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View Full Version : Dear Football gods, thank you for blessing us!

12/11/2010, 10:32 PM
Not only have you granted us w/ historically the top rated football program in all of college football, but you also are rewarding us for the pain that we suffered last year.

First you put four of our boys in the top 25 of the draft, with 3 in the top 5.

You also set-up little brother to get his hopes up and allowed us to crush those dreams while at the same time putting us inline for yet another Big 12 championship. On that same path you allowed us to punish the traitors for leaving!

Perhaps one of the best things yet...you are punishing our rivals more and more by the week as this season goes on for their arrogance. First that horrendous season and keeping them out of a bowl was absolutely hilarious.... We loved it! Then when we thought their punishment was over, you provide them with one more kick while they were down w/ this little Muschamp gem! So FREAKING ALLSOME! THANK YOU for giving them that big a$$ kick in the nuts!

As if you hadn't done enough.... you have set us up with unbelievable path for #8 next year with a terrific team and schedule.

I know we cursed you during the 09' season w/ all the injuries. But I now see that you had a bigger plan for us and are making up for it! Thank You!!! :)

12/11/2010, 11:15 PM

12/11/2010, 11:24 PM
3 of the top 4 Draft picks. Otherwise, Amen! :D

12/11/2010, 11:31 PM
3 of the top 4 Draft picks. Otherwise, Amen! :D

Yeah Yeah yeah! :D

12/11/2010, 11:31 PM

12/11/2010, 11:42 PM

12/11/2010, 11:57 PM
Think about it....this may be the worst two weeks at UT in years.....

2 weeks ago: UT loses to A&M, at home, knocking them out of the opportunity to play a bowl game, and then watches OU beat OSU and win the South via tiebreaker (again)

1 week ago: UT watches OU win YET ANOTHER Big 12 title

Tonight: After (probably) helping force Mack to fire Greg Davis, Coach Boom leaves for Florida, and may take Major with him, which basically ripes the guts out of Texas fans everywhere (or, as the S.O. put it, "we've been completely pantsed tonight")

AND...I got one of those "Stoops may be leaving!" texts from a friend/UT fan today.


Thank you, football gods. Thank you.

12/12/2010, 12:00 AM

Thank you, football gods. Thank you.

It is, it is! While our team fought through last year and finished up strong, TX gave up this year! We're being rewarded for fighting through! :)

12/12/2010, 12:00 AM
Somewhere Bob Stoops has his feet up, drinking his favorite drink, maybe a cigar, wearing that same expression he had in the video before the OSU game.

It's great to be a Sooner. Today moreso than ever.

12/12/2010, 12:02 AM
My inside connections say that Bob put in a good word for Muschamp.


12/12/2010, 12:03 AM
Don't forget Boise State and USC.

12/12/2010, 12:36 AM
Now if only those finicky football gods would smite Boone State...

12/12/2010, 12:41 AM
Now if only those finicky football gods would smite Boone State...

God, may not be through yet.:pop:

Amen to the OP also.

Leroy Lizard
12/12/2010, 01:56 AM
Perhaps one of the best things yet...you are punishing our rivals more and more by the week as this season goes on for their arrogance. First that horrendous season and keeping them out of a bowl was absolutely hilarious.... We loved it! :)

Dear God: You are one cool dude.

BTW, you missed part of His coolness. Taking Muschamp away, while just moments before letting Horn fans think we had lost Stoops, was just gold. It's like God was hosting Candid Camera.

12/12/2010, 03:39 AM
Now if only those finicky football gods would smite Boone State...

they got smited to the tune of losing again in their bid to get to a Big 12 championship after finally beating Texas and getting an OU team that looked horrible on the road most of the year only to have their dreams crushed again. it's almost worse than what happened to Texas. you know they could just taste it coming after we took a dump in College Station

12/12/2010, 03:42 AM
Dear God: You are one cool dude.

BTW, you missed part of His coolness. Taking Muschamp away, while just moments before letting Horn fans think we had lost Stoops, was just gold. It's like God was hosting Candid Camera.



12/12/2010, 08:11 AM
They owed me BIG after making me watch Sam get re-hurt at my first RRS in YEARS.

I still have nightmares of him on the sideline, trying to throw, wanting to get back in the game SO bad. And then in tshirts and slings the rest of the year.

So, we're getting close to being even, but not quite yet. A soul-crushing defeat of the Damn Yankees in the Fiesta might get us there.

12/12/2010, 08:42 AM
A soul-crushing defeat of the Damn Yankees in the Fiesta might get us there.

Don't go hate'n on all of us Sunny, you to nice a gurl fer dat!! :D

VA Sooner
12/12/2010, 09:13 AM
This has been a great year, in so many aspects. I haven't had this much entertainment since the 2000 championship year.

Christmas has come early this year!

12/12/2010, 10:19 AM
3 of the top 4 Draft picks. Otherwise, Amen! :D

3 of 5 is still technically correct.;)

Allsome OP - Today, like every day, is a great day to be a SOONER


thurman murman
12/12/2010, 10:31 AM
Not only have you granted us w/ historically the top rated football program in all of college football, but you also are rewarding us for the pain that we suffered last year.

First you put four of our boys in the top 25 of the draft, with 3 in the top 5.

You also set-up little brother to get his hopes up and allowed us to crush those dreams while at the same time putting us inline for yet another Big 12 championship. On that same path you allowed us to punish the traitors for leaving!

Perhaps one of the best things yet...you are punishing our rivals more and more by the week as this season goes on for their arrogance. First that horrendous season and keeping them out of a bowl was absolutely hilarious.... We loved it! Then when we thought their punishment was over, you provide them with one more kick while they were down w/ this little Muschamp gem! So FREAKING ALLSOME! THANK YOU for giving them that big a$$ kick in the nuts!

As if you hadn't done enough.... you have set us up with unbelievable path for #8 next year with a terrific team and schedule.

I know we cursed you during the 09' season w/ all the injuries. But I now see that you had a bigger plan for us and are making up for it! Thank You!!! :)


12/12/2010, 11:25 AM
3 of the top 4 Draft picks. Otherwise, Amen! :D

Technically he's still correct, we had 3 of the top 6 draft picks too, and 3 of the top 7, so on...


3 of 5 is still technically correct.;)

Allsome OP - Today, like every day, is a great day to be a SOONER


Should maybe read the thread before I post...

12/12/2010, 12:09 PM
This is truly a karmic moment in time. I am all kinds of happy and cannot wait for the Monday morning staff meeting with all my whorn co-workers. I think I'll wear my OU polo just to add to their misery.:texan:

12/12/2010, 12:39 PM
Don't forget this...the 4 biggest thorns in OU's side historically are all out of the top 25.

Notre Dame
Duh U

All ranked behind such powerhouses as UCONN, Hawaii, U of Central Florida.