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Leroy Lizard
10/31/2010, 07:22 PM
... and its all on the players.


My fave:

Wanting desperately to make a play, they got lost in the attempt and failed to achieve what they thought they were "trying" to do.

You can test this for yourself. Drop a piece of paper on the floor and "try" to pick it up. Your natural reaction is to reach down and grab hold of the paper. You didn't "try" to do it, you just did it. If you simply "try", it will just lay there. Good intentions are good, but that is kind of like what Darrell Royal once said; "Potential means you ain't done it yet."

It is both the most gratifying, and yet the most frustrating, part of coaching a team. You appreciate it when your team plays hard--when it "makes effort" if you will--and yet you are immensely disappointed when that effort does not translate into success. You can't "try" to stop them; you "have" to stop them. You can't "try" to score, you just score. [Or sometimes you don't.] And what happened Saturday night was that every Longhorn player wanted to win so badly that they let their "want to" get in the way of their "get to." The result was a handful of big plays by Baylor, and too many dropped balls and penalties by Texas, that netted a 30-22 Baylor victory.


And like true fans after a crushing defeat, he presents "the perspective"

Several times on Saturday, the crowd of over 100,000 arrived at a place which respected that what was happening on the field was only a game. The first was the recognition of Colt, for all that he had meant. The second was the recognition of the significance of the players' effort to call attention to the lives--including many of their own--affected by breast cancer. Each player and coach had dedicated their game to someone in their lives who had been touched by the disease.

Finally, the silence was incredible as Aaron Williams and Blake Gideon lay on the field after colliding near the end of the game. In that moment, it was no longer about a game, but about real people, and real lives.

Yeah, they're honoring Colt for... what? His football playing. But I thought it was just a game.

10/31/2010, 07:24 PM
In other words....the road to Hell is paved with the hooves of longwhorns.

10/31/2010, 08:46 PM
They are so lost that they are looking for possible answers at every corner. What a joke of a program. They wanted it too bad. Okay, did that happen with UCLA & Iowa State too?

At some point, you just have to admit your team stinks.

Leroy Lizard
10/31/2010, 10:46 PM
They are so lost that they are looking for possible answers at every corner. What a joke of a program. They wanted it too bad. Okay, did that happen with UCLA & Iowa State too?

They didn't know the other team's mascots. Very different circumstances.

Crucifax Autumn
10/31/2010, 11:56 PM
Do or do not... there is no try.


11/1/2010, 07:25 AM
They didn't know the other team's mascots. Very different circumstances.

You don't mean that. :D

11/1/2010, 11:50 AM
UT is an inexperienced offensive football team that is NOT very physical in the trenches. Nothing a rebuilding season and a good off-season can't fix. We've seen it before.