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View Full Version : We're Doomed, Youth Suck

10/30/2010, 08:34 AM
Yesterday in the spirit of Halloween I dressed up and put on my Puffy Shirt. Yes, I have a puffy shirt and it took me a long time to track one down. I did it for Halloween and the fact I'm the biggest Seinfeld fan there is.

So as I walked around campus I looked like this...

Anyway, everybody loved the shirt but asked what I was. I told them "the puffy shirt" and they looked at me confused. I was then like, "You know, the Seinfeld episode?" Not a single person knew what I was talking about. Here are some of the responses I got.

"I've never watched Seinfeld."
"I can't stand that show."
"I never really 'got it' and don't watch it."
"Seinfeld was never that good to me."
"Seinfeld? Oh...that show."
"I was always a Friends person and never watched Seinfeld."
"That show is stupid."
"What was the point of that show? It made no sense."
"Seinfeld was really never that funny so I never watched it."

The ONLY person who knew was my Spanish teacher who knew the episode and about the low talker but then again she's 28.

Anyway, needless to say I told lots of people they had no sense of humor and they suck at life and should consider offing themselves. How can you NOT like Seinfeld!? We're ****ed if this is how the youth of today think.

10/30/2010, 08:40 AM
seinfeld is my all time favorite.

10/30/2010, 09:04 AM
bet the same people would know all about the "cartoon" shows?

10/30/2010, 09:29 AM
The Seinfeld writers were the most talented sit-com writers of all time.

All other sit-coms are but a footnote to Seinfeld.

10/30/2010, 09:34 AM
I dont get it . :confused:

10/30/2010, 09:34 AM
Maybe people don't watch Seinfeld because they got tired of people talking about how great it is all the time?

10/30/2010, 09:48 AM
Friends blows

Partial Qualifier
10/30/2010, 10:11 AM
needless to say I told lots of people they had no sense of humor and they suck at life and should consider offing themselves.

That'll teach 'em. :D

I could always take or leave Seinfield. I mean, I thought it was funny, but not funny enough to make me stay glued to the TV through a commercial break

10/30/2010, 10:16 AM
You all will bow to me soon....


10/30/2010, 10:42 AM
I still believe the youth in our County are the key....


10/30/2010, 10:50 AM
one of my favorite episodes: NY Mets Keith Hernandez spit incident


A Sooner in Texas
10/30/2010, 01:23 PM
Good job, MR2. Seinfeld is a classic, as is the puffy shirt. Oh, and I have one too, but it's ok because I'm a girl. :D
It takes a real man to wear a puffy shirt with pride!

Viking Kitten
10/30/2010, 01:28 PM
Best show ever. Best episode: Assman.

Chuck Bao
10/30/2010, 03:32 PM
I never got it. I never understood why anyone would say that it is even remotely funny. The only time that I actually laughed was when that female character (I forgot her name) was going to a lesbian wedding. Thankfully, American TV has progressed well beyond that over-rated crap. There are many now that are funny and poignant and relevant. The youth today may actually have taste.

Okay, I will take back some of what I posted if Seinfeld started or popularized the phrase - NTTIATWWT - which I guess he did. In my books, that is a pretty useful phrase in today's world.

Scott D
10/30/2010, 03:37 PM
that show was only slightly less horrible than Friends.

I'd put it on a par with Meet The Browns for being bad.

10/30/2010, 03:41 PM
Yesterday in the spirit of Halloween I dressed up and put on my Puffy Shirt. Yes, I have a puffy shirt and it took me a long time to track one down. I did it for Halloween and the fact I'm the biggest Seinfeld fan there is.

So as I walked around campus I looked like this...

Anyway, everybody loved the shirt but asked what I was. I told them "the puffy shirt" and they looked at me confused. I was then like, "You know, the Seinfeld episode?" Not a single person knew what I was talking about. Here are some of the responses I got.

"I've never watched Seinfeld."
"I can't stand that show."
"I never really 'got it' and don't watch it."
"Seinfeld was never that good to me."
"Seinfeld? Oh...that show."
"I was always a Friends person and never watched Seinfeld."
"That show is stupid."
"What was the point of that show? It made no sense."
"Seinfeld was really never that funny so I never watched it."

The ONLY person who knew was my Spanish teacher who knew the episode and about the low talker but then again she's 28.

Anyway, needless to say I told lots of people they had no sense of humor and they suck at life and should consider offing themselves. How can you NOT like Seinfeld!? We're ****ed if this is how the youth of today think.

Pitiful. Seinfeld was pure greatness.

10/30/2010, 03:42 PM
Kramer the Pimp was is one of my favorite scenes:

10/30/2010, 03:46 PM
that show was only slightly less horrible than Friends.

I'd put it on a par with Meet The Browns for being bad.

I never found Friends to be spongeworthy, even with Jennifer Aniston.

10/30/2010, 03:58 PM
Friends was awful.

The very best show of that era was Frasier, hands down. Nothing even comes close to being as well-written and witty as Frasier.

Scott D
10/30/2010, 04:07 PM
I will concur with frasier being quality programming.

what I will say about seinfeld is that the writing (mostly by larry david) was funny. But the star was the worst part of the show.

10/31/2010, 01:50 PM
I will concur with frasier being quality programming.

what I will say about seinfeld is that the writing (mostly by larry david) was funny. But the star was the worst part of the show.

Larry David did not write most of it.

There were different teams of writers who wrote the series based on Larry and Jerry's ideas, etc..

Let's just agree you don't like it and move on.

10/31/2010, 04:15 PM
Kramer was the only worthwhile part of Seinfeld. Oh, and Jerry Stiller.

Jerry Seinfeld? Not funny.
Jason Alexander? Not funny.
What's her name? Not funny.

EDIT: And Friends was just as bad. Matt LeBlanc and Lisa Kudrow = funny. The rest? meh.

10/31/2010, 08:09 PM
Thanks to all who responded to this thread.

I understand that not everybody agrees and thinks exactly like the rest of the people who love Seinfeld. I know this is a free country and we're allowed to have freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Everybody is allowed to have their own opinion and doesn't have to agree and doesn't have to like the show.

With that said your taste in television programing is about as fun as a bag of goat dicks and you suck in all aspects of your failure of a failed life. Happy Halloween :)

Scott D
10/31/2010, 08:40 PM
now now, the show would have been absolutely fine had it omitted.....oh, Jerry Seinfeld. :D