdown moment for the froshies.

12/31/2010, 06:44 PM
Thanks SoonerTG83! Some of those bowl committees should be ashamed of themselves, give the players something decent and give the souvenier coins to the lowlife bowl chairmen!

12/31/2010, 06:49 PM
I posted a thread for it on here.

12/31/2010, 11:07 PM
Sun Bowl gives out hair dryers because some sponsor (helen of troy?) gave them 60,000+ hair dryers. Going to take a while to get rid of them.