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View Full Version : Did Landry turn a corner?

12/6/2010, 01:19 AM
I saw something out of Landry last night I haven't seen from him yet. I saw his eyes glaze over and get that look for a minute.... that look we've all seen where landry shuts down. But he pulled through it....which was great, but that's not what I saw.

I noticed Landry yelling at players (even at Broyles) telling them where they were supposed to be. I saw him walking up to players on the sides drawing how the route was supposed to be ran on his hands, getting his players perked up when their heads were down. Grabbing the OLine by the mask, yelling at them to protect his a$$. Basically, taking control! Landry wanted that game. He even hit the 2 deep balls, and thats the thing I've been most critical of him about. While the ball to Broyles was almost to far, and the ball to Stills was underthrown, they were at least catchable. Better than the damn Steroid ball he's thrown all season, and a few times in the OU/OSU game, big step for him.

He also apparently learned from his pick in the OU/OSU game, as he was launching the ball up for the members in section 400.

I haven't seen him react like that all season. I just saw alot out of Landry I didn't think he had. His winner side came out, and he showed he is absorbing the lessons he's being taught! Proud of the kid.

12/6/2010, 01:26 AM
This is a real blue collar team. Even the 'stars' have their flaws. They can only win by picking each other up.
They are coachable.
Remins me of 2000

12/6/2010, 01:30 AM
when are people going to realize how good landry jones is? In the stoops era, he's posting numbers only bested by Jason White - Heisman, and Sam Bradford - Heisman, No. 1 pick.

12/6/2010, 01:50 AM
still LOLing at "better than that damn Steroid ball he's thrown all season."

12/6/2010, 07:48 AM
For whatever reason, his main go to man, Broyles, seemed out of sync. Might
ve been both their faults, but they really needed to talk to each other. Granted, Broyles came thru when he needed to, but we really need Broyles & Jones to be in sync to win games. Kenney had another banner game. Travis Lewis was unbelieveable. Yes, I saw Jones get a little animated, which was good. I loved the first down bootleg. He did a masterful job.

Kevin Wilson even threw in a few wrinkles.....some worked, some didn't, but hey he's showing innovation.

Bottom line, it seems Jones is stepping into the leadership role. If you believe the announcers (which is difficut sometimes), even when OU was down 17, Jones was exhibiting confidence and a demeanor to his teammates that said "we can overcome this & win this game.". That's good.

12/6/2010, 08:01 AM
BIG LJ FAN here and have never wavered. I think (WE) me included, forget just how LJ came to be where he is today and what obsticles he has overcame. Filling shoes is one thing, but taking a team to HellPaso and WINNING one year and then WINNING the BIG 12 the next is just a sample of what this young man has done from the fan point of view....These feats are a projection of what he does every day behind the scenes...I know we have good coaching, but it takes a TEAM (player) LEADER to motivate & I think he is and always has been there, he's just learned to TURN it UP so that we can now SEE it!
CONGRATS to OU & all my fellow POSTERS & FANS!

Partial Qualifier
12/6/2010, 09:43 AM
For whatever reason, his main go to man, Broyles, seemed out of sync.

Broyles to his credit was going against a future 1st round draft pick in Amakamura

12/6/2010, 09:57 AM
Great OP, I agree.

I thought the same thing when I saw Landry yelling at somebody. I said, "Wow, LJ is yelling at a receiver like he knows what's going on...that's a great sign. Much better than his blank stare."

He has actually been checking off of option 1 as of late, also.

And the lOSUr game finally made him learn how to throw the ball oob. Probably repped that about 25 times a day since.

Imrovement noted.

Heupel is probably finally getting some sleep and growing some hair back.

12/6/2010, 09:59 AM
Broyles to his credit was going against a future 1st round draft pick in Amakamura

Kenney destroyed him several times.

12/6/2010, 10:01 AM
Yeah, I think I have heard it said that Broyles is playing on 2 recently sprained/injured ankles. At least that neither is 100%.

12/6/2010, 10:12 AM
For whatever reason, his main go to man, Broyles, seemed out of sync.

I noticed this also. I thought that perhaps Broyles wasn't healthy but playing through it.

12/6/2010, 10:15 AM
While watching the game yesterday I heard Holly Rowe (?) say Jones was over pumping up/picking up the offense after the pick when Neb went up 17-0. That was good to hear. And yes, we were commenting at the game how far Jones was throwing the ball out of bounds. It was almost comical.

12/6/2010, 10:16 AM
My thoughts exactly. I was glad to finally see some emotion from him on the field.

Sooner Brewcrew
12/6/2010, 10:19 AM
It does seem like LJ has made some big strides these last two games as far as being a field general. I hope he continues to improve.

12/6/2010, 10:21 AM
Kenney destroyed him several times.

THIS ^^^^^:D

12/6/2010, 10:48 AM
Prince Amaknamara was abused all night. Jones was going right at him a lot.

