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11/6/2010, 08:09 PM
i am speechless.

11/6/2010, 08:10 PM
I luv BOB but i hope he gets hammered

11/6/2010, 08:12 PM
You two are a couple of the worst examples of being a Sooner that I think I've ever seen on here. Your mothers should have left you at the circus.

11/6/2010, 08:20 PM
Whats a Sooner???? Someone who wears Crimson goggles and can't accept the facts. Look foward to hearing how we will still win the big12. Or, we will still go to a BCS game, or we will blah blah blah. Wake up

11/6/2010, 08:21 PM
Games not over but whatever.

MyT Oklahoma
11/6/2010, 09:13 PM
Only time will tell. Meanwhile.. let's go Sooners.

11/6/2010, 09:19 PM
Whats a Sooner???? Someone who wears Crimson goggles and can't accept the facts. Look foward to hearing how we will still win the big12. Or, we will still go to a BCS game, or we will blah blah blah. Wake up

You're gonna be OK. Keep pouring that **** down your throat. You'll be able to take this better that way.

11/6/2010, 10:00 PM
Have to win out and beat OSU....how many times have we been in THAT situation, where we have to beat the 'Boys to have a hope to p?ay for the title?

I think we had a bad night. Had plenty of chances to win it and didn't get it done. Soul searching time....how can you have first and goal THREE times and not score? By my reckoning we left 38 points on the field. Terrible.

11/6/2010, 10:04 PM
I'll be honest. I wish Bob would pull a Jim Mora and say that we cant do "diddley poo" on the road. Maybe that is what OUr team needs.

Leroy Lizard
11/6/2010, 10:09 PM
I'm not sure what good it does to ask Bob the question. What is it that we want?

If Bob shows up with tears streaming down his face and begging for forgiveness, would that make you feel better?

If he just loudly exclaims "We suck as a coaching staff!" would that help you somehow?

So let me ask: What is it that you want from Stoops during a press conference that is going to make it all better?

11/6/2010, 10:10 PM
he'll dodge them. He'll say something like.. "we just didn't play SOLID football." Followed by, "We needed to put more points on the board than they did for it to be a SOLID win." Followed by, "their defense was SOLID."

Coach speak is all we will get.

Leroy Lizard
11/6/2010, 10:35 PM
he'll dodge them. He'll say something like.. "we just didn't play SOLID football." Followed by, "We needed to put more points on the board than they did for it to be a SOLID win." Followed by, "their defense was SOLID."

Coach speak is all we will get.

Again, what is it that you want?

What are the magic words that will make you feel better after this game?

11/6/2010, 10:38 PM
I'm not sure what good it does to ask Bob the question. What is it that we want?

If Bob shows up with tears streaming down his face and begging for forgiveness, would that make you feel better?

If he just loudly exclaims "We suck as a coaching staff!" would that help you somehow?

So let me ask: What is it that you want from Stoops during a press conference that is going to make it all better?

What I want is for Bob to step up and tell us how he is going to fix it. He gets paid the big bucks to do that. I don't want him to tell us well, we didn't execute, or we just didn't play well enough.... no ****. I want to know HOW he is going to fix it.

It's one thing for Wilson to call the run on one series and we not make it. But maybe the next time, I am thinking it's Bob's call to say hey, Wilson, how about us changin it up a little here. Let's see what we can do.

We, as residents of the state of Oklahoma pay their salary. It is a PUBLIC university. It is not so far fetched for us to expect them to do their job.

11/6/2010, 10:39 PM
How about something to the effect of " our coaches need to step up to the plate and do a better job if they want to stay at Oklahoma. Myself included"

11/6/2010, 10:42 PM
Again, what is it that you want?

What are the magic words that will make you feel better after this game?

I would like to hear:

"Effective immediately I have hired Norm Chow as my new OC and KW has been terminated. Further details in my Wednesday morning press conference."

Leroy Lizard
11/6/2010, 10:44 PM
What I want is for Bob to step up and tell us how he is going to fix it.

