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10/27/2010, 10:18 AM


OU Engineer
10/27/2010, 10:36 AM
Agree with what hes saying.

Ive always said we dont need Landry to win games, just not lose them.

And despite the fact hes a sophomore, its still his third year on the team, so the "hes still young" doesnt really fly here.

However that being said Im not Bob Stoops, and I still trust him with my life.

10/27/2010, 10:38 AM

10/27/2010, 10:38 AM
Thats a turrible article!

10/27/2010, 10:50 AM
OL is a bigger concern than LJ.

10/27/2010, 11:03 AM
I agree with the article. After almost two full years of playing, he should be better on the road. He plays great at home, but struggles on the road. He should be more comfortable on the road than he is. It is troubling.

10/27/2010, 11:10 AM
This is getting assinine.

OOOO, we have the most bestest recruiting classes in world history!

Ummmm, we don't have the QB recruits or players we want.

OOOO, our coaches really get the young guys to play!

Ummmm, our coaches can't coach Landry or game plan around his issues.

I don't know what Landry's issues are, mental or otherwise. Sorry, I'm just not that omniscient. Nor do I pay too much attention to the argle-bargle that passes for coaches' responses during press conferences.

What is fairly clear is that a) our team performance this season has been pretty good, but not championship quality and that several of the problems that have stung us are getting to be a pattern going back several seasons and; b) that it makes no sense to laud the coaches in certain areas of their jobs and then condemn them for performance in the same areas with different players, units or on different weeks.

Like it or don't, Landry Jones is not a Heisman Trophy winning calibre QB. Not now at any rate. He is, however, pretty damn good and seems to be improving. Go ahead and bop him on the head if you think will improve his performance. I've never found that to work in any other endeavor but what do I know, I'm not a football coach. I'm reasonably sure that Bob would be starting Drew or Blake if they were playing better in practice. So, pretty obviously, they aren't. And since both of them are bazillion starred recruits, I don't know who else we should have gotten. Whoever is playing better this season, I guess.

Sorry to have visited all this on the board, but the idea that somehow the Sooner faithful should become more demanding and that that will create happy results is far from analysis. It's more akin to whining and moaning because things aren't the way you'd like them to be.

10/27/2010, 11:14 AM
Article will be de-bunked and in the recycling bin when Landry is a legit Heisman candidate next year.

stoops the eternal pimp
10/27/2010, 11:16 AM
Good read..some valid points...I posed this question yesterday in a PM to jkm and his response was what my opinion is..I also know what Pat Jones opinion is along with some others

Landry has been in the system 3 years and has 18 1/2 starts(1/2 being since he played over half the game against byu)...Not many less than senior quarterback Greg McElroy for Alabama...At what point is he not a "young" quarterback anymore?..I actually in conversation called McElroy a young quarterback for not having many more starts than LJ, but I was wrong Froze..

This post isn't about bad mouthing LJ or saying what he isn't good at....Just using a number or numbers, when will he not be a young QB anymore?

Im probably going to regret putting this in a post

10/27/2010, 11:32 AM

10/27/2010, 11:33 AM
Good read..some valid points...I posed this question yesterday in a PM to jkm and his response was what my opinion is..I also know what Pat Jones opinion is along with some others

Landry has been in the system 3 years and has 18 1/2 starts(1/2 being since he played over half the game against byu)...Not many less than senior quarterback Greg McElroy for Alabama...At what point is he not a "young" quarterback anymore?..I actually in conversation called McElroy a young quarterback for not having many more starts than LJ, but I was wrong Froze..

This post isn't about bad mouthing LJ or saying what he isn't good at....Just using a number or numbers, when will he not be a young QB anymore?

Im probably going to regret putting this in a post

I heard Pat Jones on the Sports Animal yesterday give his opinion on Landry. Similar to yours. I think the same thing. I honestly think, based on observing his body language and play, that he does not have a lot of mental strength to bounce back from a hit to the chin, so to speak. He's really good if he can get going; and some of the throws he's made this year have been astounding.

In all his pressers, except after Utah State, Stoops tries to shift blame away from Landry to the line and receivers and backs. And it's a valid point; when everyone else plays well, Landry plays well. But the QB position is special in a way those positions are not. When everyone else on offense is playing poorly, it's up to the QB to do something to spark the team. And Landry hasn't figured out how to do that. I don't know if he can. I hope he can, for the team's sake and for his sake. But I just haven't seen it in a number of games now, and it seems like he won't ever fully get it.

He's still a solid QB who we can get very far with. For me, I have just accepted that when the pressure's on, he could very well do more harm than good. I'll be the first in line to say I was wrong when he proves otherwise.

OU Engineer
10/27/2010, 11:41 AM
Article will be de-bunked and in the recycling bin when Landry is a legit Heisman candidate next year.

