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View Full Version : Great read re: A Mascot "situation"

10/28/2010, 08:30 AM

My small Vermont hometown has made the national news circuit on just a handful of occasions since I was a kid: the Bush-Cheney arrest warrant, the public nudity ban, the closing of the nuclear power plant, the annual cow parade, and the time my high school retired Colonel Reb as our mascot.

He wasn't called Colonel Reb, of course. He was just "the Colonel." Save for a purple-and-white color scheme, he was identical in every way to Ole Miss's mascot. The Colonel had been around since the 1950s, when, as the story goes, Brattleboro Union High School's student council randomly chose Colonel Reb out of a mail-order mascot catalog. To some degree, it was a sensible choice. Brattleboro is, after all, named after Colonel William Brattle, an old white guy who owned lots of land. What's more, our playing fields had once hosted Vermont soldiers—Union solders—as they prepared for the Civil War. I doubt anyone at the time recognized it as a caricature of a Confederate plantation owner or questioned whether it was a paradoxical choice for the state that was the first in the Union to abolish slavery. It's unlikely anyone even made a connection to Ole Miss. The Colonel was just a sketch in a book.

It wasn't until the past decade that people began to seriously examine the mascot's implications, and in 2004 a townwide debate broke out over symbols, tradition, and race that prefigured the one still raging today in Oxford, Miss.—except that this one happened deep in the macramé heart of Blue America.

Vermont wasn't always this way, of course. In the 1950s, the state was very white (OK, it still is), and very Republican. I mean, Alf Landon won Vermont in the 1936 presidential election—the Alf Landon who lost to FDR 523-8 in the electoral vote. I don't say this to imply that Vermont was therefore racist, but in the 1950s, it lacked the homemade-granola stereotype that it wears today like a badge. The "P.C." brigade that mobilized to retire the Colonel in 2004 just wasn't around back then.

Vermont's politics only really shifted dramatically to the left in the 1990s, with an influx of liberal urban expats like my parents, and now we have the nation's only socialist senator. To generalize just a bit, this created a political tension in Brattleboro between the children of multi-generational Vermonters—with kids whose parents and grandparents competed as Colonels—and the new Boomer-spawned kids and their ultra-sensitive parents. That tension, along with a general ignorance of historical and geographical context, because this was about here and now and only us, informed the circuitous debate on the removal of the 50-year-old Brattleboro Colonel.

The mascot may have been an innocuous choice in the 1950s, a random finger pointing at a random page in a random book, but it evolved into something else entirely in the late 1990s.

In 1998, the school banned bonfires at our pep rallies because someone had dangled an effigy of a black doll above the flames, and soon after that, a letter to the local newspaper pointed out that it was, well, kind of odd that our football team's rallying cry was "pride of the south." The team had it printed on their hand towels, on the doghouse in the corner of the field, and on its sweatshirts.

The Ugly, Racially Charged Fight Over A Confederate Mascot. In Vermont.

To the football team, of course, it meant pride of southern Vermont. Having won just a single state title in school history, Brattleboro Union had developed a bit of an inferiority complex in relation to the much better "northern" teams over the years. But when the phrase was coupled with the Southern slave owner on the team bumper stickers, and when those bumper stickers were affixed to the pickup trucks that flew their Confederate flags in the high school parking lot, well, people did double-takes. There were always a lot of Confederate flags.

So in 2004, after a year of debate, the administration asked that we retire our Colonel—the wandering Colonel Reb who had come to us some 1,300 miles from Oxford. The arguments against the decision read almost exactly as the ones seen in recent pieces on Ole Miss's Colonel Reb. It "wasn't meant to be racist." It was "a part of school pride." The administration had no right to "mess with history." Those who wanted to retire the mascot were too concerned with being "politically correct."

We had a lot of school-wide forums to hash it out and rehash it out, and in a final vote my sophomore year, the student body voted to retain the name without an official mascot image. Like Ole Miss, the administration did not allow for the option to preserve the Colonel himself. The student body has not since mobilized to pick a new image. The northern football teams keep winning the state championships, and almost every year, the local newspaper reports instances of overt racism at the high school.

