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11/28/2010, 12:40 AM
Anyone got any yet?

11/28/2010, 12:56 AM
Great game. OU completely outplayed OSU and it was still close. Good luck with Nebraska
same guy as above as I called him out on the backhanded complement.

OU fans are obnoxious!
This one I said that OSU fans were poor losers and he asked for an example and i pointed out that he was complaining about fans cheering about their team winning.

Another one that got blown up on their comments.

I really dislike OU fans! So rude! Good job Sooners (team)! Next time Pokes!

11/28/2010, 01:01 AM
No ags have bit yet, but I put: Congrats to osu on their first 10 win season ever, and congrats to OU on their first 10 win season this year

11/28/2010, 01:08 AM
One chick told me that Boone donated to OSU because he doesnt like greedy rude people like OU fans

I brought up a certain fraud and burglary case and she hasnt commented back and its been a while

11/28/2010, 01:08 AM
None yet. All my osu friends stopped posting on FB after the game was over for some reason.

11/28/2010, 01:11 AM
None yet. All my osu friends stopped posting on FB after the game was over for some reason.

Mine too. We won't see any orange shirts for a while. YAY!!!

11/28/2010, 01:13 AM
this is a goody....the ride home would definitely be better if we would've won, but oh well as a OSU fan I've become use to dissapointment!

and the usual sore loser comments........

11/28/2010, 01:18 AM
You know what? I still love my Cowboys. If OU woulda lost, suicide rates in OK woulda jumped up by 400% and there would be a hit list out for a few OU coaches. THANK GOD I'm not an OU fan

Right, because OSU fans don't live to see their beloved pokes beat OU more than anything else.

Yeah. And Heaven forbid when OU doesn't win.....the world stops, people die, nothing else matters.....AND OSU fans just smile......

Probably because they're used to losing.

11/28/2010, 01:38 AM
my fave so far.....

Congratulations to team,"Always Win". Big surprise there.

11/28/2010, 01:41 AM
"I hate them so much"


11/28/2010, 01:42 AM
still proud of my ALMA MATER....with emphasis on the fact that is the UNIVERSITY I ATTENDED!!!

I've seen something like this used as bragging rights a lot. As if you aren't allowed to be a fan of a school unless you attend.

11/28/2010, 01:44 AM
I've seen something like this used as bragging rights a lot. As if you aren't allowed to be a fan of a school unless you attend.
And yet they'll all be nebbish fans if we play them in the Big XII game

11/28/2010, 01:44 AM
The old classic...which irritates me a little:

"Raise your hands if you went to OU, OU fans...that's what I thought.." - This came from a guy who went to OSU-OKMULGEE... Brutal

11/28/2010, 01:44 AM
If the culinary school I attend had a football team, I'd be a better fan than any Poke, because that team would suck. Hard.

Oh, wait, so does OSU. Morons.

11/28/2010, 01:46 AM
I've seen something like this used as bragging rights a lot. As if you aren't allowed to be a fan of a school unless you attend.

Attended? Did they graduate?

I have an OU degree in engineering not meth lab construction, or as they call in in stillwater....Chemistry

11/28/2010, 01:47 AM
The old classic...which irritates me a little:

"Raise your hands if you went to OU, OU fans...that's what I thought.." - This came from a guy who went to OSU-OKMULGEE... Brutal
The thing is that is a stupid thought. You want fans outside of your university as much as you want going to your university. The Big 10 teams like Michigan and Ohio State that sell more shirts and stuff than anyone probably don't have a lot of fans buying their stuff that go to their schools. Notre Dame was the same way and probably still is. If you want to be with the big boys you can't have that attitude.

11/28/2010, 01:49 AM
The thing is that is a stupid thought. You want fans outside of your university as much as you want going to your university. The Big 10 teams like Michigan and Ohio State that sell more shirts and stuff than anyone probably don't have a lot of fans buying their stuff that go to their schools. Notre Dame was the same way and probably still is. If you want to be with the big boys you can't have that attitude.