12/6/2010, 10:55 AM
My hats off to Kenny Camaron. He "old schooled" Prince Amakamura all night, especially on the 4th and 2. The on the 3rd and 17 almost dragged him the 7 yards he needed after the catch and Kenny was running backwards....

I think PA lost any consideration for the Thorpe award Saturday night, at least in my book. With that and 3.95 you can get a latte at Starbucks.... :)

12/6/2010, 11:47 AM
For whatever reason, his main go to man, Broyles, seemed out of sync. Might
ve been both their faults, but they really needed to talk to each other. Granted, Broyles came thru when he needed to, but we really need Broyles & Jones to be in sync to win games. Kenney had another banner game. Travis Lewis was unbelieveable. Yes, I saw Jones get a little animated, which was good. I loved the first down bootleg. He did a masterful job.

NU = good secondary. We spread the ball around and made it tougher on them, but if Broyles was our only good receover, we'd have been F'd.

12/6/2010, 11:53 AM
Nebraska wanted to take Broyles out of the game just like they did last year. They did at times but I'd say they failed.

12/6/2010, 12:12 PM
I'd say LJ is making great strides. If he keeps it up, we could be a contender next year.

12/6/2010, 12:22 PM
LJ was able to recover from a bad start for the second time in a row - that was my big knock on him up until now. I was trying to watch to see if he was going past his second read, and i couldn't tell as much as I could earlier this year. If he gets past that, he will be deadly next year. He has a cannon arm that is accurate more times than not.

I really hope that we will be singing praises next year, and maybe even see him in New York next December...

12/6/2010, 12:31 PM
Next, what can he do to avoid getting his screens and dump-offs batted down by linemen?

12/6/2010, 12:53 PM
Next, what can he do to avoid getting his screens and dump-offs batted down by linemen?

Not much. He has a quick release. That's just good defense.

Leroy Lizard
12/6/2010, 12:55 PM
Next, what can he do to avoid getting his screens and dump-offs batted down by linemen?

Not much any QB can do about that as long as he has a decent throwing motion, which is not a problem for Landry.

And has he had a lot of tipped passes? I only know of one against Nebbish.

12/6/2010, 12:56 PM
For whatever reason, his main go to man, Broyles, seemed out of sync.

Definitely. He was not anywhere close to his usual self, although he still made some good grabs. But fumbling the first two punts? Very un-Broyles. Soon as he fumbled that 2nd one, I immediately said something's bothering him.

12/6/2010, 01:06 PM
Landry played a great game against tough opposition. Can't blame the INT on him either. I'd agree he has turned a corner.

12/6/2010, 01:11 PM
Next, what can he do to avoid getting his screens and dump-offs batted down by linemen?

Throw rainbows that will get picked off. That will solve that problem.

A good defense will knock down balls from every QB from pee-wee on up to the NFL.

12/6/2010, 01:34 PM
Knee Brace, grow up. Landry is an average QB and nothing more. He has great receivers and running backs. That keeps him from falling totally apart. He is functional, nothing more and will never be. He is a great kid with a heart that really tries, but he has a problem with fear. I wish him only the best in the future.

Leroy Lizard
12/6/2010, 01:46 PM
Knee Brace, grow up. Landry is an average QB and nothing more. He has great receivers and running backs. That keeps him from falling totally apart. He is functional, nothing more and will never be. He is a great kid with a heart that really tries, but he has a problem with fear. I wish him only the best in the future.

Fear? Good lordy.

12/6/2010, 02:48 PM
still LOLing at "better than that damn Steroid ball he's thrown all season."

That's what I call Landry's throw when he throws the ball like 15-20 feet above the receiver's head! LOL And when he overthrows the deep ball by like 10-15 yards.

He was on tonight! So hopefully he's fixed it.

Maybe he's redirected it to his throw-a-way ball, which is fine w/ me! :D

Scott D
12/6/2010, 03:38 PM
Nebraska wanted to take Broyles out of the game just like they did last year. They did at times but I'd say they failed.

well the fact that Broyles had help in the Stills being a deep threat and Kenney being a consistent midlevel threat meant that they had to spread their 7 man secondary out a little more.

12/6/2010, 04:02 PM
Knee Brace, grow up. Landry is an average QB and nothing more. He has great receivers and running backs. That keeps him from falling totally apart. He is functional, nothing more and will never be. He is a great kid with a heart that really tries, but he has a problem with fear. I wish him only the best in the future.

Is this real or trying to be funny?

12/6/2010, 04:08 PM
Is this real or trying to be funny?

JRAM, TOOLS belong in sheds and not on SOONERFANS.COM, now go sharpen yourself before you post something else!:eek:

VA Sooner
12/6/2010, 04:43 PM
He made huge strides this year. And in the last few games especially. He showed he could keep his composure. I had my initial doubt with that INT in the first half but he shined the rest of the way.

Didn't see him on the sidelines pumping up his players and directing as a good leader should... good to hear though! He's had a very good year.

12/6/2010, 04:44 PM
To answer the question of the OP...


And he'll be driving the #63 Toyota next season.