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View Full Version : Huskers will go after Landry

12/1/2010, 02:36 PM
One aspect of this game I'm concerned about will be the hits on Landry. I fully expect Nebbish to take every opportunity to hit him late or not. I'm not sure if Landry's been hit that much this year and I believe Nebbish will work to rough him up.

So, assuming Nebbish hits him every down - how will it affect our attack and game plan? Do you think he'll play well under duress?

12/1/2010, 02:46 PM
So, assuming Nebbish hits him every down - how will it affect our attack and game plan? Do you think he'll play well under duress?


Dan Thompson
12/1/2010, 02:51 PM
Leave Millard(sp) #33 in there to block for him. Especially come from Landry's left.

12/1/2010, 02:53 PM
Landry has gotten better at stepping up in the pocket. Plus the screen (middle, bubble and hb) are this offenses bread and butter. Let em come

12/1/2010, 02:53 PM
This is like suggestion that our receivers will run really fast if they catch the ball or the fans will cheer really hard. It's the Big 12, it ain't intramurals!!!!!!!

12/1/2010, 02:54 PM
In other news, OU will attempt to advance the football in the direction that will result in them scoring points.

12/1/2010, 02:56 PM
Landry not getting hit much this year? What?

12/1/2010, 02:57 PM
In intramurals you have to wait 3 seconds to rush. Just sayin.

12/1/2010, 02:57 PM
I'm surprised nobody's thought of this yet.

12/1/2010, 02:59 PM
Hey, it would not surprise me in the least if the Huskers come after the Ruf-Neks in their pre-game warm-ups.

12/1/2010, 03:01 PM
I would be surprised if Pellini would coach them to hit late. He's too convinced that the world is out to get him anyway. 'Roughing the passer' is a tough way to move downfield, but it's a brisk one. Do it more than about three times a half and you're likely to be told by the nice man in the stripey shirt to go take a seat on the bench. Tough way to lose a starter. Ya know?

12/1/2010, 03:03 PM
One aspect of this game I'm concerned about will be the hits on Landry. I fully expect Nebbish to take every opportunity to hit him late or not. I'm not sure if Landry's been hit that much this year and I believe Nebbish will work to rough him up.

So, assuming Nebbish hits him every down - how will it affect our attack and game plan? Do you think he'll play well under duress?

We don't hit anyone late; if you're making this assumption off of the roughing the passer call on Courtney Osborne against A&M, you are very misguided.

12/1/2010, 03:18 PM
One aspect of this game I'm concerned about will be the hits on Landry. I fully expect Nebbish to take every opportunity to hit him late or not. I'm not sure if Landry's been hit that much this year and I believe Nebbish will work to rough him up.

So, assuming Nebbish hits him every down - how will it affect our attack and game plan? Do you think he'll play well under duress?

Thank god for our run offense, right? Or thank god for our quick routes, right?

If Nebraska gets to Jones every play, it would be a first in football history! It would also go against their DL philosphy this year.

They can rush, but in order to get to Jones every single play, they would have to send 6 or 7 guys every play....that would be defensive suicide and I hope they do that!

12/1/2010, 03:19 PM
Landry has gotten better at stepping up in the pocket. Plus the screen (middle, bubble and hb) are this offenses bread and butter. Let em come

:cool: :cool: yea he has.

12/1/2010, 03:20 PM
One aspect of this game I'm concerned about will be the hits on Landry. I fully expect Nebbish to take every opportunity to hit him late or not. I'm not sure if Landry's been hit that much this year and I believe Nebbish will work to rough him up.

So, assuming Nebbish hits him every down - how will it affect our attack and game plan? Do you think he'll play well under duress?

A&M and Baylor he got roughed up.

12/1/2010, 03:23 PM
Somehow i picture LJ just sitting in an armchair with a pipe thinking....

"Come and get me ****ers!"

12/1/2010, 03:43 PM
LOL at nebbish hitting Landry every play. if that happens, we've got real issues.

12/1/2010, 04:11 PM
In other news, OU will attempt to advance the football in the direction that will result in them scoring points.

I'm shocked that you have this insider information and I demand to know a source! :gary:

12/1/2010, 04:13 PM
A&M and Baylor he got roughed up.

aTm - Von Miller was unblockable.

Baylor - Baylor hit him, but he made them pay for it.

Plus, this isn't a road game. It is more of a road game for them than us.

12/1/2010, 04:21 PM
NO SUH FOR YOU! cornholers. So I'm not worried about too much pressure on LJ.

12/1/2010, 04:40 PM
lmao let them blitz when millard is in there...

12/1/2010, 04:43 PM
I'm utterly shocked that another respectful team would attempt to harm our QB.