Students of the university don't buy t-shirts. Theyet them handed to them for free at every campus event. So if a college wants money from merch non students need to buy stuff

11/28/2010, 10:48 AM
A few I saw this morning...

as an OSU alumni, let me just say, The cowboys football team never ceases to let us down. Big bummer game

lol its ok dude. they could still go to their first conference championship

If you want to be more than just a contender, you have to perform in the big games. Let's step it up boys. You are capable, but you aren't performing.

...is completely disgusted.

11/28/2010, 10:51 AM
I had a OSU friend tell me they are still wearing their orange gear proudly.

my response:

Good, it makes it easier to spot the losers.

11/28/2010, 10:57 AM
None yet. All my osu friends stopped posting on FB after the game was over for some reason.

Mine too, same with whorn fans. I posted that OU owns the conference in football and that oSu and Texass are our bitch. I got one reply from a Poke fan telling me to have some class.

Whatever, thought about defriending the prick anyway. Sore ****ing loser.

Big D Sooner
11/28/2010, 11:38 AM
A few thoughts:
- I still hear that crap about OU fans who didn't go to OU even though every single OU fan I know is an alum (including myself). It is a defense mechanism. They are rationalizing to make themselves feel better because they have no football history of which to be proud. They are on the wrong end of the most lopsided rivalry in football, the team they hate more than anything is one of the elite programs of all time, and they have no great accomplishments on which to hang their hats.
- When I hear them talk about how much better their stadium is than ours, it kind of makes me laugh. You have a rich uncle that bought you all new shiny toys, big f'ing deal. You know what the best part about Oklahoma Memorial Stadium is...? the championship banners. Oh, and by the way, we remodeled too. I actually saw a poke referencing the dirt floor and urine troughs on the East side.
- Wrestling and golf are fine sports, but nobody really considers them major college sports UNLESS THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE. Stop with the whole "we have more championships than you" stuff. Those are sports that a limited number of schools participate in and I doubt that a majority of Pokes have ever been to a wrestling or golf tournament.

I feel better now.

11/28/2010, 12:21 PM

My response (and nobody answered)

It wasn't a big game, it was just another step to making the Championship. There lies the reason that OU wins them and OSU falters. Hope one day OSU learns this, then they'll start winning when they should. I knew there was going to be a problem when Gundy kept admitting how HUGE this game was.

11/28/2010, 12:25 PM
I had an A&M Aggie post on my wall this morning.....

A&M beat both OU and Neb and is tied with OU and OSU for the Big XII South Division Title...it's too bad the best team in the Big XII won't be playing in the Championship game...

and they wonder why I hate Aggies more than Longhorns.....

I asked him why the best team in the Big 12 has 3 losses.

Section 9
11/28/2010, 12:26 PM
I know lots of people who are huge OU fans who aren't alumni. They buy season tickets and wear OU colors and even donate to the sports programs. I don't consider them second class fans although I know some OU alum do. They help fill the stadium and they send their kids to OU. The University should be happy to have them as fans.

11/28/2010, 12:30 PM
I know lots of people who are huge OU fans who aren't alumni. They buy season tickets and wear OU colors and even donate to the sports programs. I don't consider them second class fans although I know some OU alum do. They help fill the stadium and they send their kids to OU. The University should be happy to have them as fans.

It's a tired and stupid argument brought on by delusional Poke fans.

11/28/2010, 12:33 PM
Here is another "graduation" from OU requirement in order to be a fan.

Per a friend on facebook...

I love all the OU fans talking crap about "their" win. By my count only about 2% of you actually went AND graduated from there, so good job.

11/28/2010, 12:44 PM
I know lots of people who are huge OU fans who aren't alumni. They buy season tickets and wear OU colors and even donate to the sports programs. I don't consider them second class fans although I know some OU alum do. They help fill the stadium and they send their kids to OU. The University should be happy to have them as fans.

The irony of it all is that if their wildest wet dreams come true and they do string together more than a couple of successful years, they will have bandwagon fans. Then what will they do? oSu fans are like Cub fans--their entire identity revolves around being lovable (in their own minds) losers.

