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11/29/2010, 10:49 AM
That is the gist of what I am hearing from the huddled mass of oSu fans this morning.

Here is my PSA to the poke fans spewing this garbage. You are merely admitting that your "unstoppable" offense was nothing but a one-trick pony.

We lost Murray for the 4th Qtr. We lost Nelson for most of the game. At this point in the season, nobody is completely healthy. JB was apparently healthly enough to play, and certainly was healthy enough to dance around and celebrate after his TD. That's healthy enough to not make excuses, IMO. We had guys step up. Kenney? Hanna? Jimmy? You win when people step up their game in tough situations. That's what we've been missing on the road lately, and we got it back Saturday.

oSu didn't have anybody step up and embrace the situation, even at home.

One trick ponies.

That is all.

Bring on the Huskers!

11/29/2010, 10:56 AM
Let's say that's true. Blackmon's injury was the difference.

So ****ing what? With a healthy linebacking corps, uninjured Niles Paul, and an uninjured Taylor Martinez Nebraska would be undefeated. But injuries are a part of football and part of playing tough conference competition.

That's why schools like Boise, TCU, etc are bull****: it's easy to get through a season when your starters only have to play a half of football before the second/third string takes over. You don't have to suffer the wear and tear and when you get to the end of the season, hey, you can run a trick play and suddenly you're amazing.

11/29/2010, 10:59 AM
i dont think broyles has been 100% for the last few games........ smh. blackmon still had 108 yds & a TD.. i think our corners just did a great job on him minus the one busted play where he did score.

11/29/2010, 11:00 AM

11/29/2010, 11:02 AM
And Murrays injury is why we didn't put more points on the board......right back at ya OSwho????!!!

11/29/2010, 11:06 AM

11/29/2010, 11:11 AM
I'll take...what a loser might say for $200, Alex.

used that one twice already today

11/29/2010, 11:13 AM
They really are precious.

11/29/2010, 11:19 AM
Texas: If Colt woulda played...
A&M: If we benched JJ sooner...
OSU: Blackmon!!!!!!!!
Baylor: Hello, my name is Baylor!

Ah, the Big 12 South is one big happy family again :)

11/29/2010, 11:24 AM
...and if Murray had been healthy for the NCG at the end of the '08 season, we'd have an 8th national championship today.
Shiite happens.
If they'd wanted him healthy for this game, they should have sat him down earlier in the season.
No, wait, that makes no sense.
Kind of like their argument.

11/29/2010, 11:33 AM
...and if Murray had been healthy for the NCG at the end of the '08 season, we'd have an 8th national championship today.
Shiite happens.
If they'd wanted him healthy for this game, they should have sat him down earlier in the season.No, wait, that makes no sense.
Kind of like their argument.

I agree with this. With a sprained ankle, you get it wrapped, on ice, and elevated ASAP. You don't send him out the play the entire 2nd half against the worst team in the conference. Gundy should have to answer for that one. It was OK when everybody thought "Oh it's no big deal. He played on it last week." But now, poke fans should be demanding answers for why he was out there making it worse against KU, the one week they don't really need him.

11/29/2010, 11:37 AM
I seem to remember smoking their @sses with our JV squad last year, and a converted TE making his first ever start at tackle (Mensik).. Bottome line Winners over come adversity...

This is why Mack is a fraud of a coach, his team folded like a cheap tent this year.. Teams take on the identity of their coaches,Macks team has a severe case of vag-o-tois

11/29/2010, 11:45 AM

11/29/2010, 11:53 AM
Their main sheep was nicked a little, that must suck. Weeden woulda but he couldn't I guess? Humm

11/29/2010, 11:54 AM
I don't remember Blackmon playing safety at any time this season.

11/29/2010, 11:57 AM
We lost in the trenches not because of Blackmon

11/29/2010, 12:00 PM
We lost in the trenches not because of Blackmon

It was probably the defensive breakdowns at the end more than anything else. It definitely wasn't the three INT's, because we had three of those too :(

In any event, kick the Pac 10's arse for us in the Holiday Bowl. I'd ask A&M to kick the SEC's in the Cotton Bowl, but they seem to be dyingly desperate to be a part of that conference and would probably lose on purpose as a goodwill gesture :rolleyes:

11/29/2010, 12:00 PM
Bless their hearts.

11/29/2010, 12:02 PM
very good point SoonerNutt. I was wondering the same thing at the time.

11/29/2010, 12:03 PM
Broyles has played the last 3 or so games on TWO sprained ankles,if Puke fans don't realize Ryan wasn't 100% they are clueless.

