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View Full Version : 8 wins and 5 losses again this year?

Toronto Sooner
11/7/2010, 02:03 PM
I`m sure I will get hammered for bringing this up.

I hope we do better than 8 - 5, but I have lowered my expectations. I am now open to all possibilities.

We have the on the field talent, but KW is still the play caller of the offense, and he will be for the next 100 years (as he is an untouchable in Bob Stoops` eyes). KW can do no wrong in Bob Stoops` eyes.

BV is BV - average co-ordinator with top tier college football players. He should have a suffocating defense in place by now (even with being a little bit thin at the tackle position at this time). He has never demonstrated that type of defense post Mike Stoops. Instead, BV`s defense is often inconsistent (and I`m being kind). It takes him too long to make in game adjustments (sometimes he is unable to at all, IMO). Also, game planning coming into big games and road games are often questionable also (again, i`m being extremely kind here), IMO.

There is a chance we may not win again away from home this year. Nothing is certain - not even Baylor. Robert Griffin has the abilities to beat us singlehandedly (he can both run and pass). We struggled mightily with both the run and pass games against such 2010 power houses as Utah St, Airforce and Cincy (we still look vulnerable). This game is in Baylor (a road game). Look out if Robert Griffin is on his game. I have no confidence in BV`s game planning and in-game adjustment abilities during games away from Norman. I have no confidence in KW`s game calling abilities away from Norman. They don`t seem to adjust well to the impact the opposing crowd has on the game (noise, jacked opposing players, influence on OU players, etc.).

Right now, it will almost be a miracle to beat Oklahoma St. this year, in Stillwater, based on the Sooners performance away from Norman thus far this year.

Also, the bowl game will not be played in Norman.

3 more losses still to come?

I have lowered my expectations. It`s possible we are looking at another 8-5 season this year.

If we go 8-5 who/what will the couches blame the meltdown on this year? They blamed it 100% on injuries last year. I bet they blame it on the freshmen class this year (even though some of the freshmen players have been some of our best players)?

The coaches will never take the blame, IMO.

If we go 8-5 again, the coaches will get another raise.

Going 8-5 again this year still means no changes to the coaching staff, as there will always be plenty of excuses. Everyday is Christmas, with regards to job security for the coaches, IMO. The Texas meltdown this year is perfect timing for the OU coaching staff because everything gets compared to texas. What`s the term, getting a mulligan? The Texas meltdown this year has given the OU coaching staff many unused mulligans. Also, although it has been about 12 years, people are still giving out free mulligans to the coaching staff for the turnaround from brutal OU football of the 90`s.

Yup, welcome to the new era of mediocrity Sooner football. This coaching staff is not going anywhere for the next 100 years. People will always give out mulligans to Bob (big pay cheque) Stoops and his (salary raise after 8-5 mediocre season) coaching staff.

11/7/2010, 02:05 PM
It's not impossible. If we do go 8-5....I'm blaming you though. :D ;)

Also for those of you who might run into an oSu fan Monday Morning that gives you more than a snicker......

The throat Punch is your friend and is not considered assault. ;)


11/7/2010, 02:26 PM
Cheque? We can tell you're from Canada.

11/7/2010, 02:30 PM
Okay, last year may have been Stoops' best coaching job because he lost his 2 best offensive players to injury and ran out of O Linemen. If you think I'm going to dog him for that, you're wrong.

This year we're starting a bunch of freshmen and sophomores. I certainly didn't think we'd be undefeated, and figured we'd drop 2 or 3. I still think we'll lose one more, probably osu. Doesn't mean I'm thrilled with last night, but I'm not going to lose my mind over it either.

I'm obviously a terrible fan.

11/7/2010, 02:43 PM
ive come to accept that as long as these ppl are our coaches 8-5 is fairly average. 10-3 is good 12-0 is a miracle. it sure makes watchingour games much less stressful as i no expect a loss on every road game and expect a loss in every bowl game

11/7/2010, 02:46 PM
Well if we do happen to go 8-5 once again this year, although I don't think that will happen, I hope it includes another shut out of the pokes. :D

11/7/2010, 02:50 PM
Well I don't know what our record will be the rest of the year but one thing is certain................we will play bad in the remaining road games and we don't have the talent to overcome the coaching like we used to. :(

Leroy Lizard
11/7/2010, 06:28 PM
The throat Punch is your friend and is not considered assault. ;)

No need for that. There's a better way.

