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View Full Version : Does Mack have a heart attack this week?

12/12/2010, 02:23 AM
I know this is really twisted to think about this, but it's a legit possibility.

After this $hit storm that's transpired, does Mack have a heart attack this week? Between having to hire almost an entire staff, he's also got to get out and recruit now that his recruiters are gone. I guess technically Applewhite and Akina aren't gone YET... but I see them leaving quickly. At that point Mack will almost be entirely alone and w/ a pissed off alumni base that has no bowl game to distract them, all their anger will be focused on Mack. Ole yella teeth is getting pretty damn old, and the stress....IDK if he can handle it.

What do ya'll think?

12/12/2010, 02:25 AM
Literal or figurative?

12/12/2010, 02:30 AM
Maybe, but I hope not.

12/12/2010, 02:34 AM
I hate Texas and Mack as much as any other crimson-blooded Sooners fan, but what do I think?

I think the title question is ghoulish and mean.

ETA: And if the shoe was on the other foot and Texas fans asked something like that about Stoops...well, imagine the (rightful) outrage here.

12/12/2010, 02:43 AM
Whoa whoa, SanDiego you are making it sound like I was wishing it on him or something. Or like I'd be happy if it happened. That is furthest thing from the truth.

I'm just saying their staff better be doing everything they can to help the guy out. If your Mack, this could possibly be the most stressful situation you've ever faced as a head coach. I'm not sure the heart of a guy his age can handle it. I hope not, but It wouldn't surprise me if it did.

If your TX, you keep a close eye on the guy as it could possibly save his life. I hope it'd be a non-issue, but it is a legitimate concern.

12/12/2010, 02:45 AM
let me put it this way, if he does, you called it

12/12/2010, 03:00 AM
What I'm saying is, unless MB has a history of heart trouble--which he very well may and I'm just not aware of it--then why even speculate that he might have a heart attack?

12/12/2010, 03:13 AM
i will say this, as true Sooner:

I hope Mack Brown is doing as well as he can be. God Bless Him. I truly look up to him as an aspiring coach.

12/12/2010, 04:06 AM
I sure hope not.

12/12/2010, 04:58 AM
Staff? What staff?

David-know that people with iPhones hate you. Clickable links in sigs are teh suk.

12/12/2010, 05:55 AM
Staff? What staff?

David-know that people with iPhones hate you. Clickable links in sigs are teh suk.

really? well how often do you use your iphone?

VA Sooner
12/12/2010, 09:31 AM
Maybe he'll retire for 24 hours citing family reasons.

12/12/2010, 09:44 AM
http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/3687/francish.jpg (http://img94.imageshack.us/i/francish.jpg/)

good lord, don't be so serious, folks.

12/12/2010, 09:45 AM
i bet right now Mack Brown is on the pooper thinking really hard.

12/12/2010, 11:58 AM
Mack is probably happy now, the one trying to push him out the door left through the same door for somewhere else. It seems that Will wasn't happy waiting another few years and Mack wasn't happy with being forced out in a couple of years. The Texas AD's office has some cleanup and butt kissing to do at the moment.

12/12/2010, 12:49 PM
one thing is for sure, after playing for the NC last year to losing your entire staff and no bowl in one year, Mack must have done something wrong down there...

12/12/2010, 12:54 PM
one thing is for sure, after playing for the NC last year to losing your entire staff and no bowl in one year, Mack must have done something wrong down there...

12/12/2010, 04:27 PM
I think Mack is stressed. But then realizes: he has a MNC, millions of dollars, a great family, and lots of friends...and is probably the type of guy who understands perspective.