And let's be real, there are already plenty of bandwagon oSu fans. You just don't hear from them more than 1-2 times a decade so it's easy to pretend they don't exist. I guarantee that oSu "alumni" would have been coming out of the woodwork in Norman if they had won last night. :rolleyes:

11/28/2010, 12:49 PM
The irony of it all is that if their wildest wet dreams come true and they do string together more than a couple of successful years, they will have bandwagon fans. Then what will they do? oSu fans are like Cub fans--their entire identity revolves around being lovable (in their own minds) losers.

And let's be real, there are already plenty of bandwagon oSu fans. You just don't hear from them more than 1-2 times a decade so it's easy to pretend they don't exist. I guarantee that oSu "alumni" would have been coming out of the woodwork in Norman if they had won last night. :rolleyes:

Bingo. OSU fans are ignorant of the fact that they're all ignorant morons.

11/28/2010, 12:59 PM
Here is another one...

Just take comfort in they have lost fewer games than OU. Cowboys had a fantastic season, nothing to be ashamed of.

2 losses > 2 losses

11/28/2010, 01:03 PM
One chick told me that Boone donated to OSU because he doesnt like greedy rude people like OU fans

I brought up a certain fraud and burglary case and she hasnt commented back and its been a while
Then they really don't understand how Boone amassed his wealth....

Here is another "graduation" from OU requirement in order to be a fan.

Per a friend on facebook...

I love all the OU fans talking crap about "their" win. By my count only about 2% of you actually went AND graduated from there, so good job.

The funny thing about that I know quite a few OU fans who went to OSU because they had scholarship offers (academic or minor sports) from OSU. Most of them stayed OU fans because they grew up as children of OU alumni or fans but couldn't resist the from money from OSU. That irritated some of the OSU alums in our office a great deal.

My dad is a huge OU fan but couldn't afford to go back in the late 50's, was drafted and went the Army route instead but he made sure that my sister and I both had the opportunity to go there. I know plenty of OSU fans who never went to school there or graduated. Many in the rural areas are OSU fans by the fact they are the Ag school, the same thing here in Texas with A&M or Tech.

11/28/2010, 01:06 PM
Attended? Did they graduate?

I have an OU degree in engineering not meth lab construction, or as they call in in stillwater....Chemistry


My brother graduated from there. I graduated from OU. We leave this topic alone. It is always husbands, wives and a non graduate sibling who get into it. I am very secure in my school's superiority.

Oh, and after seeing game day, Did the pokes choke? Those signs were their whole message.

Roll On Big Red Roll On!!

11/28/2010, 01:10 PM
Strangely, the few OSU fans that I went to high school with have been silent.

11/28/2010, 01:13 PM
:D :D :D

11/28/2010, 01:17 PM
My response (and nobody answered)

It wasn't a big game, it was just another step to making the Championship. There lies the reason that OU wins them and OSU falters. Hope one day OSU learns this, then they'll start winning when they should. I knew there was going to be a problem when Gundy kept admitting how HUGE this game was.

It was a Big game IMO almost a sellOUt :D. But it wasn't a huge win as much as it was a huge loss for them. :D

11/28/2010, 01:22 PM
Here is another one...

2 losses > 2 losses

You just can't understand aggie math--you don't have an oSu degree. :rolleyes:

11/28/2010, 01:24 PM
I changed my profile pic to Stunned Aggie last night, so the orange people have been fairly quiet. The corps aggies do have trouble understanding that losing 3 times total with 2 in conference is worse than losing 2 times in conference and none out of conference.

No wonder they all hate us. :D

11/28/2010, 01:27 PM
My friend's status before the game...

Stillwater bound 80-17-7 all time record nuff said Boomer Sooner!!!!
Typical sooner fans...they always like to bring up the past! Hey, news flash, the past is the past! STOP LIVING IN IT! Nuff said!

Yeah...I hate living in the past with 7 national championships, 6 Big XII championships, 5 Heisman winners, the nations longest win streak, record setting seasons, and watching our guys go to tear up the NFL.

