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11/2/2010, 10:49 PM
Upon losing control of the house, will he dig in like GW did and refuse to budge or will he move to the middle like Slick Willy did?

Moving to the middle may be harder for Obama but he also wants to get re-elected...what say you?

11/2/2010, 10:54 PM
I just hope the Repubs don't waste our time with some scandal now. I'm hoping for gridlock. I believe the economy will tank though in the next year or so and its gonna get crazy.

11/2/2010, 10:54 PM
Judging from what he has done so far, he will extend his hand but never grasp. I see him blaming the pubs for everything.

11/2/2010, 10:55 PM
blame W!

11/2/2010, 10:56 PM
its amazing, I was talking to a Lib friend tonight and she was trying to blame W for tonight, lol

11/2/2010, 10:57 PM
lol. but wow these last 2 years half went by fast.

11/2/2010, 11:00 PM
Time flys when your country is spinning out of control. The Dems had all of the momentum and power and they completely blew it due to their pompous attitudes and shady dealings, its unreal

Crucifax Autumn
11/2/2010, 11:00 PM
He's a dem...He'll compromise.

11/2/2010, 11:01 PM
but he is pretty far lefty CRU

Crucifax Autumn
11/2/2010, 11:01 PM
Time flys when your country is spinning out of control. The Dems had all of the momentum and power and they completely blew it due to their pompous attitudes and shady dealings, its unreal

The only reason they didn't get to do everything they wanted was the stupid cloture rule. Now neither side will have 60 and NOTHING will pass the senate.

11/2/2010, 11:02 PM
Well here is the deal, it is quite clear that the American people are growing more and more tired of partisanship, they are gonna have to work together or this trend will continue til the end of time

11/2/2010, 11:05 PM
Well here is the deal, it is quite clear that the American people are growing more and more tired of partisanship, they are gonna have to work together or this trend will continue til the end of our Country

FIFY. And the media is driving this country into the ditch.

11/2/2010, 11:08 PM
Well here is the deal, it is quite clear that the American people are growing more and more tired of partisanship, they are gonna have to work together or this trend will continue til the end of time

is this a different American people than the one I know of?

11/2/2010, 11:10 PM
It's the same cycle over and over, when one party takes control of the White House the following elections the House shifts to the other party to balance things out. Same thing over and over.

11/2/2010, 11:11 PM
Well here is the deal, it is quite clear that the American people are growing more and more tired of partisanship, they are gonna have to work together or this trend will continue til the end of time

as long as there's people like pelosi on one side, and karl rove and glenn beck on the other, partisanship will be the status quo.

as long as those in office are dependent on thier respective parties to fund their campaigns, partisanship will be the staus quo.

11/2/2010, 11:12 PM
which shows that the politicians do not pay attention to what WE THE PEOPLE want

11/2/2010, 11:13 PM
I'm hoping for gridlock. This country needs to face the music, no more bailouts. Take your medicine and like it.

Crucifax Autumn
11/2/2010, 11:16 PM
but he is pretty far lefty CRU

That's not the point. Dems always cave when they are faced with a split government or a majority on the other side.

11/2/2010, 11:16 PM
it's not about what the people want, it's about politicians getting reelected and pundits getting advertising and selling books

11/2/2010, 11:17 PM
which shows that the politicians do not pay attention to what WE THE PEOPLE want

and i really feel sorry for james lankford. hes gonna get to DC and discover, quickly, that any legislation he authors will be totally dependent on the shady dealing he ran against.

if he doesnt fall in line, if he does what he says and tries to do what he truly feels is right and proper, and whats best for the people, the republican party will just fund 6 guys to run against him in 2 years.

11/2/2010, 11:17 PM
I realize that my man, my point is that the people have shown once again that they are sick of it, whats unfortunate is the politicians obviously dont GAS

11/2/2010, 11:20 PM
I realize that my man, my point is that the people have shown once again that they are sick of it, whats unfortunate is the politicians obviously dont GAS

there's too much money involved to give a **** what the people want.