It's not like a misfiring car. It's not like a bunch of programmable robots.

If it was, he would have turned the wrench and fixed the problem already.

There is no easy answer. There is no swift cure. Do you really think for one moment that there's just some recipe for playing better on the road?

And even if there was, what good does it do to tell us about it? Does he need our approval before implementing the magic cure you're seeking? Does that make the cure more effective if the public is informed?

In essence, we lost. Get over it. And most of all, quit worrying about what the coach says in the presser. That amounts to ZILCH in the big scheme of things.

And I mean ZILCH.

I swear some of you take the loss harder than the players. If you do, you gots issues.

11/6/2010, 10:45 PM
You two are a couple of the worst examples of being a Sooner that I think I've ever seen on here. Your mothers should have left you at the hospital.

you cry when others rag on you, then you bring up other peoples mothers? Thats twice. Quit your bit$%ing. Chump...

11/6/2010, 10:46 PM
I think its time for Joe C. to start asking Bob some questions rather than the fans or the press. Like, "Who do you have in mind to be our DC next year?"

Leroy Lizard
11/6/2010, 10:46 PM
How about something to the effect of " our coaches need to step up to the plate and do a better job if they want to stay at Oklahoma. Myself included"

Mack Brown did that last week!

And a lot of fat good that did them.

11/6/2010, 10:49 PM
I would like to hear:

"Effective immediately I have hired Denver Sooner as my new OC and KW has been terminated. Further details in my Wednesday morning press conference."

I know that would make me feel better. :cool:

Leroy Lizard
11/6/2010, 10:50 PM
I think its time for Joe C. to start asking Bob some questions rather than the fans or the press. Like, "Who do you have in mind to be our DC next year?"

If Joe C is stupid enough to ask that question, Bob will stare him down and say, "Brent Venables." And that will be the end of the questioning.

11/6/2010, 10:51 PM
I know that would make me feel better. :cool:

I would bring back the bone baby!!!!

11/6/2010, 10:53 PM
I would bring back the bone baby!!!!

And Barry and Hollieway to run it.

11/6/2010, 10:54 PM
Other teams seem to manage playing on the road and winning. Teams that do not have the storied tradition that we have at the University of Oklahoma.

This may be arrogant, but we are OU. We are not TCU or Boise St. or Texas A&M that is happy with a win here or there or a few really good seasons. Our WINNING tradition goes back decades! Before they even thought about football at some Div 1 schools.

We should be able to win on the road...more times than not, to be honest.

Somehow we can't do that. Not sure if it's coaching, not sure if it's players or a combination thereof.

But it MUST STOP. IT MUST BE CORRECTED. We do not accept mediocrity at OU!!!

11/6/2010, 10:55 PM
Other teams seem to manage playing on the road and winning. Teams that do not have the storied tradition that we have at the University of Oklahoma.

This may be arrogant, but we are OU. We are not TCU or Boise St. or Texas A&M that is happy with a win here or there or a few really good seasons. Our WINNING tradition goes back decades! Before they even thought about football at some Div 1 schools.

We should be able to win on the road...more times than not, to be honest.

Somehow we can't do that. Not sure if it's coaching, not sure if it's players or a combination thereof.

But it MUST STOP. IT MUST BE CORRECTED. We do not accept mediocrity at OU!!!

That's your problem.....you're livin' in the past.

Leroy Lizard
11/6/2010, 10:58 PM
Other teams seem to manage playing on the road and winning. Teams that do not have the storied tradition that we have at the University of Oklahoma.

This may be arrogant, but we are OU. We are not TCU or Boise St. or Texas A&M that is happy with a win here or there or a few really good seasons. Our WINNING tradition goes back decades! Before they even thought about football at some Div 1 schools.

Relax. We're still winning. Not as much as some of us would like, but it could be worse.



11/6/2010, 11:01 PM
You know, I'm not one to argue with people or try to stress my point...but to a point, you'r right....it is my problem and a problem to everyone that is an OU fan and loves to see their Sooners win.

