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11/11/2010, 08:30 PM
was thinking, with all this talk of concussions in football, surely many of us here have had a personal experience with one (or several). anyone care to share??

freshman year, i got blindsided/pearl harbored in houston huffman playing basketball. long story short,i don't remember going to dinner (about 2 hours before bball), when my brain started "recording" again, i was in norman regional (about 3 hours) after kissing the floor. concussion, broken nose, 10 stitches. apparently was only "out" for a few seconds, but remember NOTHING of the event; the ambulance ride, talking with parents, getting stitched up, etc...

pretty scary stuff.

11/11/2010, 08:33 PM
I had a minor one as a kid after a bad experience on a moon bounce. Head meet knee....
At the time I probably didn't know I had a concussion, but looking back on it trying to recall what happened and rememember how out of it I was it was for sure a concussion. Not as bad as yours and didn't end up in the hospital but was sure out of it for a few hours. NEVER AGAIN MOON BOUNCE!!!!

11/11/2010, 09:13 PM
Fadada, you no tell twuth. you twy beat my fwiend. I hit you fawe un squawe.

11/11/2010, 09:27 PM
I have had times when I couldnt remember what happened. Think it had more to do with Dranking tho ;)

11/11/2010, 09:32 PM
I got knocked cold twice my sophomore year. First time I didn't get low on a TE who had a head of steam coming down the sideline who was 50 lbs heavier than me. Or at least that's what they told me when I came to on the sideline. I went back into the game shortly there after. Second time, I got earholed covering a kick-off. I got up and started walking towards the wrong sideline. I don't remember the rest of that night. On which I had a date for homecoming, which could be good or bad I guess.

11/11/2010, 10:33 PM
I got knocked cold twice my sophomore year. First time I didn't get low on a TE who had a head of steam coming down the sideline who was 50 lbs heavier than me. Or at least that's what they told me when I came to on the sideline. I went back into the game shortly there after. Second time, I got earholed covering a kick-off. I got up and started walking towards the wrong sideline. I don't remember the rest of that night. On which I had a date for homecoming, which could be good or bad I guess.


11/11/2010, 10:37 PM
10th Grade I hit helmet to helmet and knock a guy out on Defense that was 50 lbs heavier than me. I woke up on my feet carrying the ball and the Coaches were screaming RUN! RUN! RUN!....I left him laying on the ground and they went over and woke him up.

11/11/2010, 11:17 PM
6th grade...............dove off a bldg into a pool. Missed pool.

8th grade. Hit head to head with a guy that weighed like 300 lbs. playing touch football.

High school..................more than once in practice and games.

11/11/2010, 11:30 PM
The scariest thing I've seen on concussions was an interview with some of the old NFL dudes, they can barely function, it was really sad. And some of them only had one or two concussions. Their brainscans were a mess, though. I like to think that with today's improved tech, the players are more protected, but the sad truth is that each concussion does even more damage, and the results of those hits may not show up for years. Your head is not meant to take repeated hits, even soccer players have been shown to have some damage from hitting the ball with their heads. Protect your noggin.

11/12/2010, 12:04 AM
Hell Look at Cassius Clay :rolleyes:

11/12/2010, 12:26 AM
1) Fell out of tree at age five

2) Ran into other boxer's glove too fast

11/12/2010, 07:29 AM
I remember well a trip to NRH ER when my oldest took his middle bro skitching on that road off 24th & Robinson where the Super Target is now. Middle son & friend wearing their blades held onto ropes tied to the back of oldest's sports car bumper as he raced down the road. Car stopped, younger son didn't, smacked into back of car then onto pavement. Concussion, road rash, three CAT scans, consults with plastic surgeon, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria. I had to keep checking for signs of the concussion getting worse for days, and the insistence of 3 scans scared the crap outta me. I won't regale you with details of the time older bro dropped a bed frame on middle's head. I will say he's got some pretty interesting bald spots from those scars. Concussion that time, too.

Kid recovered well enough to serve as a Firedawg in the Corps. Older son lived to serve as a Marine too; so I didn't mete out justice as harshly as I could've. All three sons seemed to survive their stupid escapades with few long-lasting side effects - on them. Mom however...well, there's a reason I've dyed my hair for so long and have a speshul cryin' pillow. Ack.

