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View Full Version : Legacy of Stoops

11/8/2010, 09:53 AM
I'm not here to start a thread bashing Bob. I just wanted to see what what everyone thought of where he fell amoung the history of OU coachs. Since 2000 it has been first Bud, then Barry, now Bob. Does this still hold true (not since he lost of aTm over the weekend) but since his record is now .800 and the "Big Game Bob" is all but gone. He still is a REALLY GOOD coach, and one of the best coaches in the game today.
To me the rankings go:

1. Bud
2. Barry
3. Bob

11/8/2010, 09:59 AM
I'm sure about 1 & 2. Strong arguments could be made to reverse what you show. But right now, I gotta put Bob at a distant 3.

Having saying that, one really can't make a real good comparison until Bob leaves and probably a 2 - 3 years after that.

11/8/2010, 10:01 AM
Did he leave? You can't start the comparisons until you see his whole body of work; heck you should not even compare coaches that worked with different generations.

Sooner Brewcrew
11/8/2010, 10:41 AM
That list looks pretty good to me. People get upset because we don't go undefeated every year but if we finish out 10-2, I much prefer that to the season records thta John blake had. I guess what I'm saying is, It could be much worse. I still think Stoops is a great coach but I wonder sometimes if he is just going through the motions.

11/8/2010, 11:54 AM
Wait until he leaves for this conversation. Just like people in the NBA talking about Lebron's legacy 10 years before he retires...

11/8/2010, 12:06 PM
jumpertsop is right, too soon to talk of "legacy"

But as of now, and assuming Bud & Barry are 1 & 2 respectively,
If Bob's not #3, who is?
Bennie Owen? Well, maybe!


11/8/2010, 12:20 PM
Barry is my favorite.. I do think Bob is a good coach however he is not the best game day coach Making adjustments etc.. When he has problems teamwise he seems to fix the problems for the most part.. I'd take Barry over all the rest though..

11/8/2010, 12:21 PM
Best alltime assistant coach ?

Maybe Gomer Jones ? I don't know.. Lacewell ?

11/8/2010, 01:36 PM
Best alltime assistant coach ?

Maybe Gomer Jones ? I don't know.. Lacewell ?

That is a great question. I have no idea. Lacewell has to be up there.

11/8/2010, 01:38 PM
Rex Ryan

Mack Brown?

Partial Qualifier
11/8/2010, 01:48 PM
Best alltime assistant coach ?

Bud Wilkinson?

Barry Switzer?


King Barry's Back
11/8/2010, 02:20 PM
In terms of winning percentage, it is so hard to compare.

Bud did his winning against schedules full of cupcakes, when he could stockpile all the players he wanted.

The King coached in the era of the "Big 2 and Little 6," and when he owned Tom "Big 10" Osburne. He had dozens more schollys than Stoops, and Switzer definitely turned in his share of disappointing and lackluster losses.

Bud is definitely the greatest coach in total. He was so innovative, and was considered the guru of college football, even by the few coaches who could beat him. But if you gave Bob Stoops the schollys that his predessors had, I bethe could beat the heck out of schools like Missouri and aTm.

We can all bitch and moan about Bob's record on-the-road. At the same time, we could just appreciate our fourth Hall of Fame coach, and be glad that we are one of the few schools that gets to argue over where to rank our HOFers.

11/8/2010, 02:20 PM
It's funny when Threads start out with a disclaimer.

11/8/2010, 02:42 PM
I'm not here to start a thread bashing Bob. I just wanted to see what what everyone thought of where he fell amoung the history of OU coachs. Since 2000 it has been first Bud, then Barry, now Bob. Does this still hold true (not since he lost of aTm over the weekend) but since his record is now .800 and the "Big Game Bob" is all but gone. He still is a REALLY GOOD coach, and one of the best coaches in the game today.
To me the rankings go:

1. Bud
2. Barry
3. Bob

It wouldn't make sense to put Bob in with two guys who are 3 time MNC winners, especially since one has passed on and the other continues to help OUr University build on winning Traditions?

Did Bob decide for our University to absorb the Southwest Conference? Did Bob decide who would be in the North and South? Did Bob run NU, CU and nearly MU from the Big XII (well...maybe he did :D)?

Even though he's had what would be considered by most folks, a pretty good run, it is of course never enough for any Football fan. I'd much have preferred he be considered #1 on your list but the way the game is played, scholarships, Conference alignments, Players....just really everything....has changed so much that guys who win maybe one MNC aren't safe as HCs anywhere. Example: Steve Spurrier, Urban Meyer. Even though Saban won a MNC at LSU he still moved on to Bama. LSU Fans are ready to cruxify the madhatter every weekend and yet he's winning games.

I think our expectations as Fans is way out of whack....but as a Fan....I don't want to give Bob a pass if I really though he wasn't a guy who liked to win MNCs.

We all know he's not the kind of guy who would keep the HC job just for the money. He's got an ego just like anyone else. I'm sure there will come a time where he might consider quitting or going to another School, but the guy I've been watching for the last 10 years is a Family guy that seemingly tries to set a good example for his kids and other kids all over our Country. People who think he doesn't or won't deserve a Great Legacy at OU are whacked out of their Skull IMO. Those Big XII Conference Championships and lesser Bowl Trophies might not mean anything to them but they mean a lot to me. I have traveled many a mile to watch Him lead our Teams into battle. He's a legend already. I say the best thing to do is list your former Coaches in the order of the years they played. Listing them on a scale for who has the most MNCs is a great T-shirt idea....especially for the RRSO weekend.