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12/9/2010, 11:15 AM
Dear Unknown OU Fan:

I attended the Big 12 Championship game in Dallas this past weekend, and although I certainly wished for a different outcome, it was another edition in a long series of hard-fought NU/OU contests. As is typical for me after a Nebraska loss, I wasn't very talkative on the drive back to our hotel in downtown Dallas, a drive that seemed to take twice as long as the drive out to Jerry World, just a few short hours before. A buddy of mine and I were both hungry when we got back downtown, so we walked a few blocks to the TGIFriday's in the West End and grabbed a bite to eat. We talked mainly about the game, about potential bowls, and what to expect from our team next year. There were a few OU fans there, and as one of them was leaving, I congratulated him, and he stopped and spoke to us for a minute, and was gracious and sincere, which is what I've come to expect from OU fans.

A few minutes later, we decided to pay our tab and head back to our hotel. You and your wife, all decked out in crimson and cream, had been sitting at the table directly behind me the whole time we were there, so I intended to congratulate you as well as I left. You folks looked to be about my age, maybe a little older. I walked by, said "Congratulations," and before I was completely past your table, you looked up at me and said, "We're all gonna miss y'all." Now, maybe it was just the celebratory beers you had been having, but your eyes almost looked like there was a faint tear in them as you looked up, and the way you emphasized the "y'all" part of your statement, I knew instantly that you were saying it with the utmost sincerity. I typically enjoy engaging in banter with fans of other teams, but at that moment, I simply froze, and didn't really know how to respond. I think the full gravity of the evening, and the move to the Big Ten, finally hit me at that point.

I'm 36 years old, and have been a Nebraska fan my whole life. While I hazily remember prior intermittent games, including NU-OU games, the first game I remember watching from start to finish is the '82 Orange Bowl against Clemson, following the '81 season, and I have been a fanatic ever since. Consequently, outside of the Turner Gill years, Boomer Sooner dealt me some serious heartache in my formative years. However, regardless of the outcome, I knew from an early age that Nebraska-Oklahoma wasn't just another game. It was something special, and I grew to cherish those titanic matchups at the end of the year, even though more often than not, it resulted in a long, cold winter for the Big Red of the North.

I looked forward with great anticipation to my first NU/OU game in person in 1993, my freshman year of college. Though things changed, and OU fell on hard times, visiting Norman for the '96 game was another cherished experience. Every time, OU fans were a pleasure to interact with. As you know, however, due to circumstances out of the control of you, me, and countless fans like us, the annual renewal of this great game ended with the formation of the Big 12. I remember thinking at the time that it was kind of like losing a friend, but I took some solace in the fact that we would still match up two out of four years, and hopefully often in the championship game. In the years that have passed since then, NU-OU might have lost some of its fire and intensity, but when the Sooners were the next game on the schedule, it still ended up getting my heart racing a bit more than everyone else.

As you know, this past summer was a tumultuous one, and the inevitable conference realignment resulted in Nebraska gaining entry to the Big Ten. Since OU was not on our regular season schedule this year, and because of geographical proximity, most of my focus was spent on the little sisters of the Big 8 (mainly MU, KSU and KU), and the overwhelming desire to not leave the conference with a loss to one of those schools. As I’m sure you have experienced as well, those fan bases (especially MU) can be an irrational and jealous lot, and therefore I took a lot of smug satisfaction in leaving them with one final beating. And, as it became more clear that we would represent the North in the championship game, my main focus was the hope that we could walk out of Jerry World carrying the trophy. While I was very happy that our final Big 12 game would be against OU, I hadn't really fully considered the consequences of that final game. That is, not until I ran into you as I was leaving TGIFriday's.

Like I said, your statement left me actually kind of speechless. I immediately started thinking about how much I always respected and cherished OU, despite the many heartbreaking losses they put me through. I thought about how refreshing it always was to interact with OU fans, as opposed to fans of the aforementioned schools, because there was mutual tradition, and respect, and none of the bitterness and vitriol that consumes the fan bases of those schools. In letting these thoughts rush over me, I unfortunately responded to you rather disjointedly, talking about how it was another good game between our two teams, and other surface statements, and then wished you good luck in the Fiesta Bowl, and left.