When Ole Miss's Colonel Reb stepped down this month, we heard a lot of talk about James Meredith and the University's troubling history of racial segregation—as if the mascot were the only reference point we have for that ugly past. It's not. There are still visible bullet marks at the Lyceum from the day Meredith walked to class. But there are other, seemingly incongruous historical markers that don't fit so neatly into the narrative we've been taught since elementary school. A Colonel Reb, for instance, in Brattleboro, Vt.

Or this: Last year, about five years after the Brattleboro Colonel hung up his hat, a handful of underclassmen started a hate group called the ****** Hanging Redneck Association. Sometimes they would get drunk in the woods and, according to police reports, pee in jugs and spray-paint "NHRA" and "KKK" on old pieces of plywood. One day, a 17-year-old member threatened a black student with a gun on the street. He was placed under house arrest and charged with two hate crimes.

It's not because of a mascot, and it never was. The old Colonel didn't bring intolerance from Oxford to Brattleboro—it was with us all along. It's easy to ridicule Ole Miss and all that desperate clinging to outdated tradition, but racial resentment isn't exclusive to the South and its symbols. It was certainly there in a corner of Vermont, just waiting for the right provocation—an influx of outsiders like my parents, a threat to a cherished tradition—before it could come bubbling to the surface.

My younger brother graduated from Brattleboro Union last spring. There were Confederate flags in the parking lot. Reb the mascot was long gone, but the Reb within lives on.

10/28/2010, 08:36 AM
I speculate there's more white bigotry in VT than in MS, because in the South, white people eventually -- if maybe reluctantly -- learn to live with lots of black people.

Mississippi Sooner
10/28/2010, 09:11 AM
The first time I ever drove through Vermont, I was struck by an eerie feeling that took me a little while to place. Then, it hit me. Damn, if this wasn't the whitest state I'd ever seen. The only people of any color that I saw were truck drivers who were passing through. As I passed through the little towns, seeing the white yuppies with their sweaters draped over their shoulders, I felt like I was driving through a freaking LL Bean ad.

A beautiful state, for sure, but the only real tie to a rebel cause they may have is to Quebec. Seriously, you hear as much French there as you do English. That got on my nerves in a hurry.

10/28/2010, 12:03 PM
French in VT or Quebec? it is their primary language fwiw...

Mississippi Sooner
10/28/2010, 12:10 PM
French in VT or Quebec? it is their primary language fwiw...

I heard a lot of French in the northern part of Vermont. But I guess it makes sense when you think about it. Sort of like hearing a lot of Spanish in south Texas.

10/28/2010, 12:16 PM
Or North Texas! :D

10/28/2010, 12:21 PM
Some day, we are going to catch up to Vermont and when we do, we will have to retire our mascot.

Oh wait, we already did that a long time ago. Take THAT, coastal elitists!

10/28/2010, 12:53 PM
Is it Vermont or New Hampshire where maple syrup comes from?

Mississippi Sooner
10/28/2010, 12:59 PM
Is it Vermont or New Hampshire where maple syrup comes from?

Both, and upstate New York.

One time about 20 years ago, I got trapped in a blizzard in Watertown, New York. Absolutely no traffic moved for about three days. And then one morning, the sun was shining, the temperature was rising, and everyone in town seemed to be scurrying around like they were all on speed. They were just excited as they could be about something.

So, I wandered over to the coffee shop and asked the waitress what all the fuss was about. She looked at me with that I know you're a southerner so I'll talk real slow look and said, "why mistah, this is the first day the maple sap is runnin'."

I felt danged proud to be there.

10/28/2010, 01:00 PM
Is it Vermont or New Hampshire where maple syrup comes from?

Neither - it comes from Wisconsin.

10/28/2010, 01:12 PM
Let's hope the PCers don't target OUr "land thief" moniker.

10/28/2010, 02:08 PM
See, I always thought our mascot did it the right way. No stupid pageantry, no fake white guy in a suit... He was an acual native american displaying actual native american culture in support of a team that we all love. I kind of figured that in Oklahoma having something like that would be a point of state pride.

10/28/2010, 02:11 PM
Why did they pee in jugs?

Mississippi Sooner
10/28/2010, 02:17 PM
Why did they pee in jugs?

