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View Full Version : Need some help with smack talk

The Preach Man
11/24/2010, 11:35 AM
I am having a blast talking crap on Facebook this week. Every year the same to idiot OSU fans start talking crap to me about how 'this is the year, blah blah blah, better stadium, blah blah blah, we are the here and now, blah blah blah" and every year they dont have anything to say after the game. Well, actually they blamed the refs last year lol.

I need some good simple stats for updates. I have already mentioned that they have a losing record as a program overall and the series record. Can you help me with some nice 'actual stats' that will just **** them off even more?

Thanks in advance and Boomer Sooner.

11/24/2010, 11:44 AM
You will be wasting your time......

11/24/2010, 11:45 AM
Actual stat:
In 100% of its football seasons, OSU has never amounted to anything.

Sorry, can't resist.

11/24/2010, 11:46 AM
Just point them at this thread (http://www.soonerfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=147947).

11/24/2010, 11:56 AM
An oldie but a goodie:

"After his career in the United States ended, he revealed that he was functionally illiterate, despite having studied at Oklahoma State University for four years."


11/24/2010, 12:01 PM
OSU's last conference title (and only Big 8 title) came in 1976 and they didn't even win it outright. Their last outright conference title was 1953 when they were still called Oklahoma A&M. So, Oklahoma State University has NEVER won a conference title outright. NEVER

They built a 60,000+ stadium and STILL havent had a real sellout. pathetic.

They have 3 10-win seasons in their entire 100+ year history.

OSU has never beaten OU 3 times in a row. Thus, no OSU class has ever had a winning record against OU

Their alltime winning percentage is .493.

Since 1901 (110 seasons), they have had 54 losing seasons. Almost half of their seasons have been losing!

Man, I never knew how pathetic they really were.

11/24/2010, 12:03 PM

11/24/2010, 12:20 PM
osu is approaching a . 500record,OU has 500 more wins than losses.osu has had more losing seasons in the last 20 years than OU has had in their history(115 years).

11/24/2010, 12:23 PM
They just recently got an above-.500 win record. But, after they lose to us, then lose their bowl game, I think they'll be below .500 overall again :D

Um...what else... they haven't won a bowl game the past two seasons (Cotton and Holiday, two sites where we've never lost our bowl), the year they get two first-round draft picks (Dez and Okung) we have four (Sam, GK, Trent and Gresh)... Gundy, in his time as head coach at OSU, has never beaten OU. He beat them as an offensive coordinator under :les: but never on his own at head coach.

Um... grasping at straws time... their stadium holds 60k and ours holds at least 85k... of all of their 50 national championships, only two were in a major sport (mens bball back in the 40s)...

If none of this works, you can always blast "Cowboys 4ever" at them.

The Preach Man
11/24/2010, 12:48 PM
Thanks for the help guys. Please keep them coming because we have three more days of updates to go.

11/24/2010, 12:51 PM
tell them they suck! :D

11/24/2010, 12:58 PM
Sheep in Payne County are 73.6 percent more vigilant than the national average, the second-highest figure in the country.

Only sheep in Big Horn County, Montana, have shown a higher level of vigilance, at 81.4 percent above the national average.

The Preach Man
11/24/2010, 12:58 PM
OSU's last conference title (and only Big 8 title) came in 1976 and they didn't even win it outright. Their last outright conference title was 1953 when they were still called Oklahoma A&M. So, Oklahoma State University has NEVER won a conference title outright. NEVER

They built a 60,000+ stadium and STILL havent had a real sellout. pathetic.

They have 3 10-win seasons in their entire 100+ year history.

OSU has never beaten OU 3 times in a row. Thus, no OSU class has ever had a winning record against OU

Their alltime winning percentage is .493.

Since 1901 (110 seasons), they have had 54 losing seasons. Almost half of their seasons have been losing!

Man, I never knew how pathetic they really were.

What is the source for these stats? I would like to quote the source when I post them.

