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View Full Version : Big 12 Championship Reflections from 440

12/5/2010, 10:58 AM
Video Boards - D. Total waste of the most expensive video board in the world. I got so tired of just seeing the NU and OU helmets. Pregame had very few, if any, season highligts of the two teams. So much more could have been done with very little effort. It would have been nice to see some clips of how each team got there.

Fans - A++. The stadium was about 55/45 Nebbish or maybe even 60/40. Too many corn heads in 440. Despite all of the bitterness of Nebbish packing their bags for the Bix X, I heard no derogatory cheers, comments, or rants. OU fans again show what it means to be a champion. You would have felt very comfortable taking a 6 year old to the game. I probably made the worst statement of the night when I yelled BULL**** after they reversed Stills' TD. SEC fans should come and take a lesson on how champions behave.

Officiating - F--. Seriously, every call went Nebbish's way and I was amazed at the holds and blocks in the back that should have been called against them. Some of those plays were very positive for Nebbish. It's like the conference office didn't want them to have any props to why they are quitting the Big 12.

Sooner Red Zone - D. Seriously, ever since the Florida game, Wilson just chokes on the Red Zone play calling. He's gone from prolific to inept.

Sooner Comeback - A+++. I like this trend of winning close games. I think it shows a sign of mental toughness that has been suspect since the TGOWWDNS. It tees up really well for (I hate to start saying this already) next year.

Great Game Sooners!! D came up big and the O just kept scratching clawing.


12/5/2010, 04:48 PM
holds and blocks in the back [/B]that should have been called against them. Some of those plays were very positive for Nebbish. It's like the conference office didn't want them to have any props to why they are quitting the Big 12.

there were so many by BOTH teams. We held alot to, they were really just letting the boys play.

12/5/2010, 05:01 PM
From 316 - I scalped a single in section 316. I was in the Nebraska section and when I took my jacket off I got some good natured ribbing from the fans. Especially after Helu Jr broke that big run, they were all trying to high five me and I was nothing but nice and just reminded every single one of them that it was a long game.

Almost all of the action happened in front of me, that Stills catch for a TD (first one, not reviewed one) was right in front of me, I was just high up.

The video board is cool, actually it's amazing, at the BYU game I was stuck in the end zone and didn't get to experience it. But whoever decided to keep showing the exact same people needs to be fired, also if it's that big, why not zoom out and give us more than just the line of scrimmage?

The only complaint I had was one random Nebbish fan who kept harassing me. I mean that's to be expected, I'm fine, but he threw an empty tray of nacho's with all that nasty cheese at me. He missed and hit the Nebraska woman next too me. By this point the rest of the Nebbish fans had enough and reported him and got him removed.

Random JerryWorld Note: Nebraska Cheerleaders need to shave their armpits.

12/5/2010, 05:14 PM
Random JerryWorld Note: Nebraska Cheerleaders need to shave their armpits.

Surely you're not inferring that they actually shaved their legs are you? Maybe some of those gorill. . . , err girls in the little 10 will clue them in on the armpit thing. ;)

12/5/2010, 05:27 PM
Some complaints:

-Really? Patting down every fan? And they were half-assed patdowns too, so it wasn't like it was accomplishing anything except holding up the line.

-Speaking of, my friend and I were standing in a massive, unorganized line, and the event staff guy told us we were in the women's line, then proceeded to literally push us toward the men's line. We were like, "Get your damn hands off of me! I'm going!"

-If you're not going to sell beer, then put them away. It sucked seeing all of them sitting in locked fridges. Teases.

-Those weren't really Papa John's pizzas. They tasted like burnt Pizza Hut personal pans that were microwaved twice.

-Obviously, prices for everything. Sorry you overpaid for an airplane hanger with a big JumboTron, Jerry.

-The pregame "pump up" video was highlights of every Big XII team, not just OU-NU. It's like, cute, the rest of the conference did things too. And in classic OSU fashion, their highlight (the INT) came from a home loss to OU.

12/5/2010, 05:39 PM
I was so overwhelmingly unimpressed by my first visit to Jerryworld, that I decided to not ever go back. I'm still a little ambivalent if it's a NC game, but I'm not sorry to have watched this one from home.

OU Engineer
12/5/2010, 05:49 PM
I lucked out and got tickets in C235 (the C meant they sold beer in my section :-))

-Play both teams FULL regular season intro videos. It gets me pumped up but i also enjoy seeing the other teams video

-Nebraska fans were fairly good natured, as I expected. There was one right in front of me who was a little drunk and trying to get a rise out of all the sooner fans around by yelling stuff, but it was never derogatory or profanity laced (He especially liked yelling CHEATERS!!! every time we were called for a penalty) The usher even stopped me at one point and asked if I thought he was too drunk, and even faced with the opportunity to kick him out before halftime, I decided to tell the usher that so far he wasnt too bad.

