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12/27/2010, 07:25 AM
December 27, 1900: Carry Nation attacks a Kansas saloon


110 years ago today, convinced that her righteous campaign against alcohol justified her aggressive tactics, Carry Nation attacks a saloon in Wichita, Kansas, shattering a large mirror behind the bar and throwing rocks at a titillating (pardon the pun) painting of Cleopatra bathing.

Carry Nation's lifelong battle against alcohol reflected a larger reformist spirit that swept through the nation in the early 20th century and led to laws against everything from child labor to impure food and drugs. But Nation's hatred of alcohol was also a deeply personal struggle--in 1867, she married an Ohio physician who had a serious alcohol problem. Despite Nation's efforts to reform him, her husband's drinking problem eventually destroyed their marriage and he died shortly after they split.


Nation remarried, this time to a Texas minister. She and her new husband moved in 1889 to Medicine Lodge, Kansas, at a time when much of the state was emerging from its wild frontier days. Convinced that drinking was the root cause of all social evil, Nation decided to close down the saloons in Medicine Lodge and other Kansas cities by traveling throughout the state and preaching her temperance message.


Nation soon found that her inspiring speeches against "demon rum" had little effect on the wilder citizens of Kansas, though, so she decided to take more aggressive action. Claiming she was inspired by powerful "visions," in 1900 she began a series of well-publicized attacks on Kansas saloons using her favorite weapon of moral righteousness--her trusty hatchet.

At six feet tall and 175 pounds, the hatchet-wielding Nation was an intimidating sight. She relished chopping up barrels of whiskey, destroying expensive bar fixtures, and berating the stunned bar owners and patrons for their evil habits.

The sale of alcohol was already illegal in Kansas but the law was largely ignored, so Nation reasoned that it was the responsibility of law-abiding citizens to destroy not only the alcohol but also the saloons that sold it. Local law enforcement, however, did not usually agree, and Nation was frequently jailed for her disturbances.

Carry Nation (center; see insert) speaking in front of the Basin Park Hotel in Eureka Springs (Carroll County). Courtesy of the Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, Central Arkansas Library System

Although Nation's campaign of saloon vandalism won her national fame, the immediate results were disappointing. She managed to pressure Kansas into enforcing its prohibition laws more aggressively, but when she died in 1911, most of the country still sanctioned the sale of alcohol.

Ironically, by the time the U.S. adopted prohibition in 1920, Nation was largely forgotten--but the hatchet-wielding Kansas reformer unquestionably helped lay the foundation for America's "noble experiment." Prohibition however, ended up being a miserable failure and was repealed on December 5, 1933, by the 21st Amendment.

Nation is buried at Belton, MO

12/27/2010, 09:43 AM
A perfect example of why women shouldn't be allowed to hold political office or vote.

*looks around* Who said that?

12/27/2010, 09:49 AM
true.....look at all the damage Pelosi has caused.

12/27/2010, 10:34 AM
Heh, The bitch would be a domestic terrorist today:D

12/27/2010, 11:39 AM
why would anyone marry a 6ft 175lb axe wielding woman whose last hubby has just died??

12/27/2010, 11:43 AM
why would anyone marry a 6ft 175lb axe wielding woman whose last hubby has just died??

I'm guessing not for sex.

12/28/2010, 01:06 PM
Heh, The bitch would be a domestic terrorist today:D SOH =domestic terrorist? Well in Nancy's case you might have a point. :D

12/28/2010, 01:21 PM

Ignorant sluts.

12/28/2010, 01:54 PM
Drinking will kill ya....

Partial Qualifier
12/28/2010, 01:56 PM

Bourbon on the rocks, make it stat plz

12/28/2010, 01:58 PM
Her attempts to "carry a nation" failed.

12/28/2010, 02:03 PM
when you look at those women back then you understand why liquor was made...

12/28/2010, 02:15 PM
why would anyone marry a 6ft 175lb axe wielding woman whose last hubby has just died??

The internet has taught me not underestimate the things people are into.

12/28/2010, 03:14 PM
when you look at those women back then you understand why liquor was made...

Yep, a little Mary Kay, some White Rain, and nice big beer goggles, and 99/100 chicks are suddenly '10's.

Of course, if you go to bed at 2 with a 10, you'll likely wake up at 10 with a 2. :P ;) :D

12/28/2010, 03:24 PM
Lips that touch liquor have most assuredly touched mine.

12/28/2010, 03:25 PM
Lips that touch liquor have most assuredly touched mine.

12/28/2010, 03:28 PM
Her teeth look whiter with her spoon.

12/28/2010, 03:35 PM
It's her snap on smile.....$45.00


12/28/2010, 06:04 PM
I remember when I was a kid going to a show at Silver Dollar City about Carry Nation. Not sure they used her name but you are sitting in a saloon when a bunch of a hatchet armed ladies come in ranting and raving. Break a mirror and make a bunch of noise. I was pretty small and remember it kind of freaking me out, especially when the strobe lights started going as the mirror was smashed.

12/28/2010, 06:32 PM
yep......you were just abused back then by the legend of Carry Nation and didn't know it.

Leroy Lizard
12/28/2010, 06:37 PM
I'm guessing not for sex.

I dunno. The world is pretty kinky out there.

12/28/2010, 06:39 PM
don't even tell me you think that.....I can't type it...

12/28/2010, 07:56 PM

Liquor or not, I bet no other lips touched those lips..

12/28/2010, 08:43 PM
The one in the back row in the black bonnet probably needed all of those gals to help c*ckblock Cowboys and their wingmen. :D ;)

12/28/2010, 10:54 PM

I just lost my buzz...