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10/19/2010, 09:40 AM
I knew it wasn't just the stache that I liked about this kid...

Landry Jones wants to enter ministry after football career
University of Oklahoma quarterback Landry Jones intends to enter the ministry once his football career is over. He's so excited about the prospect that he joked with his girlfriend, OU basketball player Whitney Hand, that maybe he should go ahead and leave school and start preaching now.

BY MIKE BALDWIN, Staff Writer, [email protected] Oklahoman Comment on this article 30
Published: October 18, 2010
Modified: October 19, 2010 at 12:56 am

NORMAN — Landry Jones and Whitney Hand were driving around Norman a few weeks ago when Jones' blurted out what was on his heart.

OU quarterback Landry Jones intends to enter the ministry once his football career is over — possibly even leaving school and start preaching now.

"He said, 'I am so excited I just want to drop out of school and do it right now,'" Hand recalled. "He is so pumped about becoming a preacher."

Don't fret, OU fans. Jones is committed to the Sooners. Hand, a guard on Oklahoma's women's basketball team, said her boyfriend can be a bit impulsive at times.

Jones insists his immediate goal, and the Sooners' goal, is to keep improving and make a run at a national title. But when his football career is over, he plans to pursue a calling that has transformed him the past year.

"Growing up I knew what was right and wrong but I hadn't accepted it into my heart," Jones said. "Now, when I read the Bible, the words are jumping off the page at me. Someday I'd like to work at a church to see how it's done, and afterwards find my own church."

On the football field, Jones, a candidate for All-Big 12 quarterback, leads OU's offense. Those leadership qualities will serve him well in ministry according to those who know him best.

His father, Kevin Jones, said their family always attended church. Landry was involved in church activities. But it wasn't until Landry moved away to college that his faith grew.

"He's always been a good kid and always believed in God," Kevin Jones said. "But I don't think he had a God-centered life until he went through a few struggles. That's a natural evolution for kids when they leave home. The past two years his faith has grown tremendously."

Hand and Jones met when they arrived at OU as freshmen in 2008. They were friends but didn't start dating until the following January. Hand has witnessed how life's challenges have helped them both grow spiritually.

Jones redshirted his first year, never easy for athletes who were stars in high school. Last season Jones unexpectedly became OU's quarterback after Heisman Trophy winner Sam Bradford twice was sidelined by a shoulder injury.

"Last year was a testing time," Hand said. "Football is a religion here. When Sam Bradford, their hero goes out, (Landry) has to live up to that. Landry really found his identity in Christ and didn't let other people define him. I was really proud of how he handled that.

"He knows football is not always going to be there. He wants to make such a huge impact and knows football is his avenue of influence. He's got a great perspective. Landry loves everyone. He has such a great spirit about him."

Hand has been through her own testing times. She has undergone two knee surgeries since being named the 2008 Big 12 Freshman of the Year. She's expected to return in January.

"He's been so encouraging and has been a strong leader for me," Hand said. "That's helped me stop thinking about me. He's so consumed with others it's contagious."

Jones is one of OU's team captains but isn't a rah-rah, pep-talk guy. He rarely shows emotion in interviews. Kent Bowles, the Norman/OU Fellowship of Christian Athletes director, said those traits are why people connect to Jones.

"I've heard a lot of college athletes speak," Bowles said. "Landry is one of the best because of his sincerity. He's very real. He's very approachable. He's not a guy who gets revved up to speak to kids. He just cares those kids get the message. Because of that Landry will be successful in anything he wants to do."

During the off-season, Jones made Proverbs 27:17 wristbands for teammates. The scripture: "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." It was another indicator of Jones desire to lead through his example.

His passion to become a preacher was evident last summer when Jones led a locker-room Bible study on the book of Romans, said OU center Ben Habern, Jones' roommate.

"We started inviting guys after workouts when they didn't have class," Habern said. "He basically taught it. He took notes and basically led the Bible study, teaching guys who were seeking God. I think it's awesome he's going to be a preacher."

Chris Bennett is the pastor at Antioch Community Church in Norman where Jones and Hand attend. Bennett meets with Jones almost every week.