All Pokes can do is look to the future. Team on the rise! No seriously they're almost there!

Yup and all you all have goin for ya is the past. It must suck to always have to live in the past! I would hate that. You all are gonna get smoked tonight, I love it and can't wait! Haha. Ou is absolute garbage and pathetic this year! God it feels so good to be a cowboy!

And they wonder why I hate them so...

My status this morning...

Would like to thank everybody who wished me a happy birthday and everything else. If you're one of those people who didn't do anything, well, you're like OSU's football team.
sad day.. could the world move on already.. I'm very sick of hearing any sports related smart-*** comments.

I would still rather be a cowboy then a spooner!!!! ORANGE POWER!!!!!!!!

Love how OU fans sit and bash OSU bc they won but really what they can't admit was they were really worried they might lose to a better team Congrats OU but no matter what OSU brought their game tonight and put up one heck of a fight I'm still proud to say I'm an OSU fan :)

11/29/2010, 09:23 PM
Tony Jefferson had this to say on his fb status

there's an OSU and a UT football player sitting next to each other at
abar. Texas player says "Hey, what's OSU stand for?" Cowboy says
"Oklahoma Stomped Us. What's UT stand for?" As the UT player hangs his
head he says, "Us Too."

11/29/2010, 09:31 PM
Tony Jefferson had this to say on his fb status

I <3 you Tony.....

Leroy Lizard
11/29/2010, 09:56 PM
Tony Jefferson had this to say on his fb status

Greatness. :D

11/29/2010, 10:00 PM
I started a group called choke state on facebook everyone join up...


11/29/2010, 10:14 PM
Thought I'd join in this is all from comments on one post...

"The only Boom you will remember is the Boom from the pistols firing and when BCS blows up in all you OU fans faces with the facts and the trip to Dallas! Bahahahahahaha!"

"all i can say is nobody knows who won the big 12 south until tonight, a few years ago ou got beat by k-state and still went on to play in the national championship game"

"We had the better team...Bedlam is just a mind**** for OSU every year."

" Pretend that OSU is a beaten puppy. OU is the abusive kid. OSU comes to this kid because it HAS NO OTHER CHOICE. So the kid kicks the dog in the nuts so many times, but the dog has to come back. But even though it keeps coming back, it cowers down. It's poor head is so ****ed up from the abuse that it kind of hunkers in the corner until the beating is over. Then puppy turns into some massive powerhouse and the kid is some worthless poindexter. Even when the dog has the ability to over power the kid and rip it's ****ing throat out, it doesn't. MIND****. That's what OSU has to get over. Jussayin."

And yet there is more...

"Last night was the puppy realizing, "Hey, I can probably do this...Let's see what happens." Next year, that kid is getting his throat ripped out."

Joe Kidd
11/29/2010, 10:40 PM
Here is my view on the graduation requirement.

It seems at least from my Facebook and my other OSU friends that the loudest fans are those who didn't graduate from OU. The ones who really tried to rub it in didn't graduate from OU. And at least the perception is that OU grads are much more humble and more proud for their university and team than they are looking to get their digs in at OSU fans. When I posted that Blackmon had gone over 100 yards and gotten a td to tie the ncaa record for games with 100 yards and a td, a girl who didn't go to OU commented "you mean gimpy." I have no idea why it was necessary and comes off as being glad that he is injured. It isn't "Boomer Sooner" or general support for OU, but the comments directly aimed at enjoying the OSU loss (or habitual losing depending on the substance of the post) that is annoying. And those at least seem to come from non-grads. But then my friend's list might not be a good test group as the OU grads are pretty quiet in general. That is the perception I and others I know have about it.

OSU fans are not perfect in response to this. Of course some is more and some is less explicit. Is posting "still loyal and true" and dig at non-OU alumni? Or that you are cheering on your alma mater in good times and bad? Definitely close calls I think. I saw them after the Nebraska loss as well. "Shut up you have only been to OU on gamedays and haven't seen a classroom since high school," is probably a dig.