As we walked back to the hotel, all of the things I've been describing here came flooding into my mind. Nebraska-Oklahoma was never about the jealousy, bitterness and one-sidedness that defined Nebraska v. MU/KSU/KU/ISU, or the manufactured rivalry of Nebraska-CU. It was never about the sheer hatred that bubbles over into the Red River Rivalry. And it was never about the little brother mentality that defines OU-OSU. It was about excellence, tradition and mutual respect. Whenever Nebraska and Oklahoma took the field together, regardless of each team's record, it was going to be the hardest-hitting game each team would play that year, and the two teams were going to bring out the best in each other. It meant taking your game to another level, maybe a level that a player didn't even know they had. It meant measuring the success of your season by whether or not you beat the other. It meant the Big 8 Championship (still the best conference in the history of college football). It meant playing for National Championships. It WAS college football.

I'm not ashamed to admit that my eyes started welling up with tears as I walked back to the hotel thinking about these things. I realized that maybe you looked like you were tearing up for that very same reason. For a split second, I thought about turning around, going back to Friday's, buying you a beer, and reminiscing with you about everything that makes up, in my opinion, the greatest rivalry in college football. As I sit here typing this, I am still kicking myself for not doing so. And that's why I had to write this note. I still believe that Nebraska made the right move; the move it had to make to ensure the long-term security of the program, University and State that I love. The transition will not be easy, and while there is excitement, there is also great fear in leaving behind that which one has always known. And as I was reminded of on Saturday, in separating from the Big 12, we're losing our great friend, OU. And honestly, it hit me with full force that that is going to be the hardest loss of all.

So, with utmost sincerity, I wish you, Oklahoma, and all Sooner fans, all the best going forward. If we should meet again in the future, I will look forward that game with the highest anticipation. And if Nebraska can't be in the hunt for, or winning, a national championship, then I hope Boomer Sooner is right there in the thick of things. And to you specifically, sir, "We're all gonna miss y'all" too. More than you'll ever know.

Mark from Lincoln

12/9/2010, 11:23 AM
Nice read, thank you sir! :)

12/9/2010, 11:23 AM

Very well said! The respect is mutual and best of luck to you guys as well.

12/9/2010, 11:25 AM
I'm speechless. Thanks.

12/9/2010, 11:26 AM
Awesome - thank you, sir!

12/9/2010, 11:27 AM
Nice speech. Im only 17 so I never really got a taste of the rivalry in its prime but by videos and stories it gives me chills down my spine.

12/9/2010, 11:27 AM
I will miss ya'll too.

I'd give just about anything to go back to the old Big 8 and say F.U. to the whorns and the SW conference teams they stuck us with.

12/9/2010, 11:32 AM
Bestest 1st post i ever did read.
Good Luck in the future ;)

12/9/2010, 11:33 AM
Great post.


12/9/2010, 11:34 AM
I've always considered the following:

OU/Texas a rivalry of hate
OU/OSU a "rivalry" b/c you have to beat up on your little brother

OU/Nebraska - a rivalry out of respect, just as you said. College football is at its best when OU and NU are at the top of their game.

I will, as I always have, continue to cheer for Nebraska as long as they are not playing OU.

I'm already missing it.

12/9/2010, 11:34 AM
Big 8 !!!!!

12/9/2010, 11:35 AM
That's what sport at its best is ALL about folks. Very well said.

12/9/2010, 11:37 AM
Well said.
Thank you

12/9/2010, 11:39 AM
I wasn't at TGI Friday's but if I was, that Unknown Sooner Fan could have been me. I don't get to go to many games these days but I couldn't pass on this one for all the things you wrote. Being the same age as you, I have the same memories growing up as a fan on this side of the rivalry.

Good luck in the Big 10.

12/9/2010, 11:40 AM

very nice post.

12/9/2010, 11:40 AM
Class, pure class.

I wish I could bottle that up and pass it out to those fans that live near to the north and to the south, but they just wouldn't understand.

Thank you sir.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/9/2010, 11:43 AM
Great post! Things change. Shi* Happens. Effing Southwest Conference, anyway. Gimme that college football playoff!

12/9/2010, 11:44 AM
Great post man.

12/9/2010, 11:47 AM
I became a Sooner fan in '71 and attended OU in the mid/late '70s. There was no equal to the OU/NU game and was often called the "class bowl". Your post rings true, brother.

12/9/2010, 11:48 AM
On the bright side, when the Big Whatever we are now finally implodes and we join the Pac16, we can play in the Rose Bowl every year.