"I tell Landry, 'I absolutely can see you leading your own church or being a pastor. That may be five or 10 years from now. He may let you go to the NFL and have a great career,'" Bennett said. "I try to remind Landry he's a pastor right now on that team.

"What Landry is realizing is being a preacher is not about preaching. That's an aspect of it but it's about loving people... I tell him, 'You may not have your own church, but God is giving you your own little church in a sense sharing the Bible with some of your teammates.'"

Teammates who have heard him speak at FCA events, Bible study or other functions said Jones will have a big impact on people once he becomes a preacher.

"His ability to quote from the Bible and his ability to connect those scriptures to people is not an easy thing to do," said defensive tackle Adrian Taylor. "You have to really study the Word, really be in it. I can see him being a preacher. That's Landry Jones."

During the season, football and school take up much of Jones' time. Film study. Practice. Weight sessions. Studying for tests. But this past off-season Jones often spoke at churches in the Oklahoma City area.

Still, some close to him didn't know of his plans to become a preacher until they heard it on ABC's broadcast of the OU-Florida State game.

"I'm around Landry all the time, two or three times a week, but never knew about it,"said Bowles, the FCA director. "He knows what he wants to communicate, what he wants to say. Landry has been able to see a bigger picture for his life."

For now, he's the quarterback for the No. 1 team in the BCS Standings. Someday, Landry Jones wants to share the excitement he felt that day in the car.

"I don't know where it will lead me," Jones said. "Maybe I'll start my own church. Hopefully I'll get to do that sometime in the near future and see what God has planned for me."

I guess he could have taken the self promoting approach other professing Christian QB's (or singular) have taken... but thankfully he did not.

10/19/2010, 09:47 AM
thank you for sharing! awesome read.

10/19/2010, 09:50 AM
Hell, worked for Tebow, maybe it'll work for Landry!! Will definitely get the people to fall more in love with him!!:rolleyes:

Lott's Bandana
10/19/2010, 09:53 AM
Steve Davis, JC Watts and now The Right Reverend LJ Stache!

Mad Dog Madsen
10/19/2010, 09:53 AM
Hell, worked for Tebow, maybe it'll work for Landry!! Will definitely get the people to fall more in love with him!!:rolleyes:

Man, we just can't stop talking about this guy...

10/19/2010, 09:56 AM
You should read some of the "Comments" about this story. There are some angry little elves out there... :mad:

10/19/2010, 09:59 AM
Hell, worked for Tebow, maybe it'll work for Landry!! Will definitely get the people to fall more in love with him!!:rolleyes:

Tebow is a pharisee of our time. Jones is a sincere individual who wants nothing more than share the love of Christ with others.

Thanks OP

10/19/2010, 10:05 AM
Tebow is a pharisee of our time. Jones is a sincere individual who wants nothing more than share the love of Christ with others.

Thanks OP

lol I know....just jokin around....

10/19/2010, 10:39 AM
Awesome read. and what is just as impressive is whitney's comments throughout the article. not jumping the gun but she seems like she would complement him well in ministry. not just anyone can do ministry and not just any woman can be a preacher's wife. thanks for posting.

10/19/2010, 10:54 AM
being a preacher is a lot different then preaching to the masses ala the running back from Florida

OU still needs to send out an apology to the college football world for not beating Florida in the national championship. It is our fault that the asshat from Florida is still talked about.

10/19/2010, 10:55 AM
I didn't realize him going into the ministry was a secret.

I also didn't realize it was a reason to like someone. I know quite a few people "in the ministry" that are scum of the earth.

10/19/2010, 11:00 AM
Amen, Tator, Amen. And the worst of the worst are missionaries.

10/19/2010, 11:03 AM
Tebow is a pharisee of our time. Jones is a sincere individual who wants nothing more than share the love of Christ with others.

Thanks OP

what the hell is a pharisee. LOL

No seriously though...what is it?

10/19/2010, 11:05 AM
what the hell is a pharisee. LOL

No seriously though...what is it?
equivalent to modern-day big evangelists, in my mind at least

Crucifax Autumn
10/19/2010, 11:06 AM
Holy crap. I'm not a religious guy at all, but even I'm shocked at the rude trolls and conspiracy theorists posting comments on there.