12/1/2010, 04:46 PM
Doesn't every team try to get after Landry? Not trying to be a smart a**.....just making sure I am not missing something.

By now every team knows (or believe that they know) that Landry tends to get a little "skiddish" when pressured........so I wouldn't be too concerned at this point.:)

12/1/2010, 05:03 PM
Just great! I was hoping everyone would keep quiet and not give NU any ideas but now the cats out of the bag.

12/1/2010, 05:05 PM
Nebraska went after Blaine Gabbert pretty hard but it was because Mizzou went to an empty backfield so much. It also seems the less mobile a QB is the more likely we will bring pressure. If the QB is a run threat they more then likely will try to contain him and collapse the pocket.

Pelini isn't afraid to give up short gains and force long drives and try to force a mistake. If you are in 3 and long expect a lot of pressure.

If we have a lead you will also see the DBs take a few more chances and try to jump the routes looking for a pick. Denard bit on a double move against Colorado last week and got burnt for a TD.

12/1/2010, 05:06 PM
this aggression will not stand, man

12/1/2010, 05:07 PM
Landry will be ready for this one

12/1/2010, 05:57 PM
Its The Ds job to go after the QB, Much like it's their job to Knock the **** out of the Receiver and make him pay fer making the catch.
Now if you are saying they are going after LJ to knock him out of the game with Late and or Vicious hits . then that's a dif. story

12/1/2010, 06:29 PM
Now if you are saying they are going after LJ to knock him out of the game with Late and or Vicious hits . then that's a dif. story

i agree.

you dont wanna play dirty when he

is on OUr side.

12/1/2010, 06:41 PM
and the bars need more women

12/1/2010, 06:46 PM
My intention wasn't to imply that Nebraska would play dirty. I was thinking about Tejas last year and McCoy getting the **** kicked out of him. As has been mentioned Football is obviously a physical game and that's what I expect. Landry threw 5 int's against them last year....5. They're going to bring pressure they are going to hit him how will he hold up? Has he grown up? I think so, but that was my point.

12/1/2010, 06:52 PM
Somehow i picture LJ just sitting in an armchair with a pipe thinking....

"Come and get me ****ers!"

...wearing a smoking jacket.

12/1/2010, 07:47 PM
with matching slippers

12/1/2010, 08:06 PM
A&M and Baylor he got roughed up.

He took some huge hits in the Baylor game and bounced up. I actually thought he played better after taking some shots.

12/1/2010, 08:08 PM
He took some huge hits in the Baylor game and bounced up. I actually thought he played better after taking some shots.

I like when he gets hit :D

12/1/2010, 10:49 PM
Pelini isn't afraid to give up short gains and force long drives and try to force a mistake. If you are in 3 and long expect a lot of pressure.

Our offense thrives on short gains so you might want to rethink that. We'll dink and dunk our way to the pylons and when you get tired of that we'll go over the top for 50+.

12/1/2010, 11:09 PM
Its late and I'm too lazy to look it up.
How many starts did Landry have under his belt when we played Nebraska last year?
I think the experience he's gained since then will make a world of difference.

12/1/2010, 11:09 PM
Our offense thrives on short gains so you might want to rethink that. We'll dink and dunk our way to the pylons and when you get tired of that we'll go over the top for 50+.

If OU can change up what they normally do or add a couple of new wrinkles they should do well. If they plan on slants and bubble screens this plays right into Bo's D.

There is a reason Nebraska is second in the nation in points allowed.

Leroy Lizard
12/1/2010, 11:23 PM
"Okay, men! We're going to go right after Jones. We'll bring the house. You corners will have to cover Broyles, Stills, and Kenny."

"Say what?"

12/2/2010, 12:36 AM
What do you suppose happens to the OL? Sure, they have big uglies on the DL, but do we not have any big uglies on the OL?

They will undoubtedly be able to hit him every down if nobody is protecting him. I bet other teams would have done the same.

12/2/2010, 02:56 AM
cake > pie

seriously... when's the last time someone got a birthday pie?

12/2/2010, 02:57 AM
Hey, it would not surprise me in the least if the Huskers come after the Ruf-Neks in their pre-game warm-ups.

Effing Hillbillies!

12/2/2010, 03:00 AM
Our cheerleaders and the pom squad will go after Martinez - and he won't make them stop. :D

12/2/2010, 04:26 AM
Pellini I understnd can not yell or raise his voice this game. He can only give mean looks and if anything say shoocks gosh darn-it.

Plus I understand this is Martinez's last game and he wants to deck Pellini on prime time TV.

Yes I am making this all up but it's fun.