11/24/2010, 01:00 PM
Call them Tigers or Aggies, because that's what their mascots were before Cowboys.

Call them Oklahoma A&M, because that's what they were before they were OSU.

Call them losers, because that's what they were when... um... still are. :stunned:

Leroy Lizard
11/24/2010, 01:58 PM
Sheep in Payne County are 73.6 percent more vigilant than the national average, the second-highest figure in the country.

Are they vigilant enough?

11/24/2010, 02:09 PM
What is the source for these stats? I would like to quote the source when I post them.

OSU's last conference title (and only Big 8 title) came in 1976 and they didn't even win it outright. Their last outright conference title was 1953 when they were still called Oklahoma A&M. So, Oklahoma State University has NEVER won a conference title outright. NEVER - Wikipedia is the source
OU has 42 conference titles, 6 in the past 10 years

They built a 60,000+ stadium and STILL havent had a real sellout. pathetic. Wikipedia again, but common knowledge
OU has sold out 83,000+ seat Owen Field for 10 straight years

They have 3 10-win seasons in their entire 100+ year history. College Football Data warehouse. I counted :D http://football.stassen.com/cgi-bin/records/fetch-team.pl?team=Oklahoma_State
OU has 31 10-win seasons

OSU has never beaten OU 3 times in a row. Thus, no OSU class has ever had a winning record against OU. soonerstats.com also pretty common knowledge (updated- apparently OSU won 3 of 4 in 95-98, so that is the only class to have won more than 2 against OU.
OU has won 7 in a row against OSU. OU also has streaks of `19 and 15 straight against OSU

Their alltime winning percentage is .493. college football data warehouse - http://football.stassen.com/cgi-bin/records/calc-wp.pl?start=1869&end=2009&rpct=30&min=5&se=on&c1a=on&by=Win+Pct
OU's alltime winning % is .716

Since 1901 (110 seasons), they have had 54 losing seasons. Almost half of their seasons have been losing! College football data warehouse again. I counted
OU has 11. 3 since 1965

Its embarassing that they think they're even close to us

The Preach Man
11/24/2010, 02:25 PM
OSU's last conference title (and only Big 8 title) came in 1976 and they didn't even win it outright. Their last outright conference title was 1953 when they were still called Oklahoma A&M. So, Oklahoma State University has NEVER won a conference title outright. NEVER - Wikipedia is the source
OU has 42 conference titles, 6 in the past 10 years

They built a 60,000+ stadium and STILL havent had a real sellout. pathetic. Wikipedia again, but common knowledge
OU has sold out 83,000+ seat Owen Field for 10 straight years

They have 3 10-win seasons in their entire 100+ year history. College Football Data warehouse. I counted :D http://football.stassen.com/cgi-bin/records/fetch-team.pl?team=Oklahoma_State
OU has 31 10-win seasons

OSU has never beaten OU 3 times in a row. Thus, no OSU class has ever had a winning record against OU. soonerstats.com also pretty common knowledge (updated- apparently OSU won 3 of 4 in 95-98, so that is the only class to have won more than 2 against OU.
OU has won 7 in a row against OSU. OU also has streaks of `19 and 15 straight against OSU

Their alltime winning percentage is .493. college football data warehouse - http://football.stassen.com/cgi-bin/records/calc-wp.pl?start=1869&end=2009&rpct=30&min=5&se=on&c1a=on&by=Win+Pct
OU's alltime winning % is .716

Since 1901 (110 seasons), they have had 54 losing seasons. Almost half of their seasons have been losing! College football data warehouse again. I counted
OU has 11. 3 since 1965

Its embarassing that they think they're even close to us


11/24/2010, 03:00 PM
I like to keep the smack cordial along the lines of, "Well, you guys do have a really good team this year. If you win, congrats, that will have been a heckuva year. And if you lose.... well, I suppose you're used to that by now."

