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View Full Version : PC Run Amuck

Leroy Lizard
12/2/2010, 09:51 PM
Ohio State president E. Gordon Gee says in the future, he will stick to running the university and leave comments about college football to the experts.

"What do I know about college football? I look like Orville Redenbacher. I have no business talking about college football," he said Wednesday, according to The Columbus Dispatch.

More than a week ago, Gee said teams in the major conferences such as the Big Ten and SEC are more deserving to play for the BCS national championship because they play tougher competition every week. "We do not play the Little Sisters of the Poor," he said.

That didn't go over very well at TCU and Boise State, both of which at the time were hoping to turn undefeated seasons into a case for inclusion in the Tostitos BCS National Championship Game.

Boise State (10-1) lost to Nevada (No. 17 BCS, No. AP) last weekend, and is No. 11 BCS, No. 9 AP.

TCU is 12-0, and No. 3 in both standings.

Observers said Gee's comments fueled the perception that the so-called power conferences suffer from arrogance. It also was noted that according to Jeff Sagarin's computer ratings, Ohio State's strength of schedule, rated No. 64 in college football's top level, was comparable to Boise State (62) and TCU (76).

Gee told the Dispatch he has since decided, "I need to keep my mouth closed."

"I'm very blessed to have the best athletic director and best football coach in the country," Gee said, the newspaper reported. "They run the athletic program and I run the university, and I should have stayed out of there. What I should do is go over to the surgical suites and get my foot extricated from my mouth."

As for the real Little Sisters of the Poor -- a Roman Catholic women's religious order serving the elderly -- Gee said he had reached out to one of the order's homes in Ohio.

"I sent a [personal] check to the Mother Superior up there and invited her to a ballgame," he said, according to the report.

First of all, Gee shouldn't have to back off his statement simply because other schools didn't like the message. He was right and he was hired to defend his own school's interests, not theirs.

Second of all, why should he have to write a check to an institution simply because he mentioned them in a worn cliche used by thousands of football fans all over the country?


12/2/2010, 09:59 PM
Is someone making him write the check or is he doing it because he feels like a jackass?

12/2/2010, 10:17 PM
He probably feels like a doosh because he didn't even realize they were a legit catholic order.

12/2/2010, 10:19 PM
Pathetic. I would tell TCU and Boise to shove it. And I wouldn't be writing and check for a cliche like that. Weak.

12/2/2010, 11:26 PM
Pathetic. I would tell TCU and Boise to shove it. And I wouldn't be writing and check for a cliche like that. Weak.


Screw being PC, that never wins any championships. I liked him better when he wasn't worried about offending anybody.

VA Sooner
12/2/2010, 11:27 PM
Probably laughing right now after he heard about the Boise St loss... but just can't laugh out in public.

12/2/2010, 11:38 PM
He went from courageous administrator to spineless nitwit in about 20 seconds.

12/3/2010, 12:06 AM
I would tell TCU they can eat my *** with a spoon. With. a. spoon.
Then I'd mail them a freaking spoon so they can get 'em some.

12/3/2010, 12:24 AM

12/3/2010, 12:42 AM

Dude. Wide AND pointy? Worst of both worlds.

12/3/2010, 10:14 AM


12/3/2010, 10:35 AM
i hope TCU somehow gets tOSU in their BCS bowl and shut down that joke Pryor. looks like theyre gonna met Wisky though, which IMO is a much tougher matchup

12/3/2010, 10:41 AM
There's no shame in giving money to an honest-to-gawd Sisters of the Poor.

Hell, actually, played the right way, you could even score some style points for that move. But backtracking on the original statement? **** that. Boise State and TCU play craaaaaaaaaaaaap schedules and have no business bitching when we ignore their unblemished record of cupcakes.

Sure, playing in the Big Tenlevensoontobewelve isn't exactly running the gauntlet, either -- which is why Nebbish is running there like an animate corn field chased by locusts -- but it includes a bunch of teams which *should* be at least competent most years, and is certainly more difficult than facing the western Utah state junior colleges of the world that Boise, in particular, likes to schedule.

Sorry for the ridiculously long sentence.

I hate these yip dog creampuff-playing bull**** teams so very, very much. It makes me forget to punctuate my thoughts into easily digestible chunks.

Mississippi Sooner
12/3/2010, 10:42 AM
There really is a Little Sisters of the Poor? :eek:

Next you'll tell me that Texas really did schedule East Potato State.

12/3/2010, 11:50 AM
If I were him, I'd double-down and highlight that the work the sisters do is way tougher than making it through the WAC undefeated.

Scott D
12/3/2010, 12:09 PM
If I were him, I'd double-down and highlight that the work the sisters do is way tougher than making it through the WAC undefeated.


12/3/2010, 01:29 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that the schools who should be actually offended are the ones on Boise and TCU's schedule? They are who was more directly insulted.