"Man, you Pokes have a good team this year. It looks like the only thing standing in your way is a victory over OU. Well, that's a lock now. I don't see any way that OSU will lose to OU. Amazing, you can win the Big XII and go to a BCS bowl. You might end up in the top-5 when it is all said and done. And all you have to do is beat OU."

They'll start getting that feeling of dread.

11/7/2010, 06:31 PM
lol @ Leroy. Niiiice.

Leroy Lizard
11/7/2010, 06:34 PM
Well I don't know what our record will be the rest of the year but one thing is certain................we will play bad in the remaining road games and we don't have the talent to overcome the coaching like we used to. :(

Do you have this statement about talent overcoming coaching in your clipboard? It seems as if you have pasted that statement into every thread.

For the record, our coaching staff developed that talent.

Who was more highly recruited? Sam Bradford or Garrett Gilbert?

Toronto Sooner
11/8/2010, 06:14 AM
We all know that highschool ratings do not necessarily translate directly to how a player performs at the college level. There have been plenty of busts and plenty of hidden gems throughout the ages.

However, although I don`t know what the true stats are, my guess is that for every 3 star hidden Sam Bradford gems there are probably a good number of 4 - 5 star recruits that achieved high levels of performance (i.e. AD, Tommy Harris, Curtis Lofton, Gerald McCoy, Gresham, Ryan Broyles......). Further examples: Current Texas A&M stars, Von Miller, Jeff Fuller and Cyrus Gray were all 4 star recruits.

Also, generally speaking, the schools that rate well in the recruiting process are typically staples in the top 25 BSC rankings over a number of years. These are also the schools that send the most talent to the NFL.

As a result, we can probably use the Rivals highshool star ratings as ONE component to determine the type of talent our coaches get to work with, for comparison purposes. It should not be the be all and end all, but it is one key component.

I have gone back the last 4 years (2007 to 2010) to compare Rivals recruitment ratings for OU players vs players from Missouri and Texas A&M.

OU (recruits 2007 to 2010 = 94):

Average star per recruit = 3.54

5 stars = 4
4 stars = 48
3 stars = 37
2 stars = 5
1 star = 0
0 stars = 0

Texas A&M (recruits 2007 to 2010 = 94):

Average star per recruit = 3.14

5 stars = 1
4 stars = 24
3 stars = 58
2 stars = 10
1 star = 0
0 stars = 1

Missouri (recruits 2007 to 2010 = 99):

Average star per recruit = 2.96

5 stars = 2
4 stars = 14
3 stars = 63
2 stars = 19
1 star = 0
0 stars = 1

Clearly, OU coaches have been given far higher rated talent to work with. Now, which coaches have done the best coaching job in 2010 relative to their talent pool? I will leave that up to the reader`s interpretation and imagination.

11/8/2010, 07:24 AM
Do you have this statement about talent overcoming coaching in your clipboard? It seems as if you have pasted that statement into every thread.For the record, our coaching staff developed that talent.

Who was more highly recruited? Sam Bradford or Garrett Gilbert?

lmao exactly what i was thinking...ive seen that like 15 times tonight

11/8/2010, 07:55 AM
For us to go 8-5 means we only win 1 more game this season including a bowl loss. That is assuming we beat Tech this weekend. I don't buy it for a minute. No way!

Sooners win 10 or more this season. Bank on it!

Leroy Lizard
11/8/2010, 06:56 PM
Being in Canada, I am a Sooner fan because the Sooners are elite (Michigan, Ohio St, Michigan St. etc., are a lot closer to me) - mediocrity does not cut it in my view.

So, what you're saying is that you only like the Sooners because in the past they won a lot.

11/8/2010, 07:06 PM
Do you have this statement about talent overcoming coaching in your clipboard? It seems as if you have pasted that statement into every thread.

For the record, our coaching staff developed that talent.

Who was more highly recruited? Sam Bradford or Garrett Gilbert?

Leroy, it was the system that made Sam and has broken Garrett.... sheesh :rolleyes: I thought everyone knew that. :cool:

11/8/2010, 07:19 PM
I would be surprised if we go 8 - 5 this year. 9 - 4 or 10 - 4 is way more realistic. I believe we will beat Tech and Baylor toss up with Okie Lite and lose the bowl game. I don't expect to win the Big 12 Championship or the bowl game. But either could happen.

11/8/2010, 07:23 PM
8-5 is better than 4-5, (:texan:), which could turn into 5-7 pretty easily...