10/19/2010, 11:09 AM
equivalent to modern-day big evangelists, in my mind at least

Not a Jew?

I thought a pharisee was a jew thing that I just didnt understand.

Please note, I am not being antisemitic.

10/19/2010, 11:20 AM
Not a Jew?

I thought a pharisee was a jew thing that I just didnt understand.

Please note, I am not being antisemitic.
I could be wrong, my impression of a Pharisee (sp) is just a person that is more concerned with the appearance of righteousness than the actual being righteous

10/19/2010, 11:35 AM
I think that's great for Landry. He will do well. I wish him all the best.

Crucifax Autumn
10/19/2010, 11:36 AM

10/19/2010, 11:43 AM
Holy crap. I'm not a religious guy at all, but even I'm shocked at the rude trolls and conspiracy theorists posting comments on there.

You don't have to look far to find angry trolls.

Just scroll up a couple of lines from your post and you'll catch a couple of Sooner fans who aren't exactly enjoying the focus on Landry's faith.

10/19/2010, 12:05 PM
Hell, worked for Tebow, maybe it'll work for Landry!! Will definitely get the people to fall more in love with him!!:rolleyes:

Yeah I'm sure that's his reasoning behind his relationship with God and
the path he's chosen.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

The Tebow hating is just beyond silly. Would you rather he have a few DUI's and maybe some other felonies in his closet????


10/19/2010, 12:07 PM
Holy crap. I'm not a religious guy at all,

Really? I would have never guessed!

10/19/2010, 12:19 PM
equivalent to modern-day big evangelists, in my mind at least

A pharisee was not what most modern day people think they were. Most modern day Christians also have it wrong as to who and what they were. They were definitely not equivalent to the modern day big evangelists.

They were a religious sect, so someone would be a Pharisee in the same way that someone today may be a Baptist or a Catholic. That would be more apt.

Most of the earliest Christians came from the ranks of Pharisees, too - much different from what you normally hear Christains say, today.

But it is a little more complex than I'm making it. There is actually a pretty good write up on who they were in Wikipedia's article on them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharisees

Again, much more than most people realize, and they were not who most people today think they were.

But what really bothers me in these discussions is that the religion haters always seem to get the pass. Their cognitive bias allows them to hate and find justification for it. And the Tebow haters are among the worst of the ones doing this. (count down now to see how long it takes for a Tebow hater to respond, and see if they don't use Cognitive Bias and Cognitive dissonance to "prove" I'm wrong, and see if it is evident that they hate either for his religious position or his football position, but more likely for his religious position)

Ministry is a very stressful and difficult job, though, and one that is needed. It's a hard life, and one that normally means a life near poverty even while people are accusing them of corruption and scumminess. Not all are genuine (not all football coaches are genuine either), but in my experience, much more often than not, they are very good people who are genuine in their love for the people they work for (and take constant abuse from). It'll be a hard road for Landry, but he has my admiration if he can make a life of it.

10/19/2010, 12:22 PM
Entered in error. Was trying to edit previous post.

10/19/2010, 12:24 PM
You don't have to look far to find angry trolls.

Just scroll up a couple of lines from your post and you'll catch a couple of Sooner fans who aren't exactly enjoying the focus on Landry's faith.

I am completely missing how you've come to that conclusion.

The big difference between Landry and Tebow regarding their faith is how they go about expressing their love for God and Jesus. Tebow would be a lot less obnoxious if he weren't so obnoxious about it.

10/19/2010, 12:28 PM
I am completely missing how you've come to that conclusion.

The big difference between Landry and Tebow regarding their faith is how they go about expressing their love for God and Jesus. Tebow would be a lot less obnoxious if he weren't so obnoxious about it.

None of us are able to judge the sincerity of either person. "Obnoxious" is as much a reaction of perception than anything else.

The two may very well have different approaches, and probably have different reasons for their different approaches. That probably comes from background, personality, and a host of other things.

But they are both young, and will both develop differently as they mature. We recognize that in football players, but don't recognize it as often with people.

If both are genuine, then I think the difference in personality and approach will work with different sets of people. It doesn't put them on opposing teams of faith.