11/29/2010, 12:08 PM
We're just better. They don't have to like it, but they should be used to it by now.

11/29/2010, 12:09 PM
I seem to remember smoking their @sses with our JV squad last year, and a converted TE making his first ever start at tackle (Mensik).. Bottome line Winners over come adversity...

This is why Mack is a fraud of a coach, his team folded like a cheap tent this year.. Teams take on the identity of their coachesThis is so true.

11/29/2010, 12:18 PM
I'm reading OP and some people are saying it's Gundy's fault for calling for a blocked punt when they got the roughing penalty.


11/29/2010, 12:21 PM


11/29/2010, 12:46 PM
Last year we didnt have our starting quarterback....or tight end.... or offensive line......... we beat them by 27.

My response to Diet Oklahoma: Shut up.

11/29/2010, 12:48 PM


Is their basketball team going to start selling season tickets during the last season game too?

11/29/2010, 12:49 PM
It was officiating.....It was because OUr coaches were on the field.....Gumby is afraid of Stoops.....It was the play clock.....It was the special teams coach's fault.....We held the entire game....OUr players cheated as well as the University as a whole....Because Austin Box is ugly.....Craig James's hair had a red tint to it.....

11/29/2010, 12:50 PM
Texas: If Colt woulda played...
A&M: If we benched JJ sooner...
OSU: Blackmon!!!!!!!!
Baylor: Hello, my name is Baylor!

Ah, the Big 12 South is one big happy family again :)

ha, so true

11/29/2010, 12:54 PM
If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle. F the whiners.

11/29/2010, 01:04 PM



11/29/2010, 01:05 PM
We lost DeJuan Miller......oh wait, we have more than one great athlete. We're Oklahoma.

11/29/2010, 01:12 PM
btw, what was Kendall Hunter's final stat line... less than 100 yards on less than 20 carries, right? No wonder we were blitzing the hell out of Old Man Weeden. There was no run game to keep us honest. It is a shame that such a talent didn't get to step up when their other All-American, Blackmon, was not 100 percent.

More and more, I am just trying to put together what Gundy was thinking... but then again, he looks kind of absent-minded when OSU's on offense now, so let's go a step further - what was Dana, the one we allegedly stole all of our offensive tricks from, the so-called mastermind of all that is offense in college football, thinking.

11/29/2010, 01:13 PM
The reason they lost was because of the bad mojo their ticket policy has brought them. They also should learn to be better hosts to the people they work around on a daily basis. The hatred and jealously has gotten a hold on so many of them that it has become more than a football game, more than a basketball game, more than a baseball game.....

The pokes I know that are really proud of where they went to School don't get caught up in that kind of stuff. Matter of fact they think the folks that act like total dooshes about it are bad for their Schools image. The Med School they have is a shining example to how a University can do something right for the State they represent. Yes....OU's Med School is fantastic too....but improving health care in our State is as important as Educating our children. Both Schools are improving our State in these regards IMO. One of them really has a bad self image when it comes to their Sports Image and even throwing money at it hasn't helped very much....continuing to improve their facilities will.

Still.....I like boiling the blood of aggies who don't get it. :D

11/29/2010, 01:18 PM
We lost in the trenches not because of Blackmon

btw, thanks for staying around after the game. You're one of the more enjoyable poke fans to lurk this season. Hope you stay longer... and besides, OP.com probably is still cannibalizing its young right now :les:[hairGel]:stunned::eddie:

11/29/2010, 01:29 PM
For a guy who was limping so much he sure seemed to hit his stride on that post pattern he caught for a TD. He wasn't hurting, just playing possum.

11/29/2010, 02:04 PM
For a guy who was limping so much he sure seemed to hit his stride on that post pattern he caught for a TD. He wasn't hurting, just playing possum.

Not making excuses as we were outplayed but he was definitely hurting. We threw 1 deep ball all game to him which we usually try about 5 or 6. After almost every throw to him, he would limp to the sidelines and sit out a play. The guy is a warrior for playing like that. My hat is definitely off to him and I'm glad that he plays for us

11/29/2010, 02:07 PM
btw, thanks for staying around after the game. You're one of the more enjoyable poke fans to lurk this season. Hope you stay longer... and besides, OP.com probably is still cannibalizing its young right now :les:[hairGel]:stunned::eddie:

No prob. Most of you seem like good people to talk with and I like to talk football

stoops the eternal pimp
11/29/2010, 02:09 PM
he was definitely hurt...glad we could give him an extra week off to heal up for their bowl game..