Harry Beanbag
12/9/2010, 11:48 AM
I guess there are some old school Nebraska fans that have access to the internet after all. http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif

12/9/2010, 11:51 AM
Wow! you need to send that to our AD! We too will miss you guys. Best fans we've ever encountered, hands down. In a recent interview I believe Johnny Rodgers said something like "we always pushed each other to get better, we always had respect for one another and when one was down, the other helped them back up!" I too got something in my eye after the game. Seeing some of the Huskers leaving and yet still clapping for OU was awesome. Good luck in the Big 10, perhaps we can play again sometime soon for all the marbles! As you'd hear on any Saturday in Norman or Lincoln... GO BIG RED!!!

12/9/2010, 11:56 AM
On the bright side, when the Big Whatever we are now finally implodes and we join the Pac16, we can play in the Rose Bowl every year.

No, the good ole boys from the PAC-8 would make sure that their divisional winner goes to the Rose Bowl and the intruders would go to the Fiesta.

12/9/2010, 11:56 AM
I share all the sentiments of the original poster.

12/9/2010, 11:58 AM
They ruined Thanksgiving when OU-Nebraska quit playing that day every year.

I lived in Nebraska for a couple of years, 76-78. Saturdays in Lincoln were awesome, and I really came to appreciate and respect NU's fan base. They have kind of been my second favorite college team since.

I rarely read posts more than a paragraph long, but I read all of yours, and very glad I did. Very well said!


12/9/2010, 11:58 AM
On the bright side, when the Big Whatever we are now finally implodes and we join the Pac16, we can play in the Rose Bowl every year.

The Pac dont want us , they think our Lil wagon aint good enough fer the Rose bowl , ;)

12/9/2010, 12:01 PM
I was actually just talking about missing your business in Dallas, but whatever, yeah, that's cool too...


;) Kidding. It wasn't me, of course, but I share the sentiment. I'm going to miss OU/NU.

texas bandman
12/9/2010, 12:02 PM
Nice post...good luck in the Big 10. It's sad losing a traditional rival My first OU-NU game was in 1969. Y'all beat us that day, but it was just the first of many memorable experiences in the rivalry. And thanks for bringing out a little Sooner Magic in this year's championship game...I'd thought that we'd lost it. :)

12/9/2010, 12:11 PM
Got teary eyed reading your great post! Very heart felt. Awesome.

12/9/2010, 12:19 PM
I don't think I can find an appropriate response to your letter. Wow, thanks so much for sharing.

12/9/2010, 12:24 PM
much appreciated. great post

12/9/2010, 12:33 PM
Who the hell eats at TGIFridays?

12/9/2010, 12:42 PM
I'm three years younger than you and I remember that epic rivalry that defined what is great about college football. As far back as I can remember Nebraska was one of those blue collar teams we played that made being a Sooner that much more special. Glad it ended in the same fashion.

You will be missed more than words can say and good luck dominating that other conference.

12/9/2010, 12:54 PM
Very nice sentiments! When I was attending oU, a friend and I went to the OU-NU game in Lincoln in 1987 when we won 17-7. Outside of one minor issue with some drunk frat boys, the fans were incredible. One bought our big OU flag because he wanted one for his man cave - we tried to sell it at cost but he insisted on paying us more. We went to some Italian restaurant near campus after the game and were overwhelmed by people coming by and congratulating us. In fact, one of 'em ended up buying our dinner. Rest assured, a Texas fan has never bought our dinner. :)

I am sad at seeing the rivalry end, and I do wish you guys the best in the future.

MyT Oklahoma
12/9/2010, 01:01 PM
A very well written post and straight from the heart. Please feel free to come back and post here whenever you want.

P.S. Best wishes to you.

12/9/2010, 01:17 PM
Amen, brother!

ATX Sooner
12/9/2010, 01:23 PM
Peace and light, bro. Peace and light.

12/9/2010, 01:34 PM
Let's hope Joe C and Dr Tom get the 20 and 21 thing done and maybe they can use that as a launching point to play more frequently. No reason these teams can't play 4-5 times per decade. If ND-USC and UF- FSU can swing it so can we.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
12/9/2010, 01:37 PM
I'm three years younger than you and I remember that epic rivalry that defined what is great about college football. As far back as I can remember Nebraska was one of those blue collar teams we played that made being a Sooner that much more special. Glad it ended in the same fashion.

You will be missed more than words can say and good luck dominating that other conference.heh

12/9/2010, 01:42 PM
Very good post, Sixtyandthree. Best wishes to you and all other good Husker fans. Like soonervegas says, hopefully our teams can arrange a series from time to time if they're not playing in the BCS Nat. Champ game every year or two.

12/9/2010, 01:51 PM
I was hoping the thread would be locked after the OOP. No responses necessary as the quality of the OOP stands alone. Legit Sooner fans would agree with the sentiments expressed. I loved the Big 8.