I hope this is right!

10/27/2010, 11:46 AM
He's really good if he can get going; and some of the throws he's made this year have been astounding.

He's definitely thrown some passes that were 100% on the money. These were also long passes, not the short route types.

On the other hand, he's looked less than mediocre on some of the short passes, mainly on RB screen plays. He looks like one of the best QBs in the country on some days, but just plain average on others (especially on the road and 4th qtrs.) Of course, I'll take that over being consistently average. :D

10/27/2010, 11:53 AM
Landry is a pretty good quarterback. He's not a great quarterback. I agree there's some tendencies he needs to work on such as locking on receivers but I think in the end he will have been one of our better quarterbacks

10/27/2010, 11:59 AM
How do you verify he locks in on receivers?

10/27/2010, 12:05 PM
How do you verify he locks in on receivers?

He has locked onto Broyles quite a bit. Some of his throws to Broyles are so precise, there's no explanation other than he occasionaly uses military technolgy and "locks" on to his target. :D

I just wish he would "lock" onto his receivers more often. lol

10/27/2010, 03:43 PM
I guess I have a differring opinion of interesting.yeah ,it's all Landry's fault.If he could block for himself,run for a hundred yards,and catch passes from himsrlf there COULD be a point here saomewhere.LJ threw for 250 yards and 2TDs in the first half,he had about 50 yards in the second.He idn't suddenly suck in the second half,the offensive line collapsed ,recievers weren't getting open.Landry is far from the #1 issue in this game or any other this season.

stoops the eternal pimp
10/27/2010, 03:53 PM
He has locked onto Broyles quite a bit. Some of his throws to Broyles are so precise, there's no explanation other than he occasionaly uses military technolgy and "locks" on to his target. :D

I just wish he would "lock" onto his receivers more often. lol

Well thats not all on him, because a lot of the pass offense is plays were there are no reads...snap, drop, throw...

10/27/2010, 03:54 PM
Landry is not even old enough to drink...and some of our fans need to just have one and chill out. He's a kid. He is YOUNG! Some kids grow faster mentally than others. It isn't until you have faced the fires over and over that your skin gets tough enough to walk through it. S***, I'm far from young and still have problems with someone breathing down my neck. Let's see how long the list is of those folks who turn into Wyatt Earp when it hits the fan?

stoops the eternal pimp
10/27/2010, 04:00 PM
I guess I have a differring opinion of interesting.yeah ,it's all Landry's fault.If he could block for himself,run for a hundred yards,and catch passes from himsrlf there COULD be a point here saomewhere.LJ threw for 250 yards and 2TDs in the first half,he had about 50 yards in the second.He idn't suddenly suck in the second half,the offensive line collapsed ,recievers weren't getting open.Landry is far from the #1 issue in this game or any other this season.

So the oline and receivers were doing their job in the 1st half and they suddenly sucked and couldn't block or get open? that 4th quarter looked like some of that fell on him...

Don't get worked up on me :D , not saying he is the only issue, but he was definitely just as much the problem as the oline and wrs IMO...no more than the others, no less either..

stoops the eternal pimp
10/27/2010, 04:01 PM
Landry is not even old enough to drink...and some of our fans need to just have one and chill out. He's a kid. He is YOUNG! Some kids grow faster mentally than others. It isn't until you have faced the fires over and over that your skin gets tough enough to walk through it. S***, I'm far from young and still have problems with someone breathing down my neck. Let's see how long the list is of those folks who turn into Wyatt Earp when it hits the fan?

Is 21 not old enough to drink where you live?

10/27/2010, 04:45 PM
I guess I have a differring opinion of interesting.yeah ,it's all Landry's fault.If he could block for himself,run for a hundred yards,and catch passes from himsrlf there COULD be a point here saomewhere.LJ threw for 250 yards and 2TDs in the first half,he had about 50 yards in the second.He idn't suddenly suck in the second half,the offensive line collapsed ,recievers weren't getting open.Landry is far from the #1 issue in this game or any other this season.

If LJ couldn't suddenly suck in the second half, how come the OL, and receivers could suddenly suck? I'm not saying that's what happens because I don't know. It's just the logic escapes me.

10/27/2010, 04:46 PM
So the oline and receivers were doing their job in the 1st half and they suddenly sucked and couldn't block or get open? that 4th quarter looked like some of that fell on him...

Don't get worked up on me :D , not saying he is the only issue, but he was definitely just as much the problem as the oline and wrs IMO...no more than the others, no less either..

I should have read ahead :O

Crucifax Autumn
10/27/2010, 08:01 PM
Pretty much everyone suddenly sucked honestly. We had a team loss and a lot of them are probably getting a ton of extra attention this week.