Somehow, I don't think I'm the only person who thinks mediocrity is unacceptable at OU.

That's like telling your kids that you are happy with them getting a C in class. Why would they ever strive for an A? I'm never going to be happy with losing at OU, nor should I be (or any fan for that matter). Do I understand that sometimes it happens, sure! But that doesn't mean I have to accept it.

I expect our coaching staff and our players to get better and do better each time they take the field, whether it's at home or on the road.

11/6/2010, 11:03 PM
Relax. We're still winning. Not as much as some of us would like, but it could be worse.



You are right. I tried to remind myself that we could be them while I was watching the game.

I remember when I was a little girl and we would lose a game and my dad would gently say, now you know we can't win them all...and I would ask, why not? LOL

Leroy Lizard
11/6/2010, 11:06 PM
You know, I'm not one to argue with people or try to stress my point...but to a point, you'r right....it is my problem and a problem to everyone that is an OU fan and loves to see their Sooners win.

It is not a problem for me. If I couldn't pay my bills, that would be a problem. If I lost money in blackjack, that would be a problem.

I'm a fan. I love to see OU win and I am very disappointed when they lose. But it isn't my problem.

Somehow, I don't think I'm the only person who thinks mediocrity is unacceptable at OU.

That's like telling your kids that you are happy with them getting a C in class. Why would they ever strive for an A? I'm never going to be happy with losing at OU, nor should I be (or any fan for that matter). Do I understand that sometimes it happens, sure! But that doesn't mean I have to accept it.

You have to accept it, because there is nothing you can do about it.

I can do something about my kid's low grades, so I don't have to accept bad grades. But OU winning? Pffffft, what the Hell am I supposed to do about it?

All I can do as a fan is watch the games and hope that they win. And it's probably better that way because if I had any real power to make changes with the team I would probably make it only worse. (And that is true for everyone else in here too.)

Leroy Lizard
11/6/2010, 11:08 PM
You are right. I tried to remind myself that we could be them while I was watching the game.

I remember when I was a little girl and we would lose a game and my dad would gently say, now you know we can't win them all...and I would ask, why not? LOL

And your dad says, "Because the other team's fans wants to see their team win too." ;)

Every game makes someone happy. Every play makes someone happy. So while we are miserable, there is another fan out there that is happy their team won. Unless it's a Horn fan, that isn't so bad. :D

11/6/2010, 11:12 PM
Twenty years ago, I used to get so upset I would bust the tv that I watched the game on. Now, after finally realizing what Leroy just posted, I take it in stride. I'm usually over it by Sunday dinner. Does that make me any less a fan than I was 20 years ago?

11/6/2010, 11:16 PM
I'm not sure what good it does to ask Bob the question. What is it that we want?

If Bob shows up with tears streaming down his face and begging for forgiveness, would that make you feel better?

If he just loudly exclaims "We suck as a coaching staff!" would that help you somehow?

So let me ask: What is it that you want from Stoops during a press conference that is going to make it all better?

An honest assessment of the situation.

4-7 the last 2 seasons on the road.

Since 2005, OU is 23-18 away from OU.

It would be reassuring that Bob Stoops would come out and say that they know there is a problem and HE is doing everything he can think of to remedy the situation.

Honesty...it goes a long way in Oklahoma, we all know that!

I would also like to see Bob Stoops and his coaching staff to stop acting like they are invincible.

11/6/2010, 11:51 PM
Come on guys, of the 12 conference road losses in Stoops' career at OU, this loss by 14 isn't even the worst--it's the 2nd worst. The worst was last year's 28 point loss at Lubbock. It'll get better.

Leroy Lizard
11/6/2010, 11:53 PM
An honest assessment of the situation.

4-7 the last 2 seasons on the road.

Since 2005, OU is 23-18 away from OU.

It would be reassuring that Bob Stoops would come out and say that they know there is a problem and HE is doing everything he can think of to remedy the situation.