12/9/2010, 01:57 PM
Well played, sir.

Just because NU and OU are no longer in the same conference does not mean that you cannot come back and post. Please do. I grow weary of these cretins by which I find myself surrounded.

Like Widescreen.

stoops the eternal pimp
12/9/2010, 02:01 PM
bunch of gooners

12/9/2010, 02:06 PM
And step.

12/9/2010, 02:10 PM

stoops the eternal pimp
12/9/2010, 02:10 PM
im penning a letter to the unknown swimmer

12/9/2010, 02:17 PM
should be a sticky :D

12/9/2010, 02:56 PM
In the year 2525 some sports fan will be looking at list and see, OUR teams played the, GAME OF THE CENTURY!

12/9/2010, 03:01 PM
Sorry to see NU go.


12/9/2010, 03:01 PM
I got nothin'.

No, I got something. I said bugeating troll......

But that was meant as sarcasm for a great letter written by the Nebraska fan and I will miss the banter back and forth over a great rivalry.

12/9/2010, 03:20 PM
Au revwhar...anywhar.....somewhar....over thar!

In the shweet by and by.

I've got nuthin'

12/9/2010, 03:31 PM
OleVet once babysat Switz and Dr. Tom, he taught them much about how to do things, we drink good booze and play good football, nuff said. Also, treat each other with respect, unless its those fags from down south, then F*ck em!

Mad Dog Madsen
12/9/2010, 03:33 PM
Great post! Good luck in that other conference...

12/9/2010, 03:38 PM
This needs to be read by everyone in with OU ties. Great post. Good luck in the Big 10.

12/9/2010, 03:38 PM
I've always considered the following:

OU/Texas a rivalry of hate
OU/OSU a "rivalry" b/c you have to beat up on your little brother

OU/Nebraska - a rivalry out of respect, just as you said. College football is at its best when OU and NU are at the top of their game.

I will, as I always have, continue to cheer for Nebraska as long as they are not playing OU.

I'm already missing it.

When I moved here from Florida and started working on Campus Corner in the late 90s and started to become a fan, a player from the middle 80s explained it that way to me. I have found it to be more true every year.

12/9/2010, 03:50 PM
Thank you for your post, sir! It was only fitting that the last CCG of the Big XII was played between these two programs. Good luck in the Big 10...

12/9/2010, 03:51 PM
Thank you. Your note made me cry. It brought back so many happy memories I had tucked away about OU/Nebraska, because I was mad at y'all for leaving, and it hurt to think about those memories. I guess I will try harder to understand. Truth be known...I really will miss y'all too. :( ~Darnit!...where are my tissues?~

12/9/2010, 04:04 PM
I took my Mom & Dad to the game and as my Dad talked to NU fans, I watched his eyes light up as he spoke of the OU & NU greats. I felt blessed to be part of history that will one day be told to my 3 yr old and hope that he will one day get a chance to see this great tradition in a NC Game. After reading your post, I felt that it must be shared, so I sent a copy to my Dad.
Thank you for your thoughts & post, may God Bless!

12/9/2010, 06:30 PM
Nice speech. Im only 17 so I never really got a taste of the rivalry in its prime but by videos and stories it gives me chills down my spine.

wow, im not the youngest person on here anymore

and as oppose to the letter, it was very nice.

12/9/2010, 06:53 PM
When hubby was a little baby lt., his very first boss was a Husker. So, of course, in very short order, there was an OU flag hanging from said boss's door, and a copy of Big Red Confidential displayed prominently in his office. MANY years later...that Husker is one of our very dear friends, and our yearly/biyearly/whatever bets on the game will be sorely missed.

Thanks for the post, and good luck in the Big 10.

12/9/2010, 08:40 PM
I cant say enough about my good friends from Nebraska that I've know 30+ years. Same small town each year for hunting, and now I help them with their corn harvest. Several made the trip, I secured tickets and we enjoyed ourselves and the game. Once the final gun had sounded there was disappointment in their eyes while happiness filled mine. Then the 4 of us sat down and looked at each other and it felt like we had all lost a closeness, a bonding, an age old ritual so to speak, like something had been sucked from us by an unknown evil force. It was at that time we made a pack that no matter where the game is played, if there is a 50th anniversary game of the one and only "game of the century" in 2021 that we would be there sitting together.