YWIA osu

11/29/2010, 02:17 PM
I've heard the same excuses about Blackmon (except for Sam Mayes who surprisingly gave it up to the Sooners this morning for playing better than the pokes) and my initial response is that OU was minus their best interior def. lineman in Adrian Taylor and lost a starting safety early in the game. Bottom line, oSu knew about Blackmon's injury all week and did nothing to game plan around it.

11/29/2010, 02:43 PM
OSU's other receivers played pretty poorly. Weeden had a terrible 1st half. I was not impressed AT ALL by him.

11/29/2010, 02:45 PM
OSU's other receivers played pretty poorly. Weeden had a terrible 1st half. I was not impressed AT ALL by him.

That was the worst I've seen our offense play all year. Got to give credit to your dc for coming up with his gameplan and then the players executing the way they did.

stoops the eternal pimp
11/29/2010, 02:46 PM
OSU's other receivers played pretty poorly. Weeden had a terrible 1st half. I was not impressed AT ALL by him.

running that 50 formation on D really confused him...he didn't know what was coming and was dropping back..

I think Cooper is a darn good receiver still

11/29/2010, 02:48 PM
Yeah, a few OSU receivers dropped some easy catched, but so did ours till Kenney and Hanna saved the day.

Here (http://tulsaworld.sportsdirectinc.com/football/ncaaf-boxscores.aspx?page=/data/NCAAF/results/2010-2011/boxscore28968.html) is the box score... their rushing attempts and passing attempts were dwarfed by ours. They kept talking about OSU's big three... big three?! those numbers suck

stoops the eternal pimp
11/29/2010, 02:52 PM
Hunter only had 13 carries..I didn't understand osu going away from him so quickly in the game...

11/29/2010, 02:55 PM
Yeah, a few OSU receivers dropped some easy catched, but so did ours till Kenney and Hanna saved the day.

Here (http://tulsaworld.sportsdirectinc.com/football/ncaaf-boxscores.aspx?page=/data/NCAAF/results/2010-2011/boxscore28968.html) is the box score... their rushing attempts and passing attempts were dwarfed by ours. They kept talking about OSU's big three... big three?! those numbers suck

What them 3 accomplished this season statistically speaking is really something special. Without looking it up, I think that we are the first ever 4000,1500,1500. That is something special for them 3 and something that we can sell when recruiting. You bottled Kendall up and harassed Weeden all game. Blackmon outperformed Broyles, did he not. Like I said earlier, your DC had a great game plan though.

11/29/2010, 02:56 PM
OSU's other receivers played pretty poorly. Weeden had a terrible 1st half. I was not impressed AT ALL by him.

OUr Oline did a real good job of getting pressure on the Weed in that first half.

11/29/2010, 02:57 PM
Hunter only had 13 carries..I didn't understand osu going away from him so quickly in the game...

Panic? Or deciding it wasn't working and trying something different? It's funny to me because we'd all be complaining either way if it was KW.

11/29/2010, 02:59 PM
OUr Oline did a real good job of getting pressure on the Weed in that first half.

They also provided LJ with pretty good pass protection - impressive! ;)

11/29/2010, 02:59 PM
Hunter only had 13 carries..I didn't understand osu going away from him so quickly in the game...

I don't think anyone understands it. We didn't run any jailbreak or slip screens either. Some of the staples of our offense weren't even used this game. Don't know what DH was thinking but we'll move past it eventually. Hopefully we get 'Bama in the Cotton. I would love to play the previous NC winners.

11/29/2010, 03:05 PM
I don't think anyone understands it. We didn't run any jailbreak or slip screens either. Some of the staples of our offense weren't even used this game. Don't know what DH was thinking but we'll move past it eventually. Hopefully we get 'Bama in the Cotton. I would love to play the previous NC winners.

I would rather see y'all play the Mad Hatter and LSU. That could be all kinds of fun to watch.

11/29/2010, 03:07 PM
I would rather see y'all play the Mad Hatter and LSU. That could be all kinds of fun to watch.

I'm one of the few OSU fans that actually still like ole Les. But man would it be fun to put a spanking on that team. There would be some great matchups also. Peterson vs Blackmon. Bad offense vs bad defense. Good offense vs good defense. Great storylines. Might actually happen

11/29/2010, 03:22 PM
Lester brought you guys good fortune, yes, but rumor has it that the good fortune only came through strange rituals involving a sacrificial lamb.