Because that's an old redneck tradition, you know, like...



(That's a very good question)

10/28/2010, 02:21 PM
Neither - it comes from Wisconsin.


10/28/2010, 02:23 PM


10/28/2010, 02:24 PM

10/28/2010, 02:41 PM

What are you, Canadian? Wisconsin has the best maple syrup!

Mississippi Sooner
10/28/2010, 02:55 PM

10/28/2010, 03:01 PM
Do the Women pee in jugs too or just cups?

10/28/2010, 03:36 PM

East Coast Bias
10/28/2010, 07:16 PM
Vermont/New Hampshire reminds me of Oklahoma. A couple of fair sized towns and the rest a bunch of red-necks living in the woods.. However, rednecks up here don,t wear overalls...

10/28/2010, 07:49 PM
I'd imagine it's insulated coverall country,but that's just a guess.


10/28/2010, 07:54 PM


10/28/2010, 08:08 PM
The myth of the African American treatment being much worse in the South is just that. That reality ended about 10 years after slavery ended.

In the Northern states that were the refuge of freed slaves and even into the mid 20th century, did NOT treat Blacks that much better than the Southern States. The urban projects, the sections of town that Blacks were mostly restricted to living, were often as squalid and inescapable as the Blacks sections in the deep south.

Blacks in the North could indeed get jobs in the industries, but those jobs were frequently janitoral or some similarly demeaning position.

The hypocrisy of places like Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, New York City, Boston and even Brattleboro looking down their noses at the Southern Cities for their treatment of Blacks has always somewhat mystified me.

Scott D
10/28/2010, 08:26 PM
Right now Detroit is looking down her nose at Detroit, Oregon.

10/28/2010, 09:13 PM
What are you, Canadian? Wisconsin has the best maple syrup!

Yeah, right. uh, NO

10/28/2010, 09:20 PM

10/28/2010, 09:37 PM
Screw you all and your maple syrup. I eat Griffin's. It's made in Shawnee.

10/28/2010, 10:03 PM
this thread should be moved to the syrup forum

10/28/2010, 10:14 PM
Ever had a pancake that tasted like crepe?

Football Jim
10/29/2010, 04:54 AM
This PC crap has got to stop. What a bunch of whiners with way too much time on their hands!

10/29/2010, 06:43 AM
maple syrup urine disease (https://health.google.com/health/ref/Maple+syrup+urine+disease)

10/29/2010, 06:44 AM

10/29/2010, 12:43 PM
Screw you all and your maple syrup. I eat Griffin's. It's made in Shawnee.

Actually Muskogee. But I agree, I like much better than the northern stuff

Mississippi Sooner
10/29/2010, 12:52 PM
Screw you all and your maple syrup. I eat Griffin's. It's made in Shawnee.

When I was a kid, I had an aunt and uncle who lived in Denver. Every summer they'd come down for a few days to visit, and they always went home with a case of Griffin's syrup. My uncle thought that stuff would cure cancer or something.

10/29/2010, 12:56 PM
There are racist people everywhere, but let schools keep thier Mascots. A Reb mascot may represent the old south where there was a lot of racism, but nobody says anything about the Tojans or Spartans, they represent people from a time where rascism and slavery were the norm. Does that mean that thier mascot represents racism? Of course not. People just take this stuff too seriously.

10/29/2010, 03:40 PM
You silly people.Maple syrup comes from Aunt Jemimah.

King Barry's Back
10/29/2010, 07:00 PM
What are you, Canadian? Wisconsin has the best maple syrup!

CHEESE comes from Wisconsin. Maple syrup comes from New England and Canada. Let's get our stereotypes, straight, please.

King Barry's Back
10/29/2010, 07:03 PM
Seriously, you hear as much French there as you do English. That got on my nerves in a hurry.

What you got against French, as a language?

East Coast Bias
10/29/2010, 07:20 PM
I am with King Barry on this one, you guys need to get your stereotypes straight. Does that Griffin's really come out of a tree?Oklahoma scrub oaks?You guys need to stay out of the maple syrup debate and stick to chile Cheeseburgers.....

10/29/2010, 08:52 PM
I believe chile Cheeseburgers are from southwest South America.