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12/10/2010, 03:49 PM
...held in Cancun as temperatures plunge to 100 year lows!!!!!

Facts: Nitrogen constitutes 78% of the atmosphere, oxygen 21% and trace gases just 1%. Water vapor is the most significant trace gas and the most significant green house gas (GHG). According to IPCC technical reports carbon dioxide is the least significant trace gas both by volume and by Global Warming Potential (GWP).

Question: What are the chances an infinitesimal (.04%) trace gas (CO2), essential to photosynthesis and therefore life on this planet, is responsible for runaway Global Warming?

Answer: Infinitesimal

Discussion: The IPCC now agrees. See the IPCC Technical Report section entitled Global Warming Potential (GWP). And the GWP for CO2? Just 1, (one), unity, the lowest of all green house gases (GHG). What’s more, trace gases which include GHG constitute less than 1% of the atmosphere. Of that 1%, water vapor, the most powerful GHG, makes ups 40% of the total. Carbon dioxide is 1/10th of that amount, an insignificant .04%. If carbon dioxide levels were cut in half to 200PPM, all plant growth would stop according to agricultural scientists. It's no accident that commercial green house owner/operators invest heavily in CO2 generators to increase production, revenues and profits. Prof. Michael Mann's Bristle cone tree proxy data (Hockey stick) proves nothing has done more to GREEN (verb) the planet over the past few decades than moderate sun-driven warming (see solar inertial motion) together with elevated levels of CO2, regardless of the source. None of these facts have been reported in the national media. Why?

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/meltdown_of_the_climate_consensus_G0kWdclUvwhVr6DY H6A4uJ

Yeah, I cut and pasted it...'cause it provokes you.

12/10/2010, 04:08 PM
Question: What are the chances that you might die if you drink a glass of water with an infinitesimal amount (0.04%) of cyanide in it?

Answer: 100%

The trace gasses argument is not a very strong one.

12/10/2010, 04:14 PM

12/10/2010, 08:55 PM
Plant more trees and cut fewer forests. Trees turn CO2 into 02.

And Ike, a single glass of water with 0.04% cyanide in it would not be fatal. If you keep drinking it on a daily basis, yeah.

12/10/2010, 09:53 PM

12/10/2010, 09:56 PM
Why does every thread today turn gay?

12/10/2010, 11:20 PM
I think they should have had the summit in Syracuse this week.