Honesty...it goes a long way in Oklahoma, we all know that!

It goes a long way, heh? Okay, so Stoops is honest with the fans and... so we start winning on the road? Is that the fix you are looking for?

Frankly, I don't care what Stoops says to the press. Whether he gets mad, starts crying, begs for forgiveness, acts defiant, or refuses to speak at all, it makes no difference to the team's performance.

11/7/2010, 01:27 AM
It goes a long way, heh? Okay, so Stoops is honest with the fans and... so we start winning on the road? Is that the fix you are looking for?

Frankly, I don't care what Stoops says to the press. Whether he gets mad, starts crying, begs for forgiveness, acts defiant, or refuses to speak at all, it makes no difference to the team's performance.

Youre right, it doesn't matter what he says, talk is cheap. I want my answers on the field. So come Baylor and osu week, I better be seeing his answer. But one thing I dont want to hear is that crap he spewed last week. I don't care if everyone loses on the road, Bob Stoops knows he holds himself and this team, above every other team. As he should. (So should every coach for that matter)

Leroy Lizard
11/7/2010, 01:29 AM
Youre right, it doesn't matter what he says, talk is cheap. I want my answers on the field. So come Baylor and osu week, I better be seeing his answer. But one thing I dont want to hear is that crap he spewed last week.

Then don't listen.


sooner ngintunr
11/7/2010, 01:46 AM
I would like to hear:

"Effective immediately I have hired Norm Chow as my new OC and KW has been terminated. Further details in my Wednesday morning press conference."

IIRC Bobs pressers are on Tues.

I'm guessing (hoping) that the rest of your post was a poor attempt at sarcasm.

11/7/2010, 07:48 AM
You two are a couple of the worst examples of being a Sooner that I think I've ever seen on here. Your mothers should have left you at the hospital.

its fans like you and leroylizard that make being mediocre as a football team at ou worth while...thanks guys :) its okay that we lose on the road no big deal.

stoops could go 0-12 next year and you and leroylizard would still be so excited about stoops and how great he is.

you 2 should really go be fans of okie lite. they're more welcoming of mediocrity.

The Maestro
11/7/2010, 07:50 AM
Why is it leroy's lot in life to stand against anyone bitching and moaning?

11/7/2010, 08:27 AM
I swear some of you take the loss harder than the players. If you do, you gots issues.
I'd say the players have some issues if they don't take a humiliating loss like that pretty dang hard.

Supposedly, our team has lots of talent. We often mop up Owen field with lesser teams. But go on the road and play somebody who has some guts, who punches us in the mouth, and we wilt. If it's not the job of the coaches to get these young guys in the right frame of mind, intellectually and emotionally to deal with these challenges, the what exactly is their job? Sure, there are no magic words, but the same old words and the same old reactions - or lack thereof -resulting in the same predictable diaper-wetting on the road, is not something we should be expected to sit back and enjoy.
I repeat, when the going is easy, we go like crazy. When the going gets tough -- we we show no confidence, no guts or nerve, no savvy, no competence. We look like chumps, while Bob fumes in confusion on the sidelines.

I don't know the answer, but you can't deny that this team presents a lot of very discomforting questions.

PS-I think our high-falutin pass-happy offensive scheme is to blame in part. When all parts are working it runs like a Ferrari, but let one tiny part - like the sitting duck QB who can't run - cease to operate perfectly, and the whole thing is like an '85 Ford sitting by the road.

11/7/2010, 09:09 AM
Twenty years ago, I used to get so upset I would bust the tv that I watched the game on. Now, after finally realizing what Leroy just posted, I take it in stride. I'm usually over it by Sunday dinner. Does that make me any less a fan than I was 20 years ago?

No, you just realize getting burnt up by OU all week really isn't a good use of someone's time. Does it make me less of a fan that I turned the game off with 2 minutes left in the half and watched a movie with my wife? I mean I had already seen that game about 9 times in the past 4 years.....no reason watching it again.

