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10/19/2010, 08:28 PM
What do coaches normally do to keep players focused when they have a night game or better yet a game at 8:00 P.M. I know when OU players have home games they usually go to a movie as a team and then stay in a hotel together the night before the game to keep players out of trouble or what not. But what do the coaches do to keep players focused on Saturdays leading up to their game? What would you guys do if you were a coach of team like this?

10/19/2010, 08:29 PM
What you mention would be ideal to me, since this particular game is away I think an organized meal and movie would work.

10/19/2010, 08:31 PM
They will be tailgating with the OU fans in the morning, throwing smack at unsuspecting Mizzou fans, watching some early football games, then head over to the stadium to get ready to play.

10/19/2010, 08:35 PM
On very late games,

I would think breakfast. VERY Light workout. Then an hour or 2 are spent rehashing some game film. Lunch. Relax/nap w/e. Watch some football. Then start getting into game mode!

10/19/2010, 08:36 PM
They will be tailgating with the OU fans in the morning, throwing smack at unsuspecting Mizzou fans, watching some early football games, then head over to the stadium to get ready to play.


10/19/2010, 08:38 PM
What do coaches normally do to keep players focused when they have a night game or better yet a game at 8:00 P.M. I know when OU players have home games they usually go to a movie as a team and then stay in a hotel together the night before the game to keep players out of trouble or what not. But what do the coaches do to keep players focused on Saturdays leading up to their game? What would you guys do if you were a coach of team like this?

They are in Missouri so I think they have to fire up a wall radio and listen to it.

10/19/2010, 08:40 PM
What do coaches normally do to keep players focused when they have a night game or better yet a game at 8:00 P.M. I know when OU players have home games they usually go to a movie as a team and then stay in a hotel together the night before the game to keep players out of trouble or what not. But what do the coaches do to keep players focused on Saturdays leading up to their game? What would you guys do if you were a coach of team like this?

Well it is a day of extra sleep and relaxation. I know when I played we would watch other games. We would have a short walk through practice. Our coaches didn't really do anything to keep our focus on the game. We simply enjoyed the day with relaxing activities and really did not do anything to tire us through the day. The coaches did ban us from being outside playing sports like bball and tennis. They also made sure we did not use the pool or saunas either.

10/19/2010, 08:57 PM
Maybe I should have mentioned the Oct. 30 date with Colorado at home ooppps...

10/19/2010, 08:58 PM
Maybe I should have mentioned the Oct. 30 date with Colorado at home ooppps...

Why let details get in the way of a good discussion.

10/20/2010, 03:09 AM
At OU if the coaches think the players are not focused for a big game they just make up a bunch of crap and attribute it to the other team or a journalist nobody ever heard of.

10/20/2010, 08:37 AM
The way I understand it is the coaches break the team up into barbershop quartets and they have a sing-off.

Gets the competitive juices flowing without tiring out major muscle groups.

T. Lewis is said to have a fine tenor and a killer falsetto. Really hammers 'Goodnight Sweetheart'.

10/20/2010, 08:46 AM
Zen meditation.

Sitar Music.

All Day.

10/20/2010, 09:31 AM
Hmmm, I can see working something up from the sitar lead-in to The End at the beginning/end of Apocalypse Now.

That would get people ready.

10/26/2010, 08:30 PM
What do coaches normally do to keep players focused when they have a night game or better yet a game at 8:00 P.M. I know when OU players have home games they usually go to a movie as a team and then stay in a hotel together the night before the game to keep players out of trouble or what not. But what do the coaches do to keep players focused on Saturdays leading up to their game? What would you guys do if you were a coach of team like this?