Only bad time I ever experienced, and this really isnt that bad, was in 2008. I was sitting in the Palace Lounge in Nebraska watching the OU/NU game and had made bets with the same 3 men that I would buy them a beer each time Nebraska scored and they would be me a beer each time OU scored. I guess I got kinda carried away and was a little loud when it was 28-0 before 5 minutes were gone in the game and I had 12 beers in front of me. The owner, a lady asked me to be a little more quiet so I complied. Needless to say I was feeling no pain when I left the lounge....

12/9/2010, 08:46 PM
Great post! After we finally got back to the hotel, we got some coldies, ordered pizza, and had some great conversation with the Nebraska fans that were in our hotel. I hugged so many Husker fans that night, it was like we were breaking up. I guess now we can be friends with benefits, too bad we have to wait 11 years for the benefits, hopefully we can hook up sooner;)

12/9/2010, 08:55 PM
I never could have thought one post could do so much to restore the faith between our fanbases, but it's almost as if all the damage done by those younger fans recently has been undone. I just hope guys like this can lead by example for the younger generation.

12/9/2010, 09:00 PM
Mark from Lincoln,

Wonderful post. I really appreciate it. As a Sooner fan of the same age, I too am truly glad that I grew up in Novembers full of crashing pads and deep reds.

Save a runza for this Sooner.

12/10/2010, 01:35 AM
You are all so young. Babies really. Most of you don't remember the game of the century? That is terrible. :(

12/10/2010, 02:05 AM
great letter...I'm 46 and EVERY Thanksgiving it was OU/NU at my grandparents in Medford Okla....my grandpa loved those games...then the whole family..aunts, uncles, cousins...would all go play football...

I remember making a cardboard sign...prob about 74/75...predicting the score and hanging in the window of the station wagon as we drove down to Medford...ah what memories...

kick the **** out of the Big 10 + 2....OWN that conference....

12/10/2010, 09:21 AM
Great post. The first OU season that I remember was 78, thus my screen name. We were #1 all season until we lost in Lincoln. Thinking back on that, losing to NU never hurt as much as losing to Texas. I think it's like you said, there was a mutual respect between the programs.

I think NU will do great in the Big 10. It's more the traditional Husker style with the power running game. One thing is for certain, I will be pulling for the Huskers to win the Big 10 every season.

12/10/2010, 09:22 AM
Wow. Just wow. Mark from Lincoln, you should send this to Osborn and the reagents and implore them to reconsider this ill-advised move to Big X. Your post has said everything that needs to be said about the NU-OU relationship.

NU-OU is as cherished as ND-SUC, Michigan-OSU, or any other historic rivalary.

Stop the madness.


12/10/2010, 09:23 AM
You are all so young. Babies really. Most of you don't remember the game of the century? That is terrible. :(

Dude, I was at that game, as well as many other of these great games in Norman.


12/10/2010, 07:15 PM
Who was that masked man? :)


12/10/2010, 08:22 PM
We fans of the U of O who have been around since the sixties will always
cherish the matchups with NU!
The game of the century will never be surpassed in my time as the greatest game that I had the pleasure of witnessing!
I loved the way Switzer and Devanney and Osburn became adversaries who respected each other. This rivalry will be missed!

12/11/2010, 12:59 AM
When I lived in Tulsa and Oklahoma City in the 80s, I always seemed to get phone calls from a consumer research company that happened to be in Lincoln. Since I am in advertising and marketing, I was always interested in what the questions were, and I would try and guess which company the research was for.

During every call, and after I finished answering the questions, the person always asked me since I lived in Oklahoma, did I go to OU. Of course I said yes. They would tell me they were in Lincoln, and then we would have a long conversation about OU - Nebraska. You could tell the person on the other side of the phone had great respect for Switzer and OU, and I always told them we had the highest respect for Osborn and Nebraska. We would talk about the big games and what happened afterwards in each of our states.

I would NEVER do that, or probably never experience that if the person was calling from Stillwater or Austin.

It's just sad, as Nebraska is on the road back, they are leaving the conference. The great two powerhouses from the Big 8, may never have such a great rivalry again.


12/13/2010, 12:08 PM
Thank you all very much for all the kind words. It was great reading all the responses, and very therapeutic for me. Keep ruling the Big 8/12, and hopefully we'll see each other again soon somewhere down the line.

Go Big Red, and Boomer Sooner!


12/13/2010, 12:56 PM
I'm glad this was written. I grew up as a young kid watching the classic games of the 70's. I got to cherish 2 while crying and breaking thing most of the time. I loved Barry and he made the sooners my #2 with nobody else even in the picture. Him giving the sack of Taco's to Devaney was a classic. Best of luck