-I did see two fights after the game. The first was a Nebbish fan on an OU fan, and the OU fan wound up with a couple fewer teeth. The second was shortly there after and Im pretty sure it was OU on OU (alcohol fueled I assume) By the time the cops showed up everyone had dispersed, and the cops got a good ribbing by some eyewitnesses for their delayed response.

-Im still in shock we came from behind to win a game, on a Jimmy Stevens field goal nonetheless. Seems to be the tale of the tape for this season.

12/5/2010, 05:54 PM
I didn't think much of the stadium.

The video board operator was very inconsistent on replays, although for OU offensive replays, it's hard to get them in. I was also astounded that they left that stupid logo there for the entire pre-game, stopping only briefly to show prior Big 12 title game highlights.

It also cost $5 for a bag of peanuts. LOLWUT. Even airlines give those away for free.

I was in section 126 in the corner of the Nebraska endzone right behind the Pride. It was very fun.

12/5/2010, 05:56 PM
I got REALLY lucky picking up some tickets in section C138. Maybe the constant beer helped, but I was really impressed with the death star. I don't think I would want to watch the game way at the top though.

12/5/2010, 06:50 PM
Video Boards - D. Total waste of the most expensive video board in the world. I got so tired of just seeing the NU and OU helmets. Pregame had very few, if any, season highligts of the two teams. So much more could have been done with very little effort. It would have been nice to see some clips of how each team got there.

Fans - A++. The stadium was about 55/45 Nebbish or maybe even 60/40. Too many corn heads in 440. Despite all of the bitterness of Nebbish packing their bags for the Bix X, I heard no derogatory cheers, comments, or rants. OU fans again show what it means to be a champion. You would have felt very comfortable taking a 6 year old to the game. I probably made the worst statement of the night when I yelled BULL**** after they reversed Stills' TD. SEC fans should come and take a lesson on how champions behave.

Officiating - F--. Seriously, every call went Nebbish's way and I was amazed at the holds and blocks in the back that should have been called against them. Some of those plays were very positive for Nebbish. It's like the conference office didn't want them to have any props to why they are quitting the Big 12.

Sooner Red Zone - D. Seriously, ever since the Florida game, Wilson just chokes on the Red Zone play calling. He's gone from prolific to inept.

Sooner Comeback - A+++. I like this trend of winning close games. I think it shows a sign of mental toughness that has been suspect since the TGOWWDNS. It tees up really well for (I hate to start saying this already) next year.

Great Game Sooners!! D came up big and the O just kept scratching clawing.


I just got through re-watching it. I have to disagree about the officiating. I don't see anything that can really be construed as evidence of calls going predominantly to either school. I think the officials weren't too bad - nothing like what I've seen in some other Big XII games (and most times when I have seen a game I thought was officiated poorly, it was poor officiating and not favoritism).

The Oregon game a few years back is an example of a game where officiating played a big role in the outcome of the game. Last night, I don't see it as a factor.

12/5/2010, 07:53 PM
Had a great time at Jerryworld. Knew about the video board so I wore a hat, as I sat in the 439 section, and knew what a distraction it is from the game on the field. A a few, several Nebraksa fans around us. All were class except 2 chicks with those half bleach / half natural color haircuts that looked like they gave them to each other 6 hours before kickoff. Both were drunk, 1st Nebraska TD while jumping up and down kicked a person in our party in the back of the head. My lovely CU wife, wearing OU gear, tore them a new hindend, they tore back. Got the ladies settled down for the game and asked them how long they had been Nebraska fans? Their answer was 5 years or so, Callahan class right their for you. Then the cornfed guy came into the crowd that was with them. He got all ticked and told me to sit down after OU scored their 1st TD and I turned around and said, ya ok. The he started bagging on a poke that was in the row in front of us about being there and I turned to him and whispered there is a slow one in every crowd, just this instance there is 4. He gave me a puzzled look and asked what I meant and I said figure it out. At halftime they decided they had seen enough. Nebraska was going to destroy OU in the 2nd half and they left to find a bar....

12/5/2010, 08:08 PM
I was in 439, row 20 seat 17. lots of neb. fans.