Link (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=147947&highlight=osu)

I wonder if they have something similar in Louisiana... oh yeah. Voodoo. :eek:

11/29/2010, 03:37 PM
What them 3 accomplished this season statistically speaking is really something special. Without looking it up, I think that we are the first ever 4000,1500,1500. That is something special for them 3 and something that we can sell when recruiting. You bottled Kendall up and harassed Weeden all game. Blackmon outperformed Broyles, did he not. Like I said earlier, your DC had a great game plan though.

So your recruiting pitch is going to be "If you are in the 'big 3', you'll get big numbers, but if you're not, nobody will ever know you exist."? I would think the opposite pitch would be more effective.

stoops the eternal pimp
11/29/2010, 03:57 PM
I don't think anyone understands it. We didn't run any jailbreak or slip screens either. Some of the staples of our offense weren't even used this game. Don't know what DH was thinking but we'll move past it eventually. Hopefully we get 'Bama in the Cotton. I would love to play the previous NC winners.

actually with the 50 defense that OU was running, those slip screens to the middle probably would have been effective..

11/29/2010, 04:04 PM
What them 3 accomplished this season statistically speaking is really something special. Without looking it up, I think that we are the first ever 4000,1500,1500. That is something special for them 3 and something that we can sell when recruiting. You bottled Kendall up and harassed Weeden all game. Blackmon outperformed Broyles, did he not. Like I said earlier, your DC had a great game plan though.







Geeez, i would freaking hope so. Sorry we played dynamic offenses that also can hold their on defense.

11/29/2010, 04:31 PM






Geeez, i would freaking hope so. Sorry we played dynamic offenses that also can hold their on defense.

So you mention that, but we're the first to ever do that.

Iowa State
Utah State
Texas Tech

I can play this game too

stoops the eternal pimp
11/29/2010, 04:32 PM
yeah...thats really not a good argument for either side...with the exception of the florida state win

11/29/2010, 05:15 PM
Ok, fine, OSU is the first to 4000/1500/1500.

It'll look funny on a t-shirt tho.

Judge Smails
11/29/2010, 07:15 PM
And if a frog had wings it wouldn't bump it's azz when it hopped.

Excuses are like azzholes........

Judge Smails
11/29/2010, 07:16 PM
Ok, fine, OSU is the first to 4000/1500/1500.

It'll look funny on a t-shirt tho.

But you can bet the aggies will buy them....

11/29/2010, 07:50 PM
actually with the 50 defense that OU was running, those slip screens to the middle probably would have been effective..

Stop tormenting the Aggies with what might of been. It's like picking on a retard.

11/29/2010, 07:57 PM
That is the gist of what I am hearing from the huddled mass of oSu fans this morning.

Here is my PSA to the poke fans spewing this garbage. You are merely admitting that your "unstoppable" offense was nothing but a one-trick pony.

We lost Murray for the 4th Qtr. We lost Nelson for most of the game. At this point in the season, nobody is completely healthy. JB was apparently healthly enough to play, and certainly was healthy enough to dance around and celebrate after his TD. That's healthy enough to not make excuses, IMO. We had guys step up. Kenney? Hanna? Jimmy? You win when people step up their game in tough situations. That's what we've been missing on the road lately, and we got it back Saturday.

oSu didn't have anybody step up and embrace the situation, even at home.

One trick ponies.

That is all.

Bring on the Huskers!

I don't care what they say.

OU has a W beside that game, and they have an excuse. I like what we have better.

11/29/2010, 08:03 PM
It was officiating.....It was because OUr coaches were on the field.....Gumby is afraid of Stoops.....It was the play clock.....It was the special teams coach's fault.....We held the entire game....OUr players cheated as well as the University as a whole....Because Austin Box is ugly.....Craig James's hair had a red tint to it.....

Just think how our D might have played with a healthy, ugly Austin Box in the middle against mizzou and A&M.

11/29/2010, 08:09 PM
Stop tormenting the Aggies with what might of been. It's like picking on a retard.

No need to call me a retard. I'm just here talking football. I gave your team all the props in the world after the game

11/29/2010, 08:13 PM
The difference was giving up 47 points at home.

That's ****ty, no matter how you slice it.

11/29/2010, 08:16 PM
So you mention that, but we're the first to ever do that.

Iowa State
Utah State
Texas Tech

I can play this game too

our schedule was without a doubt harder. Thats all im saying.

11/29/2010, 08:17 PM
It was officiating.....It was because OUr coaches were on the field.....Gumby is afraid of Stoops.....It was the play clock.....It was the special teams coach's fault.....We held the entire game....OUr players cheated as well as the University as a whole....Because Austin Box is ugly.....Craig James's hair had a red tint to it.....