11/29/2010, 11:48 PM
This was my status after the game. No comments from pokes. I'm guessing they thought I was being serious.

Hold your head high, poke nation! You had a great season, almost making it to your first Big XII championship game. That's something to be proud of! Just remember, you're a team on the rise. There's always next year!

Here is a random sampling of statuses from my poke friends for your reading pleasure:

lol, well i wish OSU woulda won, shut some of these ou fans up for awhile, but then again they woulda just said ou was out of sequence all game, due to an alignment of the earth or something... i would LOL but im bein serious

And a comment on that status from another poke. This one's hilarious.

They got lucky, like they always do. They will beat Nebraska since their QB is out, and without him, Nebraska sucks, then go to a BCS game and get hammered, like they usually do. The better team lost last night by our stupid penalties and ...turnovers, their luck, and our sucky defense. We are 108th in passing defense and definitely proved that last night. Just like when they beat out Texas a couple of year ago and then got killed in the BCS game, Texas should have been playing, not ou. True, logical ou fans know this and will admit it, the bandwagoners don't have a clue, and just have diareaah of the mouth. A true ou fan knows, they are not that good this year, and almost got beat, and should have.

From the same girl later on in the same thread. This one actually got up to 82 comments.

Bandwagon fans make my skin crawl. I know OSU usually sucks, ...but I stick with them through thick and thin. I get tired of the ou fans that mouth when they are up and cuss them when they are down, have no ties to the school, and bought their T-shirt at Wal-Mart and claim to be fans, then when the team disappoints them and they move on to the next team doing well that year. I graduated from OSU, and am on the alumni board of directors, so I'm a true fan, suck or not, and I can objectively see our weaknesses. Bandwagon ou fans can never admit their faults, where true fans actually have some objectivity.

This one from a more level-headed poke:

OSU is not ready for the big time... yet. Once again coaching and game experience is our downfall. Stoops should be paid $10m a year for the calls he made in that game. Gundy can learn a lot from Stoops on how to coach and call championship games. I can do nothing but tip my hat to Stoops and tell him we'll come fighting back next year.

11/29/2010, 11:52 PM
ou fans can never admit their faults, where true fans actually have some objectivity. She's never read our message boards.

11/29/2010, 11:53 PM
Everywhere I look, they are taking this really really hard. It's sadness everywhere you look in the Poke camp. :D

Leroy Lizard
11/30/2010, 12:39 AM
If OSU beats Texas again and Texas chumps their season, could OSU take Texas' place as the ugly bridesmaid of the division?

Think about it: OSU will likely improve, but UT has two more years of GG.

11/30/2010, 12:54 AM
My OSU people on my facebook have been awefully quiet, except for when I made my post .... "
"So apparently 2 years ago was their year. Then it was last year. Then they were sure it was this year. Dear pokes it will never be your year. You will never beat OU and TX in the same year. You guys will always be our bitch! We run this conference bitches... Deal with it!"

I knew that one would get em worked up, and I got the "typical OU fan" quite a few times. I got the, try winning w/ class. But that's about all I got. I mentioned that all of them sure were talking crap all week... but now they can't fight back...how come? It's like the fight got knocked out of em!

I got the "at least our fans go to our school" as well.... I responded "hey dip$hit, lest you forget, my 2 degrees came from OU. But if you want to use that argument, OSU-OKC does not count, as apparently many of you like to think so"... they could only respond w/ "yes it does". I LOL'd at that one.

11/30/2010, 09:47 AM
I know lots of people who are huge OU fans who aren't alumni. They buy season tickets and wear OU colors and even donate to the sports programs. I don't consider them second class fans although I know some OU alum do. They help fill the stadium and they send their kids to OU. The University should be happy to have them as fans.


And to lurking Pokes, I'm one of them (Section 10 are my seats, btw). I went slumming and graduated from Vanderbilt. Sue me.