11/12/2010, 09:26 AM
In an earlier thread, I suggested a thin coating of impact absorbing gel on the outside of helmets to absorb the first few micro-seconds of impact. I've been thinking more about that and subsequent suggestions to elminate helmets altogether and have the following idea:

Helmets today are made from polycarbonate (I'm about 99% sure. High impact resistant, very hard material in any event). If protecting the player from injury is the point (and, also preventing the helmet from being used as a weapon), then you could change the helmet material to something like polypropylene. You'd keep the shape, gloss, etc. but with a much more flexible/impact absorbing material. You'd also elminate much of the ability to slobber knock a tacklee. They'd be cheaper to make, too.
I'd like to see fewer concussions....and not go back to the days of toothless linemen, either.
Anyway, just an idea.

11/12/2010, 09:28 AM
Have you read the stuff on Jim Mcmahon thats come out lately? His wife says he forgets more and more everyday. Said theyll be driving somewhere get half way there and he ll be like...Where are we going? or he'll ask her a question and ask her the excact question 15 or 20 mins later. Crazy...He is still a cool dude though.

Scott D
11/12/2010, 11:28 AM
I wouldn't even know where to begin honestly...So I'll suffice to say the following.

I still on occasion will hit my head hard enough to potentially get another one.

I have days where the entire world is blurry in appearance.

I've had migraines that last for a day and only slightly ease up when I lay down with my arm over my eyes in the bathroom with the door closed. some of those days I feel nauseated some I don't.

I'll forget what I'm talking about halfway through the first sentence in a verbal conversation. On here it's not as bad because I can see what I've written beforehand.

If I had to guess, I've had at least a dozen concussions that would have been documented, and probably another 15-20 "incidents" which could possibly be classified as small concussions.

11/12/2010, 11:30 AM
Marcus DuPree apparently had this happen in his 2nd Texas game I believe. Couldn't really talk during post game interview. Saw it on the 30-30 show.

11/12/2010, 11:35 AM
I've had more stitches on my punkin than I can count - fell out of a car onto the pavement, pulled a cinder block off the top of a wall onto my head, had my nose splattered on my face by my pop when I mouthed off to mom, etc. However, I can honestly say the only times I've blacked out or even couldn't remember something was after drinking. I've been woosy a few times after taking a shot to the skull, but I have never had a headache/memory loss/fuzziness/ or anything like that.

Scott D
11/12/2010, 11:35 AM
that's because your thick skull protects your tiny brain :)

11/12/2010, 11:41 AM
Well there is that...

11/12/2010, 12:18 PM
I guess about all those of us in the peanut gallery can really do is refrain from red meat comments and be understanding of coaching and players' decisions to sit out.
I've had the opportunity to meet a few ex-NFL types and once they turn 50 life can be pretty bleak.

11/12/2010, 12:31 PM
When I was a kid, I was riding my bike around Memorial Stadium on a gameday. To avoid people, my brother and I would weave from the sidewalk to the grass. My front tire got caught between the sidewalk and grass (where you edge) and I flipped over the handle bars. I snapped out of it and there were people all around me. I didn't feel right for a few days.

11/12/2010, 12:50 PM
was thinking, with all this talk of concussions in football, surely many of us here have had a personal experience with one (or several). anyone care to share.

In high school phy ed, we were playing volleyball and a kid in my class that plays football that went on to be a gruff Marine like his brothers, father and grandfather went after a ball that I was going after and clinked me in the head. Teacher diagnosed it as a mild concussion. I felt a little bit dizzy, a little bit tired, but was ultimately fine.

11/12/2010, 12:53 PM
Interesting. Now I understand why they hide players' helmets after they suffer a concussion.

11/12/2010, 01:04 PM
Fadada, you no tell twuth. you twy beat my fwiend. I hit you fawe un squawe.

i'll kick your ***, moke!!!!


11/12/2010, 02:07 PM
With blazing speed I'm sure I took the ball on a sweep to the left in JH. The boundary of our playing field was a ditch where the county had deposited huge chunks of concrete from the destruction of the county courthouse. The last thing I remember was the beautiful definition of the edge of one of these pieces coming at me.

Came to myself 3 hours later with my boyhood friend sitting on the end of my bed at home midsentence.

Apparently, I had been to the doctor and the coach who had taken me was in the living room with my parents. Have never recovered any of those hours.