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View Full Version : Heupel in Fiesta: Stick with playbook?

12/20/2010, 08:38 AM
If I have read the news correctly, Josh will be calling the plays in the Fiesta, while Wilson hangs around to help with details.

With the time off to prepare, do you think Josh will stick with the stuff we've used all year for the most part, or devise some new ideas?

Personally, I think he'll want to stay with whatever Landry is most comfortable with. With Demarco playing his last game, he will also figure into it heavily.
Still, I can't help thinking that he will have an urge to go back to his Leach-inspired roots.

12/20/2010, 08:46 AM
He may add some wrinkles? Why go away from what's been working all year, I mean we only won 11 game and OUr last conference championship! :gary:
If Josh is going to add or subtract some things it shouldn't be til the off season!


12/20/2010, 09:04 AM
I'm sure like all games the coaches will devise a game plan and stick closely to it. I think I read that Wilson may actually be in the booth if needed. I don't see Josh doing anything different or straying too far from our current plays. But, who knows....

12/20/2010, 09:08 AM
Josh will do a good job. Of course there will be small wrinkles in the game. The coaches always add small wrinkles into each game plan.

12/20/2010, 09:10 AM
as long as we run the "diamond" formation before the 3rd quarter, i'll be happy.

maybe we can re-introduce the 'NINJA" formation for a few plays.

12/20/2010, 09:16 AM
I say with this Uconn team you unleash it all at first. If it doesnt work go back to what your doing. The defense will allow them to do that I think.

12/20/2010, 09:19 AM
I dont care what he does. fire him!

12/20/2010, 09:24 AM
Josh might put in a few different wrinkles in the game plan, but nothing really drastic. If you haven't done all year why wait and do it at the last minute? Stay with what worked during the year, with just enough of a threat of something different to keep the uconn defense honest.

12/20/2010, 09:53 AM
Nothing really changes, IMO, except I expect to see less stubbornness inside the 10.

12/20/2010, 10:02 AM
I expect the play calling to be very similar to what we have seen all year. I dont see Stoops getting away from what worked to get us this far. Either way, I expect there to be multiple posters here after the game, complaining that Josh isn't the future and made this mistake or that mistake and OU needs to expand their search for a new OC.

12/20/2010, 10:03 AM
I think Stoops puts a limit on what the OC can call and in the Red Zone it's basic calls!

12/20/2010, 10:06 AM
Our plays will be more basic and vanilla the higher the score gets.

12/20/2010, 10:38 AM
Why do people expect Heupel to go back to Leach type of offense at any time? He played under Leach for 1 year and if you count the time under Mangino as the Leach offense then 2 years max. He's coached under Wilson's offense for much longer than that.

Sooner Brewcrew
12/20/2010, 10:53 AM
I don't really expect the playcalling to be much different. It would be dangerous to try to change too much.

12/20/2010, 10:59 AM
If anything changes at all, it will be to bias a bit more toward passes, and deep passes, vs. runs. Josh is, afterall, a QB.
As per news over the weekend, he won't have Finch to work with, so the run game will be a bit more power oriented (Madu).

If one of the first two or three deep passes works out well, you might see them go on an air raid until stopped.

12/20/2010, 11:11 AM
If Wilson is in the booth....do you think anyone will say "Hoosier Daddy?".

12/20/2010, 11:20 AM
If Wilson is in the booth....do you think anyone will say "Hoosier Daddy?".


12/20/2010, 11:30 AM
No I do not think a brand new OC will try to put in new "wrinkles" for a BCS game with less than a month of planning and coaching. If there is something new i suspect it will just be something that was buried in the original playbook.

12/20/2010, 11:31 AM
Why do people expect Heupel to go back to Leach type of offense at any time? He played under Leach for 1 year and if you count the time under Mangino as the Leach offense then 2 years max. He's coached under Wilson's offense for much longer than that.

When Josh decided to come to OU, it was in large part due to Leach's reputation and the old Hal Mumme style. Josh spent most of the time prior to the 1999 season opener watching film with Leach. When Leach left, he became a little choked up when asked about parting with Heupel; they've also stayed in touch over the years.

Josh was just very in-tune with the Leach style. Since then, the other OC's have called the plays. Now that Josh is calling the plays, there might be different directions he wants to go.

12/20/2010, 11:36 AM
I guarantee he's ready.

12/20/2010, 11:37 AM
I really don't think it will be all that different next year except to the extent the changes needed to maximize the personnel we'll have next year. As for the bowl, no changes except to the extent that we'd normally see from one opponent to the next.

12/20/2010, 11:54 AM
He isn't going to do anything the Offense hasn't practiced.

12/20/2010, 12:17 PM
I'd like to see the Heupel led offense revert to allowing the QB to make changes at the line of scrimmage, ala the days of....Josh Heupel at QB.

Heupel changed plays often at the line of scrimmage and would put us into better plays more often than not. Heupel was the master at the QB audible and I hope he trains his proteges in that fine art.

Death to the meerkat offense. Long live the quick strike audible.


12/20/2010, 12:34 PM


12/20/2010, 01:12 PM
I'd like to see the Heupel led offense revert to allowing the QB to make changes at the line of scrimmage, ala the days of....Josh Heupel at QB.

Heupel changed plays often at the line of scrimmage and would put us into better plays more often than not. Heupel was the master at the QB audible and I hope he trains his proteges in that fine art.

Death to the meerkat offense. Long live the quick strike audible.


So which one would you rather call the play, Josh Heupel or Landry Jones? The purpose of the qb audible is to change to a more favorable play based on the defensive alignment/personnel. Since, in our offense, the playcall is made by the OC (Heupel now) after we see the defensive alignment/personnel, every play is a coach's audible. Landry would just be over riding Heupel's audible!

12/20/2010, 01:17 PM
I guarantee he's ready.

Who's your source?


12/20/2010, 01:23 PM

12/20/2010, 02:10 PM
Who's your source?



12/20/2010, 02:57 PM


That is f'n sweet.

12/20/2010, 04:42 PM
this is the grandaddy of all job interviews.

12/20/2010, 04:54 PM

Well now that the secret source is out of the bag, will he still be sending you text messages and emails?

12/20/2010, 05:41 PM
I dont care what he does. fire him! You just had to be the first to say FIRE JESH HEUPPLE,didn't ya.

12/20/2010, 05:43 PM
I guarantee he's ready.

I think he's been ready for this all his life...

12/20/2010, 06:05 PM
I have a text and email relationship with God. I also follow his Son on Twitter. He's hillarious.

12/21/2010, 06:27 AM
I dont care what he does. fire him!