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View Full Version : Florida HS player body slams referee

12/15/2010, 04:24 PM
Now he faces felony charges

(Video included)

12/15/2010, 04:43 PM
Smart kid.

12/15/2010, 05:06 PM
It's hard to tell if the kid has any reason to feel the way he does. I can remember playing in some games where I took a lot of shots and it felt really one sided. Thing is...you just have to try and rise above it and keep playing the game. Going from getting a technical to felony assault within 5-10 seconds isn't the best way to handle it. It did look like the kid got body checked as he was trying to in-bounds the ball. He shouldn't have shoved the kid who checked him and if he felt like the refs weren't calling a fair game...he should have gotten his Coach to take a TO and talk with the refs. I've had a Coach get thrown out for a Ref doing that **** so he could make an official complaint post game and get rid of the ref. It's not good for you to get rid of the ref in front of the entire gym.....lol

12/16/2010, 05:04 PM
It is inexcusable for the Kid to go after the ref like that, but I was surprised that his actions led to a Felony Charge. I mean a couple shoves and a poorly executed body slam and the Ref walking away with hardly a scratch? Punishment doesn't really seem to fit the crime. I'm sure if he just pleads guilty it will be dropped to a Misdemeanor and he'll have to do some community service and probation time.

12/22/2010, 11:49 AM
The kid should have been ejected from the game, removed from the team by the state association, and charged with a misdemeanor. A felony charge is way overboard. It equates this to truly heinous crimes.

This goes with the normal operating procedure of DA's - charge the guy with an overly severe crime and bargain down to something less. While it makes the DA's job easier, I think this practice is borderline unethical. If you don't think this is a felony then don't charge the guy with a felony.

12/22/2010, 11:53 AM
The whole thing was dropped and he and the Ref are dating now.

Check the "Case Status" box on the complaint. The other box says "Case Disposition" and SAO is in the box. SAO = State Attorney's Office I think. Guess it would be up to them to pursue.


12/23/2010, 11:23 AM
If that kid would have had his *** busted when he was growing up he would have more respect for an official and his elders. This action is rediculous and comes from the top (NBA NFL). IMO the kid needs to be kick off the team and serve more then Community Service. At some point people have to be held accountable for their actions. Just like the punk from Cincy that pushed Norvell.


1/2/2011, 08:12 AM
Good thing he plays B-Ball - His wrestling skills suck!