11/7/2010, 09:34 AM
Bobs going to have to block and catch the ball and play some QB too....

11/7/2010, 09:42 AM
No, you just realize getting burnt up by OU all week really isn't a good use of someone's time. Does it make me less of a fan that I turned the game off with 2 minutes left in the half and watched a movie with my wife? I mean I had already seen that game about 9 times in the past 4 years.....no reason watching it again.

This is exactly what I did with my wife.

11/7/2010, 09:44 AM
Frankly, I don't care what Stoops says to the press. Whether he gets mad, starts crying, begs for forgiveness, acts defiant, or refuses to speak at all, it makes no difference to the team's performance.

I think Bob's reaction DOES affect how the team performs. A stand-up reaction can instill player confidence, while Brad Childress-style prevarication can undermine it. Jimmy-Swaggart-style cry-fession = :eek: :eek: :eek:

stoops the eternal pimp
11/7/2010, 09:46 AM
what he says in a press room means nothing to me...what happens on the field speaks louder

Leroy Lizard
11/7/2010, 11:30 AM
I think Bob's reaction DOES affect how the team performs. A stand-up reaction can instill player confidence, while Brad Childress-style prevarication can undermine it. Jimmy-Swaggart-style cry-fession = :eek: :eek: :eek:

Bob has plenty of time to talk to his team in the locker room. That is what makes the difference. What he tells the public is irrelevant as long as he avoids making caustic comments about individual players.

Nothing good comes out of a presser. And nothing Bob is going to do in a presser will make the team play better.

11/7/2010, 11:47 AM
Relax. We're still winning. Not as much as some of us would like, but it could be worse.



Leroy... Here's the deal that you don't seem to understand. In most of your posts here you are very level headed. You don't seem to get riled about ANYTHING. Most of the Sooner fans that post on here are Very emotional about what happens on the field. They take ownership and aren't bandwagon fans therefore have a vested interest in the performance of the team. So telling them to relax we'll have a winning season - forget about the losses and poor performance from players and coaches "it's all OK" "they are only doing the best they can" is like telling them - don't bother getting excited about the team PERIOD just go with the flow. Win or lose just like the result.
Sad thing is I'm almost right there with you Leroy. Almost to the point where a win excites me about as much as a loss makes me unhappy. God help me...

11/7/2010, 11:51 AM
This is exactly what I did with my wife.

I turned it off by halftime, knowing that watching the game would only get me more pissed off. I don't see that as a bad thing.

11/7/2010, 11:53 AM
Bob will puff up like a badger in his presser, get defensive and belligerent, and recite all of their past accomplishments to deflect questions. It's his standard M.O.

11/7/2010, 10:07 PM
It goes a long way, heh? Okay, so Stoops is honest with the fans and... so we start winning on the road? Is that the fix you are looking for?

Frankly, I don't care what Stoops says to the press. Whether he gets mad, starts crying, begs for forgiveness, acts defiant, or refuses to speak at all, it makes no difference to the team's performance.

You think this is about what he says to the Press? It is what he is saying to his fans, and the fans of Oklahoma, the people that has been there before him and that will be there after him.

The ones that help him get his salary, but purchasing season tickets, Sooner garb, and donations to the Athletic Club.

I could careless if he tells the media people to **** off. But he should be honest to the Monster (fans).

And no, being honest will not bring wins on the road. But what it will do is...just maybe....is rid him of his denial.

11/8/2010, 12:39 AM
I think I'm siding with Leroy on this.

I am absolutely sure that Stoops knows his team does not play on the road like they do at home. He has a dilemma, though. If he tells his team that there is no difference between playing on the road and at home, that they should be confident in their abilities no matter where the game is played, his team may respond with better road performance. If, however, he publicly acknowledges the road problems, he risks placing doubt in his players heads.

Ultimately, Bob's responsibility to his team and their goals is greater than his need to answer some reporter's question "honestly", so that they can sell more newspapers. I don't really need him to acknowledge an issue with a reporter to believe that he understands what is going on with his team.