11/2/2010, 11:21 PM

11/2/2010, 11:24 PM
there's too much money involved to give a **** what the people want.

I think this is something we can all agree with. Every single one of us. You nailed it. Now what do we do about it?

If it doesn't get fixed and the economy gets worse we're looking at civil unrest in 10-20 years. Maybe sooner. I know that sounds alarmist and tinfoil hattish but really it wouldn't take much to ignite a powderkeg. especially when people are trying to feed their families. This is the real issue for me.

11/2/2010, 11:26 PM
there's too much money involved to give a **** what the people want.

so youre saying its time to revolt? Seriously, these people are elected to represent us, not themselves. If they refuse to do that over and over, maybe we need to take it into our own hands :hot:

11/2/2010, 11:26 PM
I wonder how many KOOLs Pres. Obama went thru tonight?

If he has any pragmatic bones in his body...well... he has not shown any tendency toward compromise, but then he hasn't had to.

We can hope he will change. ;)

11/2/2010, 11:35 PM
so youre saying its time to revolt? Seriously, these people are elected to represent us, not themselves. If they refuse to do that over and over, maybe we need to take it into our own hands :hot:
i wouldnt be opposed to a complete overhaul of our government. i even bought me a sweet new AR-10 and a sig P226 because im convinced thats where we're headed. the revolution will now be televised!!!

but seriously, the biggest problem is the control we give lobbyists, and by extention, the industries the represent.

11/2/2010, 11:46 PM
Well here is the deal, it is quite clear that the American people are growing more and more tired of partisanship, they are gonna have to work together or this trend will continue til the end of timeHere's the rub. Democrats are in a position to compromise, a good number of Republicans are not. They were either elected on the auspices of specifically not compromising to Obama's agenda, or they really like their job and will face a challenge when they are up for election in '12. It would take a political courage that I have zero faith they have or want. The flip-side of this is that the Dems might be in the position to extend offers that are wholly reasonable that their counterparts will see as toxic. The very last thing I expect this election to do is produce bipartisanship. I fully expect to see the White House set the agenda to a more centrist angle, with the Senate shaping up, extensions of the Bush tax cuts are gone, although there is probably wiggle room in discretionary budgets and estate tax. It's going to be an interesting few years to say the least.

Also, Obama better have the legal team sharp.

Crucifax Autumn
11/2/2010, 11:52 PM
Also, Obama better have the legal team sharp.

I sure as shat hope the Republicans know better than to start all the legal crap again. That **** didn't work against Clinton and it won't work now. Thye better show up and do the work of the people, not the work of their party or the more extreme members of their base. And that goes for both sides.

Sooner Eclipse
11/3/2010, 12:12 AM
but seriously, the biggest problem is the control we give lobbyists, and by extention, the industries the represent.

This - until we quit recognizing corporations, unions and other nebulous entities as constituents and force them to focus strictly on individual persons as constituents, this will not end. Do this by passing a balanced budget amendment, term limits for all federally elected positions, limit donations to politicians and pacs/lobbyists to a limited amt only to be given by individuals and limit the amount they spend and the tactics they use to that to influence politicians, this won't end.

Sooner Eclipse
11/3/2010, 12:21 AM
extensions of the Bush tax cuts are gone, although there is probably wiggle room in discretionary budgets and estate tax. It's going to be an interesting few years to say the least.

Also, Obama better have the legal team sharp.

Thats exactly backwards. The dims will have to fold on the tax cuts now. There are now enough cross over dems in the senate that the bill making tax cuts permanent will be on Obama's desk on the 21st. If he doesn't sign it, he's done. They'll beat that over his head for the next 2 years.