Though, I suppose as the black sheep of the family born and raised in western Oklahoma, I should mention pretty much my entire family on both my dad's (attended) and mom's (graduated with honors) side went to OU. I have two younger first cousins, both with bachelors degrees with honors, one in OU Med and one in OU Law currently. First cousin my age graduated from OU and has an advanced degree from Rice. Uncle was a Rhodes semi-finalist at OU.

So I am hoping, with my fragile and timid little ego, that you Pokes will let me have a little life validation through my continued association with OU as a mere fan.

Though, I understand that with your degrees from Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Panhandle Oklahoma State University, etc., you rightfully have a much more legitimate association with your beloved orange and black of OOOOOOOO - SSSSSSSSS - UUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

[***EDIT: I want to make one thing perfectly clear... Whatever and wherever your education, you should take pride in it. A wise man once told me that all you need for a great education is a good library. In fact at the end of the day college is just a really expensive library card with a snazzy powerpoint presentation accompanying it. Maybe you had dreams that were never realized, or maybe you did what you could afford. Maybe life gave you an unexpected bounce. Maybe continuing education just wasn't your thing.

The point is that in no way precludes one from enjoying or being a fan of collegiate football. It was around long before pro football. Historical photos show Norman town residents gathered with rapt attention at the local five and dime to listen to the telegraph and/or radio updates for their local Sooner squad. But not all of those residents were OU students, to be sure. But maybe some were parents, or maybe some were hoping to have a great university just as a matter of civic and state pride.

So in the case of OU and oSu fans alike, affinity for one or the other in the great state of Oklahoma is cultural and part of your upbringing regardless. In no way does whether or not a greater percentage of your fans actually attended one of the schools make one fan base superior to the other.

BUT, LoSuRs, us kicking your a** year-in and year-out DOES make us superior.

Thanks for playing. ]

11/30/2010, 10:33 AM
Here is my view on the graduation requirement.

It seems at least from my Facebook and my other OSU friends that the loudest fans are those who didn't graduate from OU. The ones who really tried to rub it in didn't graduate from OU. And at least the perception is that OU grads are much more humble and more proud for their university and team than they are looking to get their digs in at OSU fans. When I posted that Blackmon had gone over 100 yards and gotten a td to tie the ncaa record for games with 100 yards and a td, a girl who didn't go to OU commented "you mean gimpy." I have no idea why it was necessary and comes off as being glad that he is injured. It isn't "Boomer Sooner" or general support for OU, but the comments directly aimed at enjoying the OSU loss (or habitual losing depending on the substance of the post) that is annoying. And those at least seem to come from non-grads. But then my friend's list might not be a good test group as the OU grads are pretty quiet in general. That is the perception I and others I know have about it.

OSU fans are not perfect in response to this. Of course some is more and some is less explicit. Is posting "still loyal and true" and dig at non-OU alumni? Or that you are cheering on your alma mater in good times and bad? Definitely close calls I think. I saw them after the Nebraska loss as well. "Shut up you have only been to OU on gamedays and haven't seen a classroom since high school," is probably a dig.

Get over yourself. 95% of oSu fans openly admit their hatred of everything OU. Yet, they feel we are supposed to treat them with respect. "I hate you mofos, now treat me with respect" is not a rational attitude to have. F them. When they start showing us some respect, then I'll do the same. Other than that, I try to ignore them. They are truly pathetic. This is what a century of beatings does to a psyche.

11/30/2010, 10:51 AM
Here is my view on the graduation requirement.

It seems at least from my Facebook and my other OSU friends that the loudest fans are those who didn't graduate from OU. The ones who really tried to rub it in didn't graduate from OU. And at least the perception is that OU grads are much more humble and more proud for their university and team than they are looking to get their digs in at OSU fans. When I posted that Blackmon had gone over 100 yards and gotten a td to tie the ncaa record for games with 100 yards and a td, a girl who didn't go to OU commented "you mean gimpy." I have no idea why it was necessary and comes off as being glad that he is injured. It isn't "Boomer Sooner" or general support for OU, but the comments directly aimed at enjoying the OSU loss (or habitual losing depending on the substance of the post) that is annoying. And those at least seem to come from non-grads. But then my friend's list might not be a good test group as the OU grads are pretty quiet in general. That is the perception I and others I know have about it.