The Pride, don't forget the band and the horsepigs.

11/29/2010, 08:17 PM
That was the worst I've seen our offense play all year. Got to give credit to your dc for coming up with his gameplan and then the players executing the way they did.

And you've played some stellar defenses this season.

11/29/2010, 08:20 PM
So you mention that, but we're the first to ever do that.

Iowa State
Utah State
Texas Tech

I can play this game too

You'd still have a jizz stain on your Rustlers if you smoked Florida State.

VA Sooner
11/29/2010, 09:45 PM
I agree with this. With a sprained ankle, you get it wrapped, on ice, and elevated ASAP. You don't send him out the play the entire 2nd half against the worst team in the conference. Gundy should have to answer for that one. It was OK when everybody thought "Oh it's no big deal. He played on it last week." But now, poke fans should be demanding answers for why he was out there making it worse against KU, the one week they don't really need him.

I agree with you 100% on this one. He was nursing an ankle prior to the Kansas game. Why was he still playing in the fourth quarter with OSU up by so many on the worst team in the Big 12 when everyone knew that Bedlam was the following week. Trying to stay in the game to get his 100 yard game record?

Pokes can complain but injuries are part of the game. Look at us last year, Texas in the Championship game, Nebraska pretty much half the year, Denard Robinson with 2 injuries, etc. The other players have to step up and make the plays... this is why Texas is floundering. Still puzzling with all the 5-star recruits but I think it comes down to coaching.

Coach your players well and make them want to win.

11/29/2010, 09:49 PM
I do NOT believe Blackmon was injured..

Football Jim
11/29/2010, 10:05 PM
I really do think it was those damn Horse pigs that were the difference! :stunned:

11/29/2010, 10:05 PM
The Pride, don't forget the band and the horsepigs.

How the hell did I forget them......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11/29/2010, 10:19 PM
And you've played some stellar defenses this season.

We played Nebraska which had a pretty good defense and Blackmon had 157 yards and Kendall had 200. They were touted as one of the best in the nation

11/29/2010, 11:32 PM
We played Nebraska which had a pretty good defense and Blackmon had 157 yards and Kendall had 200. They were touted as one of the best in the nation

That's one.

I honestly think you guys spend way too much time with stats and ****. It's kinda sad.

Leroy Lizard
11/30/2010, 01:27 AM
Here is what I would tell a Poke fan:

"You're absolutely right. If Blackmon had been 100%, you would have won easily. And the refs were just brutal to you all night. If they had been fair, you'd have blown us out. And getting Weeden hurt was a cruel stroke of luck; with him healthy, I don't know what the score would have been like.

I just have one question. What does this fantasy game that never took place do for you? Does it somehow make you feel better? The fact that you play this fantasy game in your head every year you lose, which is essentially every year, means that it must have some value to you. What is it exactly?"

Crickets will chirp.

11/30/2010, 01:44 AM
I do NOT believe Blackmon was injured..

He wasn't injured he was hurt. If he was injured he wouldn't have been playing.

Uncle Ernie
12/1/2010, 07:05 PM
If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle. F the whiners.

If you haven't done so, get that copyrighted NOW! I think I sustained a groin injury laughing.

Uncle Ernie
12/1/2010, 07:14 PM
The reason they lost was because of the bad mojo their ticket policy has brought them. They also should learn to be better hosts to the people they work around on a daily basis. The hatred and jealously has gotten a hold on so many of them that it has become more than a football game, more than a basketball game, more than a baseball game.....

The pokes I know that are really proud of where they went to School don't get caught up in that kind of stuff. Matter of fact they think the folks that act like total dooshes about it are bad for their Schools image. The Med School they have is a shining example to how a University can do something right for the State they represent. Yes....OU's Med School is fantastic too....but improving health care in our State is as important as Educating our children. Both Schools are improving our State in these regards IMO. One of them really has a bad self image when it comes to their Sports Image and even throwing money at it hasn't helped very much....continuing to improve their facilities will.

Still.....I like boiling the blood of aggies who don't get it. :D

I tried to explain a similar theory to the yoyo's posting on the Stillwater East World newsite. Tried to explain what being a real fan meant and how my OSU buddies in the 70s used to stay at my place in Norman and I would stay at their place in Stillwater. I think my time would've been better spent trying to converse with produce. Maybe that's actually what I was doing?

12/2/2010, 12:49 AM
If we had lost could we have put the blame on Austin Box's back injury also.

Leroy Lizard
12/2/2010, 02:20 AM
If Broyles had been injured, would they have let us use the excuse?