10/19/2010, 12:31 PM
Oh man, don't scare me like that....my mind took the thread title to "wants to enter the draft next year"

Sam was a quiet man with his faith, but very serious too. It's good to see not all college kids go off the deep end amorally.

10/19/2010, 12:32 PM
Rational thinking and posting is not allowed in the football forum. ;)

Crucifax Autumn
10/19/2010, 12:37 PM
I won't do anything in the way of justifying anything about teblow. He annoys me, he always annoyed me, and I am fairly certain he will annoy me forevermore. No "facts" in my feelings, just dislike and annoyance.

10/19/2010, 12:42 PM
If both are genuine, then I think the difference in personality and approach will work with different sets of people. It doesn't put them on opposing teams of faith.

All you have to do is look at the 12 disciples to see how personalities amongst believers can differ. Peter would be more like Tebow, an in your face person with his faith. While Landry may be more like John, who was focused and spoke of love in his writings. We shouldnt create sects amongst people of the same faith.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/19/2010, 12:44 PM
The Tebow hating is just beyond silly. Would you rather he have a few DUI's and maybe some other felonies in his closet????

Sheesh.Christianity makes some folks on this board a bit goofy. The mere mention of it pushes an anger button.

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/19/2010, 12:48 PM
...what really bothers me in these discussions is that the religion haters always seem to get the pass. Their cognitive bias allows them to hate and find justification for it. And the Tebow haters are among the worst of the ones doing this. (count down now to see how long it takes for a Tebow hater to respond, and see if they don't use Cognitive Bias and Cognitive dissonance to "prove" I'm wrong, and see if it is evident that they hate either for his religious position or his football position, but more likely for his religious position)

Ministry is a very stressful and difficult job, though, and one that is needed. It's a hard life, and one that normally means a life near poverty even while people are accusing them of corruption and scumminess. Not all are genuine (not all football coaches are genuine either), but in my experience, much more often than not, they are very good people who are genuine in their love for the people they work for (and take constant abuse from). It'll be a hard road for Landry, but he has my admiration if he can make a life of it.Excellent!

Crucifax Autumn
10/19/2010, 12:49 PM
All you have to do is look at the 12 disciples to see how personalities amongst believers can differ. Peter would be more like Tebow, an in your face person with his faith. While Landry may be more like John, who was focused and spoke of love in his writings. We shouldnt create sects amongst people of the same faith.

I won't create any sects, but I think I'd mellow out with John.

10/19/2010, 01:15 PM
If you haven't read your Bible lately, Paul's letter to the Romans is a good read.

10/19/2010, 01:30 PM
Christianity makes some folks on this board a bit goofy. The mere mention of it pushes an anger button.

Not angry, but I'm still unclear as to whether Pharisee is a jew thing. :pop:

10/19/2010, 01:37 PM
Not angry, but I'm still unclear as to whether Pharisee is a jew thing. :pop:

I believe the term Pharisee is used in the bible as a reference to the religous. They simply had a head knowledge of the scriptures, but there was no heart change.

This can be seen in that Jesus was right in front of them, but their hearts where hardened. Jesus wants a relationship with us, not for us to follow a set of rules and regulations.

Sadly, alot of the churches preach the wrath of God and that we must live holy by a set of do's and dont's. Seeking God results in a transformation from the inside out. Not the outside in

10/19/2010, 01:41 PM
Thanks, excellent.

Crucifax Autumn
10/19/2010, 01:43 PM

Mad Dog Madsen
10/19/2010, 01:45 PM
Not angry, but I'm still unclear as to whether Pharisee is a jlew thing. :pop:


10/19/2010, 02:10 PM
I'm not such a religious guy, but I respect the wristband message he provided for the team. This is a good story. Even though he has his on-the-field brain farts every now and then, he's becoming a great Sooner QB. What he did the other night was on par with Sam Bradford, a difficult thing to do indeed.

Thank your lucky stars we have stories like this while other QBs are stealing laptops, talking like idiots on National TV or associating with crooked agents.

10/19/2010, 02:17 PM
Hell, worked for Tebow, maybe it'll work for Landry!! Will definitely get the people to fall more in love with him!!:rolleyes:

Sorry, didn't realize you were joshin'.

