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Chuck Bao
12/15/2010, 01:16 AM
Does anyone use this stuff on themselves? My sister gave me a bottle of Bigeloil today and it does seem to help alleviate pain in the legs. I did a quick internet search and apparently there are some humans using it, even though it clearly states “for animals only”. Later the ad mentions that it can also be used on dogs, like that helps clarify the animals only part. Now, if I start running around and chasing cows, you’ll know what happened to me.

What is truly shocking to me is that some local farmers are starting to take animal antibiotics when they think they are going to get sick. That’s a whole other degree of just wrong.

Anyway, does anyone use this stuff and recommend it?

This is what it looks like.

This is a brief description from the KYhorse website.

The "Bigeloil" brand name is well known in the racing community. Bigeloil is an effective, clean, and invigorating rub that quickly stimulates superficial circulation and reduces soreness resulting from fatigue or strain. Bigeloil has a pleasant scent and is an inexpensive external analgesic with antiseptic properties.

Convenient gel form - easy to apply to hard to reach areas
Bigeloil Liquid Gel relieves sore muscles, aches, strains, and arthritis
Bigeloil Liquid Gel is versatile and Effective
Bigeloil Liquid Gel can be rubbed directly onto areas of pain
Bigeloil Liquid Gel can be used as external antiseptic and analgesic for minor cuts and abrasions
Bigeloil Liquid Gel can use with or without a wrap
Bigeloil Liquid Gel absorbs quickly
No residue

12/15/2010, 01:31 AM
i'm not going to ask why you were on the KY Horse website :eek:

12/15/2010, 01:55 AM
What is truly shocking to me is that some local farmers are starting to take animal antibiotics when they think they are going to get sick. That’s a whole other degree of just wrong.
Great. That won't result in some resistant strains.

12/15/2010, 04:03 AM
when i was playin football in high school, i always used absorbine after practice because, well, i lived on a horse farm and we kept tons of the stuff around. not much difference between a horse's muscles and a human's.

12/15/2010, 06:57 AM
What is truly shocking to me is that some local farmers are starting to take animal antibiotics when they think they are going to get sick. That’s a whole other degree of just wrong.

Backinaday people took horse tranquilizers. Jus sayin.

12/15/2010, 09:49 AM
the difference is that the FDA hasn't approved these things for humans

the chemical contents could be exactly the same, but you don't need a doctor to buy them

i don't think they have the same quality control either though, and the strength/potency might be different as well

Chuck Bao
12/15/2010, 10:17 AM
I'm sure that this type of thing has gone on for a long time, as AlbqSooner mentioned about the horse tranquilzers. It just seems that people are much more willing to talk about using animal medicine - something to do about the rising cost of health care and insurance. I guess our local farmers didn't sign up for that corporate health care plan.

Harry Beanbag
12/15/2010, 11:02 AM

12/15/2010, 11:14 AM
I have used Horse Liniment on my knees and lower legs for years, it all started when I was about 7 and got leg cramps so bad that i would wake up the entire house yelling. Since we lived on a farm, we always had more animial meds than people meds. My Dad, who went to Vet school and then later went to Pharmacy school used it on his hands and it worked so well that we just kept on using it.. come to find out, it has that same ingredients that Generic ICYHOT from the Dollar Store called Polar Ice has in it, except the food coloring that makes it blue.

12/15/2010, 01:10 PM
If your joints hurt inject some Adequan in them. That shtuff will fix you right up

12/15/2010, 01:14 PM
Back in the day I used to have folks come in saying they used WD-40 on their body parts to make things tolerable but the folks that were really serious used DMSO. I looked into it and found that you'd really need to be at your last option before using it but hey....if it works and temporary is more important than long term health....you gotta do what you gotta do....




12/15/2010, 01:17 PM
How can it be bad for you? :D


12/16/2010, 12:47 AM
Long time ago my back was bothering me. My FIL ran a feed & seed store and gave me a bottle of horse liniment. I had my wife rub it on my back every night for a while and about the 3rd or 4th night she started laughing and couldn't stop. Finally she told me what was so funny, She read the instructions an it said if the pain wasn't gone after a week to call the vet.

Chuck Bao
12/16/2010, 04:19 AM
Long time ago my back was bothering me. My FIL ran a feed & seed store and gave me a bottle of horse liniment. I had my wife rub it on my back every night for a while and about the 3rd or 4th night she started laughing and couldn't stop. Finally she told me what was so funny, She read the instructions an it said if the pain wasn't gone after a week to call the vet.

So, did your wife call the vet? I can just imagine the wife complaining: "Vet, my horse is such a pain. After a week, he is still asking to have his back rubbed."

12/16/2010, 09:19 AM
Chuck, if ya call Vet, he is just gonna be durnky and not know what you'e talking....and he might as you for a back rub. :eek: :D

12/16/2010, 11:01 AM
Using horse liniment on humans is no big deal, folks have been doing it for centuries. Also, if you have a cut or burn, nothing better than Good Luck.


12/16/2010, 11:16 AM
I've seen some ads on FB for this. If Facebook thinks it's okay, then how could it be a problem?

12/16/2010, 11:23 AM
For a burn...I've never seen or used anything better than this stuff. It's to bad the Company is still holding on to their Amway Type of distribution. The Wife and I would still be buying some of their stuff.


12/16/2010, 11:42 AM
Equal parts Menthol and Phenol crushed together and suspended in a solution of glycerin and ethyl alcohol will work wonders (I also put a bit of raw dextromethorphan in the mix as it helps with absorption).

All of this can be obtained cheaply if you know a pharmacist or chemical supply (Use Everclear for the alcohol).

Mortar and pestle the menthol and phenol crystals (and optional DM)...they will form a liquid.

Suspend in a small amount of glycerin.

Dilute with the alcohol.

Note (The menthol/phenol mix is caustic at full strength, and can burn you...final strength should be between 5 and 10% after dilution...you will have to do some math depending on how much you are making)

12/16/2010, 12:19 PM
Equal parts Menthol and Phenol crushed together and suspended in a solution of glycerin and ethyl alcohol will work wonders (I also put a bit of raw dextromethorphan in the mix as it helps with absorption).

All of this can be obtained cheaply if you know a pharmacist or chemical supply (Use Everclear for the alcohol).

Mortar and pestle the menthol and phenol crystals (and optional DM)...they will form a liquid.

Suspend in a small amount of glycerin.

Dilute with the alcohol.

Note (The menthol/phenol mix is caustic at full strength, and can burn you...final strength should be between 5 and 10% after dilution...you will have to do some meth depending on how much you are making)
FIFY. :D ;)

12/16/2010, 01:54 PM
Equal parts Menthol and Phenol crushed together and suspended in a solution of glycerin and ethyl alcohol will work wonders (I also put a bit of raw dextromethorphan in the mix as it helps with absorption).

Did you just post a recipe for crack?

Tin Cup
12/16/2010, 02:27 PM
I have heard people you this also...


12/16/2010, 02:30 PM
I have heard people you this also...


Not going to. I can only imagine what SkippytheGrouch would say if I did.:eek:

12/16/2010, 02:39 PM
That bag balm stuff is really good as a moisturizer and for chapped skin and stuff.