OSU fans are not perfect in response to this. Of course some is more and some is less explicit. Is posting "still loyal and true" and dig at non-OU alumni? Or that you are cheering on your alma mater in good times and bad? Definitely close calls I think. I saw them after the Nebraska loss as well. "Shut up you have only been to OU on gamedays and haven't seen a classroom since high school," is probably a dig.

I know an oSu grad and a guy who never set foot on campus who are both Poke fans who yearly buy the hat of the team that most recently beat OU.

Big blah blah deal. oSu has plenty of fans who never went to school there.

OU is a different animal when you're talking about decades and decades of winning. You'd have to be slightly dimwitted to not understand the attracted following.

Joe Kidd
11/30/2010, 11:14 AM
I totally understand the attraction to following OU and originally had something in that post about it. It is more fun to follow a winner. I also had that OSU needs and will hopefully be gaining more fans who have not or will not be going to school there. It will mean a continuing improvement in performance and more tickets sold. I was just trying to explain why I think a lot of OSU fans bring up school attendance.

If they are still making hats or anyone is still wearing hats from 2002 that is pretty sad.

11/30/2010, 01:00 PM
Post from OSU fan that does not attend OSU

"To whom it may concern: After reading a post by a jack*** Sooners fan about how the bedlam rivalry shouldn't be considered a rivalry due to the fact that OU is "so much better" than OSU, I decided to look up the facts. So, here they are. Football: OU-82 OSU-16. Basketball: OU-126 OSU-89. Wrestling: OU-27 OSU-124. Baseball: OU-140 OSU-147. Grand total: OU-375 OSU-376."

11/30/2010, 01:03 PM
They want to be our rival so bad. LOL. Maybe it is a rivalry in baseball, but in football they will never our rival.

11/30/2010, 01:06 PM
Post from OSU fan that does not attend OSU

"To whom it may concern: After reading a post by a jack*** Sooners fan about how the OU-OSU rivalry shouldn't be considered a rivalry due to the fact that OU is "so much better" than OSU, I decided to look up the facts. So, here they are. Football: OU-82 OSU-16. Basketball: OU-126 OSU-89. Wrestling: OU-27 OSU-124. Baseball: OU-140 OSU-147. Grand total: OU-375 OSU-376."

Basically they have 1 sport carrying them. And there's only like 12 total teams in the country that still play that sport.

11/30/2010, 01:16 PM
We will take all grad and non-grad fans we can get, no exceptions, as long as you don't something to bring us shame like stealing concrete sidewalks with their initials in it.

When I see someone here in Oregon with an OU hat on I don't give a flip if they are a grad. Often they have an interesting story on how they became a fan and often it does not include having gone to school at OU.

I sat next to a guy at the UO game in Eugene in 06 that was from southern Oregon and he was a fan cause his parents were from OK. Wierd thing is I ran into him on the walk into the stadium when we played at UW in Seattle in 08.

Joe Kidd
11/30/2010, 01:21 PM
There are 81 Division 1 wrestling programs this year.

What is surprising about that number is that unlike Football where OU is at worst a top 5 all time program and has a good argument for #1, OU wrestling is really very good. The 4th best program all time.

I'm surprised the Basketball number is so far apart. I guess the 70-80s was just a particularly dark time in OSU sports.

11/30/2010, 01:28 PM
There are 81 Division 1 wrestling programs this year.

What is surprising about that number is that unlike Football where OU is at worst a top 5 all time program and has a good argument for #1, OU wrestling is really very good. The 4th best program all time.

I'm surprised the Basketball number is so far apart. I guess the 70-80s was just a particularly dark time in OSU sports.

I doubt most people on this board can name more than 2 former OU wrestlers and if theres more than that it's because they played football also.

Joe Kidd
11/30/2010, 01:33 PM
Does that mean OU doesn't have one of the strongest traditions in wrestling?