10/19/2010, 02:19 PM
Thank your lucky stars we have stories like this while other QBs are stealing laptops, talking like idiots on National TV or associating with crooked agents.

So very true!

10/19/2010, 02:39 PM
Very cool story, another humble and God fearing OU QB

10/19/2010, 02:47 PM
Wow. I didn't see THAT coming.

10/19/2010, 03:09 PM
Once a story like Landry's gets a little press, folks start to put guys like him under a microscope to flush out hypocrisy sometimes. I thinks it's cool he feels he can talk about the path he is considering to take after football and I hope folks will allow him to keep his faith as a personal and private matter if that's Landry's wish.

I only know about one perfect gentleman and all the others who wish to follow in his footsteps....I wish them well and pray they are able to stay on the path.

Serge Ibaka
10/19/2010, 03:11 PM
Does this mean that he's NOT sleeping with Whitney Hand?

I'm just saying...NTTIAWWT. But it would be a shame.

10/19/2010, 03:21 PM
Does this mean that he's NOT sleeping with Whitney Hand?

I'm just saying...NTTIAWWT. But it would be a shame.

Another thing that should probably be kept personal and private. I know some folks these days don't think kids...especially College kids...can be abstinent and in love with each other. If Whitney and Landry are meant to be together and both decide to walk the path together...I wish them well.

Whatever kind of relationship they have....I know it's none of my business. Whitney is a very pretty young Woman. To be in College and in love with the QB of the Nations #1 Team must be a really cool thing to experience. Both Whitney's and Landry's parents should be proud of them. Great Couple IMO.

Serge Ibaka
10/19/2010, 03:23 PM
Another thing that should probably be kept personal and private. I know some folks these days don't think kids...especially College kids...can be abstinent and in love with each other. If Whitney and Landry are meant to be together and both decide to walk the path together...I wish them well.

Whatever kind of relationship they have....I know it's none of my business. Whitney is a very pretty young Woman. To be in College and in love with the QB of the Nations #1 Team must be a really cool thing to experience. Both Whitney's and Landry's parents should be proud of them. Great Couple IMO.

I still say it's a shame. :pop:

10/19/2010, 03:31 PM
The thing is...you don't know so why worry yourself about it?

Serge Ibaka
10/19/2010, 03:35 PM
The thing is...you don't know so why worry yourself about it?

I'm really not worrying about it. Whatever the dynamics of their relationship/sexual-ethics, it is none of my business. And I don't really care.

I just think that Whitney Hand is hot. Also, she's a tenacious ball player.

10/19/2010, 03:36 PM
Am I the only one that thinks this thread could not get any more lame? Just curious, maybe I should start a support group or facebook group or something.

Mad Dog Madsen
10/19/2010, 03:43 PM
Does this mean that he's NOT sleeping with Whitney Hand?

I'm just saying...NTTIAWWT. But it would be a shame.

Are you like 15 years old???

Serge Ibaka
10/19/2010, 03:44 PM
Are you like 15 years old???

22, why?

I'm just saying what everybody else is thinking. C'mon.

10/19/2010, 04:18 PM
I agree with tator.

10/19/2010, 04:25 PM
I'm really not worrying about it. Whatever the dynamics of their relationship/sexual-ethics, it is none of my business. And I don't really care.

I just think that Whitney Hand is hot. Also, she's a tenacious ball player.

so why bring it up in the first place? just drop it.

10/19/2010, 05:01 PM
Cut the kid some slack. He's only 22 years old. And like most 22 year old boys he's thinking with the head that's not located on the shoulders.

10/19/2010, 05:25 PM
I just think that Whitney Hand is hot. Also, she's a tenacious ball player.

I think that's very true thus Landry is lucky to have some very nice arm candy.

10/19/2010, 05:31 PM
Good for Landry... of course, before Sammie became starting QB at Oklahoma, he was planning to become a lawyer :D

10/19/2010, 05:33 PM
I still say it's a shame. :pop:

You know ,assuming they are abstinate , That after they get married they can have sex right?

10/19/2010, 05:35 PM
Am I the only one that thinks this thread could not get any more lame? Just curious, maybe I should start a support group or facebook group or something.

