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View Full Version : Beebe celebrating with the Sooners, ugg...

NorCal Sooner
12/5/2010, 02:53 AM
I wish someone would have given Beebe a little bump off that stage. What's he doing up there anyway... Hand off the trophy and get the hell off.


12/5/2010, 02:58 AM
Let him enjoy himself..... I love it!

12/5/2010, 02:59 AM
Better than seeing Weiberg actually celebrate with K-state:mad:

12/5/2010, 03:02 AM
He looked like he could have kissed Stoops for beating Nebraska. :D

NorCal Sooner
12/5/2010, 03:15 AM
Let him enjoy himself..... I love it!

The guys a major tool.

12/5/2010, 03:19 AM
The guys a major tool.

Yea he is but I'll give him a pass tonight. This pic made me laugh.


12/5/2010, 03:22 AM
I would normally say that I felt he ruined the picture, but him being there kinda gives the picture a "screw you for leaving, Nebraska" look to it.

12/5/2010, 03:35 AM
He's our commissioner. I'd rather have our commissioner celebrate with us than with a big ten team.

I don't get the vitrol against Beebe.

12/5/2010, 03:59 AM
I would normally say that I felt he ruined the picture, but him being there kinda gives the picture a "screw you for leaving, Nebraska" look to it.

Normally, I would also be like "WTF" is he doing in that pic? :confused:

But heck, he looks like he's really enjoying the scene, so its cool. :cool:

12/5/2010, 06:29 AM
he looked happy not to be up there with the corns

12/5/2010, 07:37 AM
Fine with me, but how about having Boren and Joe C. up there? Credit where its due.

12/5/2010, 07:44 AM
Yea he is but I'll give him a pass tonight. This pic made me laugh.


Geez - for a second I thought it was Glenn Beck.:eek:

12/5/2010, 07:46 AM
Weak kneed wussy posing with real men.

12/5/2010, 08:33 AM
He's our commissioner. I'd rather have our commissioner celebrate with us than with a big ten team.

I don't get the vitrol against Beebe.

Because he's reactive, not proactive.

12/5/2010, 08:37 AM
Good PR move made by Deloss Dodd's b****.

12/5/2010, 09:41 AM
There is the fact that he is the one who presented the trophy to Coach Stoops and the team. Perhaps he should have handed them the trophy and fled the stage?

12/5/2010, 09:56 AM
There is the fact that he is the one who presented the trophy to Coach Stoops and the team. Perhaps he should have handed them the trophy and fled the stage?

That would actually have been more reflective of his weaselesk M.O.

12/5/2010, 10:00 AM
I don't get the vitrol against Beebe.


Were you not paying attention this summer? Dude damn near single handedly destroyed this conference. And even now all he's done is throw a band-aid on a fatal wound. He's an idiot.

12/5/2010, 10:03 AM
I think the guy was just so stoked to have burned Nebraska on the way out. In the end, Nebraska and the Beebe had a real hatred for one another. I can promise you he was beyond thrilled we beat them.

12/5/2010, 12:16 PM
On of the writers at The Oklahoman talked about the Big 12 office was probably humming Booner Sooner all week. I have been on Beebe as much as anyone but after the death threats from NE fans after A&M, this was a great time for him to celebrate with the Sooners! You can tell he is one happy man!

12/5/2010, 12:17 PM
I'm loving it. F U nebraska

12/5/2010, 12:23 PM
He looked like he could have kissed Stoops for beating Nebraska. :D


12/5/2010, 12:23 PM
Because he's reactive, not proactive.

We don't know that. His hands are pretty tied with individual schools trying to one-up each other. He doesn't have the same kind of freedom a SEC comish may have.

He almost made it work but NU and Texas didn't want to make it work.

12/5/2010, 12:27 PM

Were you not paying attention this summer? Dude damn near single handedly destroyed this conference. And even now all he's done is throw a band-aid on a fatal wound. He's an idiot.

I have paid attention to the facts. Beebe is a comish with his hands tied. If he has a good plan, but Texas or Nebbish say no, how is it his fault? Considering the adversity I think he did quite well. OU is not hurt by anything he did.

It were the individuals schools that destroyed the b12, not beebe. It's not beebes fault that Oklahoma and Nebraska combined have a mere 5.5 million people.

12/5/2010, 12:47 PM
We don't know that. His hands are pretty tied with individual schools trying to one-up each other. He doesn't have the same kind of freedom a SEC comish may have.

He almost made it work but NU and Texas didn't want to make it work.

Sure we know it. Look at the "magic" he worked with TV dollars when faced with losing the conference. That should have been done as soon it was available to bolster the conference revenue...not as a last ditch effort to save it.

Reactive. Not a visionary.

12/5/2010, 12:56 PM
Sure we know it. Look at the "magic" he worked with TV dollars when faced with losing the conference. That should have been done as soon it was available to bolster the conference revenue...not as a last ditch effort to save it.

Reactive. Not a visionary.

We're going to agree to disagree. The B12 was a conference where three teams were unhappy and struggled constantly with each other. You had two stubborn programs making demands the other didn't want to concede. Beebe did his best to hold it together despite great adversity. In the end OU will be fine. But I'm sure on the internet everybody knows how to coach, pass an accurate ball despite the all out blitz in their face, make a great catch, run through 5 tackles, run the conference in a visionary manner, while being 6'4" with 4% body fat, being well endowed, and having the best looking girlfirend/wife/mistress in the world.

In short terms, I'm all too guilty of being captain hindsight many times.

12/5/2010, 12:58 PM
The guys a major tool.


12/5/2010, 01:05 PM
Reading is fundamental.

I did not say he could have held the conference together (read my posts). I'm saying he's been pissing away revenue for the conference. He didn't secure richer contracts until an emergency. That's reactionary.

And **** you and your "I'm sure on the internet everybody knows how to coach, pass an accurate ball despite the all out blitz in their face, make a great catch, run through 5 tackles, run the conference in a visionary manner, while being 6'4" with 4% body fat, being well endowed, and having the best looking girlfirend/wife/mistress in the world" bull****. That has nothing to to with what I'm saying.

12/5/2010, 01:09 PM
You mad! It's easy to be visionary on the Internet after the fact.

12/5/2010, 01:16 PM
Reading is fundamental.

I did not say he could have held the conference together (read my posts). I'm saying he's been pissing away revenue for the conference. He didn't secure richer contracts until an emergency. That's reactionary.

And **** you and your "I'm sure on the internet everybody knows how to coach, pass an accurate ball despite the all out blitz in their face, make a great catch, run through 5 tackles, run the conference in a visionary manner, while being 6'4" with 4% body fat, being well endowed, and having the best looking girlfirend/wife/mistress in the world" bull****. That has nothing to to with what I'm saying.

Well at least I have one of these qualities.

12/5/2010, 01:32 PM
I loved it. Nebraska isn't leaving because they have respect for the Big XII.

12/5/2010, 01:41 PM
What better way to make sure some Neb fan doesn't kick his *** than to have 85+ bodyguards "protecting" you?

12/5/2010, 01:44 PM
You mad! It's easy to be visionary on the Internet after the fact.

The writing was on the wall considering how little the Big 12's TV contract was paying out and how much smoke there was with teams talking to other conferences the past few years. Just because you were too ignorant to see it doesn't mean everyone else was.

12/5/2010, 01:44 PM
What better way to make sure some Neb fan doesn't kick his *** than to have 85+ bodyguards "protecting" you?

HaHa! Maybe he's smarter than we think!