11/24/2010, 03:06 PM
Very good point. If they tell you that you are gonna lose, say "What is it like to cheer for a losing team"? I've never had that experience."

Or, if they tell you that they are going to win, say "How do you know what it feels like to anticipate a win?"

11/24/2010, 03:06 PM
They changed the name of their stadium to Boone Pickens Stadium in 2003. Since that time, they have never beaten OU. So OSU has never beaten OU at Boone Pickens Stadium. OU owns Boone Pickens Stadium :).

11/24/2010, 03:07 PM
Very good point. If they tell you that you are gonna lose, say "What is it like to cheer for a losing team"? I've never had that experience."

Or, if they tell you that they are going to win, say "How do you know what it feels like to anticipate a win?"

:) I like that.

11/24/2010, 03:08 PM
Tell them they can't even attract any fans other than the people who actually attended OSU (and not even all of them) :).

11/24/2010, 03:17 PM
Again, from SoonerStats...

Out of 47 games played in Stillwater, OSU has only beaten OU 6 times ever. They actually have better success against OU in Norman, where they've won 8 of the 49 games there.

In the games at Stillwater, OSU has NEVER won a game against OU when OSU is ranked.

Gundy has never won against OU as a coach, and the average score during his tensure is OU 41-19 OSU.

Does that mean OU is a lock to win? No. But, you never bet against a streak.

11/24/2010, 03:28 PM
Then, if none of that works, you can always resort to the pettiness that makes football fandom fun :)


Brandon Weeden is old!

Your coaches are so dumb, Brandon Weeden was third-string last year!

Ooo, black jerseys! How cliche!

Brandon Weeden speeding to get BACK to Stillwater? First time for everything, I guess.

Dez Bryant told the NCAA that he was lying. The NCAA took so long trying to figure out if such a statement was true or false that he jumped to the NFL.

Hair gel. No, I didn't mention your coach, I just said "hair gel." Stop looking so angry, I'm not insulting your coach's hair! All I said was HAIR GEL! Why do you assume that I'm talking about Gundy? HAIR GEL! HAIR GEL! HAIRRRRRR GELLLLLLL!

Porcupine. Spikey. Tirade? ...Nothing? OK then... how about... MAN! There! You're angry again. All I say is "man" and suddenly you think I'm insulting your coach. You Pokes are so insensitive.

So you say the University of Oklahoma has 19 championships. Wow, that many? I had no idea. Why do you know how many championships OU has? Because OSU has more? Yawn...

If you can read this, you're Dexter Manley when he finally got his education after leaving Stillwater.

11/24/2010, 03:31 PM
I heard that OSU now has 1 3/40 man as a head coach.

11/24/2010, 03:35 PM

11/24/2010, 03:39 PM
We like to make fun of the rant/tirade/Jenni Carlson flirting moment here, but it is clear that was what was lacking all along in OSU - a little press conference fire to turn their losing ways around.

Before that moment, OSU was a losing program. After that moment, they were a winning program.

Which means that OSU is one tirade/rant/flirt moment away from mediocrity again :D

11/24/2010, 04:43 PM
I have the same Number of Big 12 Championship trophies and National Championship crystal balls in my trophy case that lOSUr has...


11/24/2010, 04:55 PM
Just tell them they have a very nice team and you cant wait to watch the game on Saturday. With OSU being at home you fully expect OSU to play a fine football game and come out ahead.

Then wait for the silence after we whip their Aggie arse all over the field on Saturday night.

THAT will be golden and your time to shine.

MyT Oklahoma
11/24/2010, 06:02 PM
As a native Kansan (and a Sooner fan) I have always considered Bedlam to just be another conference football game for OU. However, after reading this thread I never truly realized just how pathetic their football program is.

"Poor Aggies. Poor Aggies. Poor Aggies."

Jello Biafra
11/24/2010, 06:24 PM
the Tulsa businessmen have perma-scoreboard on them.