I would very much like to see Sooner fans support the wrestling program more. Now that Sammie Henson is an assistant the current team has improved tremendously and is exciting to watch.

11/30/2010, 01:37 PM
Maybe 20 or so years ago when Wrestling wasn't a dying sport. But now they show some of the Bedlam matches even in Stillwater and there's like 10 people there. Why care about a sport nobody really attends? Basketball is slowly becoming that way for both state schools.

Joe Kidd
11/30/2010, 01:39 PM
Wrestling is actually growing at every level but the D1 level.

I think Bedlam in Stillwater averages about 5,000 although recently it has been hurt by both teams being down.

11/30/2010, 02:06 PM
From Today

"Wish the stupid Gooners would shut up... Blackmon made First Team.. We would have killed UO if Blackmon was healthy"

11/30/2010, 02:54 PM
Who are the Pukes kidding with this ALL OUR FANS ARE ALUMNI CRAP? I used to live in Kay County which crawls with osu fans(at least when it is wrasslin season or their hoops or football team beat OU) and many of them never went to ANY college.In fact I know several who couldn't get into college and a check of the literacy( or lack thereof) on OrangePower or GoPokes further illustrates that point.

11/30/2010, 03:12 PM
Apparently going to the OSU JUCO's, OSU-OKC and OSU-Okmulgee count as attending OSU. Or so I recently learned from facebook :rolleyes:

So quick, if you get the argument about not being from the University, then go sign up for an internet course at OU and voila!

Boomer Mooner
11/30/2010, 03:15 PM
Post from OSU fan that does not attend OSU

"To whom it may concern: After reading a post by a jack*** Sooners fan about how the OU-OSU rivalry shouldn't be considered a rivalry due to the fact that OU is "so much better" than OSU, I decided to look up the facts. So, here they are. Football: OU-82 OSU-16. Basketball: OU-126 OSU-89. Wrestling: OU-27 OSU-124. Baseball: OU-140 OSU-147. Grand total: OU-375 OSU-376."

Well I hope some of the dumbass pokes read this and took heart. We aren't the ones walking around all butt hurt.

11/30/2010, 04:28 PM
I just received this one today

"Explain why OU was still ranked in front of Missouri after they got beat by them. Face it, the BCS is BS and they go way to much off of historical success instead of current success. Plus if OSU and OU played 10 times this year OSU wins over 50% of them. OU fans use that logic all the time afterthey ALWAYS lose their bowl games. A & M has beat all three teams ahead of them except OSU and they are being hosed as well. On another note about the game. OSU played a terrible 1st half and beat itself with mental errors. And they still almost won. No matter the score, they are the superior team."

11/30/2010, 04:34 PM
LMAO. Seriously, OSU fans give the state of Oklahoma a bad name. We need to exile the entire town of Stillwater (and Tulsa while we're at it) to Arkansas, where they belong.

11/30/2010, 05:01 PM
I totally understand the attraction to following OU and originally had something in that post about it. It is more fun to follow a winner. I also had that OSU needs and will hopefully be gaining more fans who have not or will not be going to school there. It will mean a continuing improvement in performance and more tickets sold. I was just trying to explain why I think a lot of OSU fans bring up school attendance.

If they are still making hats or anyone is still wearing hats from 2002 that is pretty sad.

That's it right there! Most Pokes need to understand how good it is to have fans outside of your alumni base.

Doubtful though.

11/30/2010, 10:40 PM
It seems at least from my Facebook and my other OSU friends that the loudest fans are those who didn't graduate from OU. The ones who really tried to rub it in didn't graduate from OU.

Here's the thing about bandwagon fans: Do you want a sustained period of success or do you want a "pure" fan base? You can't have both. There weren't nearly as many bandwagon OU fans during the Lost Decade. I'm pretty sure there aren't any Iowa State bandwagon fans. There's a reason you can't sell out your smallish stadium for arguably the most important game in oSu football history, and it's not just because of the idiotic ticket policy. Think about it.