11/3/2010, 12:26 AM
This - until we quit recognizing corporations, unions and other nebulous entities as constituents and force them to focus strictly on individual persons as constituents, this will not end. Do this by passing a balanced budget amendment, term limits for all federally elected positions, limit donations to politicians and pacs/lobbyists to a limited amt only to be given by individuals and limit the amount they spend and the tactics they use to that to influence politicians, this won't end.

my only disagreement is your view of term limits. we already have term limits. they've been here since day one. they are what this day has been all about. elections. if you dont feel your elected officials represent your views, you vote them out.

what happens when we get someone really really good at his job, and is incredibly smart to boot? i'd have voted for david boren as long as he ran. he was the best politician oklahoma has seen since my family moved here in 84.

i understand the frustration with "career politicians" but term limits are just a bad idea. they're in direct opposition to a democratic society, in principle.

11/3/2010, 12:30 AM


11/3/2010, 12:35 AM
business as usual for elections two years after a new president. Truman lost fifty-something house seats as did Clinton. both won re-election handily. even reagan lost twenty something house seats and then steamrolled Mondale two years later.

Sooner Eclipse
11/3/2010, 12:42 AM
my only disagreement is your view of term limits. we already have term limits. they've been here since day one. they are what this day has been all about. elections. if you dont feel your elected officials represent your views, you vote them out.

what happens when we get someone really really good at his job, and is incredibly smart to boot? i'd have voted for david boren as long as he ran. he was the best politician oklahoma has seen since my family moved here in 84.

i understand the frustration with "career politicians" but term limits are just a bad idea. they're in direct opposition to a democratic society, in principle.

if people all people were honorable, i'd agree. However, the longer they stay, the more likely they become disconnected from the people they supposedly serve. Usually, if they become really good at their job, that usually means they have learned how to game the system to their advantage. I'd be more willing to vote for someone with different ideas than my own, if he would go to do what he intended and then leave. (without a pension) Representing the people was never meant to be a career. Too many see it a one.

11/3/2010, 01:08 AM
Thats exactly backwards. The dims will have to fold on the tax cuts now. There are now enough cross over dems in the senate that the bill making tax cuts permanent will be on Obama's desk on the 21st. If he doesn't sign it, he's done. They'll beat that over his head for the next 2 years.

There is one way that will backfire on the Republicans. If the budget manages to magically balance itself, he will point to that. And even then, there should be enough unhappy people around who won't vote for him in 2012.

11/3/2010, 03:50 AM
He has not, and wasn't going to compromise before the Republicans were elected into the House as a majority. The people have spoken, however Obama doesn't have a humble bone in his body, therefore he will continue to blame others for his lack of success and try to force his agenda down our throats.

The Republicans are now in a seat of power, however both parties had better listen to the American people for a change, or more heads will roll on both sides of the aisle.

11/3/2010, 04:57 AM
I think Obama repeals health care and cuts taxes on the rich while mobilizing the national guard for an Iranian invasion.

Actually, he will continue to be the compromiser he is, only he will get credit for his compromise this time since he has no choice.

Crucifax Autumn
11/3/2010, 05:27 AM
I watched a 3 hour movie and this thread got even more stupid.

Don't we have real problems to deal with?

11/3/2010, 05:28 AM
2 things:

1. Obama will not move to the center like Clinton did.

2. California is officially screwed. You've got to think that they were waiting for a Federal bailout. They're not going to get it now with the Republicans running the House.

Crucifax Autumn
11/3/2010, 05:33 AM
1. no way to know yet. He will if he has sense, he won't if he sees what we all think of dems caving in.

2. Cal is screwed. They blew their chance to bring some positive cash flow to their budget!

Leroy Lizard
11/3/2010, 05:40 AM
Cal is screwed. They blew their chance to bring some positive cash flow to their budget!

I'm trying to hold back the tears.

Crucifax Autumn
11/3/2010, 05:43 AM
You really aren'g good at catching my silliness are you?

Leroy Lizard
11/3/2010, 05:44 AM
You use that word "silliness" like LosAngelesSooner. Makes me wonder...