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View Full Version : A thank you to Mr. Boone Pickens.

11/28/2010, 07:08 PM
I was just thinking of giving a shout out to Boone Pickens.

Thanks you Mr. Pickens for the OSU new stadium. No it's not sold out,
no the cheerleaders are not any better looking then before, just
I believe the new studium helps my OU boys play better.

It feels better to our OU team to win each year in a nice stadium. Before
we would of course win the game but it was in a crappy, smelling, cement
cracked, graffiti, dump. At lease now we can honestly say thanks for
making it a little nicer for us OU fans and mostly the players.

Before after our win the players would go to the locker room and have to untie the string that held the lockers shout. Now we can use a lock. Before the players would have to drink water from a well using a lattel,
Now there is cold water offered right out of a refrigerator.

Before our players had watch each step, even tip toe to the playing field not to step in a hole of crack to prevent a twisted ankle.

I could go on and on but will let some of my OU brother and sister finished this letter to you.

Form me Boone I say again thank you form my heart that OU can win in a nice stadium, you did OU good and I applaud you for this. Please do not think sir you wasted you money, if helps OU more then you know and we are grateful.

OK OU brother and sisters do you wish to add any thanks of your own to Boone? Fire away.