12/5/2010, 08:41 PM
i forgot about crowd control, ugh

it's like they've never had a football game there before :rolleyes:

i finally had a decent seat this time there after three trips. i still hate that place.

thankfully i won't have much reason to be there again for a while

and yeah, they did keep the video too tight on the screens, watching replays you'd occasionally miss the next play...

12/5/2010, 09:30 PM
From 316 -
The video board is cool, actually it's amazing, at the BYU game I was stuck in the end zone and didn't get to experience it. But whoever decided to keep showing the exact same people needs to be fired, also if it's that big, why not zoom out and give us more than just the line of scrimmage?

Random JerryWorld Note: Nebraska Cheerleaders need to shave their armpits.

I think I was in 441 for the BYU game. It seemed they had a lot more pregame warm up closeups of players and coaches. They also did the school's promo stuff. The video board is amazing technology, but I just wanted to see more OU-NU stuff pre-game.


Judge Smails
12/5/2010, 09:45 PM
The guy running the video board was an idiot.

They needed to show 10 times more replays and 10,000 times less morons in the crowd.

I sat next to a bunch of sooner fans that couldn't go 5 minutes without going to get food, drinks, etc. And then one of them came walking in drunk with two more beers in his hand that he apparently smuggled in from a different part of the stadium. Then, on his inevitable way back out, he fell on me. He was gone for at least half of the game, probably puking his guts up, as additional members of his group left to check on him, only to show up again in the fourth quarter with another beer. I felt like throwing the whole damed group over the rail.

Azzholes. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

12/5/2010, 10:29 PM
440 here too. Good yelling from our section. One thing I had a problem with was that there were no water fountains: damn that keen ole' Jerrah Jones.

Saw one guy with an old OU/Nebraska Orange Bowl long sleeve t-shirt and I heard that Todd Thomsen (former OU punter) had on his Orange Bowl jacket too.

Nothing but good Nebraska fans around us, and on the way back home, we ate at an IHOP just north of Ft. Worth where we had some good conversation with a couple of different Nebraska groups.

12/5/2010, 10:54 PM
we ended up with great seats in c135. we found on ebay.
The screen was cool. I was impressed with the quality of the picture. I couldnt believe how scraped up all the players were. all of them seem to have bleeding scrapes on elbows or knees.
you could see the freckles (or underarm hair) on the cheerleaders.
I hated how the scoreboard couldnt keep up with the downs and yards or the reviews were playing after the next snap. Pro ball must move much slower.

The club level was awesome because it wasnt crowded to enter the game or in the halls or rest rooms. Most of the staff was very professional and nice.

Anyway here are my pics from the game. Nothing professional but take a peek if you would like:

http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa344/5noubus/big%2012%20championship%202010/th_IMG_3577.jpg (http://s1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa344/5noubus/big%2012%20championship%202010/?action=view&current=IMG_3577.jpg)

12/6/2010, 01:11 AM
i forgot about the down and distance thing

it really was amateur hour down there

12/6/2010, 11:01 AM
My microsoft buddy texted me Sat morning that he had a free ticket for me and passes to the suite!

But I had inlaws at the house for the weekend so backed out. My wife even said go what a great opportunity but I deposited the marriage credit instead and stayed at home.

12/6/2010, 11:44 AM
I hated how the scoreboard couldnt keep up with the downs and yards or the reviews were playing after the next snap. Pro ball must move much slower.

well, it is the cowboys home stadium...

12/6/2010, 11:51 AM
In a stunning twist of fate, I ended up winning two tickets in 148 from a local radio station here in Dallas. (Thank you 1310 The Ticket, I love you)

Jerry world is what it is, pretty cool the first few times but very sterile/coporate after the newness wears off.

The Nebraska fans around me were very nice and football smart, but every fanbase has some jackwagons in it.

12/6/2010, 12:07 PM
i was pretty happy with 148. getting the little screens in the endzones isn't quite as cool though

12/6/2010, 12:14 PM
I hate the sound quality in the stadium, it was terrible. Next time don't mic the bands, there is way to much of a delay and just muddles up the noise in there. Some of the videos were so loud there were hard to comprehend also.

12/6/2010, 04:49 PM
Sat in Section 432.

Video Boards-Horrible. Totally inept at keepin up with the downs and yard line, etc.

Crowd Control - Horrible. Owen Field holds more people and we're able to get people in and out without much delay.

Sound Quality - very hollow, much like a tin can.

In fact, I wasn't overly impressed with the place at all. It's big and new, that's about it. It's very sterile, hollow, etc. No charm whatsoever. I think the stadium in Glendale, AZ is the same way.

That bein said, we did win the final Big 12 Championship game there ;)