Why read it or post on it then? There are plenty of posts here to comment other than this one.

I'm happy to hear we have another grounded Christian QB at OU. I love Josh and Sam, and am glad to hear Landry carrying on the tradition.

I also like Colt McCoy and Tebow though, so maybe I am a heretic.

10/19/2010, 05:39 PM
I just think that Whitney Hand is hot. Also, she's a tenacious ball player.

And don't be jealous of Landry (or Whitney, if you think staches are sexy). Whitney is really good for Oklahoma football!

Why, you ask? Because she is likely using the same motivation speech for Landry that she is for her womens bball teammates. As you might have heard, she re-injured herself. According to a recent Sherri Coale blog, Whitney is telling all of her teammates to "Do everything you can, because you can... and because I can't."

Think she'll let Landry half-arse his workouts or practices or in-game performances while she's over there on crutches and having just missed out on a Final Four? Hells, no! Every time Landry has an incompleted pass, doesn't convert on a third down or gets sacked, Whitney is over on the sidelines glaring.

And sticking a needle in the Landry voodoo doll :eek:

;) Just kidding.

...Whitney smiles when she's punishing the Landry voodoo doll :eek:

RUSH LIMBAUGH is my clone!
10/19/2010, 05:41 PM
I also like Colt McCoy and Tebow though...You are wise enough to know that not all good football athletes have the maturity and/or wisdom to commit to the Sooners out of high school.

Serge Ibaka
10/19/2010, 07:18 PM
You know ,assuming they are abstinate , That after they get married they can have sex right?

Oh really? My bad.

10/19/2010, 10:25 PM
Wow this thread is so boring... and now back to football!

10/19/2010, 11:49 PM
Thanks for the post!Man,that's great.:)

Monster Zero
10/20/2010, 08:21 AM
I knew it wasn't just the stache that I liked about this kid...

I guess he could have taken the self promoting approach other professing Christian QB's (or singular) have taken... but thankfully he did not.

Gee... after reading some of the comments in this thread I guess I've gotta get my $.02 in.

I don't understand why some folks assume the worst about a good guy like Landry.

Now no one likes pharisees, mind you. How does one tell the difference?

For regular folks it's kinda hard to tell at first, but the pharisees will let you know by what comes out of their mouth when you're not around - and by what they say about other folks when they're not around.

If a guy's a football player I have a simple rule that's worked pretty well for me in the recent past.

If he professes to be a Christian I take him at his word unless proven otherwise. Sam, GK, Colt, and I'm sure a lot of other guys too. And they're all good examples of how to be cool guys who serve The Lord well, right?

However... if a guy has a pattern of doing this kind of stuff:

Wears his eye-black thingies with scriptures written on them...
Goes into purple-faced screaming insane tirades against his own teammates because they're behind in a game...
Takes over a press conference and makes it all about him...
Invites himself into the defensive team's huddle to give them a good "motivating" before they go on the field...
Goes to the Phillipines and helps out to circumcize baby boys...

Then I have my doubts.

But Landry's OK my my books. Lord bless him and Whitney.

10/20/2010, 08:42 AM
For those wondering what a "Pharisee" is, here's a quick parable Jesus told that nails it down pretty well. I would really encourage you to read the Gospel accounts yourself though...

Luke 18:9 And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt:

10 "Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.

11 "The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: 'God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector.

12 'I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.'

13 "But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me, the sinner!'

14 "I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted."

10/20/2010, 10:31 AM
what the hell is a pharisee. LOL

No seriously though...what is it?

Pharisees were the men who were preachers in the days of Jesus. They thought they were high, mighty, and perfect. They tested Jesus often in conversation. Jesus told everyone the pharisees were just as sinful as everyone else. Instead of accepting Jesus as the Son of God, they ridiculed him. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John and you will find plenty of stories about them. Even if you are not of the Christian faith, you can read these books of the Bible; in a modern translation, they read like a good novel.

10/20/2010, 05:08 PM
Whatever any Sooner decides to do after graduation is fine with me. Most of them probably have dreams of the NFL but only a minority will make it. College is a good time to find out where you fit in the world. Hopefully, all the Sooners make good decisions about their future and become productive citizens whether on a NFL team or whatever.