11/8/2010, 12:45 AM
I think he understands what is going on i just don't think he knows how to fix it. And his denying road problems just makes him look dumb.

Leroy Lizard
11/8/2010, 12:46 AM
Leroy... Here's the deal that you don't seem to understand. In most of your posts here you are very level headed. You don't seem to get riled about ANYTHING. Most of the Sooner fans that post on here are Very emotional about what happens on the field. They take ownership and aren't bandwagon fans therefore have a vested interest in the performance of the team. So telling them to relax we'll have a winning season - forget about the losses and poor performance from players and coaches "it's all OK" "they are only doing the best they can" is like telling them - don't bother getting excited about the team PERIOD just go with the flow. Win or lose just like the result.
Sad thing is I'm almost right there with you Leroy. Almost to the point where a win excites me about as much as a loss makes me unhappy. God help me...

Good points.

Leroy Lizard
11/8/2010, 12:55 AM
You think this is about what he says to the Press? It is what he is saying to his fans, and the fans of Oklahoma, the people that has been there before him and that will be there after him.

The ones that help him get his salary, but purchasing season tickets, Sooner garb, and donations to the Athletic Club.

I could careless if he tells the media people to **** off. But he should be honest to the Monster (fans).

And no, being honest will not bring wins on the road. But what it will do is...just maybe....is rid him of his denial.

Denial? Do you really think that Stoops is not aware of our road struggles? Seriously? How stupid do you really think he is?

Sometimes honesty is not the best policy. And when dealing with the sports media, it rarely is.

The Monster isn't going to buy more Sooner garb because Stoops admits to our road struggles. They buy more garb when we WIN. And if Stoops thinks he has to play dumb to the fans to keep his players mentally in the game, then he should play dumb to the fans.

Stoops' first responsibility is to his athletic director and team, not us.

Leroy Lizard
11/8/2010, 12:58 AM
I think he understands what is going on i just don't think he knows how to fix it.

Unless he dabbles in witchcraft or hypnosis, it's probably not fixable. And I doubt anyone truly knows the problem. It's a mental thing that the team will sooner or later work out on its own. We just need to be patient and cheer them on, like good fans do.

11/8/2010, 01:07 AM
I'm counting the hours for this presser.

11/8/2010, 01:07 AM
Unless he dabbles in witchcraft or hypnosis, it's probably not fixable. And I doubt anyone truly knows the problem. It's a mental thing that the team will sooner or later work out on its own. We just need to be patient and cheer them on, like good fans do.

A 4 or 5 year long mental problem? Hmmmmm.

Leroy Lizard
11/8/2010, 01:11 AM
A 4 or 5 year long mental problem? Hmmmmm.

I don't think the problem we are having on the road the past two years is the same as the one we had before then.

Psychology can be quite complex. A game lost on the road in 2006 may have different causes than one in 2010. If you oversimplify complex problems, you will never arrive at a solution.

Besides, didn't we have a winning record on the road in 2008?

11/8/2010, 01:17 AM
I don't think the problem we are having on the road the past two years is the same as the one we had before then.

Psychology can be quite complex. A game lost on the road in 2006 may have different causes than one in 2010. If you oversimplify complex problems, you will never arrive at a solution.

Besides, didn't we have a winning record on the road in 2008?

Possum Bob must be oversimplifying then because he sure isn't arriving at a solution.

Leroy Lizard
11/8/2010, 01:35 AM
Possum Bob must be oversimplifying then because he sure isn't arriving at a solution.

Let's try this again:

Unless he dabbles in witchcraft or hypnosis, it's probably not fixable. And I doubt anyone truly knows the problem. It's a mental thing that the team will sooner or later work out on its own. We just need to be patient and cheer them on, like good fans do.

11/8/2010, 12:21 PM
You two are a couple of the worst examples of being a Sooner that I think I've ever seen on here. Your mothers should